Intel is sued by shareholders after allegations of securities fraud
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but like was it SUUUPER bad? How bad could it actually be? Its not like every batch of Iphones ever has been perfect and apple seems doing great
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Oh it's bad. It's their big flagship model and they are all flawed. It's like if every iPhone was completely flawed in this way and there was nothing you could do
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So they sold a ton of it? And it's not easily fixable? Like, it sounds to me as if this should not be that big of a deal. Just fix it, r-slurs
I guess the answer is not and thats why everyone is mad
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Imagine selling a car knowing they would all break down in the street due to critical engine failure. Not if, when. All because yours wasn't fast enough.
There is no "fixing" it because you need a car to do fricking everything. Intel sat on their asses for 20 years while competition caught up. In an industry where innovation is fricking impossible unless you're a multibillion dollar company.
They fricked over customers, investors, business partners. Then lied about the problem for 2 years. If you were giving millions to Intel before you'd be fricking regarded to do so now. The trust is fricking gone.
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!commenters I have solved it thanks to all of you. Now I understand c:
And are the other processor companies like still getting better speed? did they really go full r-slur or is this an industry wide problem?
What should we buy now??
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do you have to change your whole pc to change from intel to amd :c
I got an intel
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Im not experiencing any issues, but I did buy my "custom" built PC like a year ago and it has one of those models
Let's hope nothing happens to her
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Intel makes both the plans to design CPUs and owns their "chip fabrication plant" or "fab" for short.
On the other side of the world there's a Taiwanese company called TSMC that makes the majority of "high performance" CPUs.
This TSMC company only owns the "fabs" and builds basically every competitive CPU that's not intel.
Companies like AMD, Nvidia or Apple gives TSMC their CPUs plans and pays them billions to build in their top tier fabs.
The only other competitive company is Samsung but they're kind of in third place.
This is why the US government recently gave billions to Intel and TSMC to build here. They want to get manufacturing out of Taiwan (you know, the company off the coast of China
) and keep these fabs out of "invasion" range. 
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I like Samsung a lot
I have a flip phone and it's really cute.
I guess I'll start buying AMD then. Thanks for all the knowledge
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I wouldn't rawdogg one company, pick up an semiconductor ETF.
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Avast, ye scurvy cur! Yer comment be walkin' the plank for forgettin' to include
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included, or it'll be the deep six for ye, savvy? This be an automated message; if ye need help, ye can message us 'ere. Arrr!Jump in the discussion.
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No they literally can't without making them slower from what I can tell
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Their 13th and 14th gen cpus had basically 50% of the batches be time bombs which will fail in a few years. Servers we're going blowing through cpus in less then a year which is basically unheard of.
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mmm i guess the servers part got people mad, cause I remember Samsung phones LITERALLY EXPLODED and they cool
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Imagine if every bussiness that bought a samsung for their workers had them blow up in a month.
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ohhhhh now Im getting it. Literally like coordinated to fail. Are there schizo theories about it?
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Not really coordinated. Chips are made from a die, so if you have an issue with a die then the whole series will carry that issue
Every chip has imperfections, they make an entire CPU series and then downclock the more imperfect ones, the good ones are sold as the flagship line
They probably underestimated how big an issue this would be, and you cant just remake the die because it's fantastically expensive
Reducing the voltage would reduce the performance so the best they can offer is turning your premium chip into a shite one that wont do its job
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and are they offering any form of refund or replacement? I'm guessing not
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Even if they were offering compensation they lied about the problem for years while discrediting reports of failure so it'd be too little too late
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Speculation video - https://rdrama.net/h/slackernews/post/285597/intel-issue-might-be-a-fabrication
Intel statement - https://rdrama.net/h/slackernews/post/286325/intel-claims-its-a-voltage-issue
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To offer a simpler explanation, they didn't do it on purpose BUT they never issued a recall or any kind of warning when they realized half of the high end chips they sold over a 2 year period were faulty.
And when the evidence started piling up that the chips were, y'know, faulty, they went into full denial/downplay/coverup mode. The estimated failure rates were initially 5% when the story broke and are now at 30%+. They presumably know roughly the actual number of faulty units themselves but have refused to release any info (which means it's potentially an even higher %).
It took months of media bashing to get them to offer an extended warranty and there is still no recall.
Luckily for me the last high end intel CPU I purchased was from the year before this started happening
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I had to drop my multiplier from 55x (the factory default, what it ships with) down to 53x.
If I didn't do this, certain games like Satisfactory would crash when loading a saved game.
Not the end of the world but still really frustrating. I probably won't buy from them again.
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