I have a confession to make (important post)

I'm not vegan, I just pretend to be one because it's funny.

So a few years ago I moved to the White Mountains of New Hampshire because I thought it seemed like a great area. It's a great place to live, but the grocery stores are very far away so i end up doing most of my shopping on Amazon, restaurant supply companies, and at the gas station.

So anyway, I started looking for recipes that didn't require perishable foods. Most of these recipes are vegan so I ended up on a lot of vegan websites and forums.

Through those websites I saw a lot of carnists making the most r-slurred arguments imaginable while spreading easily disproven lirs about @PETA and whatnot. I was bored one day so I summoned my inner @pizzashill and started dabbing on these morons. It was do much fun that I decided that I'd just pretend to be vegan and never mention that I actually value a good meal over the life of anyone else.

My favorite non-perishable food is 'Deenz (pic related, octopus Deenz I got today - they're really good, way better than fish Deenz) but most of my diet is wheat, rice products, and tomatoes. Also i make pizza if I have left over cheese from when I last went to the store. I eat meat bimonthly but I'm not that into it.




!besties !vegana !illuminati

@CarpathianMoon pls pin


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I don't like octopus... They have feelings, if not souls. Eating them feels like cannibalism.


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I would :marseywould: eat human babies :marseykiwimom: if there :marseycheerup: were no consequences


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average pro-choicer !catholics !downmarseyrs


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I'm also pro abortion :marseyhandmaid: until birth with a 1 year return :marseymonke: policy if it's r-slurred :marseyawardretard: or otherwise defective


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I'd love to know how many anti-abortion dramatards actually have feelings for dead 8-week old babies vs hating foids

Best to assume they just hate women


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I'm against abortion but hold the radical centrist take that foids who wish to abort must simply give up the kid for adoption/foster care system. If you cant kill it, you can abandon it at no consequence to you.


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wtf @A why is there is a "/s" appended to my comment?


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Because you aren't being genuine trans women are women


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!chuds new way to bypass the filter


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no everything typed now has it added automatically



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I'm sniggering so hard rn :marseyderp:


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I think :marseynooticeglow: you mean sBIPOCing sweety


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i KNEW it


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OMG, this is so funny and epic



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I don't believe you :marseyindignant:

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I've never had octopus. But I have had squid and it's delicious.

Those things could be Stephen Hawking IQ tier and I would not care, would still eat them.


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yes squid are delicious


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Octopus is good if cooked right and the chef massages it for an hour.


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Eating their arms is on because they just regrow them :)


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they're intelligent!

And they're more delicious than they are smart. Have you even had Pulpo a la Gallega my guy? Serve that shit up with hot bread to soak up the oil and you've got heaven on a plate!


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Post your favorite deenz and vegan recipes.


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The octopus :marseyoctopus4: ones are my favorite :mersya: deenz. My second :marseygunnut: favorite :mersya: are these:


My favorite :mersya: vegan :marseyhomohitler: recipe is this sauce:


I use cento San marzano tomatoes, Roland Greek :marsey300: olives, and Roland or Ortiz anchovies. The rest of the ingredients depend on the type they have at the store.


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Anchovies are great. You can use them in a lot more stuff than you'd imagine as long as you do so sparingly and cut back any other salt you were going to add. You can chop them up super tiny and enhance almost any sauce or soup with them if you're not going for subtle flavors.


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Yeah that's what I do when I'm not eating :marseymandela: them straight out of the jar. It's the most important ingredient


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>slice bread

>toast it

>let it cool

>add butter that isnt liquified by the residual heat

>top with anchovies

Wala, its amazing


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The macros on that canned seafood stuff is insane


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canned salmon is top tier for protein


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Make sure to buy the warm water variety to hit more macros and essential nutrients



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This is why i never :marseyitsover: buy wild salmon


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Canned sardines in olive oil is the bomb, the texture of octopus seems like it would weird @PeepeeButtKiss out tho trump for prison


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I really like canned mackerel a lot. It's such a fatty fish that it doesn't suffer from being canned at all.


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God I love octokitty



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You eat meat… bimothy?


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I have nothing left to live for but revenge. Women must be punished for their crimes of rejecting such a magnificent gentleman as myself. All of those popular boys must be punished for enjoying heavenly lives and having s*x with all the girls while I have to suffer in lonely virginity.

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Wow I've never seen canned octopus sounds very good, though I'm so used to having fresh(er) octopus in classic Italian octopus potato salads that idk.....what does it taste like I'm very curious


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It tastes like firm fish with sardine :marseycanned: flavor :marseyguyfieri:


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@Lappland have had that octopus it is good @Lappland love canned food trans women are women


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