- ObamaBinLaden : Let me tell you why this fraggot from 80 years ago was wrong. Do something productive mf
- DiddyPilledKongcel : Homophobia
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this is of course, waaay too fking technical for you to actually understand... so please close this post now and go back to eating that bag of dog cum u had saved up for later, i ain't judging!
but academia is waaay too stiff for me, i much prefer the flaccid dicks rdrama has to offer, so here goes:
in his paper "on computable numbers" turing spent the first half of the paper inventing the theory of modern computing, and proving that said machines he theorized can be described by a single finite length natural number, called it's description number. if u have no idea what that means, or even what binary machines code is... srsly i do recommend consulting that bag of dog semen for further info.
now, the fact these machines can be assigned a unique finite-length number, as each binary code for a machine is unique, has the effect that they as a set, can be bijected with, or assigned a one-to-one relationship to, the set of natural numbers. this has the important implication of being able to count them, meaning we can list then out one by one, in some order, without skipping over any. yes, yes, ur mum told u that u can do anything (u can't), but mathcels get very ornery and uptight about what it means to be able to successfully count a set of things, as not all sets are countable. for example u might think u can just count all real numbers, but actually ur too busy drinking dog sperm while cantor chuckles softly in background, so it won't ever happen.
lets move onto the title line: "computable number". the concept is simple, even for you: it's just a number which we can build a machine for, that can calculate any nth digit. for example: pi is a computable number because we can build a machine that can eventually calculate any nth digit of pi. now there are an infinite number of these, obv, and because these computable numbers can be associated with the machines that compute them, and machine are countable... these computable numbers are countable, as well. muster up all of whatever the fuck that is u call a brain, and don't forget it! (u will)
this brings us to the famous §8 where basically everyone thinks turing went on to prove some ground breaking, mind bending, result of the ages, but was actually just a series of fuckups that has largely contributed to the ungodly world of idiocracy we witness today, in which we confused our ignorance for knowledge and declared math as indefinitely incomplete. just like ur parents marriage.
the section more or less goes like:
well, if machines that compute numbers are countable, then the count can be tricked! i could do this by writing a machine that counts through them, and for each nth machine, calculates the nth digit, returns the inverse of that nth digit, and i can use this to build an inversed diagonal number β. because this β would contain a digit different from every other number on the list, it can't exist is the count!
but since that can't be possible, what's wrong here is counting them would be equivalent to solving the halting problem, and there is no known method of doing that, so obviously we can't acktually count them. so therefore the set of computable numbers stays countable, because they aren't able to be counted. furthermore, because this has the disadvantage that it may leave the reader with a feeling that "there must be something wrong", i will present the halting paradox that backs this up! fin. bow down and suck the dick of incompleteness u fools!
now what a fking mess: the set of computable numbers remains "countable", because we have no method to acktually count them!? i must say, i truly am left with the feeling that "there must be something wrong". i appreciate the effort for the modern theory of computing, turing, but ya shouda stopped there... and i don't want to get into the fact literally all of computer science from then until now just dogpiled ontop with biazzare classifications to justify this like "countable" vs "recursively enumerable" that basically does fuck all but jerk off about how right this!
so anyone else spot the error? no, u didn't, don't fking lie to me, u can't do it. ur a fucking idiot like everyone else. u actually drank all that dog cum, and moved onto raiding the cat litter. marsey is disappoint.
but mommy put ur dumbass through a bootcamp cause u failed out of collage, twice, and now u consider urself a "codecel". so let me translate the issue into a language that resembles the utter dogshit u barf up day after day:
inverse_diagonal = (n: number) -> {
count = 0
for (comptuable_number) in (enumerate.computable_numbers()) {
if (count < n)
count += 1
return computable_number(n) ? 0 : 1
enumerate_diagonal = () -> {
for (n = 0; true; n++) print inverse_diagonal(n);
running enumerate_diagonal
is the machine turing claims can calculate β. the problem is it can't actually do that, and it can't do that regardless of whether this would solve the halting problem or not. that halting connection a totally an irrelevant thread turing had no business going down, because there is a more fundamental reason why this doesn't work...
still can't see? ok, i'll throw u a bone, it's a bit healthier than that cat shit u've been munching on. recall that we are counting through the computable numbers, "enumerate" being a fancy word for doing this, so the iterable enumerate.computable_numbers()
must iterate over all computable numbers. if turing's claim is to be true, this must also include inverse_diagonal
itself, what happens then?
.... no? still don't get it?? god i really am gunna spell out everything line by line, eh? fuck:
is the machine that computes digits of β. -
(2) at some input
, the variablecomptuable_number
will be the machineinverse_diagonal
referring to itself, as if β is to be part of the set of computable numbers, then the machine that computes it will need to eventually be enumerated upon, -
(3) at that point,
will run the equivalent ofinverse_diagonal(n)
and get stuck in infinite recursion. -
(4) therefore, you cannot prove the halting process contradictory through means of β, as β cannot give an inverse to it's own nth number, and therefore cannot be a proper inverse diagonal, regardless of any "hidden assumption" about solving the halting problem. that was totally necessary to bring up.
if u can't understand it now, u had no business reading this post in the first place, and just go jump off a building or something fun like that. ur daddy will be proud that u've learned to fly! think of it as "falling with style".
for that one slightly less of a retard still with me:
it's absolutely absurd turing didn't see this. the dude went on to proudly to use an infinite recursion issue in his paradox construction on the very next page, so why didn't he see that here? heck he even intuited a sense of wrongness about these initial thoughts on the matter, but i guess was so enamored by the halting problem he just didn't dig deep enough into β to recognize the wrongness inadvertently he went down. i can't explain that anymore than the idiots that just jumped off a building over an rdrama suggestion, that they voluntarily read
honestly, i accept the dude being fallible, i forgive u turing. u gave us the theory of modern computing, and that really was a fucking stroke of genius for the ages. this mistep is almost entirely not ur fault.
but what i really can't explain is how the flying fuck this went unnoticed for so long.
what the fuck have mathcels being doing?!
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You at 12:26, Sep 6:
Yes it's bgillettephoto.com
I'm trying to forward it to bradgillette.net, but every time it asks me to verify and sends me a code, it says the code is incorrect, even though I'm copying it verbatim
Now it says I'm locked out from doing that for seven days
You at 12:29, Sep 6:
Every time I've been sent a one-time password it says it's the wrong password
I've entered each password exactly as sent to me yet it says its not correct and now I can't do my job for seven days
That's unacceptable
You at 12:35, Sep 6:
It's never asked me for a verification pin. It has sent me a "one time password" that's six digits long, seven times, and each time it says it's the wrong password
You at 12:39, Sep 6:
There is something wrong with the verification system as it keeps sending me the wrong six digit code. They do not work
You at 12:43, Sep 6:
I haven't but even if I did it now, it will tell me I'm not allowed to do that for seven days
You at 12:45, Sep 6:
That's unacceptable as it's to no fault of my own.
You at 12:46, Sep 6:
You at 12:46, Sep 6:
You at 12:53, Sep 6:
That's still unacceptable. I just passed out my card to 100 people and now they're being directed to a website that doesn't exist because of a mess up on your end
You at 12:56, Sep 6:
Well you've lost me as a customer. As soon as possible I will be transferring my domain.
You at 12:57, Sep 6:
But I entered the password I was sent
You at 13:01, Sep 6:
I did not try it in incognito. All I did was enter the passwords I was sent when I was sent them and each time I was told it was the wrong password. I should not have to go through hoops to make a simple change to my domain simply because your system is sending the wrong passwords.
You at 13:04, Sep 6:
You already told me you could change the forwarding in 24-48 hours. So either you lied in saying you could do so, or you're lying now in saying it will take seven days.
After giving them all zeros on their survey, they're texting me via "Daisy" asking me to explain the issue.
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And often I don't get a say in what browser to use, cuz fricking public libraries or workstations at work all have Chrome by default, and I can't just always use my personal work laptop whenever I wish.
Lol nobody gives a shit about Edge.
Like I know I've bitched and moaned about how trash Google is, but every time i see something which encapsulates just HOW brokenshit horrifyingly bad shit has become in just 10 years alone. Video is about 26 min, I'll summarize the bullet points - as in each point is horrifying enough to put a bullet into your own head
[1] Even though Google has been proven to be worse than a decade ago through incompetence, beyond that Google ALSO makes their search results ACTIVELY worse and DELIBERATELY worse. Why???
They need people to "suffer", aka spend more time wrestling with the system because that leads to retention of attention - in other words, the longer a user spends on the Google frontpage to search for shit, the longer they can be exposed to advertisements. And it doesn't matter that 100% of dramatards have adblock, 80% of users are turbo boomer normies who don't know any better and/or are willing to tolerate ungodly amounts of spammy ads and and shit.
[2] Both men are aghast the Top Level Leadership of Google is to actively go against the very objective of the Product of Google: where the original intention of Google was to aid people in finding stuff on the internet, and thus it's bad for ad revenue if peeps find stuff IMMEDIATELY.
One man interestingly makes a comment that he cannot think of many industries which deliberately makes a worse product for the goal of greater income, to which his co-host immediately replies that there are many non-software examples: such as the proliferation of Shrinkflation (trying to sell smaller products for the same price, hoping consumers won't notice), or planned obsolescence (the practice of designing products to break quickly or become obsolete in the short to mid-term, so as to sell more of it to the same targets), and so on. Thus it's unsurprising that Google would follow the same pattern.
[3] From the discussion came that Google deliberately tries to get people to spend time up until page 2 of search results, as that is the maximum target page searchers reach before giving up entirely or using another search engine - the fricks at Google do this for the sake of DOUBLING the potential adverts shown to people.
[4] I knew reddit results shown behind searches increased the likeliness of getting tech or hardware help, but I wasn't aware Google had an active fricking business PARTNERSHIP with reddit which actively promoted reddit's fricking search results.
[5] Google is constantly looking to datascrape "curated" content like reddit subreddits, in order to have databases from which to pull from in their AI models. But it's also small forum sites which Google is pillaging, which in turn could end up being the death of small scale hobby specialist forums or websites.
An example being talked was a metric shitload of AI spam in places like Youtube Shorts, where AI generated crap outnumbers the legitimate content. An example cited between the two men was AI Bloat trash having taken over Gardening Instruction Videos on Youtube and especially Youtube Shorts.
And Yes darmatards I know you high IQ guys probably hate and don't like Youtube Shorts, and I don't either, and I personally don't give a shit about gardening either - but I do care about widescale internet link rot and consolidation, and Gardening Hobbies and other niche shit being fricked over by AI spam will never remain contained.
And apparently many of these smallscale hobbyist channels or sites fricked by AI span were reliant on Youtube Shorts to get a foot in the door of attracting a beginner audience.
Deviant Art has been positively spammed by AI Slop shit - I would scroll cool DA art on my phone and be excited to find my feed clogged up with dogshit uncanny valley bullshit
Thus Google's AI generated bullshit may end up being the death of niche hobbyist websites or communities.
[6] Soooooo much AI spam crap already exists on all corners of the internet, that AI models scraping shit like Deviant Art for example are being polluted by existing AI art - so that they frick up the models, because these new art are not always labelled as AI, and currently AI is too stupid to detect IF art is AI to begin with.
Thus a perpetual incestuous cycle can begin, where the uncanny valley might be increased constantly
And this is also the reason the men are most Doomposting in their talk because AI or Gemini shit replacing tech support search or niche hobby/topic websites would mean future content be perpetually degrading AI swill to support it.
Thoughts dramatards?
Also it's official: what not-chrome alternative is the best, how does Opera GX compare or is it gaymer trash
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Last time on the OS Wars: we covered a brief overview of Unix and the Windows NT kernel and a strange document known as the UNIX haters handbook.
In the modern age its common for people to decry the anti-consumer practices of big tech and long for the old internet. Well let me say tech companies have always been corrupt pieces of shit even before the advent of the internet. Case in point Microsoft who has a list of anti trust suites so long I have to break it up into multiple posts, and IBM who taught Microsoft many of these practices ("I learned it from you dad "). In fact IBM was so evil back in the day Apple made a name for itself by just being not IBM. Thats what the famous 1984 Macintosh is about. It is Apple saying "IBM and its clone licensee program are a hair's bredth away from monopolizing the industry and doing god knows what and only Apple can stop them by providing competition".
Some of Microsoft's most infamous general mafia tactics include threatening OEMs who offered other OS's on their computer or tried to ship duel boot . Vaporware: whenever a competitor had a shiny new innovative project you claim you are working on your even better version of that concept which is almost out even if it has barely entered development (most notably done during the making of Windows 1.01 to try and remove the steam from other DOS based GUIs like GEM, Top Veiw, and Vision).
FUD (yeah this doesnt just come from crypto) where Microsoft would spead Fear, uncertainty, and doubt about competitors projects working on their software such as the AARD code debacle where Windows 3.1 would throw random, nonsesical error messages if any DOS version (most notably DR-DOS) other then MS-DOS or PC-DOS was used even though the user could simply exit the error messages and everything would work as normal.
Embrace, Extend, Extinguish: a three step process where microsoft embraces an open standard, they then add a bunch of proprietary features on top of said standard which make it incompatible with the open standard, and then let your improved standard become the new standard and since it is proprietary everyone is forced into your ecosystem. Basically it is a roach motel easy to enter and hard to leave. Examples of this include word, internet explorer, and java++. Of these the office suite was the most successful, and Github is shaping up to be the next major EEE event.
In 1987Andrew S. Tanenbaum a computer science professor created the UNIX like micro-kernel known as Minix which was intended as a companion to his textbook Operating Systems: Design and Implementation to give students a toy OS to learn from. In 1983 Richard Stallman formed the GNU foundation, a group which seeks to free the computing world via the GPL license which was created in response to the UNIX wars, a subset of the OS wars cause the unclear licensing and copyright of the UNIX operating system, and the increasingly closed source nature of programs. In 1989 Lynne and William Jolitz began work on the 386BSD, an OS based on the Berkley Standard Distribution of UNIX, which was set to be the first open source OS inspired by the GNU foundation had BSD not gotten into a length legal battle with UNIX System Laboratories at AT&T. In 1990 Finn Linus Torvalds was taking a UNIX course at University of Helsinki which had Operating Systems: Design and Implementation and Minix as required reading. He wanted to play with Minix but was frustrated with its restrictive licensing so he created his own Unix like Kernal known as Linux. As Linux became licensed under GPL it began being worked on by the GNU foundation who replaced many of the Minix like aspects of it to make it more in line with UNIX. Releasing in 1991 Linux became the first free and open source operating system as 386BSD ended up releasing in 1992. Throughout the mid 90s as UNIX languished under the UNIX wars and Windows was looking to win the OS wars many institutions and corporations began to switch to Linux to avoid the monopoly of Windows.
This growth especially in the server market began to concern Microsoft who began holding internal disscussions and memos on how to best deal with Linux and free software. These documents became known as the Halloween Documents as they were published by FOSS advocate Eric S. Raymond which consist of leaked internal memos and emails, and official Microsoft press statements on Linux and FOSS software. In these documents Microsoft shares their fears of Linux whose free and UNIX like nature made it more attractive for previously UNIX based servers to switch to over Windows NT. They explicitly state that FOSS software is too useful to just be FU'd awayMicrosoft also feared that competitors like IBM or Sun would used Linux to reduce dependency on Microsoft and that OEMs like Dell could begin offering Linux based machines in order to crib better licensing deals on Windows. Microsoft also notes that Linux's FOSS nature allows it to receive bug fixes at a faster rate the Windows giving them a leg up on Window's "third times the charm" release strategy where Microsoft ships a buggy and shitty product which users beta test into a better one.
Microsoft pointed out two main avenues for attacking Linux. One, by attacking UNIX using EEE via their UNIX subsystem for Windows NT add on. Two, to find some way to use copyright and patent law against Linux and GPL.
Consequently, OSS poses a direct, short-term revenue and platform threat to Microsoft -- particularly in server space. Additionally, the intrinsic parallelism and free idea exchange in OSS has benefits that are not replicable with our current licensing model and therefore present a long term developer mindshare threat. [...]
Loosely applied to the vernacular of the software industry, a product/process is long-term credible if FUD tactics can not be used to combat it. OSS is Long-Term Credible. OSS systems are considered credible because the source code is available from potentially millions of places and individuals. [...]
Beating Linux [...]Fold extended functionality into commodity protocols / services and create new protocols. Linux's homebase is currently commodity network and server infrastructure. By folding extended functionality (e.g. Storage+ in file systems, DAV/POD for networking) into today's commodity services, we raise the bar & change the rules of the game.
PC OEM's. Other worst case adoption scenarios are subsets of the Sun / IBM case and involve other PC vendors such as Compaq and Dell. Note, however, that Compaq and Dell merely have to credibly threaten Linux adoption in order to push for lower OEM OS pricing. [...]
Beat UNIX. The single biggest contributor to Linux's success is the general viability of the UNIX market. Systematically attacking UNIX in general helps attack Linux in particular. Some Linux-targeted initiatives in this space (not a comprehensive list) include: UNIX services for NT Add-on pack [...]
The Linux community is very willing to copy features from other OS's if it will serve their needs. Consequently, there is the very real long term threat that as MS expends the development dollars to create a bevy of new features in NT, Linux will simply cherry pick the best features an incorporate them into their codebase. The effect of patents and copyright in combatting Linux remains to be investigated.
After this leak Microsoft released a press release explaining that the leaks were real but did not express the actual opinion of Redound as a whole and was simply a routine analysis of competitors with no ill will or malice towards linux:
On the Memo:
It appears to be a document written within Microsoft in August, with some annotation by others. It is routine and appropriate for Microsoft - and we would assume all other vendors - to research, write about, and assess all competitors ... both from a business model point of view and from a technical point of view. It is not an "official position" by Microsoft on Linux. It is a technical analysis written by an engineer in a staff capacity, and designed to encourage discussion.
On Linux:
Sometimes Linux competes with Windows NT. This is hardly news. But it is not NT vs Linux. Dramatically demonstrates the wildly different business models of the OS marketplace and the vigorous competition at every level (technical, alliances, applications, channels and business model) that characterize the industry. In addition, however, Linux is an alternative to/competitor for other versions of UNIX, especially RISC UNIX - in fact this may be the more powerful affect in the marketplace. Has an utterly different business, support, and investment model from the comprehensive, integrated Microsoft model for Windows NT, which has attracted millions of developers and tens of thousands of applications. Linux is a philosophy as much as technical phenomena. On the positive, and Microsoft is interested in better understanding and finding ways to accommodate this dynamic, it provides for extensive peer review, and for a lot of independent parallel work on a variety of features. The negatives are stark, however: no long term roadmap ... and no way to get one, individuals are a non-scalable factor in the development at various control points, no intellectual property protection means that the deep investments needed by the industry in infrastructure will gravitate to other business models. Unless Linux violates IP rights, it will fail to deliver innovation over the long run.
Notice that pesky IP claim again interesting.
As UNIX languished Novell, creators of the Netware OS and was the #2 software manufacture behind microsoft, purchased numerous companies including Word Perfect and UNIX System Laboratories from AT&T in the mid 90s. Becoming a distributor and licensor of Unix. In 2002 SCO Group purchased out Santa Cruz Operation and their licensed UNIX products
In 2003 SCO Group claimed they owned UNIX and that all other UNIX companies were violating their copyright. They also claimed Linux and Minix contained stolen code from UNIX and were also violating their copy right. They were so confident in their claim they said they would sue every UNIX and Linux distributor, client, and end user. Their claims were immediately met with skepticism as the previous UNIX legal battle of AT&T and BSD had been very unsuccessful. The court found that much of UNIX had been written before the copyright act of 1976 and was such a mishmash of third party code actually untangling the copyright of individual code blocks would be next to impossible and pressured AT&T to settle out of court.
Still SCO Group pressed on and launched a series of lolsuites across 2003-2004 so disastrous some wouldn't end up fully complete until 2021. One lawsuit against IBM alleged IBM stole UNIX code to add into Linux. One against Novell accused Novell of slander since Novell claimed they owned Linux which hampered SCO group's ability to collect protection money licensing fees. One against Red Hat was just because they sold Linux. One against Autozone since Autozone used Linux. Finally, one against DaimlerChrysler since they switched from UNIX to Linux and didn't immediately respond to a letter from SCO Group asking them to recertify back to UNIX as somehow this was illegal. Also changing OS's was apparently not allowed in the UNIX licensee agreement even though this was stated nowhere. At the same time in March 2004 Halloween Document X contained a leaked email from Mike Anderer to SCO's Chris Sontag about Microsoft had given over $86 million dollars to SCO Group via the BayStar investment group:
I know you were going totalk to Bob later Friday, but I figured I would outline the issues.
1. Baystar is easy as they were just a Microsoft referral and would be 2% [...]
I realize the last negotiations are not as much fun, but Microsoft will have brough in $86 million for us including Baystar. The next deal we should be able to get from $16-20, but it will be brutial as it is for go to makerket work and some licences. I know we can do this , if everyone stays on board and still wants to do a deal. I just want to get this deal and move away from corp dev and out into the marketing andfield dollars....In this market we can get $3-5 million in incremental deals and not have to go through the gauntlet which will get tougher next week with the SR VP's.
We should line up some small acquisitions here to jump start this if we do it. We shoudl also do this ASAP. Microsoft also indicated there was a lot more money out there and they would clearly rather use Baystar "like" entities to help us get signifigantly more money if we want to grow further or do acquisitions
This Microsoft deal is the Ante to the poker game...We should get this done and go after several $2-3 Million deals from the expense side of their company.
Having destabilized the UNIX and Linux market they were a part of SCO Group had tanked their revenue and were rapidly on the verge of bankruptcy due to all the legal fees meaning Microsoft was at the time a primary factor in keeping them from bankrupcy.
By 2007 the main Novell case was ended with the courts determining Novell was the rightful owner of UNIX owning UNIX System Laboratories and that SCO Group only owned a UNIX license. This meant SCO Group was behind on a shit ton of license payments to Novell and also owed all of the license fees they had collected to Novell. Novell on their end said there was no copyright infringement with Linux and would pursue no further legal action.
Meanwhile in 2004 another Linux copy right case was brewing. The Alexis de Tocqueville Institution was a right wing think tank which published books and papers on a variety of subjects such as the B-2 bomber program, education funding, and associated with the cooler heads anti climate change group. Most famously they published numerous papers decrying open source. The most famous being "Samizdat: And Other Issues Regarding the 'Source' of Open Source Code" a preprint book which alleges that the Linux kernel was illegally copied from Minix, Open Source code is untraceable and liable to contain copyright infringement, and that the GPL license is anti-capitalist and bad for the economy. The book never made it out of preprint since it was so terrible everyone lambasted it out of the gate. Its primary reasoning as to why Linux was stolen was that there was no way Linus would be smart enough to make it on his own. Kenneth Brown of the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution had hired Alexey Toptygin to prove Linux stole from Minix when Alexey Toptygin found no evidence of theft he was simply kicked off the book with the study never being mentioned in it. Andrew Tanenbaum had talked to Ken Brown during the writing of the book and repeatedly explained Linus didn't still from him which Ken Brown ignored. Linus had not been contacted by Ken Brown and again denied that Linux was stolen. On top of that the claim that closed source programs never stole code was laughable as Microsoft has been proven to have swiped BSD code a few times (which was permissible under the BSD license but a instance of rank hypocrisy on Ken Brown). With both the Linux and Minix creator disagreeing with Brown the book had 0 legs to stand on with its theft claim and was never published.
FOSS advocates were quick to point out Microsoft had funded the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution for 5 years but Microsoft denied having any say in the precise research done and dismissed Samizdat as "an unhelpful distraction from what matters most—providing the best technology for our customers" which is a very typical Microsoft deflection.
Later in 2004 Microsoft began another FUD campaign against Linux known as Get the Facts a dedicated website which purported to tell you the truth about Windows Server that those Linux users were hiding from you. They would use a vary similar tactic in the windows 7 era to attack Macs and in the browser wars to attack now IE browsers.
By 2007 things seemed to be turning around. Microsoft shut down the Get the Facts website and entered into a partnership with Novell. Things seemed to be cooling down until Microsoft claimed various Linux FOSS projects violated 235 patents. Conveniently Novell and its customers would be immune to any legal action related to this, hinting that Microsoft may try to threaten every single Linux user like SCO Group did. Novell seemed blindsided by this claim and denied any validity to Microsofts accusations of patent infringement. FOSS advocates called Microsoft's bluff and demanded Microsoft turn over the patents which were violated and then nothing more happened.
By 2014 Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer stepped down which seemed to usher in a new era for Linux at Microsoft. By 2015 Microsoft was putting out press released saying "Microsoft loves linux". As Microsoft moved into the cloud Azure began supporting Linux to appeal to a broader customer base. By 2016 every version of Windows contained Linux built in via windows subsystem Linux and many have noted Windows adopting more Linux like attributes like a package manager in winget, taking ques from OSX and KDE desktop environments , and is even working on adding Sudo to Windows. Microsoft also began massively funding the Linux foundation and the open software foundation. On the open source end Microsoft has made various projects of theirs open source and has become one of the biggest contributors to github projects.
To some this represents a positive change. Now with a change of leader and a focus on SAAS Microsoft no longer needs the mafia or cold war tactics of the OS wars I mean who cares if you use Windows, most people get it for free* anyway, or Linux if either way you are logging into a web app like Office 360 or Azure or One drive. Now they can play nice with Linux and OSS. More astute people may notice that Microsoft only loves the parts of Linux which benefit them. In the server space Linux is king so for Azure to actually be a viable cloud server it would need Linux support. Developers are increasingly moving to Mac and Linux for coding as the programming environment is faster, less bloated, and more POSIX, so WSL keeps these users on Windows by offering a Bash terminal within Windows. Microsoft loves open source software which let them take other code for free and they like other people doing free work for them maintaining their own projects.
Even more astute readers may note this sounds exactly like the Embrace part of EEE. We are already seeing Microsoft Extend some open source offerings too. They Embraced the open source Git and are now Extended it with proprietary elements like code spaces and copilot in Github. They have Embraced open source in Visual Studio Code and are Extending it with the proprietary extensions store which makes VSC actually usable as an IDE. It likely wont be long until Microsoft starts extending their Linux offerings too. Who knows maybe they may even try to buy out Canonical or Red Hat, both have already tried their own EEE schemes with Snap and CentOS Stream respectively, and then force them to turn Linux from a competitor to Windows to just one more cog within the windows environment itself.
Oh yeah on the SCO Group thing Xinuos, the now owners of SCO group, launched another lawsuit against Red Hat and IBM alledging IBM stole code from SCO's UNIXes for their own UNIX and conspired with Red Hat to lock SCO out of the market. This as far as I can tell has gone no where.
!fosstards !linuxchads !codecels !effortposters What are your thoughts on Microsoft's new "love" of Linux?
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There is an ongoing power struggle over who controls NixOS. This is a story of politics, pointless argument, thousands of wasted man-hours, corrupt jannies, and a coup d'état. The primary factions are one of , leftoids, and otherkin, and a faction of neurodivergents, libertarians , and rightoids unified against idpol.
If you don't care about historical details, skip to the section "Assembling the Constitutional Assembly"
Previous Threads
attempts takeover of Nix project
Historical Timeline of Key Events
- Eelco Dolstra creates Nix, a novel package manager, and NixOS, a Linux Distribution.
Anduril, an American defense contractor, sponsored NixCon
Various leftoids disliked that, and complained to the university it was hosted at. The university has a vaguely defined civil clause stating it studies exclusively "peaceful goals [to] serve civilian purposes"
Less than 48 hours before NixCon was to begin, the university threatened to shut down NixCon, unsure the sponsorship wouldn't violate their civil clause
Anduril was removed as a sponsor, and Anduril employees could not show Anduril logos or discuss their employer during their scheduled talks
Anduril sponsored NixCon, this time hosted in Pasadena, California, which had no such clause
Various leftoids disliked that, and complained on GitHub and social media
NixCon went on as planned
After NixCon 2024
On the official forums, users argue over whether Anduril makes unsafe, and mods liberally ban people on the "pro-sponsorship" side.
One banned user created a GitHub page of the politically motivated mods
Note: Mods are not the Nix board, but much like reddit mods, are independent, self-selecting, and control the forums.
April 21, 2024 - The "Open Letter"
On April 21, 2024, an "open letter" was posted, accusing Eelco of making Nix vaguely unsafe for "marginalized backgrounds" and of "liking" posts the authors dislike. The letter has an Executive Summary that is 2 pages of solid text, arguing that Eelco's inaction on "concern trolling" and military sponsors constitutes a crisis he must step down over. Of interest, it also has the following paragraph:
Finally, we acknowledge that any changes in Eelco's role, even if prompted by clear misconduct, are going to be interpreted as a bunch of left wing people taking over the project. Although the authors' politics are left-leaning, this is not about Eelco's political views, it is about his actions, how they have shaped the Nix project culturally, and how his actions do not serve the project's interests. We realise how this interpretation will lead to significant moderation load due to the out-of-community brigading activities of certain banned community members, as well as internal community debate.
The letter was signed by 160 people, only 35 of which have contributed to nixpkgs.
On April 23, GitHub user "HelpMeTheShadowPeopleAreStealingMyStuff" made a PR to add a CoC to the open letter, which was accepted.
May 1, 2024 - Eelco steps down
Eelco Dolstra announced his resignation from the Nix Foundation Board, stating the board will appoint a "Constitutional Assembly" to create a new governance structure.
May 2, 2024 - Assembling the Constitutional Assembly
The forum mods posted to GitHub inviting nixpkgs contributors to join a "Zulip" (like slack but worse) created for this process.
The Assembly Code of Conduct
The Zulip instance has a mod-created Code of Conduct that includes this laundry list of protected categories
These guidelines aim to support bootstrapping our governance structure, and as such all who can, should feel safe to participate regardless of background, family status, gender, gender identity and expression, marital status, s*x, sexual orientation , plurality , native language, age, race/ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status , geographic location, education, disability, otherkin status, or other aspects of diversity.
Otherkin are now a protected category! Personally, I think this is purely a bait wedge issue.
The section "Disruptive Behavior" has these examples:
- Bad faith invitations to engage in debate, regardless of the pretense of civility.
- Attempting to use the specific wording of rules documents without referencing or understanding their spirit.
No sweaty, your bad faith behavior is not allowed . Yes sweaty, we will ban you when we feel like it.
The Assembly Jannies
The CoC gives Zulip mods great leeway, so let's look into them.
The Nix forum mods are an independent group that recruits through unanimous agreement by all current mods. Several of them signed the open letter, and, in my experience, their ringleader is joepie.
On joepie's website, he boasts
I manipulate.
In case it hasn't become obvious to you yet, I am a social engineer. Full-time. 24/7. I use manipulation and other psychological tactics in nearly every conversation I have. I will try to change the way you think, and try to solve problems you might not even realize you had.
If you do want to know, just ask. But don't be surprised if my answer, at first, reads like made-up non-sense. Social engineering is very subtle.
The only way to counter manipulation through irrationality, is by manipulating people back into rationality. That is what I do. That is also why I will gladly tell you what I am doing to manipulate you. Manipulation for a good cause doesn't need to be hidden to be effective.
Elsewhere, on mastodon, moderator Raito celebrates the y'alling of the fascists
On lobste.rs, moderator Hexa shared the open letter. The "Paradox of Tolerance" is brought up.
The Zulip discussions
Let's peek over to the Zulip discussion, shall we? I wonder what the very first topic they're considering is...
Ah, 2 jannies and a discussing whether 2/7 or 5/7 of assembly members should be "marginalized".
After some arguments on technical ability, our resident catboy and resident leftoid agree, technical merit doesn't matter. The mods move dissent into a containment thread.
Another mod also does not like merit. What was that saying? Something something, "those who can, do; those who can't, janny"?
nat's favorite pastimes include calling people fascist and racist.
Despite this, users on Zulip are split roughly 55/45 against/for quotas, as this pol.is report shows.
Chris McDonough, by the way, has since declared the entire process an illegitimate and cynical power grab. He is also well-known for prominent contributions to Pyramid, a Python web framework.
One prominent Zulip user was Shea, who generally summarized major discussions and was the most prominent and well-spoken anti-quota participant.
Aaaaand he's gone!
Shea has since written a blog post about this.
A Crisis of Legitimacy
To wrap this up, some final words on legitimacy.
Several people have taken to the NixOS subreddit and to their personal blogs describing the entire process as illegitimate. They are largely correct. As of this forum post, the mods have gone ahead their original plan anyway.
They will have the board select an assembly of 3 long-standing contributors, 2 "marginalized" individuals, and 2 external "experts" who have been quoted as explicitly anti-meritocracy.
If you're keeping count of the votes, that's 4/3 against prominent Nix contributors, and in favor of whoever the board likes.
And that's the current state of this whole affair. The mods have chosen selectorate's composition, and final Assembly applications are being deliberated.
- FreedomforKongs : This is an effortpost, please mark it as such
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After the Artesian build drama, bring LTT to its knees, my boi Steve did some journ*lism again.
G*mersNexus = A small but very reliable hardware review channel on youtube - The presenter is Steve also called Tech Jesus because of apperance
LTT = Linus Tech Tips, biggest tech youtuber who got exposed as useless by G*mersNexus
Artesian Builds - Custom PC assembler company which was embroiled in a huge controversy last year Read about it here https://g*mersnexus.net/features/inside-collapse-artesian-builds-20000000-bankrupt
EKWB = EK Water Blocks - Custom PC water cooling parts company, makes pumps, blocks etc https://www.ekwb.com/
GN does expose of EKWB with information from whistleblower employees
GN Contacts as many people as they can, suppliers, ex-empl/contractors and gets info
Its all real, and vetted like a good journ*list
Hardware youtubers stop dropping EKWB while also airing their greviances (JayzTwoCents, derbauer)
EKWB CEO Does the BP Oil spill "We're Sorry" spiel
GN Digs deeper, more people come forward and spill the beans
Konig was the CEO until the took over as CEO in 2019
Foid CEO replace by Konig again, and thus the FOID is absolved of all Reponsibilities
GN Exposes a LITTANY of shady finances and other violations, law breaking activities and most importantly Racism (check screenshots below )
ALL accusations are backed up by evidence
This all started 10 days ago when Tech Jesus (g*mersnexus a PC hardware review channel) did an investigative report on EK waterblocks the company. EKWB is a super expensive liquid cooling parts company, they make a lot of custom water blocks
Part 1: EK is Imploding: Not Paying Employees, Partners, & Suppliers | Investigative Report
EK is facing financial difficulties, resulting in non-payment to employees, contractors, and suppliers. There are allegations of mismanagement and a lack of communication. The company's actions suggest insolvency or potential fraud.
01:15 💸 EK has a liquidity problem and is unable to pay employees, contractors, and suppliers.
03:35 📜 There are allegations of financial mismanagement and a lack of communication from EK.
08:45 🔍 EK's inventory management and purchasing practices contribute to its financial problems.
12:10 🌍 EK's US and Slovenian branches have a hostile relationship, hindering the company's progress.
17:30 🚫 EK has taken legal actions to silence critics and prevent the exposure of its financial issues.
21:50 🏢 EK is considering selling one of its buildings to alleviate its debts.
26:00 ⚖️ EK's actions may be considered fraudulent or indicative of insolvency.
Key Insights
💸 The non-payment of employees and suppliers indicates severe financial problems within EK. This situation is unacceptable and may have legal consequences.
📜 EK's lack of communication and attempts to silence critics suggest a disregard for the well-being of its employees and partners. This behavior is unethical and damaging to its reputation.
🔍 EK's inventory management and purchasing practices have led to excessive inventory and a lack of liquidity. This mismanagement has further exacerbated the company's financial difficulties.
🌍 The hostile relationship between EK's US and Slovenian branches highlights a deeper issue within the company's culture. This internal conflict hinders the company's ability to address its financial problems effectively.
🚫 EK's legal actions to silence critics and prevent the exposure of its financial issues demonstrate a lack of transparency and accountability. This further damages its reputation and raises concerns about the company's integrity.
🏢 EK's consideration of selling one of its buildings indicates a desperate attempt to generate cash and address its debts. This action may provide temporary relief, but it does not solve the underlying financial problems.
⚖️ EK's actions may be indicative of fraudulent practices or insolvency. The company's future depends on its ability to rectify its financial issues, prioritize its employees and partners, and demonstrate genuine efforts to improve its operations.
Reactions to Part 1
Jayz2Cents #DropEkwb (He had a 6 Figure contract with EKWB Which they have not paid out yet )
💰 EKWB is facing a financial crisis and has been unable to pay its employees, contractors, vendors, and partners. This has resulted in a lack of trust and frustration among those who have worked with the brand.
📉 The author has experienced slow communication, lack of coordination, and quality issues with EKWB products. This has further contributed to their disappointment and dissatisfaction with the brand.
🤝 The author emphasizes the importance of fulfilling agreements and treating partners with respect. EKWB's failure to do so has damaged their reputation and strained relationships with content creators and influencers.
🔄 EKWB needs to reassess its product strategy and address the issues that have led to the company's financial crisis. This may involve making changes to their product catalog, improving quality control, and focusing on transparency and communication.
💼 The author suggests that EKWB may need to consider selling the company in order to regain trust and stability. This would require a change in leadership and a fresh start for the brand.
🕑 The author highlights the urgency of paying employees and prioritizing their financial well-being. This should be the first step in resolving the current crisis and rebuilding trust within the company.
🚀 The author believes that EKWB can recover from this situation if they take appropriate actions and demonstrate a commitment to their employees, partners, and customers. However, it will require significant effort and a change in approach.
derbauer #DropEkwb (Key takeaway : EKWB has 11% failure/return rate )
1️⃣ EK's direct die cooler had manufacturing tolerance issues, leading to compatibility problems for customers.
2️⃣ The narrator values their employees and has high moral standards, which influenced their decision to end cooperation with EK.
3️⃣ The narrator differentiated between company and staff issues, only commenting on the latter.
4️⃣ No money was owed to the narrator from EK, as their cooperation did not involve financial compensation.
5️⃣ Allowing EK to sell remaining products with the narrator's logo avoids additional costs and potential delays.
6️⃣ The narrator's decision to end cooperation is based on the evidence presented by G*mers Nexus, which is just the tip of the iceberg.
7️⃣ The narrator remains open to future discussions with EK depending on their actions and industry developments.
Official Statement by EK Founder and CEO Edvard König (Key take away Is this guy a gay twink?? and also the standard "we're sorry"
Key Insights
💰 Apologizing for delayed payments and lack of communication shows accountability and acknowledges the impact on external contractors and partners.
📝 Implementation of key actions, such as improved communication and transparency, demonstrates a proactive approach to addressing issues within the company.
📧 Introducing a dedicated email address for claims indicates a commitment to resolving outstanding overtime work issues and ensuring fairness for employees.
⌛️ Appreciating the community's patience and commitment helps to maintain trust and foster a positive relationship with customers and partners.
🌍 Emphasizing the mission to elevate computers for a better world highlights the company's long-term vision and dedication to their core values.
🤝 Commitment to making things right and fostering a responsible company culture reassures stakeholders that steps are being taken to rectify the situation and prevent similar issues in the future.
Part 2 : Exposing Corruption: EK's Prison Threats, Lawsuits, Dangerous Workplace, & Leaked Documents
Talks about the all the scummy shit they have done.. so far.... which includes RAYCISM
EK Water Blocks is embroiled in controversy surrounding its finances, treatment of partners and staff, and leaked documents. The company is accused of sending intimidating letters, facing lawsuits, and engaging in dangerous workplace practices. Concerns have been raised about the personal liability of EK's CEOs, officers, managers, and directors. Unsafe working conditions, OSHA violations, and racist internal communications have also been reported.
Key Highlights
[1] 💣 The intimidating demand letter sent by EK's CEO raises concerns about the company's tactics to silence and intimidate former employees, highlighting a potential abuse of power.
[2] 💥 The lawsuits filed by former EK staff shed light on the company's breach of contract and non-payment issues, indicating a pattern of mistreatment and disregard for employees' rights.
[3] 🌍 The extensive investigation involving experts from various fields and the substantial cost of producing the video underscores the seriousness of the allegations against EK and the need for transparency and accountability.
[4] 🏢 The potential personal liability of EK's CEOs and officers, as well as the complex web of international entities, raises questions about the company's corporate structure and the extent of control and responsibility of its top executives.
[5] 🌐 EK's tax forfeiture status in Texas and the potential personal liability of CEOs and officers in such situations highlight the importance of complying with legal obligations and maintaining good standing to protect the interests of both the company and its stakeholders.
[6] 📜 The involvement of EK's CEO and officers in questionable practices, as well as the potential co-mingling of assets, suggest a lack of ethical business conduct and the need for comprehensive legal scrutiny to ensure accountability and fair treatment of employees and partners.
[7] 🤝 The offer of assistance to former EK employees by Star Forge Systems CEO Nick Dankner demonstrates the importance of supporting and helping individuals impacted by the company's actions, fostering a sense of solidarity within the industry.
No reactions from any notable figures as they all already dropped EKWB
Now lets get on Reddit
Part 2 Thread: The chuds at PC gaming are obviously shocked https://old.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/1cfekfn/g*mers_nexus_exposing_corruption_eks_prison/
Sane threads on /r/hardware
Part 1 : https://old.reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/1c8psy1/ek_is_imploding_not_paying_employees_partners/
Part 2 : https://old.reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/1cfef4s/exposing_corruption_eks_prison_threats_lawsuits/
Part 1 thread: Watercooling Jannie https://old.reddit.com/r/watercooling/comments/1c8q0im/g*mers_nexus_ek_is_imploding_not_paying_employees/
I left this open because there's simply no way of not looking suspicious otherwise.
However, as usual, the comments and general lack of knowledge astound me. Heck, I'm surprised at the shear quantity of scathing comments regarding the pricing. Competition exists, just buy a cheaper brand? Watercool is always cheaper and the quality is solid, why just hate on a brand for no reason if you have no intention of buying their product anyway? Either way, regardless of the outcome of all this, very disappointing news, and very disappointing seeing what this sub can be like.
Part 2 Thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/watercooling/comments/1cfeoyg/exposing_corruption_eks_prison_threats_lawsuits/
Now the falls in line
This kind of scandal NEVER ends well in communities as small as these. Larger companies can get away with this kind of shit because most people don't know/care. Spaces as small as watercooling? Word gets around fast because almost everyone is keeping an eye/ear out. A different scandal happened in the home theater space where Lexicon got caught taking cheap products from other companies and slapping their own label on them without changing anything (except the price by a factor of 10x), ruined their reputation permanently and now the brand is essentially dead weight in Harman's lineup. Didn't matter that they had made some of the finest home theater equipment in the past, the brand's reputation was effectively ruined. With the half-assed apology and the fact that EK has already been slipping in terms of quality over the years, I can't see them coming back from this. Will they still be around? Perhaps, but I don't think they'll be nearly as big as they once were in the industry after this and there's no way that whatever crawls out of the ashes is going to be able to offer anything even remotely close to their current catalog. They'll have their loyalists I'm sure but there's no way they'll be able to maintain the brand as it stands.
Now do ya'll remember the LTT Expose he did? yeah the LTTcels haven't stopped coping seething and dilating about it
Parth 1 Thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/1c95hpq/ek_is_imploding_not_paying_employees_partners/
Part 2 Thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/1cfet1l/exposing_corruption_eks_prison_threats_lawsuits/
I mean what's wrong with that? Their management being shitty doesn't change the fact that they do have good products and they should do better
There is so much seethe on the LTT forums but I think the jannies are active there and it up
Now lets come to the CEO who MAYBE responsible
Click here for the timestamped vid
Listen just to this segment if you want to see how she was involved
Joined 2019, thats when it started going downhill
visits office once a month
take lavish trips on private jets using company money to visit hardware expos (all pictures on her Instagram)
has 20 years of experience
Has caused legal issues, employee issues
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More posts about it:
The drama:
Just fyi. You have [email protected] in this thread using his alt @[email protected] here. He is moderator on known libertarian and Loli instance burgitt.moe and he has been very angry at us at Lemmy World for calling him out.
He now pretends that it is not his account even though CJO obviously stands for CookieJarObserver, he also speaks German and he is defending the person that is ‘totally not him'.
Pretty sure he is using at least one other account here to play stupid - Amillionnames. This user popped up around the same time CJO had his accounts banned and is always in the same threads. And now they are having conversations pretending they are not the same person.
Yes I am all over this thread with my alt (because I could not talk to him from my LW account since he is banned) but it all just clicked. He was in every thread that mentions LW talking shit with his alts which made me wonder why he would not give his main account so this could be reviewed.
Now we know.
https://burggit.moe/u/cookiejarobserver [click at your own risk]
Bye (LW admin who ran a holocaust against dramatards)
And thus the Lemmy.world shitshow continues… (Alledged CookieJarObserver sockpuppet)
Just have a look at this user's history if you want to know why he got banned. Basically calling us antisemites and what not. His entire history is full of LW shit-talking on his new account. He even admitted “I have a personal problem with these buttholes” without actually revealing his main account.
Edit: his main account is [email protected] and he is a mod on a libertarian instance (LW admin who ran a holocaust against dramatards)
Yeah i don't care about you banning me, im literally saying you and the other mods are insane, and you constantly following me just proves my point.
Frick off. [-5]
Admins having a power trip on spez level constantly, making their instance into a walled garden, like reddit, being antisemitic and harass other instances admins.
They believe they own lemmy now because they got lucky and be labeled the “default instance” by most apps and got pushed by many.
They are just as insane as Lemmyml admins.
They damage lemmy as a whole, willingly, with this behavior.
you are so much full of shit lol [-11]
I posted this comment on ani.social and got banned from Lemmy.world:
Who even cares, frick those guys.
Lemmy.world revealed how far they have their heads jammed waaaaaay up their own buttholes when they released their new TOS and were patting themselves on the back about it. Then, in true Le Reddit fashion, anyone in the comments section who dared to question that decision was getting mass down voted by brainless sycophants. Lemmy.world got lucky by being the most visible and attracting the most users this past summer, but it doesn't make them inherently special, which they clearly now believe they are.
The Fediverse is a new opportunity for internet discussion to feel free and open again rather than confined by kowtowing to corporate interests. These instances defederating from ani.social is forewarning to any users with their heads up that they are just places to avoid anyway.
Now, regardless of whether you agree with my stance or not, or if for some reason you are offended by the frick word, is criticism of policy seriously an offense so egregious that it warrants a ban?
Of course it isn't.
And before somebody tries to cleverly point out “hurr durr you sound butthurt because you got banned from LW” that's not at all the point I am making here. I'm pointing out the sheer insecure pettiness of the administration at LW that they would get so bent out of shape from some criticism from a throwaway account that they would ban it on the spot.
Ask yourselves if you really want to make LW your home base, because I do not.
Edit: also lol at Antik, a LW admin, coming to this comments section on an alt account and arguing with people. Dozens of testy, sparring comments bordering on harassment. This is the exact immature behavior that I am calling out. He had to literally do nothing to get a win here, yet he deliberately chose to show his butt to everyone instead. []
Ask yourselves if you really want to make LW your home base, because I do not.
That was sort of my thinking as well. I've been trying to get a clear answer for a ban that archived everything to show that they were just banned for criticism, and I haven't gotten a direct answer other than a claim that contradicts the evidence.
Purging an account, banning it, and then allowing them to sweep everything under the ban rug is a direct attack on the credibility of user accounts, and I can understand people not trusting a server with it when they do that, and it's even worse when those admins are capable of being charismatic so people are much less keen to question them.
That's something that abusive power mods on reddit did all the time. They tried to sweep everything under the ban rug, keep quiet about it and only give out vague reasons, and then just label the user a shithead when they inevitably then had to proceed to try to scale it up, which meant trying to attract more attention, which made people question them more, which just swept them up with the people that really deserved it, and it just became a vicious cycle.
The one big tell is that when somebody really deserves it, they don't really hide it, whereas when its much more questionable, they keep so quiet that you have to wonder whether the person in question killed anyone, which just adds to it.
You can see how their admins behave in this thread…
Uh, is @[email protected] really Antik and not just someone trying to supplant their identity by naming themselves [email protected]? That … just raises so many questions if so.
No CJO, it's me don't worry I posted from my main account too (LW admin who ran a holocaust against dramatards)
Yes. Its a Lemmyworld admin with a lemmy.ee account behaving like a absolute outcast.
No its the same person definitely otherwise he wouldn't be following me after they banned me from .world
He is a absolutely fragile person and a creep following others around the fediverse.
!dramatards !schizomaxxxers !pings @Dramamine @Ninjjer @89wc @nekobit @PalestinePhallUS @CURTIS discuss
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Note that if you want to dunk on chapoids, you will have to create an account on an instance like lemm.ee, lemmy.world defederated from hexbear
from a hexbear chapo
Dude unironically wrote an essay about why heckin Hexbear shouldn't be defederated lmao. They're also defending their heckin chapo instance lmao
another hexbear essaypost from a chapoid
I really have no problem with communist or leftist views, but some of those guys need to take a chill pill. I'm cool with bashing the fash and social welfare programs, I'm not cool with basically talking about how everyone to the right of Stalin needs to die or how Tianenmen Square was a wholesale fabrication by the west. I typically just roll my eyes, block the bullshit and move on with life, but it's been really dragging down my lemmy experience.
Is asking, Does Ukraine really have a neo-Nazi problem?, make me a poopin puppet?
Kremlin propaganda
Okay what is meant by this because I have literally no idea
like, you had previously thought communist symbolism in general was Kremlin propaganda, before it was pointed out otherwise. So what still applies to the term? Any defense of modern russia? defense of the USSR? militant communism in general? Revolutionary Marxism? Its a blanket term that doesn't seem to be fully defined in this post. I would like it if someone clarified this. [another chapo]
Good, I like having them around. They give the fediverse the spice of life that prevents it from becoming just another necrotic pool of internet backwash filled with stale memes and pandering comments like what late Digg became and what reddit has been turning into. [17 downmarseys by ]
My view is that this federation of theirs is just sketchy. Their announcement post reads as some barely veiled call to propagandize the Fediverse, and the instance itself seems almost proud in a way to have developed their particular methods in their isolation. Though from what I've seen, those methods are mostly just whataboutism and “just asking questions”, not anything particularly novel.
If there was much content or interaction from them that was just neutral, it'd be much easier to swallow, but everything they post or comment always seems be a dog whistle at minimum. And maybe I'm just not noticing all the users not doing that, but the ones I do notice are all over.
All in all, I'd be more in favor of defederation. I've seen enough of this from the right already to have an idea of where this is going, and barring a larger effort from the instance to change, would rather it just got nipped in the bud.
I initially started using lemm.ee when joing the fediverse. Once you federated hexbear I left for lemmy.world within days, not really because I wanted to but because I felt I had to. I was being harassed because of a single comment that received over 100 responses. None of them were constructive arguments or legitimate discussion, all just trolling and insults. Lemm.ee is not usable anymore as a result of federating hexbear. I'm sure I'm far from the only user who feels that way. If you want lemm.ee to continue to be a viable instance there is no other choice.
Think about this way: f they were acting this way while promoting fascism, you wouldn't even have a discussion post, you would just defederate. Because they claim to be communist and left-wing (though their actually still promoting fascism) you feel the need to deliberate. Just do the thing that you already know has to be done. Stop dragging it out. []
Of course that comment was from a lemmy.world user
Ok fascist [-17]
Keeping hexbear is like keeping Nazis on the site.
If you go for freedom of speech and the ideals of fediverse then fine. I'm not against that ideal.
But don't treat these people different to any other extremist just because they are left and not right.
WORDS WORDS WORDS from a lemmyworld user talking about muh positivity
Banning state propaganda is great, but why limit that ban to Kremlin propaganda? US propaganda is just as, if not more, prevelent and toxic. The narrative surrounding the destruction of the Nord Stream is a good example:
American corporate media and government officials were calling for its destruction and outright threatening to blow it up for months prior to the actual attack. Immediately after its destruction, the corporate news outlets and government officials that had been calling for that very action acted as though they had never done so and presented a unified front that blamed Russia for the attack. Doing some critical thinking and realizing that Russia had neither the opportunity nor the motive to blow up their own pipeline is not Kremlin propaganda. Continuing that critical thinking and realizing that the US had both motive and opportunity, and was a likely culprit because they had repeatedly threatened to blow up the pipeline is not Kremlin propaganda. Shutting down all discussion critical of the US by dismissing it as Russian bots is US propaganda.
Another hexbear user doing a whataboutism
I've seen more posts complaining about Hexbear than actual objectionable things they've done. Maybe that's a sign of effective moderation, but in general I agree that defederation should always be a very last resort, and it doesn't feel like we're even close.
Also, with the ability for users to block instances coming soon, I think everyone will be happy then. At least, users anyway, it will still be down to the admin team to determine if the moderation workload is excessive and act accordingly - but that decision is and should be up to you.
Another from a hexbear chapo
One thing to also take into consideration is the very pro Chinese government slant by many of the users. Many there claim China is a democracy. While I have not seen Uyghur genocide denial there, I also don't peruse hexbear threads very often. That is something that needs to be looked out for.
As for federation with them? Their stuff is annoying af but blocking their communities has removed most of their shit from my feed.
Edit: well some of them were nice enough to bring the genocide denial to me. Thanks for that. I didn't really feel like seeking it out.
Actually had my first conversation with hexbear the other day. Accidentally came from /all and didn't realize what kind of sub I was in. While I don't really have their same beliefs, it was interesting to see things from another point of view. Had a swing of upmarseys and downmarseys as to be expected.
I posted a comment in the_dunk_tank without noticing where I was. While many people were heated over what I said, it was a misunderstanding due to a lack of specificity and ignorance on my part. After I clarified what I was intending to say, discussion ensued and it was ended on good terms.
The vast majority of users I interact with from hexbear are thoughtful, insightful, kind and genuine individuals that care deeply about humanity and moving forward. The hate that they have is for fascism and actual fascists.
To defederate hexbear would be a disservice to the idea of federated social media.
Stating that my people (and other Baltic nations) are subhuman
As a member of Hexbear for 3+ years I just want to say that this isn't acceptable over here and would land people with a very serious reprimand or a permaban if they don't admit to being in the wrong for this. The use of “subhuman” in particular is fascist behaviour and I'd assume it is wreckers rather than longstanding members, it's not language that socialists are fond of.
The only other thing I will say is that I genuinely appreciate that you're building this community with your userbase and having these conversations, it's the correct way to create a unique community culture and have people care about the space.
PSA: that's former Reddit commie powerjanny /u/lenins2ndcat who was banned from lemmyworld for hurting their jannies feefees and made this comment sneeding about me:
anpther fricking WORDS WORDS post with 120+ replies
Props for staying calm throughout all this. The initial rush of excitement seems to be pretty much over, which means things ought to mellow down on the timeline. I'm sure Hexbear can coexist with the fediverse the same way /r/cth coexisted with reddit, which is to say by showing up and ballin' for Marx and pushing the boundaries of acceptability. Except this time there are no ad revenue sources to placate by banning anything outside of the Overton window.
I can totally understand your strong feelings towards the USSR. I understand you've conceded that the hammer and sickle isn't strictly soviet symbology and can represent other things, but I would like to ask you whether or not you would think of the “stars and stripes” or the “union jack” (or really most western iconography) as hate speech given the centuries of pillaging, r*pe, genocide and dehumanization that they represent in many parts of the world.
Another longpost I'm not copying
Don't defederate from hexbear, they aren't that bad.
They aren't great, it's like a bunch of very confident college kids refusing to listen to anything that challenges their beliefs. There is a high percentage of trolls, but it's the Internet. I've seen some shockingly bad takes, like tiananmen square had no casualties, or as highlighted by this thread, criticism of the USSRs well documented atrocities is tantamount to Holocaust denial.
Just ignore them and move on.
Stating that my people (and other Baltic nations) are subhuman
Oh, that's includes a now deleted comment of mine. Yes, i admit i got a bit overboard here. I wanted only to highlight a certain political tendency in the region. rather than make a blanket statement about any nationalities and ethnicities. It really came out wrong. And while i don't really care whatever this instance defederates or not, here i must apologize since i was clearly in the wrong. I should only dunk on people for what they do, not what they are.
The lack of a sense of place by Hexbears by absolutely flooding this comment thread is the full and sole reason for me to fully support defederation. Lemm.ee is our server, our rules, made by people on the lemm.ee server. The fact that they feel the need to comment and respond on everything says enough about them.
And no, you're not being attacked so that you have the right to defend yourself. Federation is not a right.
from an admin
Unrelated, but honest doubt… because I know nothing about Hexbear and I'm very confused trying to tie the “for the lulz”/trolling behaviour, communism/leftism and Kremlin propaganda together. The modus operandi seems that of bigots/racists/fascists all over the internet which might relate to Kremlin propaganda, but I'm having a hard time figuring out where communism/leftism fits in here. Is Hexbear a former left-wing “forum” now taken over by fascist trolls? If someone might care to explain I'd appreciate it.
Glad to read this.
Appreciate your approach.
Personally I've seen a lot of hexbear commenters out for blood, seemingly very ready to argue and name-call. Also I've seen many comments and some posts suggesting lemm.ee is for racists.
I assume that is just the “wreckers” someone mentioned.
I don't believe this instance is racist and I don't believe hexbear is all propagandists and lunatics, but I must admit I've been readily blocking subs of theirs. They honestly just seem quite angry with the world and the west. Sometimes for good reason, but sometimes so reflexively it comes off as Russian or Chinese bot posting.
I could be wrong with my personal reflex, but that engagement isn't why I'm on Lemmy at all.
I've been in touch with you personally regarding this, and the evidence of mass brigading, trolling, and their toxicity is abound. just check the modlog, especially for political subs where they especially love to brigade and bully.
the only change they will make is the volume and frequency of their toxic bullying and trolling. keep his instance safe and defederate.
Bartender explains why he swiftly kicks out Nazis even if they're ‘not bothering anyone'
I would say defederate as I see little value in their content. Let those who seek out extreme content go to that server for it. It is just Nazism wearing a different hat.
Wait? Hexbear is leftist? I'm super liberal and my impression of that instance was another pack of Trumpers. Maybe they were brigaded but it's been nothing hit a cesspool. I've been trying to use Sync settings to block @hexbear. I vote defederate.
Defederating hexbear seems like a weak move.
I do think you're gonna have to develop a very explicit and clear line for what constitutes kremlin propaganda though. That or just go full “this is an anti-Russia instance and that includes all current and former states”. [-17]
I demand a Quote & Link to the Subhuman claim you try to collectiv guilt us over …
( its not the epicempenada quote/ copypaste isnt it ? ) [-1]
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Do you want to run a Free Software operating system on your totally proprietary closed-spec laptop made by the world's richest computer company while somehow not getting the irony?
Asahi Linux is your only option because they have to reverse engineer all the user hating locked down hardware first, so you get a Lunix distro project led by an ex game console hacker Hector Martin (marcan). Orange Site users are fine with hardware that treats them as a threat as long as it's the newest shiny, but they won't stop trying to reverse engineer the identity of one of Asahi Linux's top contributors. The top three contributors listed on the official website are Marcan himself, an out and proud , and most interestingly a VTuber named after the distro (Asahi Lina).
Asahi Lina, our GPU kernel sourceress. Lina joined the team to reverse engineer the M1 GPU kernel interface, and found herself writing the world’s first Rust Linux GPU kernel driver. When she’s not working on the Asahi DRM kernel driver, she sometimes hacks on open source VTuber tooling and infrastructure.
Lina does hit a trifecta of reverse engineering + Rust + anime, but honestly FOSS is the one kind of doing it for free I can actually respect. You can't blame people for being curious though.
Back in March this Asahi blog post was discussed on HN and some commenters dared to raise the subject of Lina's identity, with some people pointing out how Marcan and Lina share a development machine (same hostname and in one stream Lina gets some file from marcan's homedir).
In response Marcan has a huge public melty on Mastodon where he responds to generalized HN comments point by point on Lina's behalf: https://social.treehouse.systems/@marcan/110060225535294882
- I wonder if the driver could be ported to Mac OS? [Lina clearly said in the article that the UAPI is unstable, so no]
- So Vulkan is 4/3 better now, vulkan.kext wen? [WTF, Lina clearly said don't take the absolute numbers too seriously, also you clearly didn't read the article if you think vulkan would be a kext]
- Asahi Lina is truly an inspiration for open source reverse engineering.
- I wonder how long it's going to take for games to start generally supporting ARM. [Lina literally explained the games on ARM plan at the end of the article]
- [24 comments veering off into trying to doxx Lina and criticizing her]
Then he blocks HN from linking to the Asahi Linux official website by redirecting visitors to google: https://github.com/AsahiLinux/AsahiLinux.github.io/commit/a720f6ca68805f336e844523fe3f37f6827019c1
if (document.referrer.startsWith("https://news.ycombinator.com")) { console.log("Hacker News is becoming worse than 4chan. Do better."); document.location = "https://google.com"; }
Some time between March and now, Orange Site admins notice this and alter HN to apply noreferrer
to asahilinux.org links so people can continue to discuss the #1 vanity project for the #1 vanity hardware platform on the #1 vanity tech forum. Yesterday, the newest Asahi blog post makes its way to HN and somebody points it out:
Why does this posting have a rel=noreferrer tag, when others don’t?
Marcan is immediately aware (I too spend time studying the markup of websites I claim to hate) and declares TOTAL JANNY WARFARE on Orange Site and everyone who has ever been there:
Good job, Dang. You decided to evade a benign redirect to google.com we added to protect our developers. Now everyone who has ever submitted to Hacker News gets to see this banner on our website until they clear their browser history and stop contributing to HN. Don't even think about adding a hash to the submit link. We'll just change the link to your front page then, and then *all* your visitors will get the message, not just submitters.
Marcan has mastered the performative newspeak here, he's just trying to protect Asahi developers from all you unreasonable jerks who want to know who to thank for their working GPU driver: https://github.com/AsahiLinux/AsahiLinux.github.io/commit/5175aff478a985e721bff53a2bec7578f06e0b85
The best part is when he suggests forcing his HN block on Asahi Linux users too by default
Eventually a meta thread is posted to Orange Site all about the drama but was jannied before I got to it () https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36230649
Maybe Lina is Marcan. If you wanna go full schizo, maybe Lina is Byuu . Honestly I don't really care either way because the important part is that it makes Marcan throw a huge tantrum to even speculate about this, which means it should be asked as innocently but as often as possible lol
- Holly_Jolly_Kong : Best post this week.
- SerUlrichVonLichtenstein : Wtf its Handmade Hero guy poggers
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Some background
When they're not busy designing pride flags the folx at Microsoft spend their time coding shitty software. Among these is the new Windows Terminal.
Casey Muratori is a programmer who, despite never releasing anything, clearly considers himself to be some kind of genius.
With that out of the way, here's the drama:
Frustrated with the slowness of Windows Terminal when printing colors, Casey submits a github issue. He even develops a benchmark application to accurately measure the speed.
After a bit of back and forth Casey starts to becomes frustrated:
Am I missing something? Why is all this stuff with "runs of characters" happening at all? Why would you ever need to separate the background from the foreground for performance reasons? It really seems like most of the code in the parser/renderer part of the terminal is unnecessary and just slows things down. What this code needs to do is extremely simple and it seems like it has been massively overcomplicated.
He receives this legendary response:
I believe what you’re doing is describing something that might be considered an entire doctoral research project in performant terminal emulation as “extremely simple” somewhat combatively. I am not aware of the body of work around performant GPU terminal emulation
Casey gets angry:
When we're at the stage when something that can be implemented in a weekend is described as "a doctoral research project", and then I am accused of "impugning the reader" for describing something as simple that is extremely simple, we're done. Consider the bug report closed.
After which a different Microsoft employee goes in on him:
You were overly confident in your opinion, but I hope [what I linked] helps you understand that it's actually really darn hard.
Basically the whole team agrees that what is being asked of them is extremely difficult. While Casey is insistent that it's trivially simple.
So who is right? A team of senior engineers in a trillion dollar company or a reclusive game dev?
Casey tweets the following:
I take back literally everything I said about Microsoft taking an interest in fixing their terminal.https://t.co/K9ojvy1liX
— Casey Muratori (@cmuratori) June 17, 2021
And, over the following weekend, he implements from scratch a terminal that works in the way he proposed. It's ~100x faster than Windows Terminal:
(video timestamped to the part with the pretty colors, although the rest is fun too)
Twitter thread with some juicy questions from the audiance
Then this happens:
Afterward, the same dev [lhecker] also used a fake name to hang out on our groomercord and talk about Windows Terminal without telling anyone who he was. I figured it out and confronted them, and they failed to see anything wrong with that behavior. It's a really special team they have there.
— Casey Muratori (@cmuratori) May 6, 2022
Over the following months, there is an embarrassed silence from the Microsoft team. Eventually they release a blogpost basically admitting they were wrong, but don't mention Casey by name. Note that the person making the post is the one who snuck into Casey's groomercord.
Casey tweets:
When I tell the Windows Terminal team something is simple, I am "misguided", being "somewhat combative" and am "impugning the reader". But a year later when they call the exact same thing "trivial", that is just, you know, them writing a blog post:https://t.co/AXrgZjvUPT pic.twitter.com/UTDrD9s0o6
— Casey Muratori (@cmuratori) May 6, 2022
And finally one of them makes a post on Hacker News seething about the whole thing. Quotes:
We get it, Microsoft sucks, we should all be fired, rah rah rah.-
Casey, I'm sorry. We made a mistake. I made a mistake! We didn't know what we didn't know, and thought we were clever enough to pass for it.-
I just don't know what else he's asking for here. Credit? Us to die screaming? The blog post is matter-of-fact, and Casey is right: however, he said himself that it was trivial to do this. Is it not acceptable that we use the same language?
Truly a new low for Microsoft.
Want more nerd drama? See the previous post in this series.
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In case you are wondering what I'm talking about
TL;DR: Moonchild is DMCAing numerous Pale Moon forks for alledged copyright violations, due to him getting bussyblasted over the Male Poon name and logo.
Part 1
Not long after Mypal shut down, in case you don't know, a new fork named Male Poon came out from a based individual named ManchildProductions, which led to this sneedfest from tobin.. Unfortunately, Moonchild and his furstrag self couldn't handle the project being up, files a bullshit DMCA against Male Poon, and gets it taken down . (archive of the github repo )
The good news? There are mirrors off Github, so the browser stays for now
/g/ thread where ManchildProductions discusses where to move his beloved project (archive here)
Part 2
Numerous people forked the Male Poon project, and you know what Moonchild and his pathetic manchild army did? You guessed it, HE FILED DMCAS AGAINST EVERYONE WHO FORKED MALE POON ON GITHUB
The same individual (the one in the twitter link) forked Male Poon and renamed it Orbit Navigator with the specified purpose of making Tobin sneed. No sneed post from Tobin that I could find yet, but will update if there is one.
/g/entoomen discussing the DMCAs
Unrelated to the Male Poon Drama, Tobin also filed a DMCA against roytam1's Binary Outcast fork (fork is still up as of today) due to commits that were allegedly stolen according to this thread.
Correction: looks like the commits were taken down but the browser remains (all commits liked in the dmca 404)
KiwiFarms thread where I obtained most of the info provided
In case anyone wants to try out Male Poon, you can download binaries here
LMFAO this is an extremely long effortpost.
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Note: Since this already had KiwiFarms and Reddit posts, only the highlights will be posted here, with brief explanations provided (this is a terrible write-up, I know)
TL;DR: Two neurodivergent developers get into a spergout over some ukrainians Windows XP fork, states that it violates Mozzarella Public License 5.1, shuts the entire thing down.
In case anyone is wondering what Pale Moon is, it originally was a Firef*x fork developed by Moonchild Productions, which is now based off Firef*x before version 29, in which there was some past drama with the developers in the past
Now, enter Matt A. Torbin. He is the guy having a spergout over the Pale Moon Fork. He literally has at least twice called them terrorists, and criminals in the past. As you can tell, he really doesn't like them
Let's start with the first issue:
At the time, the developer of the Pale Moon fork (Mypal), Fedor2, in 2019, allegedly did not have the source code form set up right in the repo.. The problem was, since he grew in a post-Soviet shithole, specifically Ukraine, he did not fully understand how FOSS licenses work, due to how intellectual property is handled in that region. He also cannot speak proper English. Eventually, all was said and done, and Torbin seemed satisfied.
Ohhh, but it doesn't stop there. He is where Matt REALLY SPERGS OUT over him
Not only does Pale Moon exist, so does Baslisk, which is, you guessed it, yet another Firef*x fork done by MoonChild Productions, this time, Firef*x 52. Fedor2 also forks it, calling it Centuary, and this really gets the fatass riled up, this time proclaiming that he is in violation of MPL Section 5.1.
Not only does the drama continue, but now not only Fedor2 and Matt get into an argument over the license,, but now MoonChild gets involved.
Even more WORDS WORDS WORDS from Matt
Oh, and Fedor2 gives instructions, which really send Matt into a masssive spergout
Here is another Pale Moon developer bringing the issue up
Anyway, in the very end, Fedor2 proceeds to close the repo up, stating someone else will need to take over the project
MSFN user mourns over its death
MoonChild tries to clarify, but people are still confused
Oh and supposedly, Moonchild and Torbin not only want the repo deleted, but everything destroyed, although Moonchild denies the case, accusing others of pulling an agenda to attack them.
Edit: LOL
Now playing: Fear Factory (DKC).mp3