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Flippers :marseylion3: destroyed the oldest house :marseykiwivampire: in the US for a quick :marseyagreewarpspeed: buck, Americucks fail to see the problem. :amerimuttdance:


If this doesn't prove American :marseyhealthy: heritage amounts to a obese :marseychonkerpass: brown :marseyboognish: person :marseywall: twerking inside :marseyteapot: a fast food restaurant idk what does !chuds

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Except none of you BIPOCs will ever see a dime nor the house :marseykiwivampire: so you basically lost to boomers and their cash again congrats :marseyhighfive:

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>he thinks I'm an r-slur :marseyautismcap: that doesn't know how to make money :marseyholdingcoin: in the most prosperous country :marseycatgirl5: in human :marseycatbert2: history


Brother you have to go back hundreds of years to find something :marseysmugface: to be proud :marseyghosthappy: of

!americas reminder that the old world :marseyww1russian2: is filled with resentful :marseyindignantretard: losers. The real risk takers worth a darn came here

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Enjoy your black :marseysosa: rock culture cuck

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Don't worry :marseyveryworriedfed: you'll enjoy it too



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Unlike amerisharts I can just switch :marseyzeldagerudolink: off my tv, exit through the door walk anywhere and enjoy places that aren't build :marseyyarn: around maximizing profit for Molloch™️

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Will you be doing so while listening to some of the biggest hits songs in Germany :marseyaustrianpainter: like Taylor :marseytaysey: Swift's Cruel Summer :marseybeach: or Houdini by Eminem on your walk?


It might even be on the currently most popular smart :marseyrick: phone :marseygossipsmug: in Germany :marseyaustrianpainter: called the IPhone :marseyappicon:


Maybe stop and rest from your walk to get the most popular soft drink :marseydrywallpunch3: in Germany, a Coke?


Or maybe you're hungry :marseyvorezombiewolf: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to stop by one of the numerous McDonald's locations for a quick :marseyagreewarpspeed: bite?


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>our horrible culture will tear you down to the abyss too

!chuds thats the greatest :marseydiversity: own blackrock cucks can come up with

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It's fun and people enjoy it besides the terminally online :marseyidio3: and antisocial

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>People really :marseythinkorino2: enjoyed the opening to the Olympics :marseyfigureskate: bro trust me


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At least he can get treatment for these burns with his 'free' healthcare

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fr someone ping metashit this is way funnier than you'd guess from the title/OP

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:#marseydunkon: :#marseychaosdunk:

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!burgers no fricking way look how these Eurostrags live oh my god I almost feel sorry for laughing at them they literally can't afford AC :marseyemojirofl:

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Neighbor :marseyfuckyou: I bet whatever :marseyjerkofffrown: junk butt AC is installed in your parents wood shack is worth 10% of my Mitsubishi unit

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See youre even starting to talk like us too

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No I was born racist :marseymoonman:

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its a trailer not a shack and my window unit is from 2003 and I put new bearings in the motor myself :marseyfluffy:

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He's g*rman? That explains a lot

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Black rock?

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BBC rock which owns your golem butt and will soon own your parents house :marseyvampiremerchant:


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I own nothing and I am happy, because that means I have no collateral and nothing can own me. :marseytrollgun:

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Pretty sure you can get arrested in Germany for posting that meme

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European culture is centered around Americans. They watch American TV and American movies and listen to American music. They learn America's language so they can post on American websites about American politics and American news. They dress and act like Americans. They claim American achievements as their own because they were done by red blooded European Americans. Europe has always been and will be a continent of mutt loving mutts. :marseymutt:

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lol wait are you actually pressed about this bb?

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>wait you actually :marseynerd3: care


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