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Venezuelan Elections Results thread :marseyflagvenezuela: :marseyhappening: :marseyhope:


!latinx !neolibs !anticommunists I'm linking an Argentine site owned by jews (infobae). It's too early to call, but it appears Maduro and the commies got BTFO. Will the commies concede? That's a whole different matter.

Here's /r/vzla :#marseyhope:


Any venezuelan dramatards?

Edit: looks like the government is not allowing the opposition to enter the National Electoral Council headquarters (the organization in charge of Nationwide counting and validation). :#marseydepressed:

Edit 2: Commies "won". Stop the steal when?

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idk what this meme means but i think its dunking on commies which is cool :marseythumbsup:

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>Spanish meme

>All words are the same as in English except they add "o" at the end

>can't figure out what it says

!r-slurs one of us

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>spanisho memo

>all wordso are the sameo as in English I

>can'to figuro outo whato ito sayso


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Sorry I don't speak Japanese.

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It is pretty wacky how Japanese and Spanish are the same sounds in different orders.


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You think that's bad? I posted this and dramatards needed a translation


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Fricking jar jar binks speaking mfs

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Only 4 out of the 23 words end in "o", ya dingus. And two of those are a name.

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Google translate will detect and regenerate the image with translated text and poorly edited to compensate for spacing changes. Amazing how far tech has come.


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It's mocking leftoids who support Maduro but live in the US or other developed countries.

:#marseymanysuchcases: but most of the diaspora leftoids live in countries like France, New Zealand, Sweden while the chuds go to the US, at least that's the case with Chilean/Brazilian/Argie diasporacels.

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Face doesn't match, but could be mocking native born American commies

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It's dunking on AMERICAN commies.

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