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Rare marsey


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Just scroll to the bottom of the Marsey page and you'll see all the Marseys that have never been posted. Such as this one.


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Rare marsey


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oh there's the hero you guys traded the arms dealer for

:#marseysaluteusa: :#marseylibertyfireworks: :#marseyusa:

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:#marseypatriot: :#marseydunce:

Uncle Sam takes care of all of his citizens. Even the terminally r-slurred. Go liberty, go freedumb, and go America! :marseyusa:

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kek the funny thing is that I watched Bridge of Spies probably 2 weeks ago and the burgers managed to cuck both East Germany and Russia into doing a 2 for 1 prisoner trade :marseyxd:

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Do they do a T test for Olympic basketball teams? Maybe she's like Caster Semenya,

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Just listen to Queen Brittney, she could 100% destroy your scrote butt in a fight :marseydicklet: https://youtube.com/watch?v=FqQfosCkeI8&ab_channel=ESPN

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Gotta start letting :marseyliathomas: play if you want to see more dunking

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Hmm I just had a thought: why do trans athletes limit themselves to one sport? Lia Thomas should start wrestling and playing basketball

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:marseyhmm: maybe it really does require skill

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Sure, a very basic level of skill.

Moids in their field are beating Foids in their field with a decade less experience and that's in the lower end of physicality of sport.

It wouldn't take all that much effort for an enterprising neo-foid to double up.

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We're talking about troids tho.

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Yeah that's what I said.

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Troids like lia thomas were very experienced in their field, people were mad they went from rank 60 to rank 1 or smth. Couldn't jump to a random field an get anywhere at all.

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Not instantly of course. You'd need a few days training first.

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how has no dude who wasn't good enough to play professionally claim to be a foid and dominate foid basketball

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Not even trains care about the WNBA. :marseysmug2:

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Can probably get paid more at McDonalds

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I wouldn't want to play against these shebeasts


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Reported by:

If you are over 6’2 you probably realize transitioning is impossible

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I literally saw a 6'3 ogre :marseytrain: last night at the bar. They are nowhere near that self-aware.

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Yeah had a giant 6'4" one ring me up at Nordstroms the other day. Wore a giant fask mask as if people couldn't tell if they hid their face.

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Imagine being in the 99th percentile of male height and doing that to yourself

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The important thing is we all take it very very seriously

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tectonic rumbling

I T ' S

M A ' A M

:#marseydarkpizzashill: The Democratic RethugliKKKan Party will collapse by 2030. :#marseydarkpizzashill:

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I saw a 6'3 one in tall heels rofl

:#marseydarkpizzashill: The Democratic RethugliKKKan Party will collapse by 2030. :#marseydarkpizzashill:

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 03 hours 16 minutes and 33 seconds

Record is 1 days 03 hours 34 minutes and 29 seconds by Shreddedmanlet

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was AuntyAbortion which was 0 days 12 hours 10 minutes and 50 seconds

███████                   13 12-05
███████                  14 12-06
██████████████████       36 12-07
██████                    11 12-08
██████████               20 12-09
████████████████████████ 48 12-10
█████                    10 12-11

Best friend is aminobastard with 27 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 212.924 µBardyhertz with 1449 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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Griner story revealed that most of the money in female basketball is from Russian oligarchs so :!marseytrain:s probs not allowed.

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you aren't considering the endorsement opportunities the :marseytrain2: would get in weimerica

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There was a documentary about this

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juwanna mann was a comedy film, not a documentary

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I literally had a classmate like 6-7 years ago discover the WNBA say we should all put on wigs and dominate it for easy money. This was before any of the prominent train athletes. I think about him every time I hear about women's sports.

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every time I hear about women's sports

Once every few years? :marseysmug2:

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Yea up until recently lol. The US soccer team won something big a few years ago and the weed chick now. Maybe more if you count MMA/UFC and maybe Tennis. But for the most part no1 cares. Of course now there are trains which bring a lot of attention to themselves.

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one of the foids (male) in the video literally did that?


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This makes me feel better about trading Grimer, she's Gretzky compared to the others.

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Just lower the fricking net you r-slurred foids

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12 men have walked on the moon

7 women have dunked in the WNBA

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I thought surely it's a joke but no, there are actually only 7 women who have ever landed a dunk in a WNBA game, holy shit.


>The average WNBA player is only 5’9’’

Fricking unreal lmao :marseylaugh:

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I really like how it's mostly just Griner barely 1 handing one in with both teams standing around and the announcers trying to hype it up

So excited to see a WNBA game in person purely because the last place in our fantasy football league has to go superfan mode at one while we get drunk and laugh at them and the 20 people in attendance

I'll try to video it if there's a dunk! :marseydunkon:

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the last place in our fantasy football league has to go superfan mode at one



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The BG intersex theory is interesting. She for sure has a vagina w balls. Also she didnt go the olympics when they were genetic testing but went to the olympics whej they werent..thats how that famous South African runner lady-man got banned for her hormones

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vagina w balls

well that's a new thing that I wish I hadn't image searched

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Why? So you can continue to live in ignorant bliss? Image search is a valuable tool that allows us to see things we normally wouldn't.

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do you like pictures of vaginas with balls beebs?

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This is an inappropriate question and I would prefer not to answer it.

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Most of these are layups wtf :#marseyxd:

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Griner is 6'9 how can she not dunk better?

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We couldn't let the Russians have that talent!

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Crazy the difference between men and women. Like eventhough she does dunk, she is also tall af and you can just see gravity weighing her down like "nahhh"... whereas I mean look at smaller NBA players like Allen Iverson etc. they just sort of float upwards into space.

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ugh why don't they make the exact same amount as the mens NBA players?! it's so sexist. :hmph:

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Unironically the best thing the WNBA could do is lower the hoop height and shorten the court some for the foids to make the matches play faster but no, instead the 10 fans in the audience have to sit through these snail paced games.

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This is longer than I would of thought :marsey:

I'd would of been funny if it was blank...

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why are so many of them standing around while she has the ball?

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It was the allstar game

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Lmao, 6'4" Mark Henry dunked on camera and he was 400 lbs at the time. How unathletic are foids really.

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don't they play with a lower goal basket too?

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Basketball is the third worst sport, after soccer and baseball. Imagine willingly participating in a non-contractual sport as a man, it defeats the entire purpose. Low t behavior. I have no problem with WNBA it is a woman's sport.

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