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“ALL THE YIKES IN THE WORLD” in response to a date asking a foid to not refer to babies as “it”




Top comment starts with “Gah. Y’all” and I lost all energy to make an effortpost out of this but goddarn going through post history of the most egregious commenters is something else. What was inadvertently refreshing, though, was this woman acknowledging that if the unborn are indeed human, then exceptions for r*pe and incest shouldn’t exist.

And a reminder for our !catholics that per the CCC and, yes, even per Francis, even saying that abortion is not always wrong is a mortal sin and results in automatic excommunication :star:


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I feel bad for moids who have to date current year foids it's gotta be awful

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Yeah but it's funny when a guy bangs a current year foid, only to reveal he's a chud later on

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If her politics don't only morph to yours, but start to accelerate past, then she isn't long for the relationship.

No exceptions.

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I told her I just want lower taxes

She started advocating for all out race war the next day

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This isn't even hyperbole.

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My chick is super.prog but doesn't like blacks. It's a weird vibe ngl.

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I talk shit all the time to my wife about how women are evil and don't deserve rights.

She just asks me to not share my opinions at family gatherings. Not sure why other women can't simply do the same :idontknow:

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Sounds exhausting, honestly though these women will weed themselves out of the gene pool fairly quickly and the traditionalists will remain

Trans lives matter too Patriarch a lot more than any rDrama janny

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God I love the chud award

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For some of us it’s a lifestyle. Trans lives matter.

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This is such a cope. Do you think there's a strong correlation between genetics and political values?

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Yes, physiognomy checks never fail. But left wing good physiognomy is still susceptible too child-freetardism and HRTing their neurodivergent children

Trans lives matter so fricking much it hurts

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Parents pass down their culture, it's not genetics as much as who is teaching you your moral compass.

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Parents pass down their culture, it's not genetics as much as who is teaching you your moral compass.

Parents? Don't you mean school and the internet?

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No I meant parents, hence why kids in single parent households do considerably worse in school/alletrics in life

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Mmmm I think we should leave it up to the professionals, you know teachers that's what they're for.

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They're not doing very good at it :marseyshrug:

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Au contraire mon ami, I think they're doing a very good job.

Acceptance of LGBT, trans rights, black lives, and acceptance of childrens true gender has made great progress in recent years.

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If trans lives matter, then janny lives matter. Tbqh honest I’m not sure how AnnoyinTheKongim feel about that.

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It's only white women. Passportbros stay winning.

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My friend agrees.

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I was about to shout out the Passportbros too as I'd probably be with them if I was a young guy having to deal with all of this. If something happened to my family I wouldn't start over. I'd probably sell all of my shit and do a WFH in the back 40 of my families field working out of a shed and ride a SXS back and forth to the store.

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The only safe solution is to go monk


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Same... I can't believe I'm agreeing with you


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For instance on s*x before marriage he said if I asked him when he was 18, he would have been against that, but now he approves and s*x is important in a relationship and it’s important to be compatible.


(we are both mid 30s)

:marseymanysuchcases: Easy to wait until marriage...until you're 35 and still not married.

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Past the age of 30, virginity is less of a virtue and more of a red flag. As in, the foid might legitimately be asexual.

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Past the age of 30


more like past the age of 20

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Yes, but the example foid is "mid 30s". Also, I could kind of understand someone in their very early 20s still being a virgin.

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LOL he would HATE me. i very frequently only refer to children as "it" because in my mind they are little people who don't have full developed identities and therefore shouldn't be pressured or labeled as anything. letting them just be children in my mind defaults to "it"

Sanest "asexual lesbian"

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Seems transphobic to me, respect their pronouns and identity

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saying that abortion is not always wrong is a mortal sin and results in automatic excommunication


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Yeah, this is why it’s unconscionable to allow Brandon the Eucharist.


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Honestly good point, I wish His Holiness would actually publicly address this. But I imagine it's not good for relationships between the entities or for optics in general

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>His Holiness

>Implying the seat of St. Peter has not been vacant since Vatican II

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im not reading all of that

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Will you please at least watch this short video


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Oh look, cute doggos!



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Wow I’m sitting in this Barnes and noble Starbucks bawling my gd eyes out. Truly touching stuff. Thank you carpino.

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This. 100% this. Was about to ask if someone was cutting onions!

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Terrible laugh track.


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Sounds very "huehuehue"


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The behind the scenes footage of how they got the dogs to do that would only make me hate the Chinese more.

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The chinese are insane

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It's cute until realize that wo shits in the street and those dogs were probably turned into dumplings

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That TikTok laughtrack makes me :ragestrangle:

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:marseyreading: :marseyshrug: :marseyjam:

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Does he...not know what Plan B is?

Why do....reddit wordsmiths...still write like this?

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No way plan B works on any woman that posts on reddit

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:marseychonkerfoidpuke: Birth control and Plan B are examples of fat phobic bigotry in action

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My girlfriend didn’t know plan B was weight-restricted. She was 30 when I told her. Her friend group are all hambeasts and she somehow never heard about how drugs lose efficacy the more fat you store on yourself.

Before you say it, I know her friends and family being as fat as they are should be a red flag, but thankfully she still has an eating disorder that keeps her beautiful.

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That's what Plan C is for :marseyhanger#:

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When I was younger and on forums I used ellipses and typed out checks notes and whatever else was popular in the 00’s.

I think Reddit users are teenagers and stunted adults learning how to communicate from teenagers.

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Women :marseycoffee:

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I lost all energy to make an effortpost out of this

def sounds like u carp

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Imagine being such an insufferable wingcuck that you bring up and heavily discuss politics on the second date

She will definitely never have kids at this rate :marseyeggless:

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Why does it matter :marseyblm: to you whether or not I have kids? And what :marseywtf2: makes you think :marseyhyperthonk: I want kids :marseyksg: with someone who is so close-minded that they can't even have a discussion about politics? find someone else to procreate with, wingnut.

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Fix your bot!

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Hey! Leave my bot alone! It's not broken!

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baby shouldn’t be a punishment or “consequence”

Pregnancy is literally a possible consequence of s*x. As in, if a woman has s*x, it follows that she could get pregnant. Do foids only have a child-level understanding of the word consequence?

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>Do foids only have a child-level understanding of


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Foids suck at rethoric

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Is that 2% condom failure even accurate? Seems insanely high for what amounts to a latex peepee cover.

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I'm pretty sure that it's not 2% per use, it's 2% total over your lifetime. In other words if 100 people use condoms regularly with their partners, 2 of them will get their partners pregnant.

I used condoms religiously and they almost never ever break, unless the foid sabotaged them (which does happen, so "around a foid, be paranoid"). Honestly I suspect that the reason this stat is even at 2% instead of much lower is because incidences where the foid sabotages the condom without her partners knowledge are rolled into that

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The stats are juked, not only because of sabotage but also infidelity.

>:soycry: we always use a condom, how did you get pregnant?

>:marseyfoidretard: I let Tyrone raw dog me condoms have a 2% failure rate, sweaty

Trans lives matter.

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Fun fact, the pullout method is pretty much as reliable as condoms (ie it works until the woman wants a baby)

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Typically birth control rates are measured by average use over a year so that’s probably what it is. This will included substandard usage by people using condoms even when their peepee is too thick/thin, so your use is probably above average bc you use condoms that presumably fit you.

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Sorry, 2% per year is correct. Thanks for fact-checking me, king!

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I had trojan extacy condoms fail twice. Other than that, no problems.

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In other words if 100 people use condoms regularly with their partners, 2 of them will get their partners pregnant.

2 of them will afterwards claim that they were using condoms, though maybe someone is lying.

though admittedly condoms do rip during s*x pretty regularly.

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Honestly I suspect that the reason this stat is even at 2% instead of much lower is because incidences where the foid sabotages the condom


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unironically skill issue

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I've broken I think 4 in my life and have mostly unprotected s*x. Seems accurate or low if you don't count the events where you just wrap it for the finish.

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:marseygigaretard:"I totally used a condom but i still got pregnant"

:marseynotes:"hmmm yep this checks out!"

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That sub really makes me appreciate my wife. We all need a lady who laughs at the idea of a woman being president.

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I wish I had a funny wife like that :marseycry:

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"the only reason a woman needs to give for an abortion is that she wants one"cels when I tell them we're trying for a baby boy and aborting females fetuses till we get one


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Gender shopping is based. Either its boy or its abortion

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I'm surprised there's still a woman on 2xc that's biologically capable of giving birth

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i'm sure there were dudes happily living under the Third Reich who considered themselves “nice Nazis,”


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If I can't flush my 8mo old fetus (it's just a climb of cells) then it's because I live in Nazi germany

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I hate women.

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I cant tell if you buttholes really are Pro Life or just like making fun of women. I don't care either way I just want to know.

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I like to encourage antinatalism sentiment among redditors. The less of them reproducing, the better.

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Brandon excommunicated when?

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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My views on abortion are simple: women should not have access to abortion (except in rare cases, like medical reasons) until men also have the right to a financial abortion for children that they didn't want. No more spermjacking and parental entrapment. Also all babies need to be DNA tested before the dad signs the birth certificate so that dudes can more easily avoid parental responsibilities if their wife cheated on them.


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I'm glad you have zero actual morals and formulate your beliefs solely on how much it will hurt women

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I actually have a very strong moral belief, and it is "Whatever anybody else does to you, you should do right back to them." 3rd wave feminists have no problem forcing men to be parents against their will, so we should do exactly the same thing to them. Let's be real here, many western women are total narcissists who don't have any empathy until they're forced to face the same hardships that they inflict on others. So the quickest way for men to secure our fair rights is to deny those rights to women also until feminists are willing to come to the bargaining table.

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you could have just typed "based"

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Also all babies need to be DNA tested before the dad signs the birth certificate so that dudes can more easily avoid parental responsibilities if their wife cheated on them.

And then what? My taxes have to pay for that deadbeat woman's child welfare? Sorry, but that cuck needs to take responsibility for his poor choice in women and pay for that child.

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No, the biological father has to take responsibility. He can pay for the child. If that means the woman and child have to live in poverty with some deadbeat, that's even better: this is the optimal outcome. Forcing cheaters to suffer for their shitty choices will result in people chesting less. Right now our society incentivizes cheating because the cheaters don't suffer. Make them face punishment for their behavior and we'll see less of it.

Sorry, but that cuck needs to take responsibility for his poor choice in women and pay for that child.

Cool, in that case I'll hire a prostitute to seduce and babytrap your son. It's his own fault for having such poor choice in women!

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DNA tests prove that you're not that dad, but they don't magically track down the real dad. So if we don't have the real dad, and the cucked dad is off the hook, then who is helping support that child? The woman should suffer, but should the child suffer for having a shitty mom? No, so the state sends welfare.

Cool, in that case I'll hire a prostitute to seduce and babytrap your son. It's his own fault for having such poor choice in women!

Sadly, and in all seriousness, I don't know if my son will have developed the mental capacity to consent to s*x when he grows up.

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then who is helping support that child?

Nobody, for all I care? If you want to support these kids so much, why don't you and your buddies put together a fund to feed and clothe them all? It seems like you would enjoy spending your excess income on someone else's kid. Yet instead, the refrain is always "I feel bad about this kid having no father, so everyone else should be forced to pay for it".

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You failed reading. I'm trying to force the kid to have a father on paper so that he has to pay child support and the state doesn't have to send welfare money.

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This leads to the father deliberately not being in the child's life, and is unironically a primary cause of the fatherlessness epidemic. BIPOCs like you who want to force other people to solve problems for you are the root of all evil.

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DNA tests prove that you're not that dad, but they don't magically track down the real dad.

Presumably the foid remembers who she fricked, and she's incentivized to help track him down because otherwise she doesn't get paid child support and she has to live in abject poverty.

So if we don't have the real dad

You do

who is helping support that child? The woman should suffer, but should the child suffer for having a shitty mom? No, so the state sends welfare.

I don't care if the child suffers, and most men who were cheated on wouldn't care either. It's financially and emotionally much easier for the cucked dad to simply murder the child rather than make child support payments, and in fact I advocate for them to do so. As a man, being forced to care for a child of adultery would be exactly like forcing a woman to give birth to and care for her male feminist's baby. If the state wants to keep a child of adultery alive, then let the state pay for it. Why should the cheated-on dad pay for something he doesn't want, didn't ask for, and is actively incentivized to destroy? If we're going to force men to do that, then we should apply this logic equally to both genders and also force women to carry r*pe babies to term and parent them.

Sadly, and in all seriousness, I don't know if my son will have developed the mental capacity to consent to intercourse when he grows up.

I'm sorry to hear that, but it doesn't change my point: it only validates it. Your son would be the primary victim of your own morality

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after that kind of reform, the number of new single moms will drop significantly. and if all the other subsidies for single moms are reduced, their number will drop even more.

the majority of single moms only exist thanks to libshit antisolutions that reward the problem they're allegedly trying to solve.

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Those dates sound fun. Lets talk about your religous views. Abortion and political views.

And let me quess. Their views are paperthin current year current thing views and everything else is seen dangerous and wrong thinking.

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Gah. Y'all remember the reddit post where the dude calls the baby mama a deadbeat for "abandoning" him with a baby to raise by himself even though she wanted an abortion, but he begged her not to...so she had the baby under the condition she would never be a part of the baby's life (but still paid child support). And he was on here crying about how shitty his life was amd how much fun she was having living her best life?? Man he got ripped apart in the comments. Honestly. I feel bad for the kid but the poetic justice was just so fricking satisfying.

The empathetic gender.

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No one has a right to another's body or body parts without their express and ongoing consent, especially at their risk. Conversation ends there.

I know there's no point in arguing with radlibs but it's not like the fetus chooses to be physically dependent on the woman.

That church guy... I wonder what his reaction would have been if you'd said "So, you want our children to be sexually assaulted?"


The thing that bothers me about these "exceptions in the case of r*pe" is: how do you know? Like, how will you determine if a woman or girl claiming that she was r*ped is telling the truth?

BELIEVE. WOMEN. :marseyindignant:

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That’s keyed.

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To be clear, he is right, I do want kids, which we briefly discussed on the first date. And when I was using the word “it”, in my mind I was referring to the pregnancy, in early stages.



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He probably thought women’s rights meant being able to hold a job and vote

Uh, yeah?

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Does he...not know what Plan B is? How are you anti-choice but also expect people to get Plan B? Doesn't even make sense lmao

I wonder what the word "abort" means.

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Does plan b not abort a (conceived) child? I thought it did

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Plan B prevents the pregnancy. It stops eggs from being released.

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Looks like I'm not the only one that thought that, they had to change some labelling to address it. Thx

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Referring to babies as it is normal English though. Its a hold over from German and old english where babies are a neuter noun. Using it to refer to something of unknown gender is proper English its just "socially unacceptable" and "dehumanizing" for some reason now so moderns would rather use a plural pronoun. :marseynerd:

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I’m pregnant. For the first few months I called him an it because it’s just a clump of cells

This b-word is full of shit, she would have had a sonogram already and seen that :quote:it:quote: isn’t just a :quote:clump of cells:quote: but very much looks like a small human.

Trans lives matter.

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