
Get that bag queen.



No drama. Just silly foid nonsense.

Why Women Will Suffer the Most if the Supreme Court Rules Against Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

Sahara Artiga, one of 16 million student loan borrowers who was approved for student loan forgiveness but has not yet received aid because of ongoing legal challenges to President Biden’s loan relief plan, spends her days balancing her job as a benefits specialist and mom to a 2-year-old child.

Artiga, 30, originally took out $29,000 in student loans to go toward her education at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. She started paying off her loans in 2014 after she graduated. But while she has been making monthly payments towards her loans (even during the payment pause), she still owes some $27,000.

That debt, she says, is affecting her career aspirations. “I actually cannot afford child care. The daycares around me are $3,600 a month, which is more than my rent in D.C.” Artiga tells TIME. “I’m essentially staying in a work-from-home job so that I can take care of my kid at the same time, and while that’s saving me money, it’s not easy.”

As millions of borrowers anxiously await a looming Supreme Court opinion that will decide whether President Biden’s student loan forgiveness is constitutional, a subset of that population finds themselves especially eager to hear the news: women. Women hold nearly two-thirds of the country’s student loan debt, owing $929 billion of the $1.54 trillion student debt, according to the American Association of University Women (AAUW).

“That’s a pretty substantial amount of money that women are taking on in many cases to just sort of achieve what men don’t even need to have a degree to achieve,” Gloria L. Blackwell, CEO of AAUW, tells TIME.

Why do women owe so much more than men?

Although women make up more than half of the college educated labor force, per the Pew Research Center, women still face barriers to paying off their loans due to the gender wage gap, a lack of generational wealth and gender norms placed on women.

Black women are particularly affected by student loan debt, owing an average of $37,558 compared to the $29,862 white men owe and $31,346 white women owe. “If you are coming from a space where you have fewer resources available, that means that you’re going to take longer to pay your loans off,” says Blackwell.

The gender wage gap has remained relatively stable in the U.S. throughout the past two decades, with women earning an average of 82% of what men earn. Black women make less, earning about 63 cents for every dollar made by non-Latinx white men, though Latinx and Native American women fare even worse, according to data from the U.S. Department of Labor.

That gap means women earn less, delaying the time it takes to pay off their student loans, but also pushes women to pursue advanced degrees in an effort to increase their pay and reach the economic standing of their male counterparts.

“Women are still required to have higher credentials to really pursue their careers and to seek out the same opportunities that men have, and so that means that they are going to school, not just for undergraduate degrees, but for graduate degrees as well,” Blackwell says. Other experts, like Sabrina Calazans, managing director at the Student Debt Crisis Center (SDCC), concur. The SDCC is a national nonprofit that advocates on behalf of student loan borrowers and also conducts education and outreach work for borrowers.

“What we hear from women is oftentimes, ‘I went to grad school because I needed to make up for the gender pay gap.’ Or, ‘I went because I’m a woman of color, and I’m often paid less than my white and male counterparts,’” she tells TIME.

And the lack of familial support can be an additional barrier for borrowers who come from low-income backgrounds. Calazans says that the lack of generational wealth makes it difficult to pay for not only tuition, but also additional costs like books, supplies and transportation. “For a lot of people who don’t come from generational wealth, it is tough because it’s not just tuition, right? It’s a cost of living,” Calazans adds.

Student loan debt is stifling

Calazans adds that for many, student loan debt is something that borrowers carry for life. The SDCC mostly speaks to women between the ages of 35 to 50, which she says is the point when the economic harm of their debt really begins to settle.

“One of the main concerns that I see coming into my inbox is from older folks who are looking to retire or thinking about retirement, or their children are now going to college and so they’re concerned they can’t retire now,” Calazans tells TIME. Artiga’s mother, for instance, is paying off a Parent Plus loan she took out to support her daughter’s college aspirations in addition to her own student loans she took out in the ’90s.

That financial burden takes an emotional toll on women’s lives. “Women are caregivers, women are mothers, women are, you know, more likely to be raising children or taking care of elders and other people while they’re pursuing their college degrees,” Blackwell tells TIME. “Working and taking care of those other responsibilities certainly have a disproportionate impact on women.”

Artiga especially felt that two years ago when she had her child and she was unable to breastfeed her baby, forcing her to pay for baby formula during the formula shortage, a period where prices skyrocketed. The payment pause was a saving grace for her, but as payments are set to resume in the fall, Artiga fears that the ongoing economic crisis in America will impact her and make it even more difficult to pay off her student loans.

“Once the payment pause comes off I’m nervous that we’re going to have to start going into like our mortgage savings because I don’t want the interest to kind of catch me like it did the first time,” Artiga says.

Artiga and her family believe it will be feasible for them to purchase a home within the next three years but they are prioritizing paying off their existing student loan debt first. Student loan cancellation could have helped them achieve that goal more quickly, but Artiga says she does not want “the interest to make [her] loan way more than [she’s] ever taken out.”

Her fears are well-founded, according to Blackwell. “So much research has demonstrated that 10 years after [graduating] you’re paying your student loans, and many students, particularly Black women, owe more than when they started out. It’s that cycle that they can’t get out of. You’re just on that hamster wheel, and there’s literally no relief,” Blackwell says.

The Supreme Court is set to make their decisions on student loan forgiveness in the upcoming days.

Ever wondered why women don't lick babies clean :marseywomanmoment2:
woman does dumb thing
Reported by:
Idiot woman rages online about her need to control KEYED KINGS



Unmatched genitalia

I’m crushed. Have been with my husband almost a year and he’s never been able to come from regular penetration s*x. Only bj. He always told me it was because he’s always been like that and that it was always random hit and miss whether he could come. Obviously it’s been a bit sad for us both, but we both had amazing s*x anyway and we were looking into ways to turn it around. I can easily come from penetration s*x with him. And oral too

However, in a recent discussion where I pressed the topic, he admitted that it was never hit and miss - he can always come in “tight” kitties and mine is just a bit too big. Now I’m just completely crushed. I feel wrong, angry, deceived and completely deflated from ever having s*x with him again. He’s just as sad as me and Ioves me so much he says it doesn’t matter. I guess I’m mostly venting. I don’t know how we can come back from this.


Video mirror:

Jordan Peterson retweeted her lmao and his daughter put him in his place (note she doesn't explain how the tradthot is wrong).

/r/JordanPeterson discussion - they're not on his side :marseybeanangry:

/r/JordanPeterson discussion 2 - less spicy but still not on his side :marseybeanpleading:

/r/LeopardsAteMyFace discussion

Reported by:
  • lofi_girl : I acutally laughed at this one :marseylaughpoundfist:. Still misogynistic tho :marseydisagree:
Ancient wisdom of the Orient

Hi, so i went through nursing school because I knew i wouldn’t be able to dance forever. The pandemic especially scared me when all the strip clubs nearby closed down and put me out of work for an entire year.

I started my first job as a nurse in October of last year. I like my coworkers/feel supported, my floor’s ratios are decent, and the patients are okay. However, the pay is just soooooo not enough for the amount of work. And floating is awful. Lots of hospital things make me feel unappreciated.

I still work at the club 2 to 3 nights a week, on top of my 3 12s. I truly love the club. I love being my own boss, I love being in control of how much money I make, I love being in an environment where girls help each other and build each other up. I always thought i needed a “real career” but now i’m realizing that stripping is that for me.

If I quit nursing before my one year mark, am I making a mistake if I ever want to come back to it? Should I stick it out longer? Any words of advice, please be gentle.

Stop sexualizing my tight wet kitty!

All The Men I believe to be my friends want to sleep with me.

So, I'd originally tried to post this on /r/AmItheAsshole, BUT it doesn't fit guidelines. I figured I would try it here, as I'm sure a lot of XXC can relate. I know it sounds ridiculous but I really cannot tell. That's why I need an objective opinion if I'm the problem here.

I'm a 25F social party type, happily single and doing my thing. I have a lot of male friends I met through the industry I work in that I hang out with and see almost daily. While I'm a natural flirt because of the industry, I keep my s*x life(which has slowed SIGNIFICANTLY since my early 20's) private and out of the same social circle I leave my day-to-day in.

I have a few male friends who I love dearly. We go out and see movies, to dinner, etc., and I've always enjoyed their company platonically. Since I'm single, I don't mind jumping on a homie's back or letting them hold doors open for me, a little soft flirting; but I've always felt like generally, it was a platonic agreement. Split bills, wingmanning eachother, etc. I've always stayed vocal about my actual crushes, implying that I respectfully don't have romantic feelings for my male friends.

I stayed over at one of my male friends' house after drinking (we were both super drunk) and he tried to make a sexual move on me, and I admitted to him I wasn't interested in having s*x with him. Frustrated, he sighed and said, "You'll have s*x with (the name of my crush), but not with me?" The rest of the night I sobered up and got a little paranoid.

This has happened a few times now with men who allow me to lean on them (taking me to the beach, helping me lift furniture, etc) even though I always keep the mood goofy and platonic, and I don't understand why me hanging out with guys isn't how it is with girls. Even though I'm sexually attracted women, I don't expect to sleep with women when I get too close to them; I see them as friends when they are just friends.

But my male friends seem to get frustrated that I'm around them but not opening up sexually. I don't know if it's selfish for me to be so close to straight men that I don't want to sleep with, but admittedly I felt like it was too good to be true to have a safe relationship with a man, as a friend, without feeling pressured to have s*x with him.

Maybe for them it's opposite. Maybe it's frustrating having a liberated person like me around, that doesn't want to have s*x with them.

Is it too good to be true for me to be hanging out with them and enjoying their company and laughing and gently flirting, when, I'm not interested in having s*x with them? Like, at all?

*EDIT: I do want to clarify that I am not mad that people become attracted to me. I get mad when it leads them to try and have s*x with me when I'm alone with them.

*EDIT Pt. 2 I flirt because as a bartender, it is part of my nature. I flirt casually with absolutely everybody. I understand the comments saying the flirting is the problem, but I also think for context it's important to know that flirting is second nature in the bar industry.


100% agree my dude. I was a virgin until my mid 20s due to SA when I was a kid. Used to get panic attacks and have extreme touch aversion. Dated a girl who was supposedly understanding and wanted me to be truthful and honest. Told her everything.

She told her sister and they mercilessly made fun of me for being a virgin. And for getting r*ped, called me gay and other names.

Moral of the story women usually say to be truthful and want a sensitive guy, but its a lie.

Edit: This happened around 10 years ago, so it's been a while. I still don't trust people IRL so she was the only one I've told, period.

Also cupocrows, you should seek mental help. Seriously wtf is wrong with you.

Super depressing to see women try to invalidate his lived experience. Rest of the thread is interesting but not as dramatic

:marseyfoidretard: :marseypony: :marseycrap:

Ideal female living space

my bad, and i like just figured you had cleaned up today.

back story, and short story form

so my husband had a heart attack last year, and he quit work to recover, and he was really proactive in the first few months but eventually fell totally into a deep depression, and and along i stumbled with him

my heart is telling me his days consisted of beinge watching youtube, movies ect, and mine revolved around the kids, and like just taking care of them, and my depression got worse and along with it, the house, and clutter and disorganization now rule here

well my husband has started working again, light work, with a buddy of his but go off i guess

With today being his third day of work. Afterwards his buddy and his wife are dropping my husband off at home. To which my husband calls me, while out front and proceeds to say, "Hey they want to come in and say hi to the kids."

I immediately begin calmly freaking out saying "What the frick, what the frick your not serious are you?"

he says, yeah, whats wrong?

by this point i am near tears saying why??? what the frick is wrong with you??? why are you doing this to me??? are you serious??? no, and no they cant come in right now, and im sorry but no.

so i am mortally embarrassed, and ashamed and sick with my husband right now, and sick with myself over the state of my house

um when he finally gets inside (after telling them god knows what of why they couldnt come in) i ask him what the frick is going on and his reply is simply

my bad, and i like just figured you had clean up today.

He just figured in the 4 hours he's been gone that I was able to clean up 8 months* of depression clutter.

and these arent like just regular ole buddys, and no no no, and these are his our maids have maids wealthy buddys

i am still crying


After reading recent talk in here

I came to conclusion that you frickers have forgoten great sub.


Its small drama(not related) sub where foids stalk socialmedia of other foids who pretend to have life destroying disease.

Some of these faker foids go as far as getting medical procedures done to them in order to validate their totally real condition.

What make this sub great. Is that they hound handful of foids. They talk about them in names. They post their social media posts.

Its not just look at this literally who. It's never quess what X has done this time. Type of drama.


Here is their list of targets.

Foid discovers COD lobby voice chat

I love her fake soyfacing


pots is a real condition (high heart rate upon standing, they need salt and compression socks) but not at literally all a big deal, and the hospital treatment is supportive (fluids), and it’s a big warning sign patient is a munchie young white woman

if you can leave over not getting enough attention, your condition probably wasn’t emergent???


:#marseyfoidretard: so ive been letting this guy touch me all the time and I ask him about s*x and porn and stuff but I guess he wants to frick me???? Like wtf but go off I guess

Commenters are mostly confused how she missed how obvious he was being but there are some funny comments

It's also why a lot of people believe men and women cannot be only friends.

IMO the problem is that most men have the exact same list of criteria for their friends and their romantic prospects.

How dare you want friends that are attractive and you like talking to

I find it hard to believe that male and female coworkers can talk about s*x in a strictly platonic, professional manner lol. Maybe I'm wrong, but this scenario was about as guaranteed as the sun rising. The s*x talk should definitely be kept to a minimum with people at work going forward

:#marseyhesright: I don’t wanna hear the cashiers at Best Buy talking about how often they jack off when I’m there to buy a tv

As a response to above,

I wanna disagree with u so badly and say you’re being silly but i have had to train most my guy friends into not viewing me as a sexual being cuz i’m like very open and into talking ab everything ever. So here’s an angry upmarsey

Either :#blackwomanspeaking: or moids pretending they’re not interested in her loudly sharing her s*x life to them

The whole “it’s a brother/sister relationship thing???” Combined with talking about porn at work is a little :#marseysaluteconfederacy:

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White woman has a :marseywomanmoment: when she finds out that the Chinese eats her lovers

Another wedding scam

Crazy Mother in law

Random woman wants to go to weding dressed as bride

Another random woman eho is quest at wedding

Some foid nonsense

This lovely wedding

And cherry on top

These are just some nice stuff in /r/weddingshaming

Basically weekly you see bunch of post telling how people go absolutely crazy over some event where priest talks silly and gives couple premission to put peepee in vagina.






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