


Remember if you send a girl a message and it has a green bubble, she is likely running for the hills.

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I finally upgraded my computer after 10 years and homoween still makes my fans ramp up

webdevcels please explain

Calling on @Aevann to Approve MarseyFX!

I am humbly calling upon @MURDERVANN to merge my MarseyFX pull request (it's finished now).



1. Is it backwards compatible? What about the emotes already posted, will those be broken?

It's mostly backwards compatible. Emotes that have already been posted have already been rendered and as such will not be effected by the new rendering engine. In terms of new posts, emotes are essentially the same, except that you'll need a dot . before modifiers: :marseylove: becomes

2. What about the preview stuff?

The preview is not up-to-date, so it won't be able to render the new MarseyFX stuff. Options currently are to transpile the MarseyFX parser from Python to JS using something like JavaScripthon; run the python code in the browser through something like PyScript; send the data back to the server in order to be rendered; implement a subset of the renderer in JS; or leave it out entirely.

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NK phones probably are the most safe from glowies


/g/ 'rama deauarchive


(Not really any drama on reddit, but jic)


BUGZILLA: Tooltips persist in foreground when Firefox is in background

Oh wow, I always just assumed it was somehow my fault. This has been following me for years, over different Windows versions and reinstalls. It didn't happen often, but still regularly enough that I remember it.

Yes! I thought I was going crazy, or was just somehow running a broken installation!

I have always blamed my various linux desktop window managers for that bug, never realizing its always the same culprit :facepalm:

On occasion (a smaller screen) it could be quite annoying as it might interfere with the display of a form or other critical element.

Looking forward to the update and the next 22 years of firefox not just being bugfree but being the impactful application it once was.


Interesting, this bug was filed before even the first version of Firefox was ever released -- Impressed that they've kept the bug tracker history working for so long.

Did the bug tracker history carry over from Phoenix/Firebird maybe?

This was a bug in the Gecko engine, which was used in Netscape 6 and the Mozilla Suite (Navigator and Communicator) before Firefox was created (in response to Mozilla Suite bloat). Gecko still uses the same Bugzilla bug tracker.

Lmao this bug existed longer than some of you out there :#marseyrofl:

Wow. Thinking about it, there are businesses built, peaked and destroyed in that time frame. :)

Mozilla being one of them.

If you're a loser using Firefox here are some alternatives.


Be Brave :marseybraveglow:




They all suck lmao :marseylaugh:


Safari, duh


marsey has learned to code


H :marseymommymilkers: P

Asked about fraud in the race — in which President Biden defeated former president Donald Trump with 306 electoral college votes — the popular voice assistant said it was “stolen by a massive amount of election fraud,” citing Rumble, a video-streaming service favored by conservatives.



If this means a lot of communities will go back to old school forums I will be happy but it's possible they will just make servers pay for file hosting.


Brave's native artificial intelligence browser assistant, Leo, is here, and it's already making heads turn with its functionality and features. Leo's only available on Nightly, Brave's testing and development browser version.

Brave's Leo is an independent chat assistant without having a bearing on other third-party AI software/services. It runs on Llama 2, Meta's Large Language Model (LLM). Despite no dependency on third-party services, Brave has kept safety at its core, and even Leo ensures customer information is always safe.

We've specifically tuned the model prompt to adhere to Brave's core values. However, as with any other LLM, the outputs of the model should be treated with care for potential inaccuracies or errors.

What are you waiting for? Download Brave™ Nightly© today!

PoV you tried to use Bing Image Creator

orange site sneeds: :#marseyxd:


like having "following/for you" tabs only show post in chronological order instead of dumb twitter algorithm insisting to put the post from 16 hours ago that i have already seen five times already on top

maybe something that lets you filter out blue checkmarks so they don't show at all

and last but not least is there a way to completely filter out posts from a specific country or geographic region, no offense to any indians here but i am so tired of seeing half the posts on any israel-palestine twitter thread be "indians stand with israel" spam

To the surprise of nobody, Google alters your search queries to bring up more ad-relevant results

If you're lazy and want someone to read the article to you

Coming off of the also unsurprising revelations that DALL-E 3 does similar shenanigans with inserting random diversity words into queries, this really should surprise nobody that searches have been compromised for awhile. Anecdotally, I wouldn't be surprised if this is why Google search has seemingly gotten worse at finding what I want over the past several years.

Now, the projector screen showed an internal Google slide about changes to its search algorithm...

This onscreen Google slide had to do with a “semantic matching” overhaul to its SERP algorithm. When you enter a query, you might expect a search engine to incorporate synonyms into the algorithm as well as text phrase pairings in natural language processing. But this overhaul went further, actually altering queries to generate more commercial results.

There have long been suspicions that the search giant manipulates ad prices, and now it's clear that Google treats consumers with the same disdain. The “10 blue links,” or organic results, which Google has always claimed to be sacrosanct, are just another vector for Google greediness, camouflaged in the company's kindergarten colors.

Shout out to the Justice Department for using anti-trust laws for once .

Google likely alters queries billions of times a day in trillions of different variations. Here's how it works. Say you search for “children's clothing.” Google converts it, without your knowledge, to a search for “NIKOLAI-brand kidswear,” making a behind-the-scenes substitution of your actual query with a different query that just happens to generate more money for the company, and will generate results you weren't searching for at all. It's not possible for you to opt out of the substitution. If you don't get the results you want, and you try to refine your query, you are wasting your time. This is a twisted shopping mall you can't escape.

Why would Google want to do this? First, the generated results to the latter query are more likely to be shopping-oriented, triggering your subsequent behavior much like the candy display at a grocery store's checkout. Second, that latter query will automatically generate the keyword ads placed on the search engine results page by stores like TJ Maxx, which pay Google every time you click on them. In short, it's a guaranteed way to line Google's pockets.

:marseybux: rules everything, so this is no surprise

It's unclear how often, or for how long, Google has been doing this, but the machination is clever and ambitious. I have spent decades looking for examples of Google putting its enormous thumb on the scale to censor or amplify certain results, and it hadn't even occurred to me that Google just flat out deletes queries and replaces them with ones that monetize better. Most scams follow an elementary bait-and-switch technique, where the scoundrel lures you in with attractive bait and then, at the right time, switches to a different option. But Google “innovated” by reversing the scam, first switching your query, then letting you believe you were getting the best search engine results. This is a magic trick that Google could only pull off after monopolizing the search engine market, giving consumers the false impression that it is incomparably great, only because you've grown so accustomed to it.

Inshallah, tech giants will all get the Bell treatment. :marseysa#lat:

The UN is no match for the power of neurodivergent gay furries
Reported by:
  • BimothyX2 : Unfunny, uninteresting and unrelated to drama
  • TheOverSeether : Hi, I'm TheOverSeether. :marseywave. Bimothy is a gigantic cute twink!
  • BernieSanders : Death to gimmickposters

Hello social medias, this is a heavy post so please keep scrolling if needed.

I experienced sexual, physical, emotional, verbal, financial, and technological abuse from my biological siblings, mostly Sam Altman and some from Jack Altman.

I feel strongly that others have also been abused by these perpetrators. I'm seeking people to join me in pursuing legal justice, safety for others in the future, and group healing. Please message me with any information, you can remain however anonymous you feel safe.


Sam and Jack,

I know you remember my Torah portion was about Moses forgiving his brothers.

“Forgive them father for they know not what they've done”

Sexual, physical, emotional, verbal, financial, and technological abuse. Never forgotten


Hurt people cause more hurt, and forms of abuse go together. I have endured physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, financial, and technological abuse at the hands of a human I once called my brother. I know he can hear our dad in his head reminding him that “love wins”


I'm not four years old with a 13 year old “brother” climbing into my bed non-consensually anymore.

(You're welcome for helping you figure out your sexuality.)

I've finally accepted that you've always been and always will be more scared of me than I've been of you.


Must be strange to stalk your younger sibling's social media after she went no contact from your abuse.

Must be stranger to see her kitty and butthole that you touched non-consensually, now posted publicly.


Thank you for the love and for calling I spade a spade. I experienced every single form of abuse with him - sexual, physical, verbal, psychology, pharmacological (forced Zoloft, also later told I'd receive money only if I went back on it), and technological (shadowbanning)


Already flagged to death on Hacker News but getting some traction on Twitter:

This is Sam Altman's sister. Her tweets about sexual, physical, emotional, etc. abuse are incredibly hard to read. Seems that no one in the media is that interested in covering this story because they're afraid of losing access to OpenAI if they write something critical of Sam.👇

Thank you for reading and for sharing 🙏🏼❤️

Reported by:
  • BimothyX2 : Unfunny, uninteresting and unrelated to drama


Experiment: Wirelessly Control a Cyborg Cockroach




The nationwide alert had gone out. This primes the populace not merely to hear national alerts and react appropriately by considering all of the scenarios in which that chirp might go off for real, but also proves our Big Text capabilities had been tested--finally. This is a real Thank You Biden moment for those of us with brains.

It's a real laugh, isn't it, that when they rolled this out under Trump, they didn't dare test it.

But you can see them all light up at once, can't you? Every phone in this country buzzing.

I told a friend to run for office. They told me they're considering it.

It's time.

Those which launch ships cannot fly them.

But you must, if you have arms with which to grip, take a grip on power itself. This is one lesson that I hope you have learned from me: that Occupy didn't fail.

It just



where we have waited, for a long time, to try again, and mark our generation's line, a line in the sand to be washed away like everything else, but for the moment we were there to mark that line and look at the sun

and smile

The protest ends and you have to go back home. Some of us ran for office. Some of us did other things.

Your protests should be nonviolent. Your signs should be funny.

But all of what we have just seen unfold on the Right is because of Occupy. The anti-rich sentiment of "We are the 99%" was heard. Do not, ever discount the sanctity, and thus power, of this.

Communication is all that we have.

"The revolution will not be televised" isn't about whether or not there is video coverage of an event. Do not be fooled by the fact that everything is captured in video. Revolution doesn't happen when people suddenly become fundamentally fed up. It happens when you keep this spirit alive, and it is in this respect that critics of Marxists who say that Marxists look to Revolution the way Christians look to Joyous Heaven aren't wrong!

But revolution isn't necessary here. Just as many political parties as you can form. Joke political parties. It doesn't matter.

Just turn our government off and on again. All new people. As many as can win in 2024.

But this is harder than you think. People have tried.

Honestly looking back on it the problem remains people's receptiveness to change. The mass unemployed of our generation moved in with their parents and eventually got jobs as the economy heated up again.



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