:chudsmug: TLPD :chudjakbaldspin:
AHAHA Mental Outlaw fans



I was seriously looking thinking what will he do with battery :platyeyes:

Gee-Nome (aka GNOME), original song 🥲🎸 [DEMO] :pepewtf: :marseycringe:

I've been reading some Effective Altruist writings and learned that even if AI had moral goals it could be very dangerous :marseyscared:.

Like imagine an AI whos goal was to maximize the number of mosquito nets given to Africa, sounds great right? :marseyhappy2:

NO! Because the AI would be willing to do anything in order to achieve it's goals it might do something like commit one of the largest acts of fraud in history to get the money for more mosquito nets! :marseyshock:

Hmm... what does this remind me of? :marseylaugh:

Airpods 2nd gen and Windows 11 volume issues

This is a bit niche but nobody else on the (publicly indexed non-groomercord) internet has asked about it so might as well ask the tards here. I use a pair of 2nd gen airpods (third set I've purchased, they fit my ears better than any of the other ones) and they have some kind of super annoying artificial volume limitation on windows 11. They're about 1/2 as loud as they should be at max win11 system and max application volume vs my iphone. I can get around this with amp software gain boosters but this obviously adds lots of distortion. Has anyone else encountered this or found a solution?


PS5 supports 20gbs through its thunderbolt. And internal there is 4tb limit so Sony deliberately made those limits to sell ps5 pro

Will test if regular ps4 games plays on it faster than regular 2,5 external ssd and hdd.

rDrama Advent of Code Day 13: Unlucky Edition

Summary for those just joining us:

Advent of Code is an annual Christmas themed coding challenge that runs from December 1st until christmas. Each day the coding problems get progressively harder. We have a leaderboard and pretty good turnout, so feel free to hop in at any time and show your stuff!

Whether you have a single line monstrosity or a beautiful phone book sized stack of OOP code, you can export it in a nice little image for sharing at

What did you think about today's problem?

Our Code is 2416137-393b284c (No need to share your profile, you have the option to join anonymously if you don't want us to see your github)

I Work at Micro C - 1985 (Money for Nothing Spoof)
Historic Tale Construction Kit - Bayeux





I'd gone in thinking I was going to grab a 3060 TI (currently 300) or a 6750 XT (currently 400) and but now I'm not so sure.


Stemcel life seems insufferable





The nationwide alert had gone out. This primes the populace not merely to hear national alerts and react appropriately by considering all of the scenarios in which that chirp might go off for real, but also proves our Big Text capabilities had been tested--finally. This is a real Thank You Biden moment for those of us with brains.

It's a real laugh, isn't it, that when they rolled this out under Trump, they didn't dare test it.

But you can see them all light up at once, can't you? Every phone in this country buzzing.

I told a friend to run for office. They told me they're considering it.

It's time.

Those which launch ships cannot fly them.

But you must, if you have arms with which to grip, take a grip on power itself. This is one lesson that I hope you have learned from me: that Occupy didn't fail.

It just



where we have waited, for a long time, to try again, and mark our generation's line, a line in the sand to be washed away like everything else, but for the moment we were there to mark that line and look at the sun

and smile

The protest ends and you have to go back home. Some of us ran for office. Some of us did other things.

Your protests should be nonviolent. Your signs should be funny.

But all of what we have just seen unfold on the Right is because of Occupy. The anti-rich sentiment of "We are the 99%" was heard. Do not, ever discount the sanctity, and thus power, of this.

Communication is all that we have.

"The revolution will not be televised" isn't about whether or not there is video coverage of an event. Do not be fooled by the fact that everything is captured in video. Revolution doesn't happen when people suddenly become fundamentally fed up. It happens when you keep this spirit alive, and it is in this respect that critics of Marxists who say that Marxists look to Revolution the way Christians look to Joyous Heaven aren't wrong!

But revolution isn't necessary here. Just as many political parties as you can form. Joke political parties. It doesn't matter.

Just turn our government off and on again. All new people. As many as can win in 2024.

But this is harder than you think. People have tried.

Honestly looking back on it the problem remains people's receptiveness to change. The mass unemployed of our generation moved in with their parents and eventually got jobs as the economy heated up again.




His parents are destroying his life. At 13 I was very different person than when I was 18. They should better spend money fixing his nose than a game nobody really needs


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Is there a leaderboard for rdrama?


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