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How do I accept being stupid? : TheGirlSurvivalGuide




How do I accept being stupid?

I'm trying to accept the reality that I'm a stupid person who isn't going to be able to make something of herself. From childhood to now people have told me how stupid I am, how I can't do anything right, how I'm a slow learner, etc. I believed it then and I have to believe it now. I can't learn things normally. My husband isn't happy with me because of this and lets me know all the time that I can't stop messing up. I can't cook without shit burning and him being unhappy with it. I don't know he puts up with me. I hate learning new skills because I can't learn them and I frustrate myself and whoever has to teach me. I hate it because it's true. I'm incompetent at my job despite it being an easy one. Sometimes I think I have brain damage or something. I'm worried my child will develop a negative image of herself because of how I view myself and failure but I can't help it. I try hard to overcome it but I can't learn faster or get better at stuff.

All the comments are just telling her that not only she isn't stupid, but that stupidty doesn't exist and she has ADHD. I would make this an effort post and link specific comments but it would be unreadable because they're all multiple paragraphs long

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If you accept that you're stupid then you're probably not that stupid TBH.

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The special education kids that I shared a class with in High School knew they were r-slurred.

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u kno the absolute worst think bout been my level

of stupid bb? i got enough intelligence to realize how profoundly dumb i am n there nothing i can do bout it besides just realize it ever single day :marseyrain: it ain't adhd tho

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Me too :marseysad::marseyill:

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lol I don't have that problem. In fact, I can't take ten steps without someone mentioning how clever I am. I'm multilingual, listen to 20th century classical music in my spare time, and have read three books so far this year. I'm also six foot one and have a sick jawline

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read three books so far this year.

>reading only three books in 13 days

lol fricking keep yourself safe u illiterate moron

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What's your favorite witty anecdote to tell at cocktail parties?

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Did you know that Coca Cola used to have cocaine in it? I love sharing that fact and people are always like "wow I've never heard that before"

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In the time before time (pre-dino) there were these 'things' that would eventually evolve into trees. These proto-trees would grow to massive heights and then topple into huge piles of proto-lumber because at the time, nothing could break down the lignin in their cell walls. Being plants, they also produced a shitload of oxygen, so massive firestorms were common, but not enough to destroy these mile-high woodpiles.

Eventually a fungus (progenitor of almost all modern fungi) mutated and produced an enzyme that could break down the lignin in these "trees" giving it a food source and creating byproducts that could feed various other species of plant. The massive piles of lumber were broken down over millions of years, clearing space and giving rise to a diverse host of new flora.

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Book 4 is a banger


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I'm dangerously clever, but about some specific aspects of life I can be incredibly r-slurred. For example, you'll never believe how long it took to figure out that my ex-wife was cheating on me, I'm still beating myself up over that one. Should have figured it out a lot sooner. My point is we all have shit we're dumb about.

The good news for you is that career advancement in our modern society isn't based on intelligence, it's based largely on networking. I'm trying to change that but until I get results you might as well exploit the broken system.

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Just to let you know, I just read your post on themotte.org and I upmarseyd you, king

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Is that place still :marseylongpost#::marseylongpost#::marseylongpost#: ?

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The Socratic genius

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idgi :marseyitsaover:

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The Great Oracle said Socrates was the wisest man alive.

Socrates said this was strange because he knew very little.

The Oracle told Socrates that recognition of this fact is exactly what made him the wisest man.

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ancient butt cope imo bb but ty

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at least you're funny :#marseythumbsup:

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You can tell the OP is a neofoid because XX chromosomes simply cannot coexist with self reflection like that.

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The eternal struggle of the dyslexic man :marseyitsaover:

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That's how you know it's fake.

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