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Humanity has been faced with problems that are common to every generation since its inception. Acquiring enough food. Finding good shelter. Avoiding predators. Accumulating enough resources. Through it all the species has over time, with each iteration, gotten better at solving these problems. To the point where we can believe that these problems that have troubled us since the dawn of of species will come to an end within our lifetime. We are living in a world where the problems of tomorrow are going to be completely new while the problems of today are forgotten as part of a barbaric history not worth repeating.
For those who doubt this, one must remember that at one point in time ice used to be considered a luxury available only for the kings and wealthy classes of the world. Today, even the poorest person in a random village around the world will have access to ice for their drinks.
To give us a blueprint of problems that we are facing today that are to be eradicated within the century, we must first look at the 17 UN SDG goals as the starting point, to determine what the future world holds for us and how far we are humanity, all of us together, will move forward before the century ends. Let us now evaluate the likelihood of the success of SDG goals in place today.
SDG 1: Eradication of extreme poverty:
As of now, the eradication of poverty goal is far behind the set schedule. By 2030 more than 500 million people are still expected to be stuck in extreme poverty around the world. The good news however, is that the funding for getting rid of extreme poverty is global, so every time a million more people are removed from poverty, extra funds become available to remove the next million from poverty. In 2008 twice the number of people around the world were living in extreme poverty compared to the number stuck in extreme poverty today. Based on that trend line we can expect extreme poverty to be down to 300 million by 2040, then 150 million by 2056, 75 million by 2072, and 30 million by 2088. A trend rate easily stable enough to remove poverty altogether by the end of the century.
SDG 2 : End world hunger:
World hunger generally tends to trend along extreme poverty, as those who are very poor cannot afford good food. By 2030 there are expected to be 600 million people around the world living hungry. Which again is a number that can be solved by the end of the century.
SDG 3 : Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages :
This one has a real chance of not being solved by the end of the century.
SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all :
This goal is based on providing universal secondary education to all children across the world. By 2030 only 1 in 6 countries is expected to achieve this goal. Almost all nation states in the world have realized that investing in education gives returns in terms of GDP growth, so it is possible, not guaranteed, that the world may have universal secondary education by the end of the century. By 2030 84 million children are expected to be out of school, and even including the children who remain in school, 300 million children lack basic numerical/ literacy skills. Taking into account that education is a harder issue to deal with than removing extreme poverty or providing food access, the most likely outcome is that by the end of the century we will have universal primary school education around the world.
SDG 5 : Achieve Gender Equality :
It will fail.
SDG 6 : Clean water and sanitation for all :
Will succeed. Access to clean water is a national priority. It only requires the people handling the water distribution to be smart and it does not matter if everybody else is dumb or not. Nation states value water access. As water filtration technologies evolve over time, we can expect global water access to be achievable by the end of the century. As of now 2.2 billion people across the world lack safe drinking water. As Ocean water filtration technologies fully mature and rain water harvesting comes back in vogue, we can expect this number to go down to zero by the end of the century. It is a natural evolution of all societies to at some point have constant access to clean water.
SDG 7 : Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all :
675 million people around the world still do not have access to electricity. We can expect this number to reach zero by the end of the century due to how fast solar energy is spreading across the world, with its prices becoming ever cheaper to the point that even Sub - Saharan Africa may expect a boom in its availability by the end of the century.
SDG 8 : Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Won't happen. Will fail.
SDG 9 : Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Will happen by the end of the century as it will help with fighting global climate change which is an issue global powers are taking seriously. Industrialization of low income nation states will also help guarantee consistent global GDP growth over time. This goal will succeed due to how economically viable it is.
SDG 10 : Reduce inequality within and among countries :
Won't happen by the end of the century as he richest nation states continue to grow year on year meanwhile the middle income ones keep getting stuck here and there along the way.
SDG 11 : Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable :
Will not happen by the end of the century.
SDG 12 : Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns :
Will happen due to global focus on and top down push for a sustainable world.
SDG 13 : Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts :
Won't be a problem by the end of the century. Global depopulation will help.
SDG 14 : Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development :
Won't happen. Some places will always suffer from over-fishing.
SDG 15 : Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss :
Will succeed in terms of reforestation. Will fail when it comes to halting biodiversity loss.
SDG 16 : Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels :
Won't work.
SDG 17 : Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development :
Will work as it is tied to fighting climate change and developed nations are already interested in it being a global phenomenon.
None of the SDG goals will be achieved within their 2030 timeline. 33% of the SDG goals will never be reached even by the end of the century and 66% of them have a high chance of being solved by the end of the century, which puts humanity on a path unlike any that they have been on ever before. One without poverty, hunger, or water scarcity on any corner of the world. One where all children have access to primary school education and where no Low Development Nations exist as per today's standards.
The future will not be perfect, but it is guaranteed to be a whole lot better than what we have today.
Writing IQ : 136 ( Genius )
Voice level : 143 Hz ( Voicecel )
- whyareyou : fake news islam cannot be separated from politics ever its literally the point of the religion
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Today, the largest Islamic population in the world lives in Indonesia, practicing a form of Islam which is completely disconnected from the variants known to the western world. An Islam which is far more tolerant than the Islam found under Wahhabi Islam and most versions found around the middle east, the land that is the cradle of Islam as per the western world.
The most aggressive versions of Islam in the current day are to be found in Africa, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, even though just a decade ago the middle east gave birth to organizations such as the Islamic State and has Hamas and Hezbollah still active in the region.
The reason for this is quite unsurprising, the extremist elements of middle eastern Islam have been taking losses since 9/11 or quite possibly even earlier, not just from western operations, but from monarchs and government leaders that want their nation state to grow economically over time. While in the middle east the general populace at times might be in favor of the terrorist organizations that work against the west, the leaders of these governments hold power that does not reach to the people, allowing them to perform actions that might not be considered favorable to the public. This has at times resulted in events that the liberal west might find devastating such as the failure of the arab spring movement to democratize the middle east, but at the same time has also guaranteed that the divide exists between the people and their leaders in the west which makes them align towards where the money is to keep their positions of power, which is currently the west.
In Egypt we see an extreme hatred for the Islamic brotherhood, which ensures that the more extremist versions of Islam have no space to grow in the country. In Morocco we find ourselves faced with a strong western ally, more than willing to cooperate and maintain good ties. Algeria's relations with Europe have always been middling due to having to deal with France, but for the most part Algeria is ambivalent and very unlikely to do anything aggressive against the west at any point in the future. Tunisia and Libya and within the sphere of influence of the west. Thus the North African version of Islamist extremism has died out due to the regions alliances and long term experiences dealing with the west.
In the case of Saudi Arabia, which was famous for spreading Wahhabi Islam across the world, the leadership of the region has found itself in low level conflict with the theocracy, as the Monarchs know that a strengthening theocracy means a weakening Monarchy as the theocrats have a real possibility of turning on the Royal family. Saudi Arabia thus under the influence of the family ruling it, has focused on becoming more and more liberal over time, superseding conservative Islamic ideals in hopes of modernizing the state over time. Yemen on the other hand remains strongly conservative Islamic due to the invasion and destruction of Yemen leading to liberalization becoming an impossible ask of the people. Syria meanwhile continues to grow more stable over time, the wars within the region making it more difficult for extremist groups to spread outside of the country as they are too busy fighting within. Places like Oman, UAE, and Qatar are already in the western sphere of influence, making any anti-western attacks from the region extremely unlikely.
Finally, we look at Iran, the only real remaining Islamic rival state to the west. Iran has a population that is already against its theocratic organizations, and the Iranian elite have to actively shuffle their legs as slow as they can towards further liberalization of the region to placate the masses. The very extreme versions of Islam ruling the Iranian territories are those that are hated by the very people who live under it. This again makes it difficult for Iranian version of conservative Islam to survive into the future. Alongside this, in the case of Lebanon and Gaza, the Israeli people go out of their way to destroy the terrorist organizations within these regions root and stem.
It is in this manner that we can see that the more extreme versions of Islam are dying out across North Africa and the middle east. Which creates conditions under which practiced Islam becomes ever more akin to practiced Christianity over time, where it is more like a personal preference than a way of life being spread across the world. With the only characteristic differences left between the people at the end of the day being that one prays in one kind of building and another prays in another kind of building.
The liberalization of the middle eastern and North African Islamic order is pretty much guaranteed at this point in time due to the above mentioned factors. With the last remnants of extremist Islam having shifted to Taliban controlled Afghanistan, poor people with nothing else to hold on to Pakistan, and killing random villages of Christians Sub-Saharan Africa. At the end of the day, in the long term we can expect these regions to be placated as well over time. Pakistan through Chinese influence. Afghanistan through its constant failures at its most conservative forcing it to liberalize as slowly as humanly possible. It is likely that either Afghanistan or Sub Saharan Africa will remain the last bastion of Islamic religious extremism, with Afghanistan being the more likely contender as they had to fight a decades long war to hold on to their religious values which makes them feel like heroes trying to save their ways long after those ways have begun to fail them.
Pan Arab state will never happen as the region is too divided. Islam is going to continue to liberalize through the decades as syncing up with the west is the easiest way to make money and as more extreme variants of practiced political Islam continue to hold the state and its people back from a good life time and time again. Afghanistan will be the last extremist Islamic state in the world.
Writing IQ : 133 ( Genius )
Voice level : 134 Hz ( Voicecel )
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One of the key rules of US geopolitics is to never let an Eurasian empire successfully develop because it is the one entity that at some point in the future may be able to compete with the US. In this regard the US goes out of its way to hold the EU back from time to time, cause enough instability in the middle east to make it difficult for them to each reach the US, and keeps supporting the second biggest player in other regions of Asia whenever one nation is rising up above all the others around it.
Most people are unable to understand why the US keeps funding Israel and remains so focused on its defense even after so many decades and think its because the jews run the US, or because Israeli's give so much money to US politicians but even so it doesn't make up for the extreme levels of support Israel gets from the US. The actual reason for the US support of Israel in current year is far simpler than that. They understand that there will be no peace in the middle east as long as Israel remains a major power in the region, and that's a good thing. The only way for the rest of the middle east to develop with Israel as a major partner is if they align with the west such as how Saudi Arabia has done in recent decades. The existence of Israel has not only forced the middle east into a position of stagnation or western alignment, but has also forced the middle east into a permanent state of low intensity conflict which is not helpful to long term development.
Israel acts as the counterweight that stops another rival empire from ever developing in the middle east.
This is also why we see rising animosity towards Israel from Europe. While Europe and Israel are western allies, Europe no longer benefits from the existence of Israel in the middle east, as the continual destabilization of the region results in lower quality immigrants and refugees ending up in Europe from the middle east. European Union as a non-belligerent political entity has as one of its goals the need for Israel to give up any claims on Palestinian lands to further stabilize the region. Israel does not benefit from this due to the "to the death" mentality of extremist groups in Palestine and other parts of the middle east, but for Europe it is the only way forward as one of their self claimed targets is to stabilize the regions around them. To further spread the European peace.
Recently, Israel has ended up bombing the pagers and radios of Hezbollah in Lebanon. From around the world this has resulted in either condemnation or statements claiming non-participation in those actions. Russia has gone as far as to declare it a terrorist attack by Israel on Lebanon. While we can argue back and forth as to whether what Israel did was a very impressive secret intelligence win or a faux pas which will result in a full scale regional war, what cannot be denied is that Israel's actions today, whether justified or not, lead to further escalation of tensions in the region. Similar to escalation of tensions by the actions of HAMAS and Hezbollah. It is in this manner that the very existence of Israel and everything that comes with it in terms of regional interactions has resulted in the furtherance of tensions in the region for another generation at least.
In current times there are two possibilities for how things are going to play out in the middle east now. The first possibility being that Israel will perform enough impressive counter intelligence operations killing enemy targets that it will dissuade the entire region from further escalating conflict with Israel ( This doesn't generally happen ), or that tensions escalate further to full blown wars taking place in the middle east between Israel and the rest of the nation states in the middle east ( which again isn't very likely due to how the Iraq war turned out for Iraq and how many US ships are waiting by the coast for entities like Iran and Lebanon to invade Israel ). In this situation we can see that the US is what is stopping from full blown invasions against Israel breaking out in the region in current year.
We find ourselves in a situation where the rivals of Israel are still not in a position to invade Israel or to fight against Israel using their military, meanwhile Israel has on multiple occasions shown their capability to strike at its rival nations surgically within their own territory, killing whichever target they deem fit to kill. This continued to force the middle east into a position where terrorist organizations will continue to attack Israel and there will always be more individuals to fill in the ranks of these terrorist organizations as over time Israel will continue to successfully attack these territories as per their own convenience. Just as we can expect a long term anti-US mindset in Pakistan, and an anti-west mindset in Afghanistan, in the coming generations we are going to see a continued anti- west mindset from the Eastern half of the middle east, resulting in a multi-generational conflict that the eastern middle east simply cannot win.
We know the Eastern half of the middle east cannot win against the west because we have seen this dance play out multiple times already. The west has lifelong conflict with another nation state next door, the non-western nation state over generations suffers from slow economic attrition until over time they are too weak to function as a nation state against the west. At this point in time the rival nation state either starts working on fitting within the western world order by changing sides or it begins to collapse internally, resulting in the west taking over the region either way in the course of a generation or two.
The west is absolutely an expansionist empire, one need only look at the world map and the expanding influence of the west since WW2 to know that. Just because it moves slow enough for one generation to be unable to remember or track doesn't mean its not continuing to edge further East and South. Israel acts as one of its checkpoints from which further westernization of the world ( middle east ) is to take place, by forcing all middle eastern territories to make peace with Israel and thus the west.
Israel will never lose western support because it is the furthest western colony meant to ensure no empire rises successfully in the middle east and to make it easier to claim and further westernize all the territories of the middle east as far as those neighboring Israel.
Writing IQ : 119 ( High Intelligence )
Voice Level : 134 Hz ( Voicecel )
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Humanity in the 21st century has made the greatest progress in the world of smartphones and AI. Smartphones have already become a mature technology which is spread across the globe and is now far more limited in terms of improvements that can be made that would matter to the average consumer. This is the first sign of what is to come in the 21st century, technologies that revolutionize society within a generation and then become so old that there are not many further upgrades to be made to them, resulting in other new technologies being invested in over time.
It is due to this rapid rate of technological growth across the century that we may expect a new technology to emerge and mature every decade, as investment moves from one great innovation to another every single decade. Technology also continues to evolve upon its predecessor which again limits the scope of what new technologies may emerge, making it easier to track the further development of global technologies.
Let us use such a decade by decade and iterative perspective to determine the upcoming technologies that we may find through the 21st century:
The 2000s:
This was the time period when the internet explosion took off. It was the most transformative technology of the century, acting as the base upon which all other technologies of this century developed. The internet explosion ensured that all the money and innovation would go towards electronics instead of infrastructure over time. It was the first real shift away from only wanting physical products for the average consumer.
The 2010s:
This was the period when the mobile phone took off. Smartphones became common place across the world and a mobile phone could be found in the hands of even the old and the most rural of villages. Internet continued to get faster and now we had 4g internet standards. This was also when society had become interconnected enough on the back of the internet that entire new business strategies could be built upon taking old concepts and adding the internet enabled fast communication across them. We saw the maturation of social media, taxi services such as Ola and Uber, and the successful launch of partially reusable space rockets.
The 2020s:
The 2020s saw the AI boom, where AI scaled up in capabilities even faster than moore's law. Nvidia became one of the highest valued technology companies of the decade on the back of success based off of its innovation and development of AI supporting GPUs, using the constantly evolving AI to help build even more advanced GPUs to further advance the field of AI. The 2020s were the time when people were unsure as to whether an AI as smart as a human was just a decade away or two decades away. The 2020s also saw the successful launch of the world's first fully reusable rockets. The 2020s also saw even faster internet and an even more interconnected world with 5g internet coming online and spreading across the world.
The 2030s:
The 2030s was when AI finally reached parity with the smartest humans alive. The 6g internet standard was passed which made pretty much all information sharing of any variety at the consumer level pretty much seamless as even full scale movies and tv shows could be transferred within seconds. Computing capabilities of GPUs were also growing at a fast enough rate alongside software development that developers were finally no longer limited by technological constraints when building a product, but only by the know how of their own teams and their own capabilities to build a filled in world. Space tourism was beginning to grow noticeably as an industry for the multimillionaires and the billionaires of the world. The internet of things was finally maturing as every single product being transported could be easily tracked live 24/7 with embedded tracking devices. Self driving cars at level 3 had become available at this point in time for the rich consumer. The first commercial iterations of humanoid robots were now beginning to become common among the elite.
The 2040s saw a new industrial boom as the whole world was becoming physically connected and borders between the developed world continued to weaken until most people could travel from one developed nation to another without a visa without issue. The concept of a special VISA to travel between nation states was becoming obsolete between developed nation states. On the back of this social evolution infrastructure networks were developed that even more deeply connected North America and Europe. AI had surpassed the reasoning capabilities of the smartest humans and was used alongside the smartest humans to keep humans in the loop as research, discoveries, and inventions rapidly grew to the point the human element was what was keeping growth at a steady pace. Brain-machine interfaces were taking off in this decade as network connections had become advanced enough and encrypted enough that it was safe for the average consumer to have information digitally transferred to their brain. Speeding up learning processes. It was in this decade that there was a population of humans on the moon similar to the number of humans on Antarctica in the initial stages. Ever faster internet was no longer a consumer level concern as faster internet speeds were only needed by large megacorporations to keep all their operations running in order. Level 4 self driving cars were now available to the consumer. VR and AR were also maturing by this time as VR and AR systems could now fit within sunglasses which was convenient enough for the average consumer to embrace the technology. The second generation of humanoid robots capable of common human movement and flexibility were now available to middle income individuals.
The planned cities concept fully matured with people across the middle income and high income world living in well developed and well planned out cities. The housing crisis had come to an end and global prices of products had become stagnant, with corporations earning further income by producing new products to add to products available for purchase to the consumer. The primary cause of inflation was now new products in the market for the consumer to try out. The first man on Mars had now step foot on the red world. Travel between developed nation states was practically borderless even if on paper they still had borders between them. There were underground tunnels being built that connected North America to Europe. China and India had become the primary suppliers of mass produced technology to the rest of the world. Third generation robots can perform all tasks better than a human can perform them. Humans are delegated to consumer jobs such as testing new product or rubber stamping their name to something an AI discovered. Research and development, and the medical industry is the primary bastion left where humans have an influence. Full self driving cars are now available to the masses. How fast microchips develop is irrelevant to the average consumer now, as more powerful chips only matter to AI growth and megacorporations now.
Robots replace doctors. Robot surgeons are better and there is no doubt about it. Human machine interfaces are common place and actively used to enhance the intelligence and capabilities of humans by applying low level charges to the correct parts of the brain. Diseases like libertarianphilia and addictions are similarly cured by applying energy to the correct parts of the brain. Right alongside bio tech also develops to the point where humans can get spine and 3d printed organ transplants. The primary cause of death in the world is now old age related diseases and humans killing one another. Robots have been permitted to perform the functions of mall security and security guards for private establishments, also to work as cops.
The human lifespan extension industry has matured and human lifespans are on average 100 years now with the oldest people capable of living to 130 years of age. Cancer is a curable disease in all its forms and human brain interfaces have evolved to the point that humans in a city are automatically connected to the central city intelligence without any interface being directly applied. Medical advances have been made to the point that you can survive any accident and recover from any accident as long as they can get to you in time. There are tiny science colonies on Mars and the Moon where robots are doing the majority of work. Space mining has also begun to mature by this decade. There is not a road on the planet that does not connect to the world. The military is now 50% robots.
Universal basic income is commonplace. On the back of this development only the humans interested in working are working now. There are still geniuses among the human race who offer utility to further propagate the species and technology, but for the most part global civilization would continue to grow even if humanity tapped out completely. Latin America has been fully developed and integrated with the developed world by this time period. Weapons are illegal across the world and therapy is offered to people showing increased signs of aggression in public. China's social credit system is picked up by the developed world not to take away rights but to offer additional amenities and powers to individuals who have a higher score. Half the planet has borderless movement among each other. The other half is dying demographically. There are about a dozen space stations in space now, primarily for industrial purposes such as space mining. All weapons of war are smart weapons that can track the person being shot at.
Technology is growing exponentially and the developments of the 20th century are going to be chump change in comparison to the technological advancements of the 21st century. As each step further provides diminishing returns, humanity has made up for it by increasing the number of steps it can take at a time. We can expect food, transportation, and energy prices to plummet over time as the whole world becomes globalized and it only makes sense to tax large scale entities such as companies and megacorporations as they are the only entities in need of new infrastructure and equipment to keep developing things further. Technology is evolving fast enough that it's impossible to be able to track what level of technology humanity has at the end of the century.
Expect all of these technologies to be complete by the end of the century.
Writing IQ : 129 ( High IQ )
Voice status : 145Hz ( Voicecel )
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These are the three regions of the world that are losing 0.2-0.3% of their population each year at this point and their population decline is only going to continue on for the foreseeable future.
East Europe and South Europe are the worst hit as they are losing populations even after being open to immigrants. When the world collapse occurs from the global population decline, these three regions of the world will be hit first.
Not a single one of these regions is in a position to see their numbers rise again, if any of them did, the other two would be able to recover as well.
Even sending mass immigration waves of Indians to these regions of the world will not fix the problem as there aren't enough Indians on the planet to replace the entire populations of these territories taken together.
Similarly the entire population of Africa would not be able to fill these areas either.
That is to say, 2.12 billion of the world's population is set on a continual decline that is irreversible as long as the rest of the developed world exists.
The only possible way that the global populations are kept balanced across the world at the ratios similar to what exists today would be if either India never goes below the replacement rate or the whole world becomes without borders and opens up fully to African immigration letting in as many as are willing with zero restrictions in the future.
The Russian-Ukraine war does not hold any true relevance for the world as when the war is over both the nation states will be in a state of enough damage that none of them will ever fully recover to current day levels in terms of influence, population, and strength. Already, Ukraine is winning against Russia by selling its future in body bags. Russia is holding onto its war by having emptied its prisons and rural landscapes, with a Moscow now under fire from Ukrainian attacks. Before this for multiple generations East Europe was already in decline when it came to population, the end result is that the population collapse of Eastern Europe has been sped up to rates where nation states can disappear.
When we look at Southern Europe, the worst hit is Italy, which appears to be a sinking boat that all its youth are actively working day and night to escape. Spain was the one large nation in the region that was still able to keep a positive population growth rate but it too has gone down to zero and is well set to fall into rapid decline. The only thing that could save the population of Southern Europe would be mass immigration waves of the variety that its people are not ready for. Especially Italy whose people were more than happy to vote in their current party on an anti immigrant stance.
The case for the decline of East Asia is well known, as East Asia has been in the news media of the west for generations being talked of how they were set to fail and have their populations die out under the current trajectory, while ignoring how the Europeans were themselves aging in a similar direction. Japan was the first old man of East Asia. Followed by South Korea and China. If China had never implemented the one child policy it might have made it unscathed through the century, but alas, it set up a trap for the next generation a generation ago. South Korea is too divided among gender disputes to be ever capable of reconciling, and its population will likely have to worst collapse due to how extreme the difference is going to be between population sizes in the next generation compared to the current one.
Central Asia is growing at a very healthy rate, but sadly its population is also too small to be able to supply even just East Asia by itself.
Europe country survives on the back of the European Union, an entity within Europe that is capable of attracting enough immigrants from across the world ( including non-eu Europe ) as to be able to keep growing its population over time year on year, or at least every 2 years. This gives Southern and Eastern Europe a survival chance as part of the greater entity that is the EU, where these two regions can still have small populations remain on their lands as the EU continues to build these territories as part of their infrastructure projects.
East Asia on the other hand has no such luck. There is no common union among the nation states of East Asia allowing them to cooperate together and build a stronger entity together out of the now collapsing systems of their individual nation states. Each nation state in East Asia is too proud and nationalistic to give up parts of its identity even for the continuance of its people. It is in this manner that Japan, South Korea, and China perish as independent entities.
From the example of these three nation states and the continuing trend of all other nation states following in their example, we can see that the nation state is set to die out as an entity as it reaches its limits as a functional system to govern the people, with only empire equivalents ( in size or complexity ) capable of overcoming the limitations of the nation state that set it to die off over time.
As of now, only the US, European Union, and India sustain the complexity and size of empires allowing them to overcome the limitations of nation states in the future. All other parts of the world are set to collapse unless they are to come together into forming even larger unions and systems of governance.
2.1 billion humans of the Earth are already in declining population regions of the world with no reversal in trends. 25% of the world's population is already going through population decline on a regional scale and the three regions are Eastern Europe ( including Russia ), Southern Europe, and East Asia. Only joining in a larger union state can save a declining nation state.
Text IQ : 114 ( Above average )
Voice level : 145 Hz ( voicecel )
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Note : some of the numbers listed in the article may be a bit off. Do not take the contents as legitimate and correct.
If we look at human history, all of humanity is descended from a total of 1000-10,000 individuals 60,000 years ago.
Since the dawn of mankind there have been 117 billion births so far.
That is to say, that the majority of humans have always died out over time, with the better gene lines exploding in population until they had replaced all gene lines that did not share their blood and were not able to procreate with one of them.
That is to say, the majority of the humans born today are genetic dead ends no matter what based on the nature of human reproduction.
Throughout human history the richer and more powerful a class of people were, the more likely they were to successfully spread their progeny across the world, simply due to the number of choices they had for mate selection.
Modern society has already shown to be a population sink, where living like a modern citizen in the majority of cases reduces the likelihood of successful reproduction rather than raising it. Which is to say, the mega rich are the only people who successfully reproduce generation after generation and have their bloodline spread among the people.
The poor lose because at some point they would become middle class in wealth at which point there is a bottle neck among the middle class of society where only a minority of them are able to both adapt to middle class lifestyles and keep up the reproductive success rates at the same time.
Globalization has resulted in the formation of a globalized wealthy class, middle class, and poor class in terms of nation states, where we are seeing the strongest die off among the middle income nation states such as Eastern Europe and East Asia. As poor nation states rise in terms of income levels, they too see diminishing reproductive success that goes far below the reproductive success of developed nation states.
Immigration flows also add to this, as the most powerful nation states have immigrants come in and become naturalized within 3-4 generations mixing their gene line with the home population, which at the end of the day results in developed nation bloodlines successfully reproducing down the line.
Of all the humans born today, in the developed world we can already see the trend of half the population or even more leaning towards never having children. This trend also shows no reversal over time, signifying that at the end of the day, we can expect only 1% of the population today to be part of the global population 6-7 generations down the line.
1% of 8.4 billion humans is 84 million humans. The US is where all of humanity is headed and the US makes up 4.23% of the global population, signifying that the US will always end up making up the world's total population in the end.
This is primarily due to the fact that you need a minimum population of 330 million and growing to be in the 10 trillion USD plus club. Which guarantees that all other nation states with a lower population will all fail, stagnate, and die off long before they reach 10 trillion USD no matter what they do.
As it is human nature to move towards wherever wealth lies, we see that humanity continues to grow towards the US as long as it remains the most powerful nation in the world. As China and India find themselves unable to topple the US on the global stage, it leaves zero nation states in a position where their population will not be leaning towards the US over time.
Due to this constant in flow of citizens to the US till the end of humanity, the surviving 1% are always to be found in the US at the end which guarantees that all humans will be related to US citizens in 7 generations.
South Korea for example :
2060 - population halves to 25 million
2090 - population halves to 13 million
2120 - population halves to 7 million
2150 - population halves to 3.5 million
2180 - population halves to 1 million
Population too low to run a sustainable nation state, everybody leaves, likely gaining asylum in the US which can assimilate 1 million Koreans over the next 10 years.
This scenario exists for all of East Asia right now.
China for example :
2060 - China population halves to 700 million
2090 - China population halves to 350 million
2120 - China population halves to 200 million
2150 - China population halve to 100 million
2180 - China population halves to 50 million
2210 - China population halves to 25 million
China has 1 million people leaving the country each year at this point which results in the nation becoming empty in another 25 years.
The US is the final survivor because US immigration based growth never stops. European Union is incapable of surviving only on immigration, they have to geographically expand to always have a net positive population growth rate, which means that at some point their population will begin to decline over time.
Europe's population today is already on its way to halve each generation as well:
2060 - Europe's population halves to 350 million
2060 and beyond - Europe's population follows the trend line of China after 2090.
The global population movement continues ever westwards resulting in all of the world emptying out into the US at the end of the day.
The US population itself will remain around the 400 million humans mark, after which its population will once again begin to grow at the 1% will have replaced all of the non performing and non-successful 99% populations, resulting in a new population explosion across the world, this time with the planet being occupied by Americans. This wave of American expansionism will occur in the 23rd century.
Germany and France become the last major nation states in Europe where the entire population of Europe empties out over time.
If we look at the developed and developing world, the developed world has the most number of immigrants. Out of the developed world, the US has the most immigrants. Which again shows that the US wins.
If we look at the numbers by income levels, any nation state with an income level below 14,000 USD per capita is going to die out in the end. Again leaving US as the winner.
If we look at the numbers by continents, Asia has the higher number of immigrants, with western Asia having the highest number of immigrants among all the Asian regions, once again showing us that global immigration is moving westwards, which again leaves the US as the final destination of humanity.
In West Asia the highest number of immigrants are to be found in Saudi Arabia, which shows us that Saudi Arabia is the link between the east and the west where rich immigrants from Saudi Arabia move into the west while the poor populations in Saudi Arabia replace the immigrants who move out.
The west already has strong relations with half of the middle east and continues to expand its influence, signifying that once again west Asian populations are meant to move further west to Europe and North America.
Long term whichever way you look at the numbers, at the end of the day the US wins because every other developed economy over time ends up with a lower fertility rate than the US, lower net migration rate than the US, and lower wealth than the US, so over the course of centuries where the US does not fail, humanity ends up all moving to the US.
This is why the US will never expand, because it is the exact size it needs to be to rule over the Earth and to rule over humanity once everybody moves to the US.
Continental centers of the world according to total migration numbers:
1. East Africa - Uganda and Ethiopia
2. Middle Africa - Democratic Republic of the Congo
3. Southern Africa - South Africa
4. Western Africa - Cote D Ivoire and Nigeria
5. Northern Africa - Sudan
6. Western Asia - Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Turkey
7. Central Asia - Kazakhstan
8. Southern Asia - India
9. Eastern Asia - Hong Kong and Japan
10. South East Asia - Malaysia and Thailand
11. Caribbean - Dominican Republic
12. Central America - Mexico
13. South America - Argentina and Chile
14. Oceania - Australia
15. Eastern Europe - Russian federation and Ukraine
16. Northern Europe - United Kingdom
17. Southern Europe - Italy and Spain
18. Western Europe - Germany and France
19. North America - US
When any of these territories begin to lose populations over time the end of the species has begun because even the largest territory in the region is no longer attracting enough migrants to keep itself alive.
As of now Germany and France are somehow holding on, Spain is barely holding on, Italy is dying, Russian federation and Ukraine are dying, Thailand is dying, and Hong Kong is dying.
This shows us that the end of human dominance and ownership of the entire planet is already coming to an end and that there are entire continental regions that are already on the path of dying out before the end of the century.
The US will be the last stronghold of humanity. Multiple regions of the world are already dying out in terms of human presence. Global populations will continue to become more concentrated in the most developed parts of the world. Any bloodline the members of which do not reproduce with or end up as US citizens are guaranteed to die out over time.
Text IQ : 126 ( High Intelligence )
Voice level : 134 Hz ( Voicecel )
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It is often said that the US invents, Europe legislates, and the Chinese copy.
This statement is only partially correct and misunderstand the natural place that China has occupied in the global world order, a place that fits it perfectly like a glove.
China does not simply copy, it transfers, it distributes, it standardizes.
The US and Europe were the winners by the end of the 20th century, yet the population of the European Union nor the US was large enough to supply the rest of the world with products at the desired price point. At the start of the new millennium there were 6.1 billion people in the world, and the US with 5% of the worlds population was not big enough, nor cheap enough, to supply the rest of the world with their products. Europe similarly was incapable of the industrial base required to supply the world with cheap goods at rates where every country no matter how poor, had access to them in their markets.
The rise of China changed that, and China became as a gateway for the third world, the developing world, to have access to all the commodities and middle tier goods that were once limited to the wealthy or the first world. China became the factory of the world, and allowed the developing world to set up standardized expectations of what they could afford, instead of it being split into nation states where what goods you can be supplied with differed nation to nation.
Today, China has become the largest exporter in the world, providing goods and services at affordable rates to the rest of the world. As 17.87% of the world population, it has enough people to provide a true global industrial base that goes beyond the first world.
The largest exporter in the world however, suffers from a demographic crisis, which makes it impossible for it to maintain that industrial base at the same level of production and price point due to its fast rising quality of life and income. Once again a gap is created in the global supply chain, which is now filled by India, a nation state with population numbers similar to China, and with a per capita GDP low enough for them to fill the gaps wherever China's wages rise too far to be able to make any products at a cheap price.
China and India together make up more than 37% of the world's population, a large enough industrial base for a global supply chain to be able to provide all the necessary baseline products for the rest of the world without issue, even with the declining demographics of China. This also guarantees the place of China or India as the third richest economy in the world at all times, as these two countries act as the industrial base of the world that actually is capable of reaching every single corner of the world. In current year, India is set to surpass the GDP of both Germany and Japan by the end of the decade, which fits in with India becoming the new global industrial base of the world.
The downwards effect this has on the global supply chain is that no jobs would ever go to Africa on the global supply chain, simply because India and China together have already covered all corners and levels of the global supply chain below the developed economy high end products. This limits Africa's GDP growth to be always below that of India at all times, irrespective of what they do or do not do, at least until India becomes developed enough as to give up on producing lower end goods on the supply chain.
Africa gets left behind as the last player on the world chain simply because of how many larger players on the world stage are ahead of them globally. Between the US, Europe, and Asia, there is just not enough of the pie left for them to throw labor at.
This trend can also be seen in global immigration, where the US, Europe, and the middle east are able to satisfy all their migrant needs via taking in educated Asians, to the point that there are no more seats left for Africans to fill. In this manner Africa becomes limited in immigration flows, GDP growth, and industrialization, simply because of the existence of India and China further up the supply chain.
Due to these reasons, Africa becomes limited to supplying raw resources to the world as their primary market space. The bottom rung of the ladder. Which causes them to grow at the rate of global wage increase, and global market products becoming cheaper.
The role that China and India occupy in today's and tomorrow's world is one that was previously occupied by Japan, but Japan was never large enough to provide goods to even half the world, no matter how cheap they made them. This is why we can see Japan fail in the face of being surrounded by global behemoths right next to it.
Every new civilization or global power rises forth has to face the challenge of being a better system or more powerful in some manner than the adversaries around them and the predecessors before them to be able to sustain themselves. As India and China take up the bottom tiers of the global supply chain, any nation state that wishes to have any chance of rising any further above in the world would have to be able to match them in capabilities and numbers. In this manner the rise of China and India also pushes for the rest of the world to form ever larger unions, as when faced with the US, the EU, China, and India above them, none of the other nations of the world are powerful enough to hold their own against any of these players on the world stage.
Isolationist societies end up dying due to this reason, as the only way to survive is now expansionism and multiculturalism to gain a large enough size and scale fast enough to be able to compete against the big players of the world as it has become now. This is why cultures such as the East Asians are set to fail, due to their inability to adapt to a world where they need to join together with their neighbors economically, politically, and legislatively.
India and China are the only countries large enough to actually supply the entire global supply chain. They take up the role of global distributors standardizing the goods available to the rest of the developing world. India and China taking up such as large chunk of the global supply chain limits the growth of all nation states smaller than them including Africa. The existence of large nation states and unions such as the US, the EU, India, and China, make it impossible for any other nation state that exists in its current form to be able to surpass any of them, and between these 4 big players there is no more meaningful space left on the global supply chain. This in turn causes the death of isolationist states and the rapid rise of regional unions through the century to be able to stay competitive.
Writing IQ : 99 ( Average )
Voicecel IQ :62 Hz ( Deep voicechad )
- 6
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South Korea's fertility rate is already down to 0.72 and declining. At those rates South Korea is losing 66% of its population every generation. The worst part is that South Korea's fertility rate still has not stabilized and is continuing to go down year on year. At current trajectories we can expect South Korea's population to fall below 10 million people by the end of the century.
Similarly we are seeing the population fertility rate continue to decline in all populations across the world with no bottom level at which the fertility decline stops.
Africa's fertility rate while far higher than the rest of the world is consistently going down as well. The US, one of the most stable rich nation states in the world, also has its fertility rate going down over time, showing us that in the best case scenario, developed nation states can hold the line for a decade at a time at most.
Israel today remains one of two developed nation state with a higher than replacement fertility rate, and even Israel continues to lower in fertility year on year, with Saudi Arabia barely two to three years away from falling below replacement fertility levels as well.
If we are to look at nation states by population, China and India, the only two 1 billion plus population nation states, are both below replacement rate and continuing to decline over time.
The US as the third largest population nation state also remains below replacement rate, and Indonesia the fourth largest population country is the first nation on the list to have an above replacement fertility rate, with its fertility rate expected to fall below replacement as well in another decade at most. This leaves us with Pakistan as the first nation state in the population list with a fertility rate above 3, which is expected to fall below replacement levels in another 20-30 years. We see a similar trend for all high fertility high population nation states, where we can expect all of them to fall below replacement levels before 30 years are out at most.
That is to say, demographically, the world is going to continue to decline in terms of global fertility for at least the next 30 years, and far more likely to continue to decline until it reaches at least 1.5 fertility rate, as this appears to be the point where most developed nation states managed to stabilize for long periods of time. The global fertility rate falls about .3 point every 12 years which means we can expect the global fertility rate to go below replacement before 2035, and we can expect the global fertility rate to have a chance of stabilizing around 1.5 by the year 2060. It is however far more likely that by 2060 the global fertility rate will not stop at 1.5, but simply slow down and continue to crawl its way towards 1.3 and then 1.1. As the global fertility rates continue to decline year on year, the only winning strategy appears to be slowing down the decline by passing policies that accrue benefits to married couples with children such as parental leave and childcare support as part of national policy. These policies come nowhere close to reversing fertility trends in any meaningful manner, but tend to slow down population collapse by another 2-5 years every time such a policy is passed focusing on providing more support to couples with children.
These continually declining demographics force the world and its countries between two choices, either to continue to provide more and more benefits to people with children over time, or to make people responsible for having their own kids, with no additional support from the government. As we can see based on global trends, nation states that make the couple responsible for their children with no support in the form of parental leave or childcare costs being subsidized, tend to do far worse in terns of the population of children being born than more individualistic nation states that support providing support to people with children and give them enough time to raise their families.
Generally there is a negative correlation between a nation state having a developed economy and a nation state having lots of children. The US being the first developed economy without any future collapse, has done impressively well in keeping its fertility rate as high as they have. Any developed nation states with a fertility rate below that of the US are obviously implementing worse systems of governance and policies which guarantee their future failure in comparison to the US. If you are a nation state with a fertility rate below that of the US, you have no future. As the US itself with a fertility rate of 1.7 is only able to function due to being the number one nation state at assimilating useful immigrants from across the world.
As of now, there are 77 territories across the world that are currently set to fail as they have a fertility rate below that of the US. As global fertility rate continues to decline and nation rates continue to go down as well across the world, it is far more likely than not that the number of nation states with no future are only going to keep increasing over time. This is primarily due to the fact that the way the US is set up, their demographic trends shift far slower than the rest of the world. There will come a point within the next decade or two where the US will have a higher fertility rate than Mexico over time. We can similarly expect a point in time where the Israeli and Saudi Arabian fertility rate will one day be lower than that of the US.
The global population growth rate is doomed. All developed nation states over time end up with fertility rates below those of the US. Only the US immigration policy is successful enough to survive the 1.7 fertility rate it is stuck at. The US is the most stable demographic nation in the world. As all developed economies have fertility rates that fall below the US, the US is going to remain the last man standing in a world where the population growth rate never recovers. The easiest way for the US to win is to make the rest of the world developed, which ensures all other nation states will be declining faster than the US over time.
The rest of the world is not designed to be able to handle and survive modernization as it is not possible to do so without opening yourself up to immigration from across the world, which 70-80% of the non-western world is culturally incapable of. Even Singapore knows this.
Xenophobic nation states will fail. Negative immigration rate nation states will fail. Nation states stuck with fertility rates below that of the US will fail. Nation states with declining populations will fail.
That is the case because the US has figured out how to not fall into any of these categories.
By these standards the nation states that are going to survive are:
1. USA
2. Brazil
3. France
4. UK
5. South Africa
6. Argentina
7. Iraq
8. Angola
9. Malaysia
10. Saudi Arabia
Germany almost makes it so it is possible Germany will be holding by a thread.
Nation states with populations below 30 million not counted.
Globally these 10 nation states will accrue power and influence over the next 30 years. South America is going to once again become relevant to global affairs and global trade within the next 30 years.
We can expect USA to hold first place.
Brazil will end up being the central power in South America where South America is emptying into along with the US and Europe.
Argentina has a 50-50 chance of holding relevance of falling into decline as Brazil out competes it.
France is steady and healthy a developed economy even with their strange ways.
UK remains a healthy nation state that is going to survive the future even as it loses overall influence. It's population is going to keep going up year on year and it will retain power at levels similar to France.
South Africa survives as being far more advanced than any other nation states around it which means loads of immigration to South Africa from the rest of Africa.
Iraq has been colonized and is ruled by people meant to favor the west. They will grow in time into a western ally if they aren't already.
No idea what's up with Angola, the numbers state its a healthy economy.
Malaysia is a healthy economy that is growing well. It will remain a relevant country in the future.
Saudi Arabia is a major middle east power. For all intents and purposes it is a developed monarchy and arabs keep immigrating to the region. Saudi Arabia is going to become western aligned over time and will westernize over time as that is what the monarch wants for all intents and appearances.
These will be the powerhouses of the world by the end of the century:
USA ( North America )
Brazil ( South America )
South Africa ( Sub Saharan Africa )
Saudi Arabia ( Middle East )
France/ UK ( West Europe/ European Union )
Malaysia ( South East Asia )
Expect the regional territories around these countries to depopulate over time while these countries continue to grow in population.
Writing IQ - 93 ( Average ) https://www.writingtoiq.com/
Voice levels - 145 Hz ( Voicecel ) https://voicecel.org/
- 17
- 24
The US is the highest GDP economy in the world in the present day, and based on how the rest of the world is doing, the US is set to remain the highest performing economy in the world for decades to come. The US currently has the highest GDP, one of the highest GDP per capita, a strong and healthy GDP growth rate, a stable population growth rate, and a population that ages far slower than the rest of the world in terms of Median age. By every metric the US is set to remain the greatest power in the world for this entire century and beyond, and is likely to make it to the top 5 and possibly even the top 3 nation states in terms of GDP per capita very soon. US power doesn't just end there however, for there is a vast Ocean sized gap between the US and the rest of the world that most people haven't quite learned to appreciate. This article is meant to help people appreciate exactly how far ahead of other nation states the US is.
1.1) Europe :
The European Union is a trade and political union of nation states that hasn't yet fully federalized. In terms of population the EU has a far larger population than the US, but otherwise is set to decline demographically unless it keeps expanding. The US became a federal government in 1789, which means the EU as a political system of governance is more than 235+ years behind the US. In terms of GDP ( nominal ), the EU is more than a generation ( 30 years ) behind the US. Same for GDP per capita income. For the average American to move to the EU would mean to literally move back to their father's time in terms of annual income, not even factoring in the additional taxes in the EU. More realistically, taking into account that the US isn't just going to stop growing in current year, it would take multiple generations for the EU to catch up to the US even if it began to grow at a higher rate than the US.
1.2) China:
China comes the closest to matching the US on the international economic stage. China currently has a higher PPP GDP than the US. In terms of Nominal GDP, if China continued to grow at present rates and the US froze in place, China could catch up within 10 years. However, China's GDP growth is actually slowing down year on year and once again we find ourselves faced with a nation state that came within 1-2 decades of reaching the US economically then began to slip back again. The US has a steadily increasing population while China has a negative population growth rate. Immigrants move to the US while people leave China. Technologically the cutting edge chips made in China are permanently stuck being 10 years behind the US and it is likely that as the standards of trade secrets of South Korea rises over time that China will get left further behind in terms of technology when compared to the US. In terms of GDP per capita, China is 45+ years behind the US in current year, but more realistically with the slowing GDP growth rate, is more than 90 years behind the US in current year.
1.3) Future planning of the US:
The US has for almost a century been the single major world power. In its dominance it has had enough funds to plan for all probabilities and events including assuming enemy forces being 2-10x more competent than anticipated and planning accordingly. Assuming an alien invasion is possible and planning accordingly. Planning for zombies. There is not a single contingency that the US government does not have a plan for. This puts any other nation state that is fighting against the US at a disadvantage, as the other nation state may be planning to fight against the US at its best, but the US has its military prepared based on plans taking into account the other side fighting at their best, the US side fricking up half their instructions, and God himself joining in on the fight on the side of the anti-US faction. The US is over prepared to say the least. This can be seen in the adaptability of their economy, their highly efficient logistics, and their ability to develop new alliances decade on decade without giving up their previous alliances. The US for all intents and purposes is future proofed and there is no way to defeat them as no other nation state has had the opportunity to plan as long as the US has, nor the funds to study and implement as many contingencies as the US has. Add in the fact that the US is forced to learn from their defeats and we see a nation state that cannot be defeated in the same way twice.
1.4) US military might:
The US military remains the strongest in the world. It is a military that has had large scale combat experience in recent times. Has some of the best equipment in the world, and has its protective armor capabilities keeping up with whichever bullet size they find being used in 3rd world battlegrounds. They got troop transport vehicles that can walk over landmines without any casualties and got drones that can fire death from the sky across entire bases without being seen by the enemy. The US military in terms of technology is generations ahead of the average military to say the least. While the European military at times come close in terms of military technology used in tanks and jets, US tech is still considered a generation ahead while being decades older, and doesn't have as many logistical and performance issues as the European equipment today. The US remains far ahead of the EU in military capabilities primarily because of them actually fighting wars, unlike the EU which never expected their ground forces to actually be used any time soon.
In previous years the Russians were considered the second most powerful military in the world. This myth has been disproved with the occurrence of the Ukraine war where they are being kept at a stalemate while more Russian territories are being taken over, with older Nato equipment and restrictions placed on Ukraine as to where they are allowed to strike. After Russia the strongest military in the world is considered to be China, a military with limited combat experience which hasn't really been blooded in a generation.
Taking these factors into account, we can consider the US military to be at least 30+ years ahead of the 2nd most powerful military in the world at all times due to a combination of more actual combat experience, better logistics, preparedness, military tech advantage.
The US is at the very least 30+ years ahead of whichever country ends up as number 2. More realistically the US is generations ahead of the rest of the world and this gap will remain throughout this century. For the Average 3rd world citizen to immigrate to the US is the equivalent of traveling a century into the future. The gap between the developed world and the US is greater than the gap between a middle income nation state and the developed world. If the developed world is AAA economies then the US is a AAAAA economy.
The US is the future and where all of humanity will be moving to as population collapse depopulates nation states across the world.
Writing IQ : 134 ( Genius ) https://www.writingtoiq.com/
Voice level : 88 Hz. ( Chad ) https://voicecel.org/
- 8
- 5
EDIT: This is for people entering or in the early stages of depression, and for those who are closing out their fight with it. If you are truly feeling suicidal, please call a suicide hotline and seek help from a therapist or a friend/family. Anyone you can talk to.
1. Meeting your soulmate
2. Going to your friend's weddings
3. Stargazing
4. Food
5. Going to every country
6. Nice smelling candles
7. Music
8. Concerts
9. The people that love you.
10. Snowball fights
11. Going to the beach
12. Sunsets
13. Sunrises
14. Hiking in Forests
15. Dogs and Cats and Pets
16. New movies
17. Old movies
18. Going to the drive in theatre
19. Walking through local markets
20. Your favorite artists next song
21. Drawing
22. Sculpting your own pots
23. Birthdays
24. Inside jokes with your friends
25. That special persons laugh
26. Warm houses on cold days
27. Bonfires with smores
28. Reconnecting with old friends
29. Smelling flowers
30. Soft plushies
31. The smell of fresh baked cookies
32. Kareoke
33. Sleepovers
34. Your favorite videogame
35. Learning a new language
36. Long walks on the beach
37. Seeing every ocean
38. Squishy bunnies
39. Going to the store to smell perfumes
40. Long hot showers
41. Tea/ coffee
42. Seeing rainbows
43. Helping wounded animals
44. Bath bombs
45. Cleaning the Earth
46. Getting married
47. Going to see brodway shows
48. The sound of rain
49. Long car rides
50. Going on a train
51. Memes
52. Going to the zoo
53. Looking at funny art
54. The smell of old books
55. Butterflies
56. Collecting shells
57. Color
58. Sending letters
59. Surprise parties
60. Warm sheets
61. Reading
62. Swimming in the pool at night
63. Going to diners with friends
64. Early morning runs
65. Looking at old photos
66. Going to a museum
67. Soft sweaters
68. Glitter
69. Going to the aquarium
70. Hugs
71. Making snow angels
72. Holidays
73. Home cooked meals
74. Roller coasters
75. Decorating for parties
76. Playing pranks on friends
77. Dancing
78. Singing in the shower
79. Seeing your favorite animal in person
80. Meeting your hero
81. Bubble wrap
82. Ice water on hot days
83. Poetry
84. Trying on funny clothes
85. Hanging out with friends
86. City skylines
87. Wearing your favorite color
88. Beautiful wildlife
89. Collecting stickers
90. Making some ones day
91. Laughing so hard you can't breath
92. Warm blankets fresh from the dryer
93. Sewing
94. Seeing the future
95. Late night convos
96. Rewatching your favorite show
97. Blowing Bubblegum
98. Boardgames
99. Sitting out in the rain
100. Bubbles
101. Cooking new thing
102. Bob Ross tutorials
103. Picnics
104. Tire swings
105. Old architecture
106. Reading books
107. Growing your own food
108. Clear skies
109. Baking things you love
110. Finding new hobbies
I promise no matter what, thing will get better then where they are now, there's so much more to life then feeling down. There's so much you haven't done yet and I hope that now matter what you know how much you are loved, and wanted, and appreciated. It gets better I promise. đź’—
- whyareyou : #alternativefacts
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A country who is the aggressor and still ends up with their land getting occupied is very unlikely to end up being the winner of the conflict. We can say with 80-90% certainty that Russia is not going to win this war that began with the invasion of Ukraine.
We can expect this conflict to carry on for 3-5 more years before Russia has to give up due to a combination of lack of funds, inflation, and population loss.
After that, Russia has already done a big enough number of Ukraine that Ukraine isn't going to recover as a functional nation state. The only choice Ukraine now has is to join the EU and fall comfortably into national decline where the GDP go up but the population disappears over time.
This is a big win for the western powers as now the western powers have defeated Russia ( again ) by using their weakest member ( Ukraine ), and Ukraine now fully sides with the west as a long term ally and member. This also opens up further pressure on Belarus to either fully join into Russia or give up all ambitions and turn back towards the west for support and economic partnership.
Russia itself is likely to maintain its geographical integrity, having to give back all Ukrainian lands in exchange for Ukraine giving back the Russian lands that it occupies. Russia would however be left worse off than before it started the war, as its population will be demographically far worse off due to all the deaths and injuries in the war, its labor force will be worse off due to all the deaths and injuries from the war, its intellectual supply will be worse off due to anybody with any competency in their work running away, and its economy will be worse off for having to recover from a war time economic status, higher than GDP growth inflation, and the continued primary and secondary sanctions from the west. This puts Russia in a position where their economy is going to decline year or year, or at the very least stagnate to the point of falling behind year on year, similar to Japan in the past and current generation.
As the Russia economy falls to levels where it cannot sustain itself, it becomes codependent on other larger economies for its growth. With the west shut off to Russia, it is left depending on China for its continued survival. China takes full advantage of this opportunity and loses a potential rival in the form of Russia, and gains a permanent raw resource and cheap labor provider in Russia, as China's continually growing economy can prosper with a Russian labor class beneath the Chinese middle class, similar to poor nation immigrants moving to the US as maids and McDonalds workers in the first generation.
This loss of power in Russia would result in Russia being unable to extend its influence beyond its borders, and any nation state around the globe which was reliant on Russian support to keep itself afloat would be worse off in the near future. Such as Assad's Syria, Armenia, Iran, and Palestine. We can see these current anti-western conflicts as all being connected by a network of non-western aligned nation states cooperating with one another, and the loss of Russia results in the weakening of all parts of the structure.
Russia's loss on global power or even regional power would also open up space of Kazakhstan to keep growing in the region, which would mean that a more western aligned Kazakhstan would replace Russia as the regional power in Central/ Northern Asia. Kazakhstan has been following slowly in the footsteps of the liberal world order and generally thinks favorably of Europe. With Kazakhstan as the primary power in the region, western influence over the world would have increased in comparison to western influence with an aggressive Russia leading the region.
Russia's defeat while acting as advantageous for China in the form of a completely codependent neighbor to fully exploit in the near future for resources and cheap labor, nevertheless places China at a disadvantage of having no strong allies, and being surrounded by neutral partners who are willing to trade with China but completely unwilling to be influence by Chinese ideals or culture. On the global stage the defeat of Russia worsens the position of China as no anti-west aligned nation state is now going to believe that they can defeat the west with Chinese backing. Any country that was unwilling to take a side, or worried about China being the future dominant power would be more likely to side with the west and its ideals in the future. Which once again pushes the world towards further westernization, with ever more countries being counted as part of the western led world order.
China is also unlikely to carry on the invasion of Taiwan, as they see the outcome of modern warfare for one of the most powerful non western military in the world. As China fails to form successful long term partnerships with strong nation states, the space for them to keep expanding decreases over time. This means a further decline of China in the future as their GDP growth rate falls below that of the US as their economic network reaches its limits.
The only possible winning move left for China is if India were to align with it but that is no longer possible due to China occupying thousands of kilometers of Indian land. In the work space or the study of human psychology space this personality is referred to the kind of person who snatches up whatever they can take, but most often these people fail in life as they burn up too many bridges over time. China similarly, is a smart man who has burned too many bridges and continues to burn too many bridges to ever reach the top of the world.
The decline of China also pretty much guarantees a west aligned India that continues to further westernize over time and has the majority of Indians immigrating to the western world.
Russia is almost guaranteed to lose the war. Russia's loss means the anti-west aligned alliance/ network is going to collapse in on itself. Further westernization will continue. China is going to fall further into decline. India will end up aligning with the west and westernizing over time.
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Playstation currently is already doing bad enough that they have to release their exclusives on pc after 2 years on the playstation. Which is to say, the only advantage playstation has for games is that the games arrive two years earlier on the playstation.
Playstation in the current generation has also had the biggest game release failure of all time, with concord pretty much making 0$ worth of revenue on the game Concord with a budget of 200 million USD.
Playstation on the ps5 definitely has some games that use the hardware well enough that they wouldn't be able to run on the ps4. The gap while not as huge as the gap felt between the ps2 and the ps3, or perhaps even the ps3 and late gen ps4, is still large enough as to be noticeable. The issue the ps5 faces now is that the core ps5 hardware has likely already reached its limits for a good quality gaming experience if games are to be visually improved any further, which is why they had to release the ps5 pro for a mid-gen refresh.
In terms of performance improvements the ps5 pro is a decent machine. If offers a 45% improvement in performance when compared to the base ps5, which is a decent enough increase in capabilities as to allow game developers to really take advantage of so as to create far better games for the platform. The primary issue lies in the pricing of the new ps5 pro model. With costs 699 USD/ 799 Euros. The base playstation 5 in comparison costs 499 USD. For most people, a mid tier pc purchased at 699 USD would make for a better deal than a 699 ps5 pro. Especially taking into account that the stand for the ps5 pro and attaching a disk drive to it both have additional costs and are not available with the 699 USD purchase.
That is to say, the ps5 pro has priced itself out of the market. It has become a product that only Americans can afford and for the most part even Americans do not want to pay that much for a playstation based on all the comments posted online about the product.
Comparing the competition: Microsoft games.
Microsoft and Xbox have the primary advantage that Microsoft unlike the playstation is not exclusively a platform first in the gaming industry. When the xbox releases its games for the pc, those games are still running on a microsoft product ( windows ). This allows Microsoft to benefit far more from the current generation open platform gaming environment than the playstation ever could. While the Xbox has not had any out of the world exclusives on the platform this generation, it has certainly had the benefit of having no great losses either.
The primary disadvantage for the Xbox Series X is that it has sold around one third of the consoles that the ps5 has sold so far. This gap is likely to be covered in the future not by increasing Xbox sales but by declining playstation sales instead. While the playstation appears to be chasing after an ever richer customer base, microsoft appears to be sticking to the tried and tested affordable to the average middle class Joe sales tactic for their consoles.
All Microsoft has to do to win or get closer to winning is to maintain the current trajectory when it comes to pricing.
Next generation consoles : What does the future hold for Playstation and Xbox
It is safe to assume that the PS6 when it releases is going to have the same price point as the playstation pro today or an even higher price tag. It is highly likely that nobody would be willing to pay that price tag for the playstation 6 unless the playstation 6 is 10 times more powerful than a playstation 5 to say the least. The Playstation 2 ended up being the best selling console of all time. The playstation 4 the second best selling playstation console of all time. The Playstation 3 the third best selling and the ps5 lags far behind at the fourth best selling. Following this trend line, it is highly likely that the ps6 will sell even lower numbers than the ps5. Similarly, the Xbox Series X has had far lower sales numbers than even the original Xbox or Xbox one, signifying that in the next generation the Xbox can also be expected to keep declining in sales. It appears that console generations might end simply due to everybody losing interest in buying consoles to play games anymore.
What went wrong?
It is hard to say but the most likely answer is a combination of:
1. Lack of exclusives that are as exciting as the last generation - All playstation games will at some point be available on PC as well ( Except for astrobot perhaps ). Similarly Xbox games are available of the microsoft game store on pc. Nobody really wants to buy a console just for 1 or 2 exclusive games that they would otherwise not be able to play.
2. Lack of a jump in the quality of gaming - The leap between the ps1 and the ps2 was the largest. The leap between the ps3 and the ps4 was smaller, and the leap between the ps4 and the ps5 was so small that they were releasing ps5 games for the ps4 for half of the ps5 lifecycle. There is no space left for consoles to improve 5-10x in quality anymore, and it is impossible to woo a customer to buy a product across 7-8 years by telling them the newer model runs smoother at 30 more framerates. That point alone is not a good enough selling point for most customers out of buy gaming consoles.
3. Nintendo ate their lunch - Nintendo has successfully managed to continue keeping a closed ecosystem for their games. Nintendo Switch is the cheapest high end gaming console around at the original price of 299 USD in 2017, and provides the most fun games for the core audience of children that video games were originally meant for. As of now Nintendo switch is one of the best selling games in the world and rising in sales still, only surpassed by the Nintendo DS and the playstation 2.
4. The PC has clear noticeable advantages over consoles now - Steam on PC makes it very easy to buy and keep track of games. PC gaming is the largest market for online gaming. The FPS market is the biggest market for gaming and shooting with a mouse and keyboard is far more accurate than shooting with a gaming console controller. The PC allows for far greater options in modding games than the playstation or Xbox. Playstation had the advantage with storytelling games but they threw it away with DEI games which ruins the experience ( looking at you Last of US 2 ).
Console gaming is dying. It will probably be dead in another 2-3 generations at most. You are better off buying a pc which everybody buys anyways rather than buying a pc and then buying a gaming console separately.
Writing IQ 115
Voice level :
145 Hz voicecel
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Evolution is about adapting to ones environment. On Earth, there are currently 8 billion humans actively altering planetary climate conditions. They are causing the deaths of thousands of species every year, and are selectively choosing which species (pets) would prosper above all others. Today, humanity is as much of a force of nature as a hurricane or an Earthquake in terms of the impact left upon the land. It i due to this influence upon the surrounding environment that all life on Earth will evolve to learn to adapt to humans to survive.
Evolutionary traits in life around us that are influenced by humans:
1. Intelligence - It is believed that city rats and raccoons might be becoming smarter than their more rural counterparts due to requiring higher cognitive function to navigate life in the big city. Among animals capable of learned behavior (monkeys, dolphins, chimps, etc), this intelligence increase may take he form of learning from observing human actions such as cleaning ones food or chucking rocks or sharpening a stick.
2. Avoidance behaviors - Some animals may learn avoidance behaviors to hide from humans as humans are one of the more unpredictable creatures out there. One may feed you and the next may kill you. If you hurt one somebody from your group gets killed. Or you get hunted simply for being delicious or exotic. Due to these factors some animals may evolve to outright avoid humans and human territories.
3. Increased resilience - This is most often found in species humans are trying to actively exterminate. Especially bacteria. Already there is great concern around bacteria developing antibiotic resistance over time and becoming lethal to humans once again. While we are unlikely to see the evolution of bullet proof grizzly bears, we are over time likely to see more and more animals actively adapted to better survive human encounters.
4. Faster mutation rates - As the global environment is altered in ever faster rates by human activity, the animal species most likely to survive might be the ones with higher mutation rates, allowing them to adapt over generations to human altered environments faster and faster.
5. Shorter lifespans - Animals may evolve to have shorter lifespans as it would give them more opportunities to adapt generation after generation, allowing them to keep up with human dominated environmental changes.
6. Plastic resistance - Most commonly found in microorganisms, there are bacteria species that are learning to adapt to plastics in their environment. Remember, there was a point in Earth's history when wood could not be consumed by microorganisms.
7. Human friendly - Some species are learning to evolve to be more human friendly as it increases their chances of survival and being fed by humans. Due to this we are likely to see an ever increasing number of domesticated species over time.
Impact of humans on animal evolution over time:
Short term impact:
Mass die off of hundreds of thousands of species. Population boom of domestic, semi domestic, and urban species. Invasive species explosion.
Medium term impact:
Emergence of new ecosystem balance with lower variety and higher quantities of surviving species. Bull frogs in Australia. Lizards in Florida. Invasive species beginning to assimilate in new environments as rest of life adapts to them. Boom in the number of semi domestic species.
Long term impact:
Garden of Eden scenario. All surviving species know to be nice to humans in some way. Animal species evolving to be actively beautiful to humans (alive not dead). Predatory animals know to avoid humans or to not hunt humans and be nice to them for extra food. Animal species learning to communicate with humans.
Danger scenario for humans regarding evolution on Earth:
Scenario 1:
Microorganisms become resistant to all human medicine and we see the return of mass die offs in humanity from disease.
Scenario 2:
Humans evolve into a dead end. Humans evolve over the long term to get ever dumber over time ( idiocracy scenario ) or humans evolve to become ever weaker over time ( brains in vats scenario ), or humans lose all reproductive interest ( population collapse scenario ), or human capacity for devastating violence surpasses their capacity to fear the use of such weapons scenario ( self destruction ).
Scenario 3:
The most unlikely of all possible scenarios. Evolution catches up to humans. That is, animals evolve to be able to mass kill humans with ease. This would mean predators that figure out how to hunt humans on the daily without issue while being impossible to track down or stop by humans. Currently, the tiger comes the closest, killing 50-60 humans every year. In our scenario we are presuming the evolution of a bear or tiger or lion that learns to perfectly adapt to urban conditions and hunt for people and hide among buildings without getting caught, or even when found being impossible to bag or kill because it is too good at escaping.
Life on Earth is going to evolve around humans due to how much of an impact they have on the planet. The most likely evolutionary scenarios for life on Earth is that they would adapt to having humans on top by learning to hide from humans, get along with humans, and adapting to human made environments such as towns and cities. The less likely scenarios for how life evolves on Earth is going to be predators evolving to hunt humans and being good enough at it to thrive on hunting humans. Overall the evolution of the human may be considered on par with the evolution of trees, to the point that one day life on Earth won't be able to survive without humans helping it along just like trees help us with Oxygen.
Estimated IQ : 129 ( High Intelligence ) https://www.writingtoiq.com/
Voice level: 138 Hz ( Voicecel ) https://voicecel.org/
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Greece and Japan shows us the future of nation states that do not succeed. As a "Developed" economy fails and begins to decline, the only way for the people within the nation state to have their quality of life go up is for either:
1. PPP GDP growth to remain steady and high. ( Japan) which is only possible for very advanced developed economies.
2. People immigrating out of the nation state and the remainder being able to hold on to larger chunks of the resources lying about. ( Greece )
Most of the world is not the Japanese style of competent and would actually fall into the second category. Which means continual decline of populations in Eastern Europe and South America over time.
As of now North America, South America, and Asia have a population growth rate of 0.6%. Europe is the only continent with a negative population growth rate. It is a strong possibility that the population growth rates of both North America and South America are kept artificially up via immigration policy. In which case we can expect the population of North America and South America to keep growing at 0.5-0.6% for decades to come.
Europe does not have this luxury as there is a strong anti-immigrant sentiment on the continent. Europe's only choice is to grow horizontally.
We must also account for the fact that the species is expected to become a type 1 civilization by the end of the century, a civilization capable of controlling the climate on its own planet and have access to the entire planet's resources and energy. As a type 1 civilization with only 7-8 billion humans on the planet, everybody would be able to live a life of luxury with ease.
Do demographics matter for a type 1 civilization? Not really no. The primary advantage of demographics is in providing for ever increasing R&D input. Once a species is a type 1 civilization all the capabilities of a type 2 civilization are so far out there that humanity cannot little steps its way to it unless its willing to take a billion little steps that add nothing in the present or the near future or the far future. It is more likely that we would simply get stuck being a type 1 civilization and the way of life that comes with. Most of our wars are already cultural rather than physical. Even economic warfare is going down globally as there is more advantage to continuing business. Cultural warfare being the only means of conducting warfare means that global homogenization of values and lifestyles is what the future holds for the planet.
Globalization is where the future lies. What globalization tells us is that labor, food, transport, research, and specializations move wherever they provide the most benefits on the supply chain.
The system benefits most from having people living close to one another and aggregating together. Which means a species that reaches 100% urbanization rates.
Globalized trade means the best trade products winning out at the cheapest prices all over the planet. Which means everybody eating the same kind of food across the world.
Globalization means things costing the same across the planet. Which means global prices stabilizing across the world, which is only possible if everybody has the same incomes to be able to buy the same products. Which means global economic equilibrium is reached in the future across the world.
For a global supply chain that stable and large would require the end of wars which would only be possible through the formation of continental unions. So we are definitely getting continental unions.
Global supply chains are best maintained by giant corporate entities so we are going to end up with corporations with more power than any nation state as the corporation is an entity spread across the world and supplying the entire planet. Corporations will overtake governments and that is the next phase of civilization evolution.
By 2100 we can expect the entire planet to be a corporatocracy built off of the laws already in place across the world. Just as Samsung practically owns South Korea, we are going to see other developed economies owned by their biggest companies as well, as it is the only way to maintain GDP growth over time.
Ukraine is expected to be the first nation state that empties out, as their population is already too old to rebuild after a war, and their fertility rate and immigration rate was already abysmal before the war. Another example of population disappearance in the current era is the decline of populations on Island nations such as cook Island where the population is now below 1960 levels.
The population for most tiny nation states has already peaked and is now set for long term decline. After the extinction of villages and small towns, the smallest nation states follow as they no longer guarantee a good quality of life compared to the more advanced economies out there. For Example, Cuba's population is going down year on year right now at rates similar to some of the faster shrinking European populations.
In the future we can expect the shrinking of nation state populations to be the norm rather than the exception. With the smallest independent territories depopulating completely by the end of the century.
Currently the majority of the planet has a negative net migration rate, which means once population growth rates near zero, most nation states of the world will begin to fall into perpetual decline.
The majority of the planet is also growing its GDP at a slower rate than global inflation, which again implies that most of the world is going to have its quality of life go down over time and the only way to survive is to leave for better pastures.
Smaller nation states are going to disappear altogether. As globalization continues to further open up borders, the only way for nation states to keep their populations rising is to guarantee continual growth, failing which the people disappear over time. There are hard limits to how far most nation states can grow. For most of the planet there is a stronger incentive to immigrate than there is to remain in place.
The US remains the future.
Writing IQ: 125 ( High Intelligence ) https://www.writingtoiq.com/
Voice status: 132 Hz ( Voicecel ) https://voicecel.org/
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Africa is the major source of reproduction in the world. Assuming that African IQ goes up 3 points per decade they should be fit to immigrate to other parts of the world in another hundred years.
What we are more likely to see is that in the first generation we will have 0.01% of Africans living outside Africa, in second generation we will have 0.1% of Africans living outside Africa, in the third generation we will have 1% of Africans living outside Africa, and in the 4th generation we will have 10% of Africans living outside Africa.
As of now we are already on 4th generation as a population equivalent to 10% of Africa's population is living outside Africa in the form of immigrants and African immigrant descendants.
This ratio is likely to remain stable or go as high as 20% for this generation as Africans continue to immigrate primarily to South America., France, and the US, but the African native population itself keeps rising at a very high rate.
Generally, nation states have their fertility rate fall below replacement at per capita income levels in the 10s of thousands ( starting point is around the 2000s ). For Africa based on current trends we can expect their fertility rate to fall below replacement around a per capita income level of 15,000s at the higher projections.
Based on current trajectory, Africa's GDP per capita is currently 1,740 USD. Based on current growth rate we can expect Africa's GDP per capita to cross the 15000s by 2084, meaning their fertility rate would fall below replacement in 60 years from now.
Currently Africa's fertility rate is declining by 1.25% per year, which again tracks to their fertility rate going below replacement in 50-60 years.
We can assume that the developed world is not willing to decline in population.
We can also expect the developed world to be losing their native population at rates up to 1% per year.
Assuming the population of the developed world to be 1.4 billion altogether, and 1% of 1.4 billion being 14 million, the developed world will require 14 million Africans moving in every year or being displaced to other parts of the world as they take in the high skilled labor from those other parts of the world.
Africa being the bottom of the barrel would always be the last player in the chain supplying the 14 million people no matter what form the chain takes above them.
Assuming the first generation Africans on average have 2 kids, there will be 1.88 billion Africans in the African diaspora living outside Africa by the time the African population is below replacement levels. Which would be around approximately 30% of Africans living outside Africa by 2080s which again matches up with how immigration from poor countries to richer countries open to immigration scales up.
For example - There are about 37 million Mexican related individuals living in the US right now while the population of Mexico is around 129 million people. There are 80 million Germans living in Germany meanwhile the German diaspora size is 70 million people around the world.
The world population is expected to be 10.3 billion in 2084, which means 1.88 billion people or approximately 18.2% of the rest of the world will be made up of Africans or African descendant individuals.
For context, 91 million Brazilians ( 42% ) are of African descent. The mean IQ in Brazil is 87.8. We can safely assume that with a lower mix of African genetics in the global culture, the global IQ will remain higher than 87.8 by today's standards by the year 2084. This puts a lower limit on exactly what's the maximum level of stupid humanity as a species can get by 2084.
The US 14.4% of the population identifies as black, the average IQ in the US is 98.
Taking into account that US IQ scores are expected to continue increasing by 0.5 points per decade, we can conclude that the worst case scenario for the world with a 18.2% admixture of black genes will be a stagnant intelligence humanity where humans remain at current day IQ till the end of the century.
More likely scenario would be global IQ growth slowing down until it is rising by 1-2 points per decade, which means the species is not going to get noticeably smarter generation to generation which adds to the slowing down of humanity's intelligence development and thus humanity's research and tech growth.
Thus, the primary remaining way for humanity to keep growing technologically and intellectually would be to specialize and send all high skill manpower to a single nation state which again puts the US in a position where it will be leading the world in tech and IQ growth meanwhile the rest of the world stagnates behind the US over time. This is best case scenario. If the US fails then that means a global century of stagnation compared to the previous century and people noticing the world has really changed once every 100 years, i.e. nobody ever noticing the world grow and evolve within their lifetime.
Betting on the US is betting on humanity. Anybody who cares about the species should be investing in the growth of the US.
Writing IQ: 125 ( High Intelligence ) https://www.writingtoiq.com/
Voicecel.org results : Voicecel ( It's over ) 147 Hz
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DEI projects are failing left and right. Niche websites also no longer care about the trans movement as something worth pushing further. Polyamory failed at becoming common place. The value of women in the sexual market place has consistently fallen down and the world is beginning to backtrack on the additional rights and freedoms given to women in society, such as believe all women.
In the western world you are seeing a rise in support for right wing parties, and left wing parties are only alive due to right wing parties being anti-abortion in the US, and being declared as evil for decades in European societies.
The one place liberalization is winning is in the middle east where they are making progress on things such as letting women drive and letting women out of the house without a male guardian. In the current decade liberalization has shifted from taking the form of accelerating in the west, to moving forward the most backwards societies in the world. Modern day liberalization has moved from growing vertically to growing horizontally, with the moderate version ( Turkish level liberal values ) spreading across the world.
Even California, the most liberal state in the US, has slowed down in terms of passing more extreme social liberal policies at the state level. We have reached the point in global values and ideals where global value chains are being rectified to be more similar to one another. Meanwhile, Texas, the more rightwing neighbor of California, is seeing far higher population growth rate than California.
Today, the biggest outliers in terms of liberal values are no longer the middle east, but instead places like Afghanistan and Pakistan. Nation states too poor to have anything beyond their local culture to hold on to.
Afghanistan today is well on its way to becoming the poorest and most backwards part of the world, and it is this Afghanistan-Pakistan region of the world, where we can expect the most backwards societies of the world to persist over time.
In Japan we see an increase in liberalization in the form of improved work hours. In South Korea we see a complete failure of liberal values as the nation state falls off a demographic cliff. In China we see increased liberalization of values among the youth as they find out that their lives could be lived easier than they are today, knowledge learned through interactions with western media. In India, a hybrid form of liberalization occurs in line with the liberalization seen historically in east Asia.
All these trends reflect a slow liberalization in the non-western developed world, closing the gap between them and the western world in terms of values, rather than any further liberalization of western societies.
For most of the developed world, it appears to be the case that instead of seeing further leftwards shift in society, we will instead see a further rightwards shift along with fewer work hours in the day. That is the only place where society "progresses". Fewer working hours for the citizens.
As of now the shortest working hours are to be found in Germany, where the average German is working around 3.6 hours per day across the year 2021
The most successful form of liberalization in the world today thus takes the form of reduced work hours across the world, and spread of European culture ( in the form of migration policy, being part of the European Union, and more open trade markets ) across greater geographical area.
Ukraine siding with the west as a result of the Ukraine - Russia war has been one of the biggest successes of the liberal world order in the 2020s. Guaranteeing that societies across Europe will be further homogenized along the lines of Western European values.
Another rising challenge to liberal world values is that there are now multiple nation states that are in a state of high economic development without having strong liberal values which opens up the possibility of western styled liberal values not being necessary to becoming a developed economy. For example - China without embracing western liberal values in now the second biggest economy in the world. Turkey, without embracing western liberal values fully is still able to continue growing year on year. Singapore, without fully embracing the western liberal world order, is still one of the highest GDP per capita nation states in the world. Saudi Arabia, without embracing fully the western liberal world order, is still as rich as any other developed economy on a per capita basis.
What we are seeing is that globally conservative nation states are finding out that they have the option to keep growing as nation states and prospering internally even while only being required to embrace more conservative/ more moderate liberal values. For the non-western world order, this is great motivation to not liberalize, as it allows them to retain their own culture while still growing year on year, which is more preferred than to grow on foreign values by the citizens of these nations.
As of now, the primary example of this non-liberal value growing nation is China, which tries to be as anti-capitalism as possible, only giving in to another capitalistic value to continue to grow economically as it reaches the limits of economic growth with conservative systems. In this manner, China acts as an example of the least quantity of liberalization required to keep growing as a nation state.
Liberalization is slowing down in the developed western world. Nobody cares strongly about pushing trans rights or DEI anymore. The highest levels of liberalization are taking place in the form of lowering work hours globally, expansion of the EU, and the liberalization of the most conservative societies in the world. There are multiple non-westernized nation states that are successfully growing year on year and this acts as incentive for non-western nation states to not westernize as they now have the option of both keeping their values and growing further at the same time. China is the primary example of this, and any nation state that is poorer than China on a per capita basis can follow China's blueprint instead of liberalizing until it is as rich as China on a per capita basis.
Estimated text IQ : 97 https://www.writingtoiq.com/
Voicecel.org score: 73 Hz deep voicechad.
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The top 1% accumulate more than 50% of the wealth generated per decade. Global resource capture by the 1% has already occurred. The 99% are not the people running the world, they are the ones just living in it.
As of now the majority of the top 1% live in the US, which means it is the US that is accumulating the majority of the wealth generated around the world. With the rest of the world working off the scraps that are left over after the US takes its 33-40% share of wealth generated.
China remains the country with the second highest population of the top 1% of high income individuals, holding strong its position as the second most powerful nation in the world. The fact that China appears to be so far behind the US militarily, technologically at times, and in terms of future growth potential, doesn't just show that China is behind the US, but gives us an idea of how far behind the US the rest of the world must be, that is still even further behind China.
The US GDP did not slow down as expected, but is showing signs of stronger resilience and future growth than what the market had predicted. There is a real possibility that the US GDP will continue to grow at rates of 2% and higher every year till the end of the century without issue, thus making it impossible for any other nation state to keep up around the world. In very recent history this trend can be seen in how the US economy has completely surpassed the economy of the EU in a generation when 20-30 years ago the gap was small enough that Europe and the US could be categorized in the same grouping of big players from a third world perspective.
The continuing resilience of the US increases the likelihood of the world remaining split into independent nation states rather than larger unions forming over time across the world. The primary reason for this being that the US has no need for expansion geographically due to its economic hegemony in the future, and other nation states not being likely to wish to merge together without successful examples to follow. People accept change either when they have no other choice left or when they know better things will come from the change.
As the top 1% primarily live in the west and most frequently immigrate to the west, along with the previously mentioned fact are accumulating the majority of wealth generated across the world, it is to be expected that in the future wealth will continue to accumulate in North America, with the primary growing economies of the future being those who are most closely allied to the US culturally, economically, and geopolitically. What this means is the continuing accumulation of global wealth in the direction of westernized economies. This would mean the continuing accumulation of resources in Europe, Japan, and South Korea in the future, or these nation states remaining stagnant instead of collapsing as expected by all metrics during a collapse phase. For example - Pakistan surviving on the edge for the decades it was a US ally in Asia.
With the US considered the center of the world in our scenario, the rest of the world's nation states are converted into a pipeline to support the ever growing needs of the US. With the next 2% growth being harder to acquire than the previous 2% in a compounding economic growth system, it is a given that the US requires an ever expanding base of more developed nation states providing it with additional resources ( research, high skill immigrants, investment funds, etc) to maintain an ever heavier top of the pyramid. Due to this factor, the US requires new partners to be added to its list of "allies" every few years. The US is stuck is a position to ever increasing its stake in more and more nation states across the world, requiring the number of middle income nation states to increase year on year.
It is due to the above mentioned needs of the US that the number of middle income nation states that are growing at fast rates keeps increasing over time. The US generally doesn't have to do anything to balance out the competition in the majority of such cases, as most of these fast growing societies peak long before reaching economic levels anywhere close to the US. The American way is to simply help the other nation states grow to their maximum potential without being an active threat to the US, and then acquiring talent from these nation states as they stagnate, and moving on to trading with other nation states, repeating the process.
This above explained geopolitical setup guarantees that the global economy will always be growing positively as long as the US is in power. It also guarantees that in the long run the further from the US a nation state is, the more poorly it will perform economically, all else being equal.
Culturally, US hegemony guarantees further liberalization of the global world order. We can expect the global growth of Christianity and atheism winning out, and the influences of US culture and ideals becoming even more ingrained in the global psyche than that of Rome or The British Empire. This strength of the US cultural imprint on the world results in China losing the culture war and CCP attempts to keep China culturally Chinese. In this manner, China losing the economic and culture war against the US guarantees that no power greater than China would emerge that would choose to challenge US status as number 1 world power.
Taking into account that the 1% run the world, the US population is greater than 1%, the US is the most powerful nation state now and in the near future, and that humanity is going through a population collapse period, and animals during the collapse phase can have their populations go as low as 1%, it is safe to declare that the US population share of the world is going to begin climbing in another generation. Going as high as 10% and beyond. This combined with the economic and technological dominance of the US would ensure total global dominance of humanity by the US. This conclusion is based on the fact that the UK controlled around a quarter of the world while being around 2.5% of the world population.
American influence will continue to spread across the world. Just as the world at one point westernized, in this era the world is going to Americanize. America will become a global hegemon before the end of the 22nd century.
I will see you all in 3-7 days with my next post. Live well and prosper.
WritingIQ: 141 (Genius)
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Also frick you mods for banning @timmy_blueballs not @timmy_blueballs's fault @timmy_blueballs made you're hole more productive than you ever could. Womp womp.
Having said that. @timmy_blueballs need too know the process too create a payment method where you guys can send @timmy_blueballs money without finding out who @timmy_blueballs is or any banking info about @timmy_blueballs that links its way too finding out who @timmy_blueballs am.
Thanks appreciate it. Let @timmy_blueballs know in the comments. You are all loved. The ones who can provide @timmy_blueballs the answers @timmy_blueballs is looking for are loved 10% extra.
@timmy_blueballs stand with Israel.
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Environmental realism has been perfected.
Human motion capture has been pretty much perfected too:
Human hair also looks great in Death Stranding.
With Ray tracing and the advancements made in that field we reached a point where we get real life like lighting in game.
Destruction physics is doing great too:
The primary limitations right now appear to be:
Human hair physics
Human skin
Destruction physics improvements.
It's not necessarily an issue of lack of know how but the issue of a machine not being powerful enough to pull all of them off at the same time.
In 10 years however, it is pretty much guaranteed that we will have systems powerful enough to be able to do all these things. At which point the only things that would need further improvements would be in game AI and good stories.
We can see the limitations of the cutting edge right here:
It's not a not knowing how to make it happen issue at this point, it's a no computer is powerful enough to run with all the features on issue now.
In another 10 years we should have systems powerful enough to simulate perfectly real looking environments in open world settings without issue.
By the way does anybody know why Yasuke and the woman assassin look like their character models are running at different graphics settings?
The moment they figure out all the graphics capabilities for games in general, we are going to see an explosion in VR games, due to the fact that it is the only place left to move the experience further up.
Over the course of 15 years as information density increases by a 100X for technology, we can expect VR headsets to become as light as mobile phones today.
Remember that the ps4 released 7 years after the ps3 and was 10x more powerful.
We are also halfway through the ps5 generation and should see a noticeable difference between games at the start of this generation and the games at the end of this generation.
One of the primary reasons we don't see a great leap in the specs of consoles is also because console prices have to be kept within a manageable price point, which means consoles will always sell at a price near the price of the previous consoles which limits how many upgrades they can put into a single console to play games.
In any case, seeing how far Hideo Kojima has been able to push the graphics on the PS5, and his tendency to be one of the few people who churns out games that look better than the initial trailers, we are going to get really good looking games at the peak of the ps5 era that will surpass all of our expectations, but in turn we are also going to see a whole lot of middling studios because now the issue with making great games isn't the tech anymore, but the quality of the staff and their creativity which is surprisingly a very limited human asset.
Reaching the end of the video game graphics era is also why we see most studios moving from a focus on exclusives to a focus on buying up as big a share of the gaming market as possible, because they realize that they cannot provide as big a difference in gaming performances as they could in the past. It is in current year very hard to sell a person on the idea of buying a console to play a specific game like they once used to. Being able to sell a game across multiple platforms is far more profitable.
Another impact of reaching the end of video game graphics is that we are going to see massive improvements in video game AI and its capabilities making every video game out there a whole lot more lifelike.
The best games in the world today are not the most realistic looking, but the ones that are most interesting in terms of art direction and fun. Graphics has become a second tier need in a video game industry where it has become so easy to create things with good graphics.
Graphics still matter however, the Horizon games, death stranding games, Gears of war games, all depend on improving their graphics to keep selling.
There is a lesser effort in terms of improving graphics when it comes to Call of Duty games though. With most call of duty games being unsure of their precise direction and quality in the present era. For example - MW 3 sucked in comparison to the original.
The best thing that games can do right now with all the graphical advances is to create games that show world's unlike our own. To create the greatest works of fiction to entertain us rather than to make things that feel more grounded. More graphics, not more realism.
To summarize:
We are reaching the end of graphical improvements in the video game industry. With the end being only 10-15 years away.
The primary places video game graphics can still be improved are destruction physics, hair physics, and human character models.
After the end of video game graphics is reached we are going to see a leap in VR graphics.
The primary limitation of graphics today is not due to graphics know how but rather due to technological limitations. We already know the code, we don't have powerful enough hardware to run it at the middle income consumer level.
The end of video game graphics should lead to more focus on AI capabilities in game.
Video game graphics should focus on new worlds, rather than more grounded realism as their selling point.
Final note:
Somebody please fix the plastic skin issue permanently. It shouldn't be this hard and taking this long.
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It is definitely going to be the best selling game from the East of all time so far. It has amazing graphics and has lots of variety expected of a AAA game. All in all it's a great game. However, it is nowhere close to beating the top players in the video game industry such as GTA.
Since it's launch, GTA V has generated 8.6 billion USD in revenue till date. Meanwhile, Black Myth Wukong has only generated 250 million USD in revenue so far.
Black Myth Wukong has taken Eastern video games to new heights but those heights remain below the peak of the US video games industry.
Starship launches are pretty much a guaranteed success in the days ahead and we can expect spaceX to dominate the space transport industry for decades to come. Tesla is also doing quite well for itself so far in terms of sales in the 100,000 USD plus department. This again puts the US in the lead when it comes to technology application.
East Asia is still going through a population collapse scenario. This everybody knows. Surprisingly less known is the fact that Cuba may have lost 10-18% of its population in the past two years.
Russia and Ukraine are both suffering heavy losses through this war. Both sides will be left weaker than before by the time the war is over. Russia more so than Ukraine as it doesn't have an EU equivalent to support it after the war.
Expect a new trillion dollar company to emerge by year end, and a new trillion dollar company to emerge every year after at minimum.
Israel - Middle east conflict continues. Saudi Arabia still unwilling to participate against Israel. Same for UAE. This makes three Western aligned nation states in the middle east.
Random fun fact - domestic bees may actually comprehend that humans are taking their honey and produce honey taking that into account. They are okay with that deal because they get protection in exchange. The bees can also leave if they don't like their place.
Singapore is going to keep growing economically for a long time. It is likely that their economy will grow positively for far longer than the economy of Taiwan would. Taiwan and Singapore are both perfect societies as the natural population of both these territories dies out but the nation state itself lives on.
The European Union is naturally going to expand all the way into Russia and one day take over Russia entirely. It is pretty much inevitable due to Russian culture being the easiest to assimilate for the Europeans out of all the neighboring cultures.
Israel's primary challenge is that it's population is getting assimilated with the natural population of the middle east over time. It is inescapable so Israel is going to become an arab population over time, resulting in it falling down to the common arab IQ over time.
Brazil's GDP has been growing on the back of trade with China. There is a real chance that Brazil's growth will stagnate once again over the course of the next few years. This would cause the South American population to stagnate over time. It is very likely that they will never reach the level equivalent to the quality of life of the average European.
Mexico's cartel problem is actually improving over time as the GDP per capita of Mexico keeps going up and it becomes more profitable to be in any business other than involved with the cartels. One can expect the cartels in Mexico to collapse or at the very least to become quieter with their businesses once the GDP per capita of Mexico crosses 30,000 USD per capita.
AI is overhyped to the degree that it hasn't yet developed capabilities that make it better than human, nor is it likely to develop any such capabilities any time soon. It would still be decades before AI becomes smart enough to be more than a tool that just made all research and design processes faster. The singularity is not near, because so far human groups have been able to keep up with everything that is going on.
The next stage of human evolution is going to be a single gender society. You cannot create perfect equilibrium with two genders where both are biologically programmed differently in the majority of cases. The transgender movement is humanity's first major attempts at going beyond the common human form, and there will be more such attempts over generations, in the long term resulting in humans with a single body type.
The west is trying to collect as many humans as it can because the west already has the global population models played out and knows that the global population decline is going to be far worse than anything presented so far. Expect global population to fall below one billion humans and most human societies to be unable to grow with a declining population. There is a great filter for nation states fast approaching and less than 10% of societies are capable of getting through it.
Africa's population could be safely assimilated into the rest of the world by 5 way splitting it among the rest of the continents in the correct ratios. Humanity will have abandoned Africa altogether in the centuries ahead.
Fun thought : Humans still haven't made the entire planet human friendly. It makes sense for humans to do so and turn the entire planet into a human friendly garden, then take that tech and apply it to anywhere else humans move to.
Even nation states with Nuclear weapons are losing relevance in the world today, due to the fact that these nation states still suffer from reaching economic stagnation and falling into decline, to the point that they start running out of people and funds to maintain their nuclear arsenals. There is also the fact that most nukes of the past could possibly be intercepted with present day technology and the political and future economic cost of launching nukes is too darn high. For context - Look at Russia. There is also a small probability where Russia may be willing to nuke its own territory to defeat the Ukrainians within if the Ukrainian operations end up being too successful. Pakistan also while being a nuclear capable nation state is very clearly failing. Being a nuclear power by itself is not enough in current year.
Nepal is going to end up being another failed nation state. India is the only crown jewel survivor nation state in the middle of Asia.
Globally liberalism is still winning. The US is continuing to move ever further towards increased taxation for corporations along with increasing quality of life for the poor. The US is well positioned to be a nation state with zero poverty and homelessness, while maintaining a high quality of living that cannot be caught up to by other nation states. The US wins due to competitors not being able to keep up. So far US left wing has only had to slow down in the case of transgenderism but even that has not reversed direction so far.
There is an attempt to connect all the places in the world via transport lines in times to create a permanent physical transport network. Chances are this project will be successful within the century, as all nation states are already actively working to be connected to their neighbors on the same continent.
Climate change will be reversed in another 50 years. Global wealth continues to go up. Self driving cars have turned out to be a far harder project than initially predicted.
GTA VI is going to make billions easily. Predecessor is also out now giving Paragon another chance to be a long term successful game. The Eastern gaming industry is not going to be able to catch up to the western gaming industry. There are just too many games. Trailer for directive 2080 is also out which looks interesting. Western gaming industry is doing alright if you look in the right places. The new black ops also appears to have a more action packed storyline than the other CoD games in recent time so that's a good thing too.
Tesla optimus robots are making good progress. Tesla might actually successfully become a robotics company and corner that market as well. We are nearing the point where wars will be fought by humanoid robots and drones on one side and meaty humans on the other. We can expect the US to start winning all the conflicts it participates in against non-developed nation states very soon. Replacing the human element is going to be the next success story of the US military services.
Pitbulls are being banned in developed nation states. Hopefully soon they will be banned across the board and pitbull extinction will take place. It is good that humans actively work to exterminate all types of life that are a threat to humans. We should also exterminate tigers and lions along with Mosquitoes.
Trans rights remain human rights. Transgenderism is the first child like steps towards transhumanism where humans move up to humanity 2.0 where humans are stronger, faster, smarter, due to technological enhancements made to them. Humanity is naturally going to reach that point where its evolution is controlled manually by humans themselves. It is an inevitability.
The entire high tech chain is going to be moved back to core west, meanwhile the lower end and middle tier technology chain is going to be outsourced to the rest of the world. China made all low and mid end tech cheaper but suffer from not being able to compete in the high end tech market.
The Russian people are going to get replaced by traditionalists from every other part of the world. There is likely to be a mass influx of Indians to Russia after the war is over.
The world goes on.
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China took the other two strongest rivals of the west besides itself. Threw them at the west to go cause trouble to slow the west down, and the west is currently busy dunking on both of those powers without even slowing down for more than 2 years.
Imagine throwing Russia into a war and it doesn't even slow your rivals down for more than 2 years. Russia while not the most powerful nation state out there, is still powerful enough that everybody expected it to leave a larger impact. Yet here we are.
China had this big strategy sorted out where they would have their oil pipelines going between Russia, Mongolia, and China. Where they would probably keep Russia afloat for years of war to come, and now instead Russia has performed so poorly against the west that all the Chinese banks have stopped trading with Russia so they don't have to worry about secondary sanctions.
China couldn't fight the west without leaving its economy in the negative. Turns out none of the other big players could fight against the west without collapsing either. To add on to the dunk, the west still hasn't even woken up. They are still busy being dumbasses in the western core regions, with only the Russian bordering territories having woken up. That's how badly the west outperformed against its rival Russia.
Out of the top 10 economies in the world currently, 7 are western aligned. There is just no space for any other group to dominate.
On top of that western weapons development is also currently on track with something even more powerful coming out decade on decade, while the rest of the world is still trying to copy technologies from decades earlier.
China is nowhere close to influencing the world in a way similar to the west. Since the weakening of Iran and Russia, the strongest available Chinese ally is Pakistan, which is closer to a failed state than a functioning one. Meanwhile all of the developed world economies remain developed nation states in the same network of nation states.
The west has continued to expand even while the East is busy actively fighting it. Ukraine is pretty much guaranteed to end up in the EU once the war is over. The west is winning so hard they are expanding even in the middle of paying for a war.
Everybody complains about western birth rates, but nobody notices that the birth rates in nation states that are both developed and conservative are far worse 90% of the time. UAE today has a worse fertility rate than Germany.
China while being the second strongest nation state in the world, and the strongest rival of the west, is in a position where they are far more likely to internally collapse or see their economy stagnate than any western nation state is.
The west looks like r-slurs based on the news, but by any other metric, they have a winning system. Any disadvantage that the west today is accused of having, the rest of the world has but worse. The west dominates in pretty much any area where it helps to dominate. Even now all the immigration flows for competent labor are in the direction of the west.
Everybody talks about how much more traditional or normal the Russians or Iran is, but based on all the metrics it appears that these nation states are actually worse off not better off for remaining traditional. Whatever system it is that leads to development of nation states, it is a more liberal system than the one practiced in Russia.
Western powers are also far closer than the rest of the world to having weapons in space. Which gives them a military advantage in a new dimension of warfare that is inaccessible to the rest of the world. Imagine being able to shoot enemy targets from orbit meanwhile your enemy is trying to conduct a ground war with infantry. It's a killing field no matter what part of the planet the war is going on in.
The way things are going, the US is guaranteed to remain the most powerful economy in the world, China the second most powerful, and India the third. At the end of the day out of these three powers, the US and US aligned west is the fastest expanding power across the world.
Today, Ukraine is considered part of the west which wouldn't have been possible two decades ago. Today, only the cartel violence is holding Mexico back from being considered a western nation state, cartel violence which is going down year on year, as the US is getting better at extraditing the leaders of drug cartels in Mexico. Over time, it is pretty much guaranteed at current trajectories that the west will have assimilated all of Russia excluding the pieces assimilated by China. As of now it is pretty much guaranteed that Saudi Arabia will remain aligned with the west ensuring strong Western influence and presence in the middle east irrespective of whether Israel stands or falls.
The west today has secured holdings on all the rich parts of the planet, thus ensuring that it is impossible to break them by any other world power.
In conclusion:
It would take 200 years or more for a power to emerge that would be strong enough to even stop the west, let alone reverse its growth. The age of colonization changed the world for centuries to come. The age of US imperialism that followed changed the world again for centuries to come. The decline of China when it hits would once again change the world for a century to come. Expect the whole world to be Americanized over time as it turns out nothing works except for what the US has done so far and that it isn't a cultural issue, it's a what actually works issue.
The west is the closest thing to what actually works. The rest of the world is set to stagnate and die out, or adapt to western systems of conduct and still possibly die out due to old customs sticking out negatively for a long time.
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Here is why:
Global population is going to peak very soon, so we are going to lose the advantage of having additional research accrue from having more people around.
Global IQ is not going up at a fast enough rate to keep up. In the 20th century IQ was going up 3 points per decade. Fast enough for there to be a 9 IQ point difference in populations per generation. Enough to leave a noticeable impact at the societal level. Currently we are in best case scenario seeing far slower IQ growth and in worst case scenario seeing a reversal in IQ growth rate. This makes it impossible for humans to get smart enough as a collective per generation to make a noticeable difference in terms of making new more complex discoveries and solutions. This means we are getting dumber people every generation to solve harder tasks, with the hope that the cowtools these dumber people use to solve these harder problems are smart enough to make up for the loss of intelligence.
AI is not smarter than the smartest human alive so far. AI is currently expected to become as smart as the top 1 or 0.1% of humans out there. This would still be impressive but AI would again reach the limits of the most complex discoveries the smartest human alive can make which means that there will still be problems unsolvable to AI, just like there are problems unsolvable to the smartest humans alive today.
The gap between scientific discoveries made and their practical applications discovered is becoming smaller decade by decade. This is due to lots of major research being corporate based and the whole world being reliant on cutting edge technology, which makes it necessary to make new upgrades to technology every few years which is only possible by making new discoveries or uncovering new techniques based on new scientific principles. We are currently reaching for the top branches of the scientific tree, which means that we may requires a constant doubling of resources to make further discoveries. The speed at which new science is discovered isn't speeding up as much as the speed at which new scientific principles are being applied to actual technologies. We might reach a limit where no new better technologies can be created because scientific know how has reached its limits.
Biological human limitations. A human can only work 8 hours a day. So every increase in output or productivity is actually based on availability of better cowtools. Every next 2.5% increase in productivity requires a larger amount of resource output than the previous 2.5% increase in productivity. This model very obviously does not hold unless infinite growth is real. This is why the US is the only developed large nation state with a consistent 2.5% increase as the other developed economies couldn't keep up. Human biological limitations may make it impossible to make further technological improvements at previous rates.
Increase in global competition. Chinese tech actively competes against US tech for the same markets. This causes the two nation states to apply embargoes or sanctions upon each other. This slows innovation growth rate as instead of collaboration to make the best technology there is competition to slow down the other side. The global 5g companies from two different nation states with two different standards are harder to upkeep than one global 5g standard.
Stupid people are reproducing more. Globally the poorest societies reproduce more. This results in the global population getting stuck or dumber at the point where global improvements in education standards can no longer keep up.
Not enough competent immigrants to bring into developed nation states. There aren't enough smart immigrants to bring into the developed world to keep their growth levels in the positive. The world has already suffered too much brain drain and all the smartest people have mostly already left for the west. So the developed world can no longer rely on immigration to keep getting smart people to the extent that they could in the past.
Internet culture dumbing down global populations. The internet is great as a tool. As a social learning system it is terrible. It allows idiots to act as guides and to be the loudest voices. The internet is almost certainly dumbing people down which again makes future technological growth have diminishing returns.
Most nation states reaching the limits of their growth. In the world more and more nation states are getting stuck in the middle income trap or in a stagnant economic state where they cannot grow any further. This limits the number of nation states that can continue to provide ever more smarter and more competent people for research institutions to do further high level research.
New cold war. Global conflicts and divides. Nation states in a state of war or long term conflict are not in a position to invest as much into research as stable nation states. As the strongest economies keep falling into conflict with one another in a multi-polar world, this slows down future economic and technological growth. Adding to technological dependencies on other nation states.
The limits of data storage density also limit how much further technology can grow. As of now data density when it comes to storage capacity increases by three zeros per 15 years. Going by current rates, we should have storage devices as dense as a black holes within 200 years. Which very obviously makes no sense.
Currently only the US is able to maintain consistent growth and even they are reaching their limits. Expect the world to get stuck at whatever point the US peaks. Expect technology to stagnate with worker robots and nation state level AIs.