"high sensory day" :marseyattentionseeker:

:quote:ADHD:quote: is foid code for I'm going to be unbearable, hyper or just annoying on my best days and an absolute goblin on the worst days.

Top comment proves my point:

Love the communication with the people you're traveling with (something I should, but do not do)




Context: Man City footballer Benjamin Mendy was found not guilty for raping 5 women back in January, with that jury failing to reach a verdict on two additional charges. Today, a new jury has cleared him of those as well.

Linked tweet:

Additional tweets:

Reddit discussions:





/u/jackedtradie has been making troll comments on /r/uk since forever and he gets seething replies every time :marseykneel:

This is the problem with innocent until proven guilty. Men like this get away with whatever they want.


E-Wars Ep 7: The Foid Strikes Back.

Second video.

Third video.

!biofoids this is the gold standard for female autism. Do better.


She is racist?


Oh no.

Oh lawd not transphobia too.

Ngl racial domination sessions sound hot.


Editor's Note: *Sophia Celentano is a content creator and rising fourth year at the University of Virginia majoring in media studies. This summer she is doing a corporate marketing internship at Ogilvy Health. The opinions expressed in this commentary are her own. Read more opinion at CNN. *

As I began my 10-week summer internship within the health group at the ad company Ogilvy, I shared on TikTok what my morning looks like on days when I commute by plane from my family's home in South Carolina to an office in New Jersey.

My untraditional commute provides me with significant financial savings. Rather than spending around $2,000 a month on rent (the average near my office in Parsippany, New Jersey), I book a $100 round-trip flight from Charleston, South Carolina, on the one day a week I work in person. This way, I'm able to live with my parents rent-free. After adding in $100 for Ubers to and from the office and $25 for dinner at the airport (given that I pack breakfast and have catered lunch at the office), I only spend about $900 a month on my commute; much less than I would be spending living near my office full time.

Taking a plane to work as an intern might scream privilege to some, but it's an innovative solution to a real estate market that's unbearable for many of us. Indeed, the median rent in the US fell in May from last year, but not by much: just 0.5%. And rents in many cities are still climbing higher --- Manhattan rents hit another all-time high last month, while cities like St. Louis, Missouri and Columbus, Ohio are seeing huge year-over-year jumps. US home prices, meanwhile, are falling, but mortgage rates are still high, and inventory remains low.

In addition to this commute saving me thousands of dollars, it provides me with notable lifestyle freedom. On the days when I don't commute, I can catch up on family time as I work remotely --- a luxury I may have not been able to experience before the pandemic normalized hybrid work. As someone who values the importance of travel, I genuinely look forward to my weekly adventure. Whether it be through people-watching at the airport or sparking up conversation with the person sitting next to me on the plane, super commuting has allowed me to connect with some inspiring people. In addition to providing me with an eye-opening life experience, instead of putting my paycheck toward rent, I am investing in airline miles that I can utilize for post-grad travel.

Understandably, my commute doesn't come without its challenges. I wake up around 3 a.m. to catch a 6 a.m. flight most Wednesdays, and after finishing my 9-to-5 workday, I then catch a 9 p.m. flight back home, which lands at 11 p.m. As you can imagine, I have encountered a handful of flight delays and cancellations. However, these have only been for my flights home. Given that early-morning flights are very rarely delayed, I have always made it to the office before 9 am. I also know that my commute is not the most environmentally sustainable decision. I would not have decided to travel by plane so frequently if my internship was longer than 10 weeks for this very reason.

Those who saw my TikTok expressed shock at how flying once a week could possibly be cheaper than living in the tri-state area full time. "I think you may be a little delulu," one user responded, "but I support you." Another said "there is no way that flying once a week is cheaper than renting a place with roommates outside of the city." And one observed how "this is so insane for an internship."

Of the many comments I received, those questioning why I would go to such lengths for an internship stood out to me. Their responses seem to show a lack of awareness for the challenges young adults face entering the working world.

Young adults face a significant cost-of-living burden. Many members of Generation Z don't even know if they'll be able to purchase a home in their lifetime. The average age of first-time homebuyers is increasing as many young adults simply aren't able to afford a down payment, according to the National Association of Realtors. The average Gen Z worker has only 2% of their income remaining to save after paying for living needs, data from real estate company Redfin shows. Although slowing, inflation has added an additional burden. It remains high at a time when many students graduate with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt.

Not only is my commute saving me thousands of dollars in an economy that's difficult to navigate, it's also increasing my likelihood of being hired at a great company after graduating next spring. In a competitive job market where resumes are scanned by AI systems and some entry-level jobs still require years of experience, internships can make or break whether someone will be hired. It might seem crazy to take a plane to work, but when placed within the context of today's job and housing market, my commute may seem a lot less extreme.

Every generation goes through its challenges, and it's a rite of passage to have to jump through hoops when you're first getting started in the working world. There are hardships generations before me have faced that I will never understand, and I appreciate the sacrifices they have made so my peers and I can have opportunities they did not receive.

However, I think it's time that we peel back the layers on what some have labeled as the generation of entitlement. My generation has had to get creative to navigate today's complicated world. My super commute is ultimately about much more than how I choose to live and work; it's about the challenges my peers and I face as we enter the working world. More importantly than that though, it's about how boldly, passionately and creatively we are determined to navigate those challenges to pursue our goals.

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Totally real not made up story about a :marseywomanmoment2: being hit up for child support after being an informal surrogate

It's so over for plump Christina Hendricks enjoyers.



Christina Hendricks sparked speculation that she is on the popular weight-loss drug Ozempic after flaunting her slimmed-down figure.


By "some" I mean the whole thread.

And by the whole thread I mean two whole threads, because UKPol is discussing it too.

And by two whole threads I mean three whole threads, because /r/worldnews is also talking about it.

Keywords: toxic masculinity, patriarchy, incels, Andrew Tate


ME TOO. I keep getting all those posts. It's all beautiful,normal sized, 19 year old, but the comments always say "stop being fat"


They're not posting because they think they're ugly. They're posting because they know they're not.


plenty of them are hugely insecure. Dismissing it all as an ego boost is pure raw cynicism.


I finally blocked it after I was recommended a post from there with a (cis) girl asking if she looked trans. In r/amiugly.


It’s a bunch of white girls who are told everyday they are beauty standard wanting compliments



This has existed on places like 4chan since I was a middle schooler, and I'm in my 30s today. The alt-right was actually a targeted psyuop by 4chan (and others, like Bannon's bunch of cronies) to weaponize disaffected white g*mers. It sounds insane, but stuff like G*merGate absolutely sparked the alt-right of today.

>G*merGate in [current year]

lmao :#marseysociety2::#marseysociety2:

I don't know if it's only Gen Z males, but recently a Gen Z sub popped up in my Reddit feed; it was about the age range the users were attracted to.

I was shocked to see that multiple teen boys wrote that they only plan to settle down in their late 30/40s and only with a girl in her 20s because that's when they're fertile and can give birth to their kids. These comments made me vomit internally and feel bad for every Gen Z and Gen Alpha girl. It makes me scared of what kind of a world my potential daughter might live.

Also, there was a similar question on AskMen recently and many young men under 30/25 shared these sentiments and reduced women to an object meant to be youthful, fertile, and provide them with offspring.

I don't say there aren't men like this in my generation, but I didn't encounter many backwards-thinking Millennials. It seems like something went wrong in the past few years, and it had a huge impact on Gen Z males.

:#marseywall: genocide

Even if it's trolling, trolling is worse than real hate.... Like, if you make the world cope with another Nazi because you're a Nazi, that's unfortunate, but it's what you are and believe. If you don't think that stuff but subject the world to Nazi crap it just to laugh at the suffering it causes, that's fricking HORRIBLE

>trolling is worse than real hate

reddit foids lmao

I’m a Gen Z trans woman and I almost fell down the alt-right pipeline when I was in middle/high school. It’s a terrifying thing but i see how it happens. These boys see women and queer people getting equal treatment now and feel like they are being treated as less than or forgotten about or whatever. Like they’re “not special too”. They are lonely. They don’t have partners and feel rejected by society.

I think the biggest thing is talk to these boys when they’re young. Treat them with respect as you would anyone but prove their views are wrong when they start to come up. One of the biggest things that stopped me from continuing to be an antifeminist shithead was people reacting with disgust when I said I was one. Also, just meeting women and queer people and being friendly with them and realizing they weren’t at all like what I was told they were like. Turned out I had been lied to and I was basing my hate and distrust on false stereotypes and false representations.

chud :chudsey: to train :marseytrain: pipeline proven real once again

Also trans, I can’t relate (I was a feminist and ally even before my transition, although my understanding of the topics now is much deeper) but the idea that it could have happened is scary. I think LGBTQ+ people are at special risk of this as a means of suppression of their feelings - for a trans woman, this can be the ultimate act to suppress gender Dysphoria. Then it can turn into a “if I can’t have it, no one can” situation. I’ve heard too many stories of trans people who did go down this pipeline and became raging transphobes and actively hurt other trans people and hurt LGBTQ+ people and women in general before realizing that it was all to suppress who they really were.


Gen Z girls, DO NOT REPRODUCE WITH THESE IGNORANT, SEXIST, POOR EXCUSES FOR MEN!!! - me a 51 year old veteran white dad father of two girls!


I literally had one of the worst semesters at college thanks to gen z dudes being indoctrinated already by this shit. I failed 2 of my class (1 of which he was a classmate in.) I felt safe at my college until then. I just want to get an education like wtf.

taking responsibility for one's actions challenge [IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE]


I am 45 year old single woman with no kids so bear that in mind. But I see a lot of relationship posts on here and some of the advice I see is 'There are better men out there." Sure. This is true. I know many, many good men out there. I have wonderful male friends who are supportive partners and great humans.


I think this misses a big point. No partner at all is still better than a bad partner.

As a single woman with no kids, I live my life for me. Sure I'm responsible for all the financial decisions. (Sometimes I wish I could blame some of them on someone else.) and for supporting myself, but I would rather spend the rest of my life doing this than with a partner who tells me that I'm not good enough. Or can't clean up after themselves. Or spends all day playing video games or whatever story it is this week.

Friends, don't stay because you're afraid of what is out there. It is just fine being single.

Notice how little she mentions her failure to reproduce

Internet trolls are always telling me I'm going to be old, alone, and in a house full of cats like that's a bad thing.

Same. Like okay, that isn't the threat you think it is.

Yeah, don't threaten me with a good time!


You’re going to end up with a gaggle of puppies and ice cream if you don’t stop it right now!! lol


They are projecting. That is the man's greatest fear. That is the worst thing they can imagine for themselves, so it must be for us.

What they don't understand is that scenario means we are unburdened by a crappy man who is sucking the life out of us. Nobody is putting extra domestic labor at our feet. Nobody is whining at us. Men struggle to make and maintain friendships as they age. They rely on their women for that. So when they envision a life alone, they are truely alone. They don't realize that women really aren't alone. We don't stop having friends just because we don't have a man.

A man sees alone and sees that there is nobody to take care of him and feels loss. What he doesn't realize is that we see that same situation as nobody we have to take care of. Because it is unlikely that the man will be taking care of us.

:#marseycope: :#marseycope: :#marseycope:

The company of a creature that shits in a box and randomly barfs at 3am is better than being around men... and that's supposed to be a reflection on us?


Or a lot of heterosexual women would, anyway.


Mothers have more free time and sleep more after a divorce. Even if they take the kids full-time. That's right: for most women, a husband increases her second shift work. Having a whole other adult human in the house means women must pick up their load too. Astonishing.

Lots of excuses for homewrecking single moms follow

Absolutely. After separating from my man-child of an ex, being a single mother is not only less work, but also less expensive. And way less stressful.

As we say in french, "mieux vaut être seule que mal accompagnée" (better alone than in poor company).

>This is definitely true. And it's emotionally easier too because you aren't feeling resentment on a daily basis.



Ovary toss


And they refuse to stop 😭. They're gonna get that sniff whether you like it or not.

i wonder why :#marseyclueless:


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