:marseylibations: Omegle shut down, for real. :marseyitsover:

Apparently this lawsuit was the breaking point.

Foid decided 10 years later to sue the site that allowed her and her abuser to meet. Not sure how omegle is responsible for the actions of the abuser. However, it doesn't matter because it seems omegle doesn't have the means to fight the battle and decided to close shop. RIP.

Here's an excerpt from the founder's final thoughts. This hit me pretty hard and kinda sums up the noticeable decline of the internet.

I worry that, unless the tide turns soon, the Internet I fell in love with may cease to exist, and in its place, we will have something closer to a souped-up version of TV – focused largely on passive consumption, with much less opportunity for active participation and genuine human connection.

Reported by:
  • Snape : windows is as r-slur friendly as it gets, if you're too r-slurred to use it then keep yourself safe r-slur
  • 89wc : majority of mods to #makewindowsgreatagain actually involve reintroducing XP behavior lol
  • SPRINGWRWR : Bing isn't that bad!
Dramatards discuss
Reddit had layoffs today. Smug data scientists take an L. They didn't even get a severance LM-frickin-AO

Blind thread:

God I hate Reddit, but if we have any jannies on that powerjanny call tomorrow, maybe bring this up!

No severance lmao

They had layoffs in January. Wish I had known so I could gloat about that one too.

Left Twitter bcuz of mean ol' Musk just to get the wingcuck layoff with no severance.

Booohooo muh third-party app devs have to pay now booohooo

My feelings exactly.

daily reminder

no im not ignoring ur DM, i just didnt read it yet :marseycry:

NYC creates AI chatbot to help people understand NY law and it immediately starts telling people to break the law

Great thread from Kathryn Tewson about how rslurred this thing is

Based AI telling employer to take worker's tips lmao

Reported by:
  • care_nlm : imagine owning anything that connects to the internet, what a fricking loser
Amazon shuts down smarthome for chuddy doorbell

When I connected with the executive, they asked if I knew why my account had been locked. When I answered I was unsure, their tone turned somewhat accusatory. I was told that the driver who had delivered my package reported receiving racist remarks from my “Ring doorbell” (it’s actually a Eufy, but I’ll let it slide).

I reviewed the footage and confirmed that no such comments had been made. Instead, the Eufy doorbell had issued an automated response: “Excuse me, can I help you?” The driver, who was walking away and wearing headphones, must have misinterpreted the message. Nevertheless, by the following day, my Amazon account was locked, and all my Echo devices were logged out.


Google and Chinese AI companies watching this unfold like :marseyoperasmug: :marseygossipsmug: :marseymeangirls:

:marseyhappening: UPDATES :marseyhappening:

:marseyautism: I think this means something

The Chief Strategy Officer told employees they are confident about bringing everyone back and will have an update tomorrow

Ilya about to be stebbed?

Nice to know that even rich tech dorks tweet like high schoolers :marseyzoomerimplosion:

Nigel Farage has his bank account closed without explanation

Remember this guy?

This is the guy who was photoed with Trump and mostly responsible for Brexit, much to the dismay of some europhiles:

Anyway, Nigel reeing here:

Some key quotes include

'This is serious political persecution at the very highest level of our system. If they can do it to me, they can do it to you too.'

Speaking of the importance of having a bank account, he added: 'You effectively become a non-person, you don't actually exist.

'It's like the worse regimes of the mid-20th century, be they in Russia or Germany, you literally become a non-person.

'I won't be able to have a debit card linked directly to my account. I won't really be able to exist or function in a modern 21st century Britain.'

Story here

He suspects he was cancelled as revenge for spearheading Brexit and has tried to open up 7 other bank accounts in the UK, but they all refuse. Being cancelled online is one thing. Not being able to open a bank account to exchange money is quite the next level. He's saying how stressful it's been and that he might have to move from the UK. He even claims his closest family members have had their bank accounts closed too.

Maybe commie China has come sooner than I anticipated.


There is a tiny ray of hope. No. 10 (the government) are looking into the matter and have given a warning to the banks over being too trigger happy when shutting accounts down.


source for that is, which I cannot bypass the paywall on :marseyshrug:

Reported by:

It's not often (read: ever) that I get to post about drama from my country, but this one is hot off the press and I think you guys might find interesting.

Full info is in the nitter thread, but here's a quick rundown:


Eduards Sizovs is some bloke that organizes and runs several international tech conferences, of those the two that are important to this are DevTernity and JDkon, though there are others

Apparently the organizers of these events do not accept applications from potential speakers, but instead reach out to people they are interested in, thus creating this more of a closed group of speakers.

Well, now as it turns out, there are fake speakers that are signed and advertised at these conferences (and have been in the past). In reality, they are merely fake online personas created by Eduards, and have never actually appeared at any of his events. Currently 4 such personas have been identified, all of them being women.

Here's Alina Prokhoda, a speaker at the upcoming DevTernity conference with prior experience at WhatsApp and Microsoft MVP who has been identified as a non-existent person who has never worked for those companies:

And here's Anna Boyko, with the same issues

Besides these there's also Julia Kirsina who worked as Uber's software Architect in Estonia, despite Uber not even having such division in that country, and there's also Natalie Standler who (didn't) work at coinbase.

Eduards has pushed back against the notion of him creating fake speakers by saying that a single fake was added by accident, but was quickly proven wrong when it was shown that these 4 fine ladies have been signed up to his conferences on 5 different occasions in total, and yet have given 0 speeches, without anyone ever seeing them in person.

This caused the organizer to go into full damage control mode as other, actually real speakers started pulling out of the conference after being informed of the controversy

But how could this happen? Surely someone would've noticed that these people don't exist?

Well, as it turns out, while the people themselves are fake, they have a very real online presence- we're talking several different social media accounts with over 100k followers, actively posting motivational quotes about girls who code, all while hiding behind what are likely AI-generated pictures of women. In short, Eduards has been quite successfully running several catfish accounts pretending to be women :marseyxd:

Even Kiwifarms' LFJ gave her opinion on the matter, which is a complete :marseyschizowave: moment which just shows that fricking everything and everyone is connected :marseyschizowall:

So now for the big question: why would he do it?

Well, the guy who broke this story speculates that the reason behind why every fake persona is a woman is that Eduards, the organizer, has been trying to up his DEI compliance to attract bigger fish to his conferences by making them seem more inclusive than they really are, and probably to get some gibs/shoutouts from the organizations that promote such nonsense in the first place. Oh, and of course to milk attendees who pay... up to 800$ to attend? WTF people? :marseywtf2:

Well, now he's been caught and his entire life's work will likely go down the drain. Sucks to suck :marseyshrug:

So what's your opinion? Is the dude based for duping r-slurs, or is he an r-slur himself for thinking no one would find out?

I would like to apologize if this is a bit clumsily written because I'm a bit out of my comfort zone here trying to write about shit I have no understanding of off twitter, but I wanted to do it quickly so none of you strags manage to snitch it first

Gemini is emblematic of why Google products suck now

There's clearly an attitude of "we know what you want better than you" at google right now that can be seen by the ridiculous shit coming out of Gemini. This is why their search has been getting so bad. They make a lot of assumptions of what you want, where it used to just give you what you were asking for


To recap on the start of this drama, it all started with me finding a lemmy moment - a chomo instance being promoted as a popular lemmy instance

Eventually, Aevann pinned the post and carp made his own post about the chomo instance

This became the perfect time for the perfect gayop - call lemmy out and see how the lemmings will react (it wasn't all roses, a couple of lemmings thought it was a LGBT harassment campaign, but one did end up changing their mind)

It started with the RedditAlternatives post

Eventually, knowing that will go nowhere in two weeks, I ended up making 3 posts about this and called out the lemmy devs for allowing this instance to be promoted (contains dev response) (LW admin inside) (:marseysal: this post went nowhere)

But how would it end? Would the admin double down? Would they do nothing? Or would they remove it?

Turns out they did indeed remove it in a pull request at everyone's surprise in a win-win-win scenario

Another dramanaut p-do hunting mission accomplished :marseybush:

Funny how this user banned for trolling on multiple instances ended up successfully convincing lemmy devs to remove and defederate from this instance, and not get outed by anyone. :marseysmug:



Reported by:
  • care_nlm : Windows > Mac tho :marseygossip: (both < to :marseypenguin: )
  • melgibsonsDUI : Windows is for when you're both poor (not using Mac) /and/ r-slurred (not using Linux)
How do we make Windows worse? :marseythonk:

Microsoft wants to move Windows fully to the cloud

Microsoft has been increasingly moving Windows to the cloud on the commercial side with Windows 365, but the software giant also wants to do the same for consumers. In an internal “state of the business” Microsoft presentation from June 2022, Microsoft discuses building on “Windows 365 to enable a full Windows operating system streamed from the cloud to any device.”

The presentation has been revealed as part of the ongoing FTC v. Microsoft hearing, as it includes Microsoft’s overall gaming strategy and how that relates to other parts of the company’s businesses. Moving “Windows 11 increasingly to the cloud” is identified as a long-term opportunity in Microsoft’s “Modern Life” consumer space, including using “the power of the cloud and client to enable improved AI-powered services and full roaming of people’s digital experience.”

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