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INTERESTING A brief look into one woman’s life




We can actually see where this whole thing started with the therapist and everything.

It began a year ago, with this thread:


With this comment’s suggestion, specifically:


I just thought that was PRETTY INTERESTING eh !fellas


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>Husband’s a bum who can’t even be assed to dress himself

>Wife’s a slut who won’t let her husband do what guys she’d just met did

:mars#eywinemom: :marse#ypoor:

They’re made for each other

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He said we should get a van like [one that passed us] I said no. I tried to avoid offering further details, he pressed harder, I told him I broke my back in one like that. That's all i said.

I wonder how many blacks helped her with that? :marseyblackcock:

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@HateMonster this has to be a chud comment

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It's a mutt comment lmao

trans lives matter y'all

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This one HAS to be!

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mutts are (mostly) white

one drop rule cracka

trans lives matter y'all

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Maybe I just enjoy listening to whores take big black peepee?

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I told him I broke my back in one like that.

So she got violently fricked in a van? Or hurt her back in a van?

I don't understand :#marseybrainlet:

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This term is used to describe "doggie" style sexual intercourse.

It came to be because of the weight put on the receiver's back. It is also commonly referred to as "blowing" one's back out.


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so she constantly talks about reminders of getting railed by other guys?? Lmao no wonder this scrote wants to go :marseywomanmoment:

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avg Reddit married couple

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Aevann can you delete this one

Whoever made it is r-slurred and doesn’t understand how these work

I can read it easily


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Do tell me what kind of color blindness you have

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Well the carp fish are known for their particularly good color differentiation due to the extended nature of their cornea

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didnt :marseyfingerwords: sneks :marseydrsneks: make :marseyyarn: it

trans lives :marseypibblelivesmatter: matter :marseypinkname:

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just delete the whole bot!

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What does it say

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"Carp is a good boy and everyone loves him"

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>their name is gaslamper


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  • ight : Misinformation

Suck it Carp

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Trans lives matter.

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What's it say?

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Today I will ignore my gut feeling about a foid :marseyclueless:

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I am Jack's cold sweat

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Yeah so I'm a 45 year old man who suffers from at time crippling depression. Like stare at the walls all day, think about the end sort of stuff. You know what else I can do in that hugely crap mindspace? Feed myself. Sometimes I even wash clothes because I need to. I don't wanna, but I do it.

Often I'll get in my car, hurting and sad, and see shops that have signs on them referencing food. When I go into those shops, people ask me what food I want and then after a simple transaction they bring me said food. It's like magic.


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most motivated depressoid

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When pathetic moids move from home and away from tendie mommy :marseymommymilkers:

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The absolute nerve of being expected to look out for the man who ha been in your life for over a decade! :marseywomanmoment:

Also lol her whorestory was too much for him. It was always going to be over:


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Which also fits into her mental illness (and the husband is a therapist :marseyxd:):

Actually recognized a manic episode

I'm so proud of myself today. I've been feeling like I was losing my mind for a solid week. I couldn't figure out what was going on with me. I knew something was different and kept hyper focusing on exterior elements. And then this morning it hit me.... I have ALL the symptoms of a major (for me) manic episode. Well frick. I've been out of therapy for over a decade and I was so proud the day I finally figured out that I'm hypomanic 10 years ago. My husband, a therapist, was not so excited and made me promise to tell him if I ever felt like jumping off a building would be a good plan. Today I could tell him that the reason I've been distant and moody and twitchy and then super affectionate is that I'm full blown manic right now. Hopefully the realization will help me preserve my marriage and my credit until I ride this wave into the shore. I always said that the only upside to being this way is that I get up swings instead of just down. So I'm gonna ride my up, and try not to fall off the roller coaster this time.

And this post was made a few months prior lol:

That first step is a doozy...

Ok, we've said out loud. We're moving to Germany. Maybe forever. I'm alternately super excited and absolutely terrified. I know I'm not the only one who has nightmares of us begging on the streets. How do you deal with that?? Obviously, native English speakers. We're American but with only a long expensive paperwork trail, I can become (technically I already am I think somehow..) a German citizen... The whole family is actively studying German day and night, were planning the move 1 year out, we have $5k saved now.... (Deep breath) We gonna be ok, right? Just have to sell a packed apartment of stuff and a car and find temporary housing that takes our cats and learn "enough" German and find my parents marriage license... Which I think they burned in 87 when they bitterly divorced.. and store the important stuff with friends and family here. The list is long, folks. I've figured out the basics, and we've had AMAZING support from everyone, but we're just getting warmed up and this will be a marathon. Mostly now I just want to hear that it's gonna be ok..


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This is exactly the type of loser who gets laughed out of /r/IWantOut, truly surprised she never posted there.

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>therapist marries r-slurred woman because he thinks he can "fix her"


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The moving too Germany shiz reminds of @Salamander

DETRANS lives matter

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Can't feel bad for the r-slur moid at all. In fact this foid is right in being confused by her husband's frustration, especially since she's so open about being a crazy hoe.

Most people just don't "get over" something like this, they're either ok with that kind of stuff from the beginning or they're not. Any sort of talk about "getting past the past" is just usually just the partner trying too suppress their resentment.

Trans Lives Matter but Nerd Lives Do Not

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Germoids will.accept turkroaches before Americans

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She doesn't seem to realize that being triggered by a type of car is more an indication that she hasn't moved on than anything he's doing. Of course it's obnoxious if you react to everyday topics by going into trauma mode and then complain about someone disliking your trauma response.

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My worst feel is that I fall in love and find out she's a whore

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That's when you tell her to have a nice life and find someone who doesn't mind wearing used condoms next time

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It happened to me, but I only found out after I was married to her. Big oof

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Literally who cares.


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Haha yeah stupid incel moment who cares if she is mentally broken and her ability to pair bond is ruined and s*x doesn't have any bonding ability because zhe has fried their dopamine receptors haha

I need a meth whore gf NOW

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TFW no meth whore GF :marseyitsover:

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Haha yeah stupid incel moment

This but unironically. You are trapped in a heck of your own design. Your only way out is to systematically cultivate skillful qualities in the mind and to cut away the unskillful mental fabrications you identify with.

You are wasting what little time you have left in your youth complaining about women having s*x.


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:marseysmug3: I'm not talking about youth when I say I don't want to marry a whore, sweaty. I'm talking about two adults.

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Your reading comprehension is as fragile as your ego.


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No he’s complaining about accidently shacking up with a whore

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Your only way out is to systematically cultivate skillful qualities in the mind and to cut away the unskillful mental fabrications you identify with.

Lmao "skillful qualities" means being nice too sl00ts? Such spergy cope could only come from the mind of a late bloomer moid or no-value foid, both groups that occupy the tier just above incels.

Ironically it doesn't matter though, if she's high value then she'll have no trouble finding a man, and if she's an over the hill loony like OP then she deserves shacking up with the loser seething about her past.

Trans Lives Matter But Coping Nerds Do Not


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her ability to pair bond is ruined


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!incels is microchimerism a conspiracy theory?

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it has its own wikipedia page, trust :marseyclapping: the :marseyclapping: science :marseyclapping:

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It's real. Trans lives matter

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monogamy is social construct, chud!


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Nothing chuddy about having standards that include no baggage, soyboy :marse#ypotofsneed:

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I'm sorry dumbledussy, I was just trying to badgemaxx

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The contest is over :marseyitsover:

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I saw :marseygunshotsuicide:

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You’ll find it doesn’t matter how many people a girl has banged if you’ve banged more.

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>they say it's hard on him, but what about meeeeeee

Lady you INITIATED the divorce

:marseyhomofascist: unrelated but I'm proud to say that I haven't initiated a conversation with any woman who isn't direct family/family friend in years

If you're a woman, I'm simply not interested in you being my friend and shit like this proves me right, especially all the blindly supportive comments

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@HateMonster is this chuddy enough to get me my badge

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:marseydisgust: your thirst for a stupid icon on a gossip forum is repulsive

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Don't badge shame him. We all love badges here :marseyspecial:

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Don’t knock the grift

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My husband and I are separating. Long story short, he doesn't feel he can be honest with me without conflict he can't tolerate, so he's not.

He can't handle her at her worst:marseynails:

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Unironically sad example of the consequences of the sexual revolution

and industrial revolution

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Nah this moid knew EXACTLY what was up and yet he walked into it. This is just a moid bending over and picking up the L all on his own, don't blame premarital s*x on this.

Trans Lives Matter but Soy Lives Do Not


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he doesn't feel he can be honest with me without conflict

It is exhausting having to tiptoe through the tulips, sweating bullets that your next sentence is the wrong wire on a ticking time bomb

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why can't her husband feed himself :marseybeanquestion:

also, her husband IS A THERAPIST? how deep does this go


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>believing women

>believing THIS woman

ngmi jan


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It goes zero levels deep


:marseybiting: dat butt

realizes hes a therapist

i know i cant fix anyone in practice but i can fix her!

also: dat BUTT

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She got a dumper? :marseybooba:

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the crazies always do. it's how they reproduce

dude bussy lmao

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Tons of dudes thought so. Including at least one with a van

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Women be like: My husband has trouble regulating his emotions to an extreme degree, what a mysogynistic piece of shit!


Men, stacking up TBIs from sports and hijinks through adolescence, be like: Huh wish I could remember why I'm angry


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"Huh, I wonder why I've never figured out how to prevent my foid from becoming hysterical despite it happening numerous times just from me talking about things I know for sure will upset her and then raising my voice. Anyway I feel kinda stressed out, this wall looks extra punchable for some reason. :marseyclueless:"


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I’m on like 3-4 now lol it’s very peaceful

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Maybe you should change your name from CBT to CTE


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Long story short, he doesn't feel he can be honest with me without conflict he can't tolerate, so he's not.

Yeah I am shocked he would try to avoid conflict with a hysterical melodramatic wife who posts on reddit.

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>Broke my back in a van like that

Jesus fricking Christ that girl is BAD. NTA the husband is a fricking r-slur for putting a ring on a girl like that, he got no right to complain

And of course the therapy just pushed the husband into becoming suicidal :marseyemojirofl:

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To be fair it could have been a traffic accident. And i dont mean the one involving jamal, deshawn and Tyreese

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Given the broader context of the post it's clearly not.

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How fricking pathetic. An able bodied and minded 43 year old man should be able to feed and take care of himself ffs.


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I agree but it doesn't hit the same when it's typed by people who say they haven't brushed their teeth in months because anxiety and depression

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Reading between the lines, this is one of those worthless sluts who hooks up with random men anytime she gets a mood swing, and husbando is a hecking misogyny for being angry about this personality defect?


And apparently they also have a 10 year old in the mix so the poor guy will never be able to entirely separate from her? Goddarn, no wonder he's depressed.


This is why we need Islam. We have way too much narcissistic girlboss feminism here in the West and need a movement to counterbalance it. If Westerners are too soy to create such a movement, we'll have to import it.


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>tfw islam is based

>tfw islam is alcophobic


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They are totally fine with weed though

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I thought you were away for the weekend carp?

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With a phone you can shitpost anywhere you want


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This is news to FormerLurker. Thank you.

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

A brief look into one woman’s life https://rdrama.net/h/toomanyxchromosomes/post/155981/a-brief-look-into-one-womans #women #men #trans

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>43 year old man here. I cook great meals for my family all the time (don’t need a gold star). Stay strong!

Posts on TwoX :gigachad: gets laid

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