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I'm at the DSA's pro-Palestine protest in Times Square

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16967868681708674.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16967868708350492.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16967868737153914.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16967868766640954.webp

Counterprotest has a Pride flag lol


Paid jannies are working overtime to prevent a race riot

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16967868807093835.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16967868843834484.webp

There is a Jewish guy saying his family members were kidnapped. I felt bad so I didn't take pictures.


Drone overhead


Dad waving a flag his five-year old made


Coppers barricaded the entire street between the two protests



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My buddy is bored so we're going home. Sorry everyone. This is why free labor doesn't work.

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Surprise encore: I had to run an errand in the neighborhood and surprisingly they're still there.

The pro-Palestine side has dwindled. The ones remaining seem to be mostly actual Arabs.

Meanwhile, the pro-Israel counter-protesters have rallied. Maybe five times larger than the original showing.

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Police presence is greater.

Previously, the Pro-Palestinian protestors had mostly ignored the pro-Israelis. Now they are directly trading insults.

One pro-Israeli protestor is screaming that the IDF will kill their families. That Hamas is raping Israeli women because Palestinian women are so ugly. From her accent, I guess she is Israeli. I'm an idiot so I forgot to press the record button. Here's her yelling something much lamer.

I heard a cop mutter, "What a shitshow."


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That Hamas is raping Israeli :marseyjewish: women :marseyuterus: because Palestinian women :marseyblops2chadcel2: are so ugly

:#marseyshesright: !edgelords

!jidf we have the best women :marseyhearnoevil:

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I thought New York had pretty people? Did Hollywood lie to me? :marseypearlclutch:

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New York is full.of Nazis


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He just... googled a swastika and held it up?


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I Google swastika get 10 billion result


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That bipoc should be tortured for being so :marseyantiwork: he couldn't even print out a banner.

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if one nazi honks at a protest, every honker is a nazi and we have to freeze their bank accounts :marseyhmm:

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16968013847597923.webp new jak just dropped

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I stand with Israel doodz


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That blonde whale with the horrible roots is a :marseytrain2: or just incredibly ugly?

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Shoulders make me think :marseytrain2:.

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I want to die for Israel so bad, fellas

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No one is asking you to die for Israel, just to :marseyfedpostyes: for Israel

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I want to kill for Israel so bad, fellas

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The pro-Palestine side is ~1-2 smaller than the pro-Israel side. I heard some chant, "Allahu ackbar." Another mockingly rubs their eyes as if crying.

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Pro-Israel side now chanting "Terrorists!"

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Someone printed a sign with the foids Hamas killed/kidnapped


The pro-Palestine side is dwindling quickly. I might leave soon. Here's some chanting

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A man in a Space Jam hoodie is interviewing some pro-Palestinian protestors. He asks what they think of the murdered civilians. The protestors reply that they are not civilians, but part of the IDF. The children are raised to be cowtools of the IDF. I can't post the video because of size restrictions.

The man is grilling them very hard on Hamas's war crimes.

I'm going to reach out to the man to see what his deal is.

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Oh man, I hope you can get ahold of that video.

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Car drives by with a sign "Death to Israel."

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Why do you live in new york? :marseyill: :marseyyikes:

@DestoryerSCAREbine stand with israel.

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thank you for standing :marseyoverallenthusiasm: with israel :marseymerchant: :#marseyembrace:

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@DestoryerSCAREbine love @DestoryerSCAREbine's jewish friends and the Jewish people. That's why @DestoryerSCAREbine stand with Israel.

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It's still pretty cool you went out there and got some pics :marseycool2:

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This was my problem in Portland chimpouts. Stay and get a few more pictures or beat the traffic.

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Has there been any conflict between the two sides yet?

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Hopefully those New York Jew secret police beat the shit out of the foreigners.

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The Jew police are Hasidic and those people don't like Israel either so I doubt that would happen

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It's not about liking Israel.

It's about beating Arabs.

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those people don't like Israel :marseyjewishkkk: either


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The Hasidics are basically Westboro Baptist Church/Joel Osteen type Jews to draw a parallel. They're an even bigger cult that an organized religion in general.

Normal secular Jews who just wanna live their life and like own a deli or something hate them because they take advantage of systems and structures in place, literally hitting every stereotype. There's a lot more but it would take forever to explain.

They also claim Israeli citizenship and the benefits there, but claim exemptions on the mandatory military service.

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Idk something about muh prophecy or whatever

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It's sukkot, so all the hasids are there.

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They're in Israel? Or in Times Square? I thought during sukkot they all set up little tents outside their homes and and the neighborhood mills around invading each others privacy

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No they're at the festivals in Brooklyn.

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I saw one pro-Israel guy half-heartedly lunge at the parade but the cops pushed him back. The pro-Palestine protestors outnumber the pro-Israel ones at least by 10

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Are there plans for the protest to move out of times square? If it's going to brooklyn then that's where shit would pop off

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They're moving east as we speak. No idea the destination. Not sure how I could ask without sounding like a glowie.

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>Not sure how I could ask without sounding like a glowie.

Literally just ask 'where's everyone headed?' and make up some bullshit about how you need to be near an L or 2 or whatever station if someone gets suspicious. Alternatively check twitter and figure out who's sharing movement updates

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Seriously it's not hard to infiltrate these groups. It's a social function for them. Just find a girl who isn't already clinging onto a boy and ask where we're going. Strategically pretend you can't hear everything because it's so loud if necessary.

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#BrianDowlingPatrol assemble

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The pro-Palestine protestors outnumber the pro-Israel ones at least by 10

The absolute state of NYC libs

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I saw one pro-Israel guy half-heartedly lunge at the parade but the cops pushed him back. The pro-Palestine protestors outnumber the pro-Israel ones at least by 10

In jew york city? wtf

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A lot of NY Jews these days have lib brainrot.

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!chuds :marseywould: you nail a self hating jewess?

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No but if there was a Jewess who was able to understand the tragedy from both sides and a tear dropped from her eye I would dry it.

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Yes her ideals turn me on :marseyhitler2:

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Your tricks don't work on me, jewish chad.

@DestoryerSCAREbine stand With israel

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depends on how big her :marseymommymilkers: are

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The jews are smart enough to have jobs, they need to work.

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Yes, for many years in fact.

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Haha this a goofy pair of cops. One on left has really strong Boston accent and one on right has really strong skeevy Brooklyn accent

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I don't need you to tell me his accent, the hair alone tells the story

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One on the right looks like that actor that plays creeps and shit. The one that played the mentat in Dunc.

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:marseytroublemaker: Is there anyone with a boombox playing "Rock The Casbah" on repeat, and if not: why not?

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Palestine, champions of LGBT rights :marseyslipperyslope2:

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It's da jooz with the pride flag.

@DestoryerSCAREbine stand with israel

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You r-slurs do know that Palestine is really far from Afghanistan?

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Me and my fellow !burgers know that there :marseycheerup: are only 3 countries in the Middle :marseyfrickyou: East:

Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel :marseyisraeliflag:


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Lol Afghanistan isn't even in the middle east.

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Palestine :marseynyanisrael: isn't real

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R-slur :marseystroke:

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You're like Hitler, but at least Hitler had some respect for Germany, and could paint a little

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Pro-Palestine protestors have formed a loose shield wall to guard the rest of the march. They are complemented by NYPD's shield wall



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!anime irl

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Sailor Moon shall right wrongs and triumph over evil. That means you, Palestine.

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Israel is Sailor Mars at best.

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If only they could all have been convinced to go to the Israeli desert to rave for peace with Palestine too. :marseysad:

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They should hack those giant monitors and show the gore pics/videos there.

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thread your updates and pin it you fricking r-slur

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Pro-Palestinian protest is moving now. They're sidestepping the cops's barricade they worked so hard to build. They're passing within a few feet of the pro-Israel protestors. Police must be having a heart attack



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I'm willing to bet 80 percent of them don't even know Hamas kidnapped and murdered civilians, they are simply current thing shit libs, while 20 percent are sympathisers who want to gaslamp the rest into downplaying Hamas war crimes.

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I thought the DSA supported returning land to its indigenous people.

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They've moved to New York Public Library - Stephen A. Schwarzman (:marseymerchant:) Building

Dude in a camel coat is screaming "Bloody terrorists!" Idk if you can hear him

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Imagine unironically going out to support kidnapping children and geriatrics.

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Photographing shit is hard. All this shit in the way. New respect for journos

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Leftoid simping for Palestine (and especially for Gaza/Hamas-type stuff) really is a matter of cognitive dissonance.

Like...hello? Aren't the terrorists the type of reactionary, traditional religious fundamentalists that China, the USSR, and even the Ba'athists tried to get rid of back in the day?

But alas, wingcuckery leaves them blind...s-m-to the h...

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These people don't actually think critically about anything. They're just told Israel is an evil white colonist state and Palestinians are oppressed hecking wholesome brown folks that have been corralled into "the world's largest open air prison".

One of the threads I was looking at yesterday had someone posting how they just learned that the Palestinians aren't completely surrounded by Israel. They assumed they were just based on the rehtroic they've heard regarding the issue. They asked why no one talks about Jordan or Egypt's role in the situation. The side stepping of the question in the responses was pretty funny.

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The side stepping of the question in the responses was pretty funny.


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I'll try and find it again, assuming it's still up. I'll link it if I find it.

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Enemy of my enemy pragmatism

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Post it on /r/nyc for maximum seethe

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Get us some video, especially from dudes trying to steal che guevara's look.

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@Murdervann, pinmaxx

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Quick, build a wall around the whole city while everyone's there

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An no one is wearing a mask.

I love the USA


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>Counterprotest has a Pride flag lol

The IQ really makes for strange bedfellows.

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>The IQ


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Commies need too stop appropriating traditional conservative views like being against police brutality and being pro Palestine @HailVictory1776 stand with Israel

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What about my constitutional right to go to the other protest and shout over everyone and look like a giant r-slur while dozens of people are filming my neurodivergent sperging meltdown and put it on YouTube for millions of views as a prototypical example of "the other side?"

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Isn't protesting against Isreal similar to organising a boycott? Maybe glowies can prosecute the shitskins

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