What's the biggest frickup you've ever done at work?

What's the worst way you've fricked up at work?


I'm not familiar enough with posting on reddit to know exactly what their rules are so sometimes I get automodded, but sometimes it's pretty funny


I've tired, I really, really have for basically 2 decades at this point and my life might have improved marginally here or there but I'm still fricked senseless and I'm starting to think about giving up. I swore to myself I never would, and even at the worst of my mental health I never once gave up but after all this time, no matter what I do, I just can't seem to do it

What do, degenerate bussy smashers?



Now I can finally experience what dying feels like

There's a lot of moralising on :coomer: sites nowadays

>on some coomer forum website
>some OF whore notices someone's been pirating her content and makes a post complaining about it
>half the forum are suddenly up in arms angrily simping for her

Back in the day nobody would have given a fuuuuck if someone posted a pirated porn video, but apparently current generation of internet users feel obligated to spend time defending some random porn studio.

Also discussed are other r-slurred issues like the ethics of wanking over someone's facebook pictures. Yeah let's do the right thing and send a message asking for permission first, I'm sure that will go down well :marseygigaretard:

My theory is that Christianity is becoming unfashionable, but people still like to moralise and in a porn addicted 2024 a lot of that energy gets focused on camgirls and s*x workers and general coomery

I've been institutionalized

Got my own place finally. I am happy about it.

Used to living in rehabs and homeless shelters where there were like 5 people at least sleeping and living with me all on top of each other

Lived like that for like 6 years. Begged an ex to come over cuz it was so weird/unsettling being alone x[

Some butterflies of the year so far

Swallowtails really really love my rhododendrons. I counted about a dozen of them working four plants at one a few weeks ago.

I expect some monarchs soon, I see a couple eggs on some milkweeds. The black and blue butterflies I'm looking forward to this year, some of them are very cobalt.

Saw some rotting corpses today :marseyclueless:

No I didn't kill them

!rottingcorpses enjoy

Saw a hedgehog in my garden today

Don't know what to do with hedgehogs, so I left him a piece of sausage near the burrow. Now, half a day later, it is gone

I bet the Gelflings were into BSC porn in a big way (Big Skeksis Peepees)

@BWC elaborate

On dogs

I do not like how dogs smell when they haven't had a bath recently.

I do not like dogs smell when the have had a bath recently.

I do not like the noise dogs make when they bark.

I do not like the noise dogs make when they eat.

I do not like the noise dogs make when they drink.

I do not like the noise dogs' unretractable nails make when they walk.

I do not like how dogs follow you around from room to room.

I do not like how dogs stare at everything you do.

I do not like how dogs are incapable of pooping in a designated area.

I do not like how dogs become near suicidal when you leave for a second to grab the mail.

Other than that, dogs are great!


Janny job

>pays twice as much as the healthcare job

>no special skills needed, just moderate website content

>not high stakes/no pressure

>doesnt require talking to actual people

>comfy office

>already have a job offer

>likely a dead end job

>long travel time, though I'm thinking of renting a place near there

The healthcare job

>offers to pay for med school if I work there for two years

>actually has something to do with my degree

>short travel time

>high stakes/little room for error

>facing people in distress

>in a hospital

>pays less

>still have to pass final interview on wednesday


:marseytrad: Oh, let me put on my new show

Which one? Girls? :!marseyyikes:

:marseytrad: Yeah, it's not bad

Ew :!marseyyikes:

:marseytrad: Are you talking about the s*x? The people are kind of gross

They are disgusting :marseyeyebleach: looking :marseybinos: people and the s*x is gross :marseywall: :vomit:

:!vomit: I know and the one girl is really :marseythinkorino2: tubby and doesn't seem care about her body

I don't understand why she keeps watching :marseyschizoexcited: it


Any advice on refunding an item from Aliexpress?

Bought a 16gb rx580 but they sent me a 8gb version, any advice on how not to get fricked on the return :marseymonke: (they claim they never :marseyitsover: got it back, claim it's actually :marseyakshually: as good as the 16gb ect)?


Post em boys yay I'm gonna be rich someday

Anyone Recognize This Flower? :marseynotes:

Hi all! These ferns with odd flowers whose names I cannot track down were a freebie with my jasmine plant years ago. I adore the odd flowers that bloom from them, but my research has not resulted in any leads. Do any of you have any idea of what they are?

Have a good day everyone :marseyhearts:

Reported by:
  • pet : needs more squeaker n word
I am at the end of my rope :marseyrage:

This morning :marseycoffee: at the gym THIS MORNING :marseycoffee: AT THE GYM there :marseycheerup: was a fricking :marseytom: homeless :marsey911roofer: guy sleeping :marseycursor: in the men's change room and I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE :marseysoycrytremble:

I specifically joined a key fob access :marsey403: private gym to escape :marseyaaajumpscare: the hobocels that frequented Planet :marseysaturnus: Fitness but this is somehow WORSE cos they would :marseymid: never :marseyitsover: sleep :marseyhatman: at PF and stink :marseyduriansniff: up the place.

These "people" ruin everything. Parks, plazas, restaurants, malls, the entire city center is all DISGUSTING :marseymonstrosity: and I have HAD IT


No context because I don't want to be doxxed by you weirdos, but yeah.

Unbeknownst to practically everyone, she would :marseymid: pay for a ton of personal stuff with the company credit card. We're not even talking about plausible business :marseybroker: uses... we're talking about DoorDash to her own house, knickknacks from Etsy, clothes, and so on. She even double-dipped into her paycheck and gave herself a bonus that wasn't signed off on.

She's even more fricked because now everyone :marseynorm: in her town knows and wants nothing to do with her. She may or may not face fraud :marseyzombiewolfmarseymask: charges but her life is basically over.

I'm going :marseysal3: to bed happy. :marseysleep:

Got an offer :marseywithcake: to be an engineer :marseythebuilder: for Boeing

Not taking it, bottom :marseybearsick: text.


Dramabros, so much pain awaits me in the next days :#marseytears:

!biology I hate canker sores so much :marseyrage:

I hate :marseyflagsouthafrica: almost got hijacked today :marseyclueless:

I was driving :marseysteer: on the freeway when someone threw a rock my way and smashed my driver's side window. Luckily I had smash-and-grab proof :marseygraze: windows :marseybsod: so it didn't completely shatter. It's an old trick :marseybaitretard: to get you to pull over and then you get robbed so I just kept driving :marseysteer: with a smashed window :marseyshortbus: and a racing :marseyracist: heart. Frick, I'm a poorcel I can't afford to just fix my window. Luckily I didn't freak :marseypedoglow: out and cause an accident. It's joever for my car for now.

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