Queen MARSY makes the incels mad.

Part 2

I can no longer effort post. I am dying.

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  • Grue : How would you recommend I make 15k DC? Being right all the time doesn’t pay the bulls.

Feeling very unsafe right now in my hostel room!

I‘m (F) all alone in my hostel room (that I can’t lock) and there are two guys hanging out outside of my room that make me feel uncomfortable to say the least. Last time I went outside he asked me for my number, I said no and he kept pestering me. The staff is not here at night and I don‘t see any other guests. (The hostel is quite empty). What should I do? I‘m scared they could come to my room while I‘m sleeping.

Edit: To clarify: There‘s a seating area outside of my room (not the main one though) and they‘re sitting there. I just texted a guy who‘s staying in the same hostel and asked him for help. He said he‘s outside but will return later. I realize this guy doesn‘t owe me anything but I can‘t help feeling furious about his careless response.

Update: Thank you guys for your quick replies and your concern. I pushed a heavy furniture against the door. The guy who‘s in my hostel arrived and is next door. He said I can come or text him if anything happens. The ones victim-blaming me trying to paint a picture of me that is simply not true(the dumb idiot who puts herself into danger without doing proper research): thanks for making a scary situation worse. You made me actually second-guess myself. However: I did my proper research before coming to Lebanon. I asked female friends who travelled here alone, specifically ones who stayed in this hostel. I simply got unlucky because this hostel is usually full, including the female dorms. But yeah, thinks for making a shitty situation even worse.

Believe me: there‘s nothing more important to me than my safety. I‘m not only leaving the hostel but in fact the whole country. I‘m looking for flight tickets right now.


Some users suggests szchizomaxxing.

I’d start acting really crazy so that they’re freaked out by you. Speaking gibberish, pacing, maybe throw some stuff around. Act really bizarre, loud and make a scene so that they don’t mess with you.


Panick. Start to scream so they know you aren't to be messed with. Make sure to let the other guy know how mad you are who won't help you, and then lock the door when you leave.

others suggest calling the police on the perps

Why not leave right now?

Edit: or call the police?


In order of immediacy: Does the door open into your room, or out of your room? If in, try to find something to wedge underneath the gap to secure the door and create a barrier. Also, bar the door with anything you have - if the bed can be moved, move it and use it to bar the door. Combine it with other things like dressers, etc.

Call the police if they can be trusted (I have no idea if Lebanon police can be trusted or not)

Call an Uber and have the police escort you to the Uber

Do you have money to get a hotel room?

If yes, try Ubering to one - if no, consider booking the first flight out of Lebanon and going to the airport, which should be relatively safe.

I wouldn't rely on the guy to help you, for all you know he could be like the two guys outside your door.


An ex got mad at me for referring to a girl the community we are a part of "whorish" because she fricked 3 dudes in one day and contracted herpes. Ex had the audacity to say it wasn't her fault for getting an sti LOL ... Red flag on the play. That was the last time she slept in my bed because I thought that if she defended that behavior she's done it before or thinks it's ok

this comment ruffled some feathers for some reason :#marseyquestion:

So you insulted someone and your ex got mad.

Not sure why that's a red flag, you kinda sound like a peepeehead lol

I think that's her win in the end

:#marseyseethe: #1

Your ex definitely dodged a bullet by becoming your ex.

:#marseyseethe: #2

Crazy that you typed this up and though people would agree with you.

You can disagree with someone’s behavior without using demeaning insults

:#marseyseethe: #3

also :#marseyfoidretard: moment for both that girl and the redditor's ex

Women are offended because body count is used to shame them. There is no definitive number on how many sexual partners you need to classify as a hoe, it’s just like more than one or two I guess.

This is just some weak butt misogynistic argument that matters to misogynistic insecure men. These are the guys who will shit themselves when you talk to another man or comment on how another man looks to you. This comes from men who want to make sure women aren’t experienced in bed so they don’t realize how bad their partner is at pleasuring them. This come from an idea that women should be a certain way to be likeable to men.

I don’t get why ya’ll gotta act like we can’t see how controlling and weird this is. If you connect and like a woman, actually like her as a person, and want to be with her how the heck is the number of people she slept with going to matter in the least? It doesn’t.

This is where some lame butt person is going to tell me what the number of people you’ve slept with means that she is more likely to cheat, which is not true. People who cheat on their partners are more likely to have more sexual partners than people who don’t. It’s called math. That’s it, that’s the misunderstanding of the cheating argument. So please, don’t come at me with that dumb shit.

This argument is not used equally for men and women. Men are often excused, by other men, from cheating and that behaviour is normalized for them. So what if you lie to women as long as you make yourself likeable to other men. Being a high value man means sleeping with a lot of women and having access to a lot of women and taking that access away from other men. Honestly men’s idea of their own sexuality is basically all about other men and rarely about women as people. And as a black man myself I know ya’ll don’t like this, and it’s crushing you just as much as women hate this shit.

But in reality men and women who sleep around, who have multiple sexual partners or have had multiple sexual partners are in committed relationships, having children, getting married all the same. And the ones who are experienced are often better than those who aren’t. Obviously.

No one shames women with high BC, they can do what they want. But for men who just choose not to take girls like that seriously, that’s not shaming that’s a choice.

No that’s called sexism. When you generalize and judge people because they do something you don’t like it’s called sexism. You don’t have to date anyone you don’t want to, no one is making the argument that should. You’re the one saying you don’t take women seriously because they have more s*x than you think they should.

You don’t think there’s anything wrong or gross about that comment?

Your comment is like two sentences long and in the first part you say no one shames women for this, and then proceeds to declare you don’t take them seriously in the next part… you guys have brain rot.

I never argued that men shouldn’t be able to date whoever they want you absolute dolt.

People’s preferences and bias can be sexist or bigoted, this isn’t new or noteworthy, this is reality.

You’re the moron for acting and pretending it’s not gross or problematic and that’s what I’m criticizing. I doubt women you don’t take seriously are taking you seriously either so I guess this works out as intended. So instead of that just being the end of it we gotta hear about how difficult it is for men to date.

Women don’t care about men’s height or peepee size nearly as much as you guys make it out to be. This is the most obvious thing in the world. Short kings are in relationships. Poor people with nothing going on frick all the time. You’re just unlikable.

“But women do this all the time…. It’s not fair.” Omg grow up. Stop trying to date women who perpetuate dumb shit. Do the exact same thing women are doing and don’t frick people with problematic opinions.

>it's problematic you don't want to date me whores


Id rather be with someone who is "easy" than someone who is a judgmental butthole spouting pick me bullshit. Having s*x is not a measure if someone's character.

Having s*x as a man is different than it is as a woman. It darned sure IS a factor of their character if they are easy to frick and easy for low value people to have access to.

Yeah you sound like a piece of shit.

You sound like a hasty person who doesn't like having anything she does criticized. Sorry dove.

Nah bro I'm ace. I genuinely think sexist like you are just terrible people. Whats wrong cant handle being criticized?

no u

Purity culture is damaging and unfounded.

letting 50 dudes take you for a test drive a leave you where they found you is 1000% more damaging than "Purity culture" and "Purity culture" is a strawman its not stay pure ,its pick wisely get to know ppl form a relationship take value in yourself

Im curious as to how you think having consensual s*x with 50 people is “damaging”

:#marseyclueless: :#marseylaugh:

It’s not purity culture to say maybe you should tap the brakes and not sleep around excessively

First, excess is a wildly subjective term.

Either way, It's purity culture to say it Matters if you do and now your body has less Value.


Chances of STDs and cheating shoot through the roof with "high body count" partners.

It's a very reasonable thing to be concerned about.

But mostly, I'm concerned with how many men she's fricked outside of a relationship. Those numbers are much more acceptable within the confines of a relationship. Fricking many people outside of a relationship makes me concerned for that individuals morals/ethics.

Fricking many people outside of a relationship makes me concerned for that individuals morals/ethics.

Can't wait till all you puritans die out.

I can’t wait until we put you degenerates into camps where you belong

:#chudsey: billions must die

It's "Christian Hour - Let's Burn These Hoeeees, They've Got No Morals" again, it seems.

Edit: OK, so "Holier-Than-Thou-You-Fricking-Whores Hour" sounds better?

This sub is a fricking cult, I swear. you honestly believe that if you conducted a worldwide poll, it would just be Christians who had this type of opinion? Outside of largely white liberals in US/Canada and Western Europe, I'd say this type of opinion (as expressed by OP) is very popular in the world at large.


I’ve never seen someone ‘slut shame’ as hard or adamantly as a woman without a high body count, and I’ve never seen someone defend having a high body count as vehemently as women with one. Just an observation


no one hates women more than women

Man doesn't want s*x immediately, woman confused
Truth in song

(Tracy Newman singing "A Paper of Pins")

Worst kinds of women

I've been told my recent comment is so quality that it deserves its own post and some expansion on my points.

Here's my top 3 of kinds of women I can't stand:

1. Fat-positive or body-positives :marseyobesescale: who specifically think they're better looking than women who take care of themselves. They also tend to say things like "bones are for puppies, come get you a REAL woman"

I actually have experience with this one!

I'm building muscle so I can effortlessly lift my future children and carry them for long periods of time.

I've had multiple fatties look at me and say


:#obesedaddysgirl: :#obesetradwife:

Horrible mention: totally valid :marseypass: they're just as unbearable as pick me party girls AND come packed with a misogynistic veiw of women!

Without you, queens, I'd never have become so based and tradpilled


2. Pick mes or :marseyattentionseeker:. These often have some sprinkling of manic pixie energy. They often adopt sexualties and gender-queerness for popularity points and catch STDS like pokemon.

Bonus points if she has awful hair, piercings and acts edgy to "make a statement"

3. Lazy mothers :marseychonkerfoidpuke: who think their messy homes, unwashed asses and poorly kept children are a virtue and testimonial to how hard working they are.

They often have black feet or walls covered in handprints, boogers and crayon drawings.

They're also either single mothers, or very self absorbed wives who won't keep house for their husbands because "muh depression"


So, drama, what are the worst kinds of women??


:marseyfoidretard: :marseydicklet:

"Unapologetically unmasking"

For anyone who doesn't know: Masking is the act of acting like a normal, functional person despite being a ✨Neuro divergent ✨ Boss biatch.

It involves something these types can't stand: learning and maintaining proper social skills in specific situations and settings.

Within the last 10 years, it's become a less and less accepted idea within those ✨special✨ pockets of social media where these kinds of foids frolic and affirm one another's cringe behavior.

However I've noticed a trend within the last 5 years:

They don't just think masking is oppressive, they believe that it's completely unnecessary for adulthood.

Even better: they think it leads to their empowerment


>I'm going to skip to Starbucks because I did sooo well in this giant crowd watching the changing of the gaurds!!

This is such a peak image that boomers would seethe over

>Drinks a whole pint after not having alcohol for 3 years, resulting to her stumbling drunk on the street

Not unlike any other :marseybong:

A teen Florida mom was arrested Tuesday after allegedly trying to use a parody website to hire a hit man to kill her toddler son.

Jazmin Paez, 18, is accused of contacting the fake website and requesting the murder of her 3-year-old before Thursday.

She allegedly sent the website detailed instructions, including pictures of the boy and the exact location of where he would be, according to court documents reported by NBC 6 Miami.

Miami-Dade police said Paez filled out an online form explaining she wanted a hit man "to get something done once and for all." She allegedly requested that her son "be taken away, far, far, far away and possibly killed but ASAP."

She allegedly gave the website a false name for herself and listed her desired code/safe word as "Put me in coach," the arrest report stated, according to WPLG.

The specific details of Paez's request set off alarm bells for website owner Robert Innes. He told NBC 6 that his website receives hundreds of similar solicitations each day, but that this one looked too real.

"The ability to research names and addresses and verify the intended target lived in a particular address. That to me is a red flag. If that information is corroborated, to me that is something that needs to be looked at and that’s why I referred it," Innes said.

Innes said at first the Miami-Dade Police Department didn't believe him. He told NBC 6 he was repeatedly referred to CrimeStoppers, and that he was given a cease-and-desist letter and told to stop contacting the tip line.

"They were not interested. They sent me an email saying if I contacted one more time they were going to send a cease-and-desist letter," Innes said.

However, a detective was eventually assigned to the case. Investigtors reached out to Paez pretending to be the hit man and she allegedly agreed to pay them $3,000 to kill her son.

Paez was arrested Tuesday and faces charges of soliciting murder and unlawful use of a communications device. She is currently being held at Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center on $15,000 bond, detention center records show.

Her son is safe and is staying with relatives, NBC 6 reported. Records show the Florida Department of Children and Families was notified of the case.

Innes said he created the rent-a-hitman site as a project for a cybersecurity company, but over the years several people have been busted who didn't realize it's a joke. In April, an Air National Guardsman was arrested for allegedly applying for a job as a hit man on the website, NBC 6 reported.

In 2021, a Michigan woman admitted to using the site to request a hit man kill her ex-husband for $5,000, and the New York Post reported that since 2018, at least 120 bloodthirsty people across the Empire

State have attempted to rent a hit man on the fake site.

!straggots volcel if you wouldnt


She's clearly acting but let's see how neurodivergent rDrama is:


I'd quote but I'm on mobile and don't want to

Will an incel shoot up a Barbie showing because something so female could be elevated and armired by society?


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See also: /r/uk thread where they straight up call her a gold digger

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Sigma Badge to anyone who can get his wife on rDrama so we can have her fund baremetal servers to save the rainforest or whatever.

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  • lofi_girl : Why was the doctor calm during surgery? He had a lot of patients :marseylaughpoundfist:
  • ABC : :marseysting:

News segment

More reddit reactions

Ohio Plastic Surgeon Loses Medical License After TikTok Livestreams

The State Medical Board of Ohio voted on Wednesday to revoke Katharine Roxanne Grawe’s medical license after she broadcast some patients’ procedures.

An Ohio plastic surgeon lost her medical license on Wednesday after the state medical board investigated her for livestreaming operations on TikTok and surgical complications reported by patients.

The State Medical Board of Ohio voted at a hearing on Wednesday to permanently revoke Dr. Katharine Roxanne Grawe’s medical license and to fine her $4,500 “based on her failure to meet standard of care.”

At the hearing, doctors on the board said that Dr. Grawe, known online as “Dr. Roxy,” had previously been cautioned about protecting patient privacy on social media. They also spoke about her treatment of three unnamed patients who had reported complications from procedures, including one whose surgery Dr. Grawe had broadcast a part of on social media.

Dr. Jonathan B. Feibel, vice president of the medical board, recommended that Dr. Grawe’s license be revoked because of the “life altering, reckless treatment” provided to those patients.

“These outcomes were not normal complications like those that exist in the routine practice of medicine, but were rather caused by recklessness and disregard for the rules governing the practice of medicine in Ohio,” he said.

He said Dr. Grawe’s social media presence “amplified her reckless behavior” and accused her of using it to grow her brand, not to educate.

Dr. Grawe has not been allowed to practice medicine since the medical board suspended her license on Nov. 18, according to The Columbus Dispatch. The board said at the time that her continued practice presented “a danger of immediate and serious harm to the public.”

Dr. Grawe addressed the medical board at the hearing before the vote. She said she had reflected on the board’s critiques over the past year and saw how she had “fallen below the board’s ideal in multiple ways.”

She added that she made social media videos because she loved teaching and wanted to explain cosmetic surgery to people outside of the medical field. “But, as I stand here today, I see how many of those videos appeared silly and unprofessional,” she said.

She said that her husband had left her because of the stress from the situation, her children had been harassed at school because of the media attention and she had to fire 20 employees at her clinic, Roxy Plastic Surgery in Powell, a city north of Columbus.

Dr. Grawe’s TikTok account is now private and it is not clear how many followers she had when it was public. On Instagram, she still has more than 100,000 followers.

Dr. Grawe has 15 days after the board’s order is mailed to appeal the decision, said Jerica Stewart, a spokeswoman for the medical board. A call to Dr. Grawe’s lawyer on Wednesday was not immediately returned.

Many of the medical board’s concerns were outlined in a suspension notice sent to Dr. Grawe in November.

The board said it had cautioned Dr. Grawe about the need to maintain patient privacy on social media in letters sent in October 2018 and September 2021. In the second letter, the board secretary recommended Dr. Grawe take remedial education courses about plastic surgery and “professionalism/ethics.”

Dr. Grawe gave the board documents that showed she had completed remedial classes, including “ethical social media” in December 2021, the board said, but she continued to record video and live broadcast medical procedures through Oct. 14, 2022.

These videos included patient interviews and photos before operations, livestreams of procedures and photos taken in the operating room after surgery. During some videos, Dr. Grawe responded to viewers’ online questions “while the surgical procedure remains actively ongoing,” the board said.

At least three patients, who were not named, had experienced complications after seeing Dr. Grawe for cosmetic surgery, and their issues were outlined in the suspension notice.

One patient, according to the board’s notice, received a Brazilian Butt Lift, tummy tuck and liposuction from Dr. Grawe in July 2020. The patient saw Dr. Grawe again in March 2022 for more cosmetic procedures, and Dr. Grawe looked at and spoke to a camera while engaged in liposuction on the patient’s abdomen, the board said.

A few days after the surgery, the patient was hospitalized and found to have a perforated small bowel and a soft tissue infection.

In December 2020, Dr. Grawe provided several cosmetic procedures to another patient under anesthesia, including liposuction and a Brazilian Butt Lift. The next day, the patient went to the emergency room because she was experiencing severe abdominal pain and cramping and had to have several surgeries on her stomach.

Dr. Grawe saw the third patient in December 2021 for a breast augmentation. A few days later, the patient reported nausea and bleeding from her breast and was treated at the clinic. After, the patient reported pain, malaise and nausea. A nurse practitioner then treated her at the clinic, but the patient had to be hospitalized for a faster than normal heart rate. At the hospital, she was found to have an infection that required treatment and the removal of her breast implants.

Mary Jenkins, another former patient, won a lawsuit against Dr. Grawe in 2016 for complications from breast reconstruction surgery, according to The Columbus Dispatch.

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  • lofi_girl : Social media scary. Algos smart, brain dumb.
HIS SNAP SCORE WENT UP BY ONE :soycry::soyjaktantrumfast:

Just your average manic pixie BPD babe rage posting


>his snap score went up by one

This is a long distance relationship btw, they lived together for two years.

>not going to give entire history but long story short my bf deleted snap because he used it to cheat on me for 2 years of our relationship

>redownloaded it behind my back

>bla bla bla

>i’m going insane. his snap score just went up

>by one. fricking one. and my heart is racing and i’m about to blow up his phone.


>my behaviors are not healthy

Smartest BPD foid


She's also been active in /r/bedbugs

No surprise that she's also a drug addict who drinks cough syrup


So. Do _you_ think BPD girlpeepee is worth it?


He then dropped a bomb that he was being so hard on me because he had realized lately I had a lot to make up for due to my being a "low-value woman." I asked what on earth he meant by that and he said it was because I wasn't a virgin when we met.

Keep in mind we started dating at 21 [she's 33], neither of us claimed to be virgins or stated that as an expectation.

He then went on to say that because of my low value, I was going to need to be making it up to him for the rest of my life. That I didn't deserve monogamy or equal treatment and that I was lucky that anyone at all wanted to marry me. And - that he's "connected" with someone from work so if I wanted to keep him I'd better step up.

can someone tell me if this is real or femcel fanfiction? I'm not sure if this story is made up :marseyxd:

THE SCOOMER :marseycoomer2:

Elizabeth Holmes

she feels the need. the need for breed.

beta male car statistic wasn’t even cold in ground kek


Also all contraception should be free and a right tho

Men need to step up and take responsibility!

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