
Looks like it got Zucced but here’s the original story


This sub is such an amazing gift, I always had a low opinion of reddit mods, but it boggles the mind just how r-slurred they are.

The real goals of Adopt-an-Admin

I moderated /r/twoxchromosomes (among other subs) daily for almost six years. I stopped moderating at the start of this year in part because I could feel reddit admins were fighting against me more than they were helping me. That's not really important except to give some background for this post.

I facilitated Adopt-an-Admin for TwoX while I was a moderator. I was the primary point of contact for admins in the program. I helped get them onboarded and started moderating. I addressed the majority of their questions. After a couple rounds of it, I started to feel the same way a lot of admin adopters feel - that I was being used as a free (for reddit) training program to teach reddit employees how reddit works. But given the recent threats by reddit admins, I'm seeing Adopt-an-Admin in a very different light.

I brought admins into protected moderator spaces and showed them stuff that ordinary subreddit members would never see. I shared processes with them and showed them how to moderate our subreddit. While I rarely gave them much more than I would any other brand new moderator (which is neither full permissions nor full visibility into discussion spaces), that's stuff that is shared to maybe 70 people ever, for a subreddit with 13 million members.

What I naively thought I was doing was giving reddit admins a perspective on some of the challenges we face with the moderation cowtools we had. What I was also doing was giving them the cowtools and processes they would need to dump the moderation team and more easily spin up replacements, whether that's another group of volunteers or reddit's paid moderators in AEO. In one round, reddit admins asked us to keep on an adoptee, which we thankfully declined.

If your subreddit participated in Adopt-an-Admin, I strongly encourage you to take inventory of exactly what you gave them access to, and make any necessary changes to cut off that access and change those processes. Ask yourself some of these questions:

  • Did you revoke all of their moderator permissions?

  • Did you revoke all of their access to backroom subs, slack channels, groomercord servers?

  • Did you show them your custom mod cowtools or give them code?

  • Did you give them access to any code repos?

  • Did you share any documentation that you created through experience in moderation?

Given that reddit admins are now executing on threats to rip and replace whole moderation teams, you should consider taking steps to make that as much of a challenge for them as possible. Give them no headstart. Force them to learn the same lessons you did.

I would also discourage anyone from participating in future iterations of Adopt-an-Admin. Whatever the goals were of that program, they didn't take away from it the value of the work volunteers put into moderation. Even if they aren't using it to harvest your work as moderators, they definitely aren't using it to help you.







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Me(F25) and my boyfriend(32M) have been fighting really badly lately and I asked him to delete all my nude photos and videos and he told me exactly this… ”No I won’t, you shouldn’t have sent them to me in the first place then…the photos are on my phone so they are mine now”. I told him I was really uncomfortable with him having it since we have been fighting like crazy lately yet he said, ”No but I have plenty of photos and videos of you”.

this was a break up but go off

It’s revenge porn, which may be illegal.

im literally screaming, lmao no, and keeping photos that a foid sent to you is not revenge porn

Case in point, Germany:

'Revenge porn' victims receive boost from German court ruling

Koblenz court orders man to delete nude images of ex-partner, even though he had shown no intention of publishing them

my heart is telling me wtf does nazi law have to do with this obviously american poster?

He doesn't understand how the law works, does he? Get a a lawyer to send him a letter then leave him, he's showing you exactly who he is.

ok so ironic

Normally I am against going through a partner's phone but, at this point, the gloves are off. My advise is pretend to accept him back. Let him stay over (without s*x) and get his phone. Delete the photos and videos off the phone (make sure you also delete them from the 'deleted' folder) and delete the phone data back ups as well because they will also be stored there. Also, check cloud storage. Check his message history to ensure he has not sent them to friends who could send them back to him and if he has a laptop, try to get access to that too.

lmao just mi6 his shit while also not fricking him but go off

Then his no means nothing. You get access to his shit and delete them on the sly. Heck I've done it before even letting them know they're dumped.

im literally screaming, unironically who lets their foid have unlimited access to their shit? i dont even let other people use my phone without me hovering, and also back ur shit up people!

This is so similar to cybersex bullying and/or black mail, both of which are illegal. If you are serious, go to the police.

my heart is telling me lmao what? cybersex bullying? this must be a literal child

Searching the term "Won't delete my nudes" Brings up a lot of foids having !foidmoment's

ok so https://old, andreddit, andcom/r/twoxchromosomes/search?q=won’t+delete+my+nudes&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all


Yes, that's right. This was a womans prison.

26 burned alive, the rest shot or stabbed


Please support open borders so central American ganbangers can flee muder charges gang violence and bring their culinary skills to a taco truck near you.



Because she's scared shitless. You can see the camera shaking from the nerves. A lot of people have giggling as a stress response.

Only true if you consider women to be people.

Are you serious? She’s just having a reaction to the fear/surreal situation. Why is everyone so dumb all of the time

Because woman

Yes, exactly.

i laugh as a first response even when something really horrible happens. it’s a bad reaction but i can’t help it

Shockingly, this commenter is a woman.

Me too, I hate it. It's definitely gotten me in trouble.

Also a woman, specifically a stripper with nasty feet.

Just passed my university degree and got my lips done. Feeling unroastable. : RoastMe

Why do you do this to yourselves femoids?


I don't like posting things from the front page of Reddit, it feels too easy.






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dudes stay rockin 😎 :platynooo::platynooo::platynooo:

Is it possible to tell this foid the truth (she's a slampig and doesn't realize it) without getting banned?


Venting mostly.

I am a cisgender female. I dress relatively feminine and have natural curves. I don't feel like I behave or seem like I'm particularly masculine. But, I've always had a deeper voice since I was a kid. This has brought on a lot of difficulties and rude behavior from people who were bewildered at the idea that a girl could have a deeper voice. I already struggle with interacting with people to an extent because I'm shy and get sexually harassed often, but the ones who hear me speak and can't handle it make me feel sick. Some examples:

  • When I was in 6th grade I asked for a classmate's phone number to chat in an effort to make friends. When I called, her father answered and blew the frick up at both of us because he thought I was a boy. Classmate showed me to her dad like... six months later when there was an event at school. I'd about blocked it out of my mind at that point; he had a weird sheepish grin and weakly said sorry.

  • Middle school is of course awful for many people; for me it sucked being mocked and treated like a pariah so often just because I had a deeper voice and gave a shit about school. I wanted to transfer schools but all of the eligible schools in my district were pretty awful tbh, and I felt like I couldn't confide in my parents. We were never really close or discussed feelings unless it was in a more negative light, and I generally had the mindset that I have to endure things that I don't want to no matter how miserable I am. So ultimately I became cynical and withdrawn, my grades fell, and they wrote me off as being spoiled and lazy with a bad attitude, while peers would call me negative. Lots of angry crying!

  • Small children often flat out exclaim I sound like a boy or ask if I am one. If I deny being one they will not believe me. If I try to joke about it, it's still embarrassing and I don't want to be mean to a little kid or otherwise confuse them about gender shit and possibly lead them to make bad assumptions.

  • I've had parents stop in their tracks and stare at me when I was in high school. One, albeit trying to be nice, remarked about my 'smooth baritone' voice.

  • If I go to bars there have regularly been guys who ask if I am transgender, usually after trying to flirt with me. Sometimes I would go to gay bars and get asked this, and they're nice about it, but definitely had been told 'your body is great, those are good hormones/implants' until I corrected them.

  • When I went on a trip with friends last year and went into a bathroom after a bit of wine tasting, I approached the stalls and realized they were both occupied. I quietly whispered to myself 'oop, both occupied'. One of the women in the stalls immediately loudly said "WHAT? IS THERE A GUY IN HERE??" so I replied "NO I JUST HAVE A DEEP VOICE" and she went "oh", and a woman who was at the sink just kind of chuckled and said "come on, remember diversity" or something along those lines. Accusing lady gave me a nervous smile when she left the stall and I just scoffed at her.

  • Phone calls suck, even if I say my very feminine name and use feminine prefixes and pronouns, I've had callers insist on calling me 'sir' or seem confused that I am referring to myself and am not speaking on behalf of myself. I work remotely and even though I've been on the same team with the same people for six months, the project manager randomly referred to me by saying 'his ticket' last week.

But yeah I don't know. I'm just tired of it. I try not to take it personally. It's not like I sound like Dr Girlfriend from Venture Brothers. These people question my gender/s*x more than I ever thought to. I've tried to train my voice to sound a bit higher, but even when I use my 'higher' voice then it also sounds kind of off to others I guess, as I've had people straight up laugh in my face or ask if I have strep throat when they would hear me speak in this tone.

That being said, I've had people compliment my voice too and describe it as sexy or a radio voice, so it hasn't been a completely awful experience, but it seems like it's often a weird lust for or an extreme hatred of my voice when indifference would be great.

tldr i'm a cis woman, my voice is very deep and people have been weird/mean about it my entire life and now i'm crazy, why can't they chill out and mind their gd business ugh


Me (23f) and my boyfriend (36) have been together for 11 months and I found out that in all that time, at least once a month, he has written to his ex or called her saying he loves her.

He and I met a month after his ex broke up with him and although I had my doubts that he was over her he assured me that he no longer had feelings for her and even showed me messages of her trying to get back together with him and him refusing, telling her it wasn't going to happen.

From the beginning, we were inseparable. He invited me on vacation with him, posted me on instagram, gave me flowers, attention, I met his father, he seemed super in love with me. A few months later I moved in with him and in those 11 months I spent Christmas and Easter with his family, met his friends, did everything together and felt adored.

Well, yesterday I went on his whatsapp unknowingly after he left his phone at home (I know, I shouldn't have) and saw that at least once a month he was texting or calling his ex (25f) telling her that he loves her, that he doesn't love me even though I pay attention to him and treat him well and I'm smart, that she's special and he's always been hers.

That in their relationship he was always afraid that she would cheat on him or leave him and with me he doesn't have that fear. That he wanted a family with her and even told one of their mutual friends that he doesn't like me, that I'm not like her. All the dates she wrote to him coincided with the times we fought and after we made up the next day, he would stop responding to her and ghost her, even though she would ask him why he kept hurting her knowing she would want to get back together with him and that he was in pain.

I don't understand why he does this. I never felt he didn't love me, in fact I wondered how he could care so much for me because he treats me like a queen, flowers every month, walks, out to restaurants, he pays attention to what I like. We always go to his parents house and he told me to move in with him immediately. He's always posting stories of me on instagram and everyone knows we're a couple.

What am I supposed to do? I'm in love with him and I wouldn't want to confront him knowing I've been messing with his phone. She lives in another city and I'm sure they've never met since they broke up.

Update: Many say he would go back to his ex if she wanted him to. The funny thing is that the ex told him she would get back together with him if he showed her he was sincere and he never responded. Many of the messages end with her texting him asking for an explanation, or asking him why he's still with me and he doesn't respond. That's why I don't get it. And before he met me, and during the time he met me, his ex was still texting him to try to work things out and get back together. He even showed me how he told her he would never get back together with her and that he could be with whoever she wanted. After seeing during our relationship that he told her on her birthday that it would hurt him a lot to see her with someone else.

Tl;dr: I (23F) found out that my boyfriend (36M) texts my ex every time we fight, telling her he loves her. We've been together for 11 months

this is a :marseymoidmoment:, obviously, but still an L for the foid, because she's still with him.

23 and 36 😆😆😆

this isn't what you think. the redditor posts(nsfw) on /r/animememes, so the problem is that the girl's too old


he's got money for viagra


You're 23, he's 36. Even though you are both over 18, the age difference puts you at very different times of life. Be happy you found out now 11 months into the relationship, not in 5 years and with a baby in your arms. He's already formed, he's not changing. He writes to that one that he loves her, so he automatically disregards you, humiliates you, or better said, mocks you. Sorry for being so direct. It's time to get on with your life, have fun with your friends, make memories, find out who you are and be glad you only lost 11 months of your life with him.

What should the girl do after you? Frick all the buttholes for fun because she's young? Nowadays a brat under 30 is an immature who doesn't know what he wants out of life and then you have to wait 100 years for him to marry you. Better look for older men if you really want a serious relationship and a family not just s*x and immaturity

you're right, instead of a brat asking her if she likes counter strike and other crap a 35+ loser should be handling her. keep yourself safe dog

this is the animememes poster btw :#marseyreportmaxxer2:

Who are you dating, DiCaprio? Cause he still had the 25-year limit.


Why are you with a guy who's 36?

He's got money d'oh :marseysimpson:

-19 lmao

there were also some scrotes patting themselves on the back that they would never be in a relationship with that big of an age gap, pictured here: :#marseyattentionseeker:


Just a woman posting her :marseyl: as God intended.


How will she ever recover?

Bonus: He can't get her off:


“If you think about it the old circus Freak Shows were pretty mean to people just for being a little different”

Just based on this quote- your daughter sounds like a very insightful, compassionate, thoughtful, intelligent & kind young woman. You should be very proud of her and pat on the back to you for your good parenting.

I have a 5 yo daughter and I'm really amazed when we have conversations about the world, life, etc- the way that she connects the dots and relates to these issues. She makes some of the most insightful comments. Society does not give kids enough credit.

this is totally real


Children being accepting is one of regressives' biggest fears.

You and your daughter sound wonderful, thank you for teaching her about us with thought and care.

it's totally natural


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  • lofi_girl : she's like the black mirror lady who wnt full crazy. That's why we need places like rDrama :surejan:

Cancellation imminent:

Women be having r*pe fantasies (continued)

These are literally just some of the top two x posts right now

This story doesn’t really add up?

My bf r*ped me. Btw I’m into consensual non-consent

I’m scared of human traffickers part 36

TW: r*pe - I am the village bicycle, how did all these guys get my info?

I just witnessed a girl get roofied (she def couldn’t have just been blackout drunk)

These are all in like the top 20 posts rn

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