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California raised minimum wage for fast food wagies :marseywagie: to $20 per hour. You won't believe what happened next! :marseyfsjal:










Premature celebration, as usual.







Fast food workers are losing their jobs in California as new minimum wage law takes effect

Among the chains announcing cuts ahead of a $4 increase to the minimum wage in California are Pizza Hut and Round Table Pizza. The state's minimum wage will rise to $20 on April 1.

An earlier version of this story attributed the combined number of eliminated positions to a single company. The story has been updated to reflect some of the anticipated cuts at individual employers.

Fast food workers are losing their jobs in California as more restaurant chains prepare to meet a new $20 minimum wage set to go into effect next week.

Restaurants making cuts are mostly pizzerias, according to a report published by The Wall Street Journal. Multiple businesses have plans to axe hundreds of jobs, as well as cut back hours and freeze hiring, the report shows.

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the Fast Act back in September to require fast food chains with 60 or more locations nationwide to meet that wage increase after labor unions fought for it alongside the healthcare industry, which will also see a boost to earnings in June.

"This is a big deal," Newsom said alongside union members in September. "That's 80% of the workforce."

Pizza Hut announced cuts to more than 1,200 delivery jobs in December, previous reporting by USA TODAY shows. Some Pizza Hut franchises in California also filed notices with the state saying they were discontinuing their delivery services entirely, according to Fox Business.

"Where select California franchisees have elected to make changes to their staffing approach, access to delivery service will continue to be available via Pizza Hut's mobile app, website and phone ordering and the customer ordering experience will remain consistent," a Pizza Hut spokesperson told USA TODAY Wednesday.

Excalibur Pizza, a franchisee of Round Table Pizza, has plans to cut 73 driver jobs in April, which amounts to 21% of its workforce, the company confirmed with USA TODAY Wednesday.

"The franchisee is transferring their delivery services to third-party. While it is unfortunate, we look at this as a transfer of jobs," a company rep told USA TODAY. "As you know, many California restaurant operators are following the same approach due to rising operating costs."

No exemptions, Newsom says

The legislation indicated that businesses that “feature ice cream, coffee, boba tea, pretzels, or donuts” could meet the definition of a “fast food restaurant covered by the law," according to The National Law Review's breakdown of the bill. The law could extend to similar businesses that provide things like sweets and drinks.

Greg Flynn, who has monopoly over Panera franchises in California, tried to get out of the state's new mandate earlier this year, according to Bloomberg, holding fast to a loophole that restaurants making in-house bread do not have to boost employee earnings.

Newsom's office called the claim "absurd," telling the Los Angeles Times that the restaurant chain would see no such exemption.

Chipotle's CFO told Yahoo Finance that the company will be forced to increase their prices to comply with the minimum wage increase.

A Starbucks spokesperson shared a statement with USA TODAY on Thursday saying the company will "continue to make improvements to their partners' experience and compensation.”

Combined with benefits, Starbucks' current comprehensive compensation package for all U.S. hourly partners totals an average of $30 per hour.

“We believe that success is best when it is shared and this extends to our partners at all levels in California," the spokesperson shared.

The coffee chain recently closed seven of its stores in the state of California, USA TODAY previously reported.

!chuds !neolibs

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The state's minimum wage will rise to $20 on April 1.

That cant be a coincidence.

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Of course it isn't, the financial year rolls over with April.

And the reason it happens then is because economics is a joke.

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What is a dollar?

If a state has sales tax at 10% and that dollar passes hands ten times, is it still a dollar?

What about all the times it dips it's toes in a federal tax?

Can an economist tell me what a dollar is? Probably not.

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Dollars' value isn't inherent, it's based on the sugon

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sugon what???

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Sugon deez nutz :scoot:

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What's a sugon??

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A dollar is money bro

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A dollar :marseysamhyde: is a mix of synthetic cotton :marseykirin: and inks

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PG17 Chromium Oxide

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wow, exactly that thing every single rightwing MAGAt chud said would happen

this is all capitalism's fault

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Most places were already paying over 20 an hour lmao.

Idk how you guys fall for this corporate bullshit.

Its like when walmart claimed they were giving everyone a raise due to trumps taxcuts while failing to inform the media they had also laid off thousands of workers directly after getting a massive tax cut lol.

Like this same thing happens every single time wage increases are announced - company announces some performative job cuts to try and make it seem like the wage increases are why said job cuts happened.

If everyone else in the same industry can afford to pay these rates, so can these people.

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source my dear :marseyturnedon:


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Neighbor the average wage we pay shelf stockers is 22 an hour. Some walmarts were hitting 24.

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I am glad to know you are getting paid well! I love you pizza :marseyblowkiss:

Glory to Russia! :marseysaluteussr:

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Pizza is a generous manager

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He's the resident subject matter expert for service industry stuff. I unironically take his word as borderline gospel truth.

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I like the part at the end where they mentioned 7 starbucks closed in California...that's nothing. They were going to close those shops anyway

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Yeah they just cant let a good propaganda piece go lol.

They already have closings/lay offs planned and use wage hike news to cover themselves.

Theres basically no way most starbucks workers in cali were not already making 20 an hour. Demand for labor was through the roof.

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7 Starbucks closings in California is a J6/September 11th level event

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Except worse because it affects primarily upper-middle-class mayo foids :#marseyautumn: (the most opressed minority in history)

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Most places in your shitty, hyper-inflated west coast, yes.

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This article is about california lol.

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Please don't use the c-word around me, pistachio boy.

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Would the wage increase not impact mom and pop stores? While the media fixated on big businesses, I think the increases could absolutely destroy local businesses that are already struggling to compete with Walmart

Wages should not stagnate, but I dislike that people say wage increases have little impact because they only look at the macro level

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As long as the cost of doing business is the cost of competing, and not the cost of passing the artificially imposed barriers mandated by government

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governments love giving gibs to low productivity small :marseytiny2: businesses.

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Mom and pops are the worst people on the planet.

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:#zoomertears: yeah frick u mom for making me go to church i hate u

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lower wages, worse workers rights, generally just not good places to work for.

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require fast food chains with 60 or more locations nationwide to meet that wage increase

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You really want people to think retail and fast food workers get high wages (they don't, why would they)

It's because you're a retail manager yourself and you want people to think you have a really really high wage on here :marseycope:

Don't most retail places pay like a dollar over minimum wage just so their company doesn't register on the "X% amount of employees living on minimum wage" stats? I know here there's not a single supermarket that actually pays minimum wage.

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20 dollars is not a high wage lmao

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>average in Cali over 20/hr


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Id be shocked if service industries in cali are not paying it. In oregon we are for sure.

Everyone got merit raises and shit during covid to retain them and then due to massive labor shortages wages went up across the board.

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I'm on indeed rn and Portland still averages 16.50 for food service, maybe shut the frick up r-slur :marseyjoe: :#marseyxd:

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You guys are gonna have to learn indeed is wrong about basically everything.

Even the starbucks in our smaller stores have been paying 20 for a while now.

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>the numbers :marseynoooticer: company themselves post are wrong!!!!

!metashit someone ping chuds for this cope

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Im telling you thats a bullshit number at most locations lmao.

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It's the number posted on most food service :marseyglow: job ads, you saying that over and over means nothing. You're wrong :marseygigathonk:

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how much would you want to be paid if I chain you up in the kremlin s*x dungeon and have the pistachio cabal run over you? Asking for a friend.

Glory to Russia! :marseysaluteussr:

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You're actually lying lmao we do not pay most people $20 an hour. A decent new McDonald's employee gets 16.50, most get 15.50, a manager gets $20.

A computer shop I applied to offered $19-20 with two years experience, hoopla cakes offers $17 (new shop that opened), colombia steel casting offered $19 for entry positions when they were around, pcb makers in willsonville were offering $17.50. Most places DO NOT offer more than $20 for entry level. @Redactor0 or whoever was the other oregonstrag can you confirm pizzas bullshit?

!wagies pizza is larp

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@Redactor0 dunno, @Redactor0's only job the last few months while @Redactor0 is hurt has been too leech as much as possible from @Redactor0's health insurance.

I have noticed that post covid every fast food place has signs up begging for job applications, so I figure they've got to be paying above minimum wage but I have no idea how much. :marseyshrug:

@Redactor0 wanna be a janny and enforce labor laws.

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it seems like most places are $1-$3 above minimum wage.

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pizzahut was just employing these people for fun. either that, or pizzahut hates profts, they're firing their employees just to spite you.

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or they were already planning to lay these people off because sales are down.

a business will hire exactly as much labor as they need - they aren't hiring a bunch of people they do not need out of the kindness of their hearts. which means these places were probably already in trouble and slated to be closed.

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or they were already planning to lay these people off because sales are down.


on the other hand this law didn't come as a surprise, it has been in the works for quite a while, so they certainly included it in their calculations.

a business will hire exactly as much labor as they need

yes, and if the cost of that labor exceeds the revenue that can be generated by that labor, they don't need that labor.

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The companies are firing people to trick us.

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It's the liberals' fault.

Mfw reality is literally just how people think it is:


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>when people keep proving overpopulation is the issue with high min wage and not the amount


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Jobs that make less than minimum wage in profit have been determined not worth keeping.

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People can just get more profitable jobs chud

Low margins is a CHOICE

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This is an official statement by an unofficial janny. @khaoskid664 wanna be a janny

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The pill these wagies refuse to swallow is that their time literally isn't worth $20/hour.

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It is, just not doing what they're doing.

Minimum wage hikes are just the state way of cutting the kittyfooting and kicking out people who can't afford to live in an area.

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Its worth way more than that, they just have to use it more effectively. You can work most rigs with basic tickets and a high school education and the latter is optional.

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But notice how they don't.

Someone who takes your advice's time is worth over $20/hr. Someone who doesn't - which is most wagies - is not.

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nooooo we can't pay our workers a few more dollars an hour! WE'LL ONLY NET 100 BILLION IN PROFIT INSTEAD OF 150 BILLION! WE WILL LITERALLY GO OUT OF BUSINESS!!! :hysterical:

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This but unironically

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start thinking in percentages

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is that french or something

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nooooo we can't pay our workers a few more dollars an hour! WE'LL ONLY NET 100 BILLION PERCENT IN PROFIT INSTEAD OF 150 BILLION PERCENT! WE WILL LITERALLY GO OUT OF BUSINESS!!! :hysterical:

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McDonalds isnt giving their franchises a discount because their local operating costs increase... that's not how that works. At no point is McDonalds the corporation taking a hit here other than a reduction in sales as the franchises will have to raise costs on customers to cover it. Franchise owners are 100% not eating this, they never do. If business margins drop they'll just shut down the franchise or sell it to the next sucker.

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profit reeeeeeeeeeee

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I want a Chinese robot to feed me my goyslop.

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>is that...... low wage menial labour being automated?


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Economics : :infty:

R-slur government interventions : 0

Lmao every time

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Every time wage increases immediately bump up, it makes every dumbass automation proposal I have more realistic.

Proponents of wage increases seem to continuously assume that a wage increase doesn't immediately do this. The number of automation/process changes that are in wait only because they don't current cash flow is astronomical. Every company with more than 50 employees has an Industrial Engineer or some other process specialist who's entire job is to do this

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Automation is a net positive, this is the best argument for wage hikes I've ever seen.

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I'm happily in that camp as well, but I'm bewildered at how this acceleration is precisely what the wage increase proponents do not want, yet they are the main driver of their own complaint.

>we need to increase wages of workers to $30/hr for a living wage :marseysowsmug:

>what do you mean the ROI for an automated kiosk suddenly shortened to half the time :marseyreapangry:

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Wow what a fricking surprising result

Trans lives matter

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"Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river."













Fast food workers are losing their jobs in California as new minimum wage law takes effect:

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Democrats create loyal voter bases like this. They do this all the time.

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cuz it works?

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It does. They've reached a point of equilibrium though- they knit together the "coalition of the oppressed" into a voting base starting under LBJ but accelerating massively under Obama. For everyone they bring into the fold now they lose more than one because they're down to trying to give political voice to munchausens moms demanding child castration, and people who celebrate Oct 7. These are not issues with popular support.

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Its literally an employees market right now, these layoff wont do anything because theres six open position for the same job on that street. Now zoomers get a fatter paycheck and everyone's happier except the people who were dead ends anyways.

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they were alreaty firing pizza drivers and moving to third party deliverers because its cheaper and no strings attached gig work or whatever

now they have even less reason not to.

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Looks like the job cuts are focused on delivery drivers of pizza places, which are being transitioned to third-party apps like DoorDash and Uber Eats. The headline is a bit misleading.

The real story is the second half of the article, where most chains will have to raise prices to accommodate the new labor costs.

GUYS this is incredibly misleading. Some pizza jobs are being outsourced but not removed. See, minimum wage increase is a net positive and in no way will we see more job loses in the near future :marseywholesome:

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Theres a million openings right now, I think the wagies will be fine. This article uses the failing Pizza Hut as an example? They were already dying.

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When you realize all these people are single, you understand why $40k is not livable to them.

If they weren't such incels, they could have an $80k household income which is more than enough.

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