
He's pretty good, but snoozecels be seething at drumchads right now.

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  • whyareyou : extra redtarded for having horoscopes
MY HOROSCOPE TRYING TO GROOM ME :soycry::marseyeggirl::!soycry:

direct link

archive because it changes weekly :marseyretard3:

I WILL NOT YEET THE TEET :marseypooner:


I WILL NOT READ THE YAOI :poonerangry:

Scary :marseytonberry: story :marseyslime: time

One night :marseysamfisher: was late I call gf

Gf say she stuck at work


Gf walk thru door five min later

"I got off work an hour ago??"



Hi guys! Today was a very successful day. I managed to raise $1600 towards fixing my car! In 24 hours I went from having no money to being a thousandaire. This reinforces my belief that poor people are just lazy.

When I went outside this morning I found a huge tree branch fell just about a foot away from the car, which inspired me to clean out a stall in the garage for it. Regardless, it will be much more comfortable tearing it apart in the dry warm garage than in the cold wet driveway.

Then I made great progress in cleaning my depression nest! The cats and raccoons were so excited to have room to play around. I also photographed some things to list on my online store.

This concludes my blogpost for today. I hope you enjoyed the pictures of my animals!


Dramatard appreciation post

I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say dramatards are the finest people on the internet. We have seen TONS of posts making fun of vulnerable populations (trains, Palestinians, etc) reminding me not to take life so seriously.

This website is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, you guys are alright.

You can say I'm a shitposter or humorless or foidbrained. Whatever. I love the jokes and I love this community. Sometimes I come home after dealing with b-word nurses and b-word receptionists, and this site is one of many things that make me feel better. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.

(I just wanted to make a post bc I think everyone here is so funny and this place has been a great way to blow off steam the last couple of years. I'm so glad I came back and I really appreciate you guys, even the serious posters and the buttholes who grass me. Special thanks to HeyMoon, Carp and Aevann for doing so much work behind the scenes to keep this place running)

I stand with Israel and I would say it even without the Chud award.

I'm extremely sick, like unironically

I'm fricked bros. Send good wishes and some hot soup



I posted an in-progress pic back when I was making this but never showed the finished project. Well here it is. 48x16 inches of carved, oiled and waxed shagbark hickory with a brass structural inlay.

Now I just wait for a white woman to buy it and put things in it.

epic confessions thread

I am a member of the downmarseyrs ping group but I have some custom css that hides the downmarsey button and I can't be fricked to go in and change it

I think :marseymischevious: my neighbor :marseyfrickyou: saw me pretending to be schizo :marseytinfoil: :taycringe:

Since I have no friends :marseytherachel: I talk to myself :marseycyanide: a lot and make le funny :marseythissmall: jokes. Got in my car, rolled down the window :marseysickos2: and went, "You think :marseynoooticer: you can cuck me? How about I cuck you? Don't mess with me. Think :marseynooticeglow: you can mess with me, fricking :marseytom: slut. Marsey :marseyloaf: Marsey :marseyzeldabokoblin: bussy. Take your meds. *slaps head three :marseydilbert: times* Frick you Chiobu, bottom :marseyancap: text ahaha."

I am a functioning adult. :marseyfluffy:


The is the character from Watchmen, written by the commie Alan Moore. Why is this? Btw, I would give him a blowjob if he took a shower. He probably wouldn't accept because I'm a femposter. He would probably have gay s*x first. :marseywomanmoment:

God I fricking hate my PI who is a massive b-word.

I went to the lab because there were some lab animals that needed to be killed due to aggression. PI asked that I just transfer them because they didn't deserve to die. I hope he heard me snapping necks and grows a pair because being a whiny b-word is annoying.



I've been watching my parents' dogs for two weeks and they now get very excited when they hear HECKO

In completely unrelated news can one of you artcels make a carpsey variant of this with an rdrama screen on the phone



Y'all-Seeing Eye-havers will have seen that I just triggered a ping. I haven't used Reddit in ages but wanted some help with something and decided to dust off my account.

Basically the video game Rainbow Six Siege has a new reputation system that gives you a grade based on how non-toxic you are. The system is incredibly flawed as it's based on reports from other players, so I could report you for text abuse and it would be counted against you, even if all you've written is "gg".

The biggest flaw in the system is that I've accumulated several warnings for voice abuse even though my mic is disabled in settings; I use groomercord to talk to the one friend who I game with.

I raised an Ubisoft Support ticket and got a copied+pasted irrelevant reply about debugging microphones, so I decided I'd ask the subreddit instead because I know it has Ubi employees lurking.

In typical Reddit fashion then the replies don't actually address my issue or say "yeh that's bad it should be looked into", they instead decide to argue with me on the definition of a bug.

Not quite a bug but more so the system doesn't take into account if a mic is connected or not to allow a person to report you.

It's a bug.

Having the report system remove an option based on individual players and their peripherals is probably way too intricate of a system to be worth the effort.


Not a bug per se, but rather Ubi doesn't care to add functionality that would prevent reporting a person under such circumstances




It's reminded me why I like rdrama so much - everyone's generally here to have a laugh and a decent conversation, rather than treating everyone else as a potential enemy and idiot who needs correcting (not you, @Transgender_spez).


So like, my uncle heard about my Porsche engine troubles and offered me a 2000 Volvo V70 XC with 178k miles.

Do I need it? No! I already have three cars (one functioning). Will this be another distraction and moneypit? Yes! Do I want it anyways? OMG YES.

Other than my first car, a minivan, I've never had something I could just not worry about using for trips to the hardware store, hauling large shit, or using as a weapon during road rage flare-ups. This has given me a new lease on life!

How to use Israel-Palestine to get girls

So I recently posted some generic anti-violence and pro-israel posts on my social media story. Things were quiet with a few people liking the story but nothing much.

Then, a few hours ago, a HOT (I'm talking 10/10) Muslim babe sent me a request to DM saying:

"This lacks so much context" :soycry:

"And is blatantly wrong"

(The story in question was a screenshot of an AP article, but okay)

Anyways, I said "I'm open to hearing your view" and then I said "I'm with family so gonna check this later, but I will definitely read what you send because I genuinely want to understand your view" :marseywink:

Since then, for the past hour she has been sending me message after message, video after video, and continued screed. Obviously she must be crazy. She's in my associated friend circles but for some reason I have never met her and have no clue who she is.

Anyways, I will now follow this up with something along the lines of "those are some really valid points. Maybe we could meet and discuss more" :marseywink: and then she'll "convince me" with her amazing persuasive arguments from Vox.

In conclusion, use this global suffering and crisis to slay some puss. Inshallah from sea to shining sea or whatever, 🇵🇸

Where :marseydrama: can I get a dead baby halloween :marseysatangoat: decoration?

Looking :marseyflirt: to put together :marseyropewithchingchong: a nice display :marseytransplushie3: this year but I'm not artistic

Somebody in HR is mad that we experiment on apes

Had a discussion about hiring practices because not enough people were getting through to the second interview. I'm not even supposed to be working but I found out HR screening personnel doesn't like that out applicants are completely fine with throwing lab animals in the biohazard bin. That's what I expect them to do and my useless PI would probably agree. They're animals, I would personally shoot them the second they are no longer useful.

Their job is to screen shit applicants, mine is to move it forward, not make personal decisions about worthless animals that are discarded quicker than a pencil.

[Born Free] A lion has escaped the zoo in Gaza

I hope she is having fun and enjoying her freedom but I'm sad bc she will probably be shot :(

Edit: upon second thought, a few moments of freedom and a quick death may be merciful vs captivity and dying of hunger/thirst.

Edit: fixed pronouns as it is a girl lion


I followed one account titled Puppies because they posted lots of pics of puppies. Since then over a dozen other accounts titled Puppies have followed me and I've followed each of them back. All they do is post puppies, never any text, never anything else. I won't unfollow.

Shit must be legit in EU

I got letter that this year I have to pay 5000 euro in tax :marseypikachu2:

I don't even work I am just a student :marseypoor:

My earbuds are broken

Now I have to brave the audiophile forums and talk to people who insist that spending any less than $500 on some placebo shit with a fancy case is unthinkable.

Audiophiles are funny to observe but annoying to interact with when you actually need to get useful information out of them.

I wonder what the psychology is behind that tendency to suggest the most pointless overpriced stuff. Do they all get duped into overspending and recommending otherwise requires them to admit their mistake?

The ones I'm using at the moment cost about $20 and lasted about 4 years. They were fine but now the right ear is buzzing.

Are there any other earbud users on rdrama? What sort do you have?

Hi rDrama! Will you sign my petition?

Hi rDrama! Will you sign my petition?

I've been given a task by my foster family to complete and they've provided me with the following 'Reasons and Rules' which they have assured me 'Could be understood by a person with a learning and developmental difficulty', I hope you can help me understand it...

"This is a task to prompt rehabilitation and development of some of your necessary soft skills. We will trust, but not verify, neither completion of this task nor adherence to the rules. Regardless, in return you will receive the same reward in for the progress you have made this year towards your ambitions, which you will have the opportunity to share with those you care about most. Your ability to engage with this reward however, will depend on your ability to adhere to the intended outcome for the task, and the rules you will have to self-enforce for yourself and strictly adhere to".

I'll be honest with you, I failed English Literature despite that being the language I have the most experience communicating in. From what was provided to me in writing and after taking the time over the last three months to think about it intently, I have concluded those more lettered than myself will agree that just isn't fricking English let alone understandable to someone in my specific if circumstances. It's a clear consequence of hiring them for their Welsh Language Skills and their Northern Wales location but we can talk more about that when I come back from Swimming.

Returning to the petition...

The details I need to collect for my petition are, and please send them via DM not as a comment in this thread, are:

Your Full Name

Your Email Address

Are you a Welsh Resident?: Y/N

With regards to the risks and associated hazards of posting personally identifiable information on a public forum: If you would like to leave a comment in this thread rather than DM me, you are encouraged but not required, to use this opportunity to provide me with an insight into your life which you haven't previously been provided with the opportunity to talk about. Or, if you don't want to share something about yourself but instead would like to ask me something similar, feel free to post your question below. If I can't answer your question now I hope I can at least provide you with an estimated time when I can answer your question and in the mean time, provide an explanation as to why the response needs to be deferred for now. I really hope I can answer your questions.

When I asked why I needed to know if they were Welsh residents they responded, 'A 51 Majority is required for the Senedd, but in truth, you're putting a crew together. Any shortfall in Welsh residents that are readily accessible to you will need to be collected, in person'...

Look you'll just have to trust me. They may sound crazy but they're wicked smart and I trust wholeheartedly they have my best interests in mind when they give me these strange and unusual opportunities. I'm really lucky to have them in my life at the present time. If they'll let me share it, I might eventually tell you how they came into my life while also providing a terrified 14 year old with the reassurance they didn't have rabies despite multiple phDuhs insisting otherwise.

I'm a really poor planner and not only was I supposed to have completed this task by tomorrow but I was supposed to completed a Health and Safety Risk Assessment before submitting this post too. It's currently gone 3am at this point of writing and we're supposed to be going swimming at 6am. If I slept on the floor I could get to sleep in less than 2 minutes. One of the soft skills I promised someone in my foster family I really care about, and who is helping me with this, is working on sleeping in a bed. Regardless of the detriment to my health I perceive sleeping in a bed will provide, or the perceived health benefit I perceive sleeping on the floor will provide.

I also don't have the paypig award yet, or honestly the presence of mind to format or Marsefy this post. If someone is willing to help me out in this way, or teach me how to use Midjourney on a gaming laptop I just bought please leave a comment I'll extend my gratitude in the capacity currently available to me with now and later with the intention of returning to this again later when I get back.

I have to try getting some rest before swimming in two hours. I spent over an hour and 50cents to achieve this. I honestly thought I lost it a when my phone suddenly shutdown but it was actually an opportunity for a partial phone break/recharge from writing this thread. Trust me, it was worth it.

I have the level of self awareness to know my character can sometimes be a bit encroaching so thank you for your time and your patience. Hywl Fawr, rDrama! Talk to you when I get back from Swimming and thank you for the Kitty!


Thanks @getogeto

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