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So today a big fat older troll of a woman got in my way when I was trying to enter a shop and she was waddling through with her trolley (shopping cart for the Burgers here).
I was livid. How dare she take up so much space.
After she'd passed, a young, slim, fragrant woman with long blonde hair which fell over her shoulders in curls, wearing a black crop top exposing her toned midriff and the arms and shoulders of an avid tennis player did the exact same thing and I apologised to her.
We each smiled at other and I gazed into her blue eyes and noted what nice radiant skin she had.
The difference in response was based purely on how I'd like to have s*x with the latter, whereas the mere thought of the former in any kind of sexual activity disgusts me.
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- Slimbo : beastiality probably idk
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Like only cats and hate dogs?
Mute dogs!
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She literally posted every slur on her coming out as an ultra maga post.
How do we tell her we're concerned?
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Who is getting all your clutter when you die?
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20 years ago I could buy a 1.75L bottle of Karkov for like $12. Today I can buy a 1.75L bottle of Starr Blue for $15. I assume it's all still made the same way, how is it still so cheap?
- DEIShill : https://rdrama.net/post/283568/new-toss
- Scaraoschi : Moved because repost