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Ideal female living space


my bad, and i like just figured you had cleaned up today.

back story, and short story form

so my husband had a heart attack last year, and he quit work to recover, and he was really proactive in the first few months but eventually fell totally into a deep depression, and and along i stumbled with him

my heart is telling me his days consisted of beinge watching youtube, movies ect, and mine revolved around the kids, and like just taking care of them, and my depression got worse and along with it, the house, and clutter and disorganization now rule here

well my husband has started working again, light work, with a buddy of his but go off i guess

With today being his third day of work. Afterwards his buddy and his wife are dropping my husband off at home. To which my husband calls me, while out front and proceeds to say, "Hey they want to come in and say hi to the kids."

I immediately begin calmly freaking out saying "What the frick, what the frick your not serious are you?"

he says, yeah, whats wrong?

by this point i am near tears saying why??? what the frick is wrong with you??? why are you doing this to me??? are you serious??? no, and no they cant come in right now, and im sorry but no.

so i am mortally embarrassed, and ashamed and sick with my husband right now, and sick with myself over the state of my house

um when he finally gets inside (after telling them god knows what of why they couldnt come in) i ask him what the frick is going on and his reply is simply

my bad, and i like just figured you had clean up today.

He just figured in the 4 hours he's been gone that I was able to clean up 8 months* of depression clutter.

and these arent like just regular ole buddys, and no no no, and these are his our maids have maids wealthy buddys

i am still crying

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also like man has heart attack, woman most affected

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During his recovery I did absolutely no cleaning and now he's gone back to work I am still doing absolutely no cleaning and it is his fault.

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:marseydomesticabu#se: I don't always suggest this but...

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Sweaty, this man is so toxic that having to spend more time with him while he recovered made the stay at home wife depressed.

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heart attack = sudo make me a sandwich

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There should be a codecel award that transforms your text to codecel speak

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100.times do

   puts "fuck off carp"


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while(1) :carpbackstab: ;

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This but unironically. Equality is lie. I feel there is a midwit meme somewhere in there

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Man is unaffected by hearth attack

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I mean she should clean out of general hygiene but its wild that no one has noticed that he literally neeted around for months?

His days consisted of beinge watching youtube, movies ect. Mine revolved around the kids. Just taking care of them. My depression got worse and along with it, the house. Clutter and disorganization now rule here.

He has two hands and can move around. He should deffo clean if it bothers him that much :marseyshrug:

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The clutter doesnโ€™t bother him tho, she is clearly ashamed of it however.

Heart attacks can make someone depressed but her depression is just foid neuroticism

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I mean it clearly bothers him as he expected it to be clean by the time he came back from work and wanted to invite his friends to the house

Either that or he is shameless and would be okay with presenting a dirty house to guests

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u been presley a fricking while now bb :marseyeggirl:

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Straggots still don't understand the average foid is a misandrist.

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So wait, her husband nearly dies from a heart attack and had to take time off to recover, so because of this SHE falls into a depression and lets the house go to shit?

Then she freaks out when he tries to be friendly and invite his coworker in, because the house is such a mess, but she's perfectly fine with her and her family living in such conditions?

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I like how she framed it.

He's binge watching YouTube and she heroically takes care of the kids

Like he can do much more while recovering from a heart attack

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Recovering from a serious near-death health issue is no fricking joke. Having to quit your job is pretty messed up for a man.

I'm guessing him no longer being the uber-provider set off some shit in her brain. House busy work is always the first what-are-you-doing-for-me thing

buuut he was probably out of shape already which is what caused the attack, no one likes a fat slob

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Yup. Witnessed it with my dad. Dude was a shadow of his former self for months before he could sloooowly start rebuilding some of his fitness. Take care of your hearts, kids

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I saw it on my dad as well. He had been working monday through monday for decades, when he had to take a year off to take care of his heart issues he went deep into depression

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His body gave up. He showed weakness. Even if he still had money. She would still get ick. Becouse his man is weak

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He literally has permanent damage to his heart and scar tissue on his heart.

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skill issue

no pity for moids

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my heart is telling me least egotistical woman


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H8s heart was tellinimg him ัŒะถะพะฒัะบะธะฝะพะดะธะฟะฐะทัˆะฟัะทะพะฟะธะดะถะฒัะฝะธะฟะตะดะถะฟะตะผะฐั‚ะธะฒัะทะถะฟะฐะฟัŠั„ะผะนะฒัะฟjajdhe

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Yes. What is it so hard to get

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I guess the part where everyone is saying they're sorry for her, and her husband is a piece of shit?

I didn't know if I was missing something obvious that actually made her sympathetic

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World ended. Woman most affected

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>hasnโ€™t cleaned in eight months

This is unironically child abuse.


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She is suffering, chud

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Also, we could get by without his income. I basically pay my own bills.

Oh, she has a job?

I have been using the child support to pay for basically all of our needs, rent, utilities, gas and other basic necessities.


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Women using child support for the childโ€™s needs? Never!

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means she is not paying her own bills

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Darnit, breakingmoms is my get free DC because itโ€™s nothing but moms causing drama and circlejerking themselves for being shitty parents

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like just clean up your house sis

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Seriously, babies donโ€™t take that much time. Just throw shit in garbage bags and nobody is going to care if the house is a little messy

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The internet was unironically a mistake. We have allowed people to collectivise into online communities with nothing but affirming each other's shitty to insane options and screed. So much that it bounces into real life enmasse.

The problem is, when you go so long in a community without your shitty ideas or opinions being challenged, you turn into a fricking r-slur. How many people irl do you know that can actually understand nuance? You could count them on your hand.

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Imagine having a heart attack and instead of supporting you/helping you recover, your wife lounges around and makes things worse. Then when you finally are able to stand and have some friends over she has a meltdown because the house is too messy. Like who do you think is gonna clean it? He literally had a heart attack

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Maybe if he had a real disease like fibromyalgia or long COVID he'd have an excuse. But a heart attack? Like, get over it

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ok but it's one thing and I can kinda empathize if she had a bunch of toddlers (well not really you should still clean more than once a year ffs :marseyfacepalm:) but her oldest is almost 18

even a 5 year old can be made to clean. just make your kids clean up after themselves or they get the back of a shoe wtf no reason why one person should clean up after an entire family other than spinelessness

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Yeah anyone with kids can see through this bullshit. Once mine got to 6 and 10 they were like totally autonomous and actually helped. Young kids are a huge drain but once they can fend for themselves it becomes infinitely easier. Of course this assumes a hysterical twox redditor who lets trash pile up has kids who are mentally stable (unlikely).

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My younger siblings in the 6-10 age range have an insatiable desire to destroy things and are embodiments of entropy. :marseydeadinside3:

The house constantly looks like a tornado went through it and my parents have dealt with it by working long hours so they spend the minimum amount of time home.

The youngest had its birthday recently and the others celebrated by breaking all of its toys the very next day. :marseydeadinside2:

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That just sounds lile your parents didnt raise the kids lmao

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You should let them watch anime with you so they'll have a distraction to prevent them from breaking shit.

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Stop grooming kids into a porn addiction/transitioning

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I don't watch anime.

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:marseyhmm: your flair suggests otherwise

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You know who you are.

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:marseyxdoubt: you clearly love anime

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Keep yourself safe

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You first

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I wonder if the absent parents could have something to do with the kids being feral :#marseygigathonk:

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You have bad parents and they should feel bad

Pizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza PizzaPizza

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18??? What the frick??

My mother wouldโ€™ve killed me if I didnโ€™t help clean at like 8

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She better mean 18 months :marseygoodnight:

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most stable reddit mom

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I hope the government takes their kids away

8 months of not cleaning is fricking disgusting

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Thanks for your reply.

I'm in recovery, 3 years clean. I have lived in recovery based apartments for 2 years and get randomly drug tested monthly. They said they randomly select samples to be sent to the lab. Lucky me. No one knows that I use kratom, so no reason of suspected use, to test for.

It really sucks because I solely use kratom for pain relief.


Poor kids.

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tbf, kratom is about the best possible thing u could hope a junkie is on.

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If I were him I would pray for the next heart attack to be fatal. What a c*nt. And of course the other c*nts of Reddit are kissing her butt.

Are you feeling better today? How are your hands?

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thanks for asking, and iโ€™m a bit better but taking day off from work ๐Ÿค— chewy is keeping me company but go off


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there's a fricking serial killer in ur closet

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Should have shopped it a little lol

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>implying i have skillz

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I dated a girl like this for a month. I was over at her place one night and went to take a shower in the morning. The I stepped in, then looked down and saw the filthiest bathtub I've ever seen. The whole drain was clogged up with hair, brown stains everywhere, it was horrific.

I was giving her the benefit of the doubt, and assumed her landlord was shit. Turns out, she owned the place, and just hadn't fixed it.

Guys get a lot of shit for setups like this


and rightly so, but most of the mess in super-bachelor apartments is usually clothes and dishes and shit in my experience.

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an hvm wouldโ€™ve gotten out the scrubbing bubbles and gotten to work ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿป you didnโ€™t deserve her

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As a kid my room looked like that, until my mother had my brothers fill it with furniture (wardrobes, dressers, stands whole shebang). I hated it and refused to use them for years. I'd literally take my clean cloths and stack then on a chair in front of my wardrobe.

Same thing happened with a bed, but I actually used that.

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As a kid my room looked like that, until my mother had my brothers fill it with furniture (wardrobes, dressers, stands whole shebang). I hated it and refused to use them for years. I'd literally take my clean cloths and stack then on a chair in front of my wardrobe.


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I like open spaces!

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Opinions on weighted blankets and strict routines?

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Love em both.

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99% of modern single women live like absolute pigs

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At least that place looks vacuumed and there's not shit/clothes/dishes everywhere.

I'll take that any day over a place that looks like a bomb went off in it.

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also like woman try not to make literally every excuse not to work and then be surprised by the consequences challenge (impossible)

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Just to say that this must have been stressful as frick but it also makes me sad that we cannot be vulnerable with friends.

My ex partner took his own life 5 years ago and at that time, I was so depressed. I let everything go. I couldn't do anything. My friends were nothing but supportive at the time and didn't judge me for the state of me and my surroundings.

Be kind to yourself and to your partner. Anyone who can't understand why your surroundings are messy, when you're going through a tough time isn't much of a friend.

I'm glad your husband is recovering. Sending love to your family.

โ€œMy ex partner took his own life 5 years ago andโ€

Iโ€™d kill myself too if my wife was a redditor

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Never understood why women try to hide how pathetically sloven they actually are.

"No you cant come inside the house." Now his friends know their house is dirty AND he looks like a b-word.

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8 months of depression clutter

This is how my foid described my appointment, which is really shocking since I hae cleaned it up a day before

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Hmm, let's have a quick dig and see what we can find. Surely she must be strung out dealing with a clutch of babies and a useless husband :marseyclueless:


I got pregnant extremely young with my first child.

That child is almost 18 years old now. And what a fine little adult they have turned into. Happy. Successful. Full of potential.

Oh so her oldest is basically an adult. Do they do no chores around the house? Let's keep looking:


My 11, 10, and 6 yr old.

Also old enough to help out. There is zero reason this :marseywomanmoment: house should be in a state besides her own terrible parenting.

Before you read this next post, I would advise putting on this soundtrack:


I've have 4 kids by 2 men. I am currently with the younger two childrens father. We've been together 10 years.

I have always been a stay at home mom and husband has always worked.

The dad that pays child support used to pay (figurative amounts for example) $1000 a month but recently started paying less, say like $700-$800 a month.

Child support is a verbal agreement, no set amount, we have together and the courts are not involved

So I lied. I lied to my husband and said that the other dad has taken a pay cut and is paying what he can at the moment.

I have no idea whats going on with him or why he started paying less and I don't want to ask why.

Well my husband asked to see the messages between me and the other dad and well..uhh..there are none.

And now I feel like an idiot.

Edit to say: Ok, I told him the truth. But there's still this awkward entitlement that he feels towards other dads money.

All of this is just a fantastic trainwreck.


I am very easily irritated. Simple "mouth noises" or accidentally bumped pisses me off more than it should.

I also have been made aware that I obsess over hobbies and such.

I get interested in painting buys every color paint and every type of paint brushes

I get a piercing buys hundreds of piercing needles and hundreds of different jewelry

Oh I enjoy skating buys skates for everyone in family

To put the cherry on top, she can't commit to anything and keeps overspending on hobbies.

Also can someone please explain to me how getting a piercing equates to buying loads of piercing gear :marseybeanquestion: Having a piercing and doing piercings is not at all the same.


Awhile ago I was struggling with my mental health. One night I freaked out and went pure psycho -(drug induced psychosis)- on my SO. I scratched, punched, screamed and kicked my SO.

She sounds like a treat.

Oh and the number of her kids keeps changing:


I am a SAHM (with my own income) and I have 4 children, 10, 9, 4, 1.

But she also has a 17 year old somewhere in the mix, so it's actually 5.

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>Awhile ago I was struggling with my mental health. One night I freaked out and went pure psycho -(drug induced psychosis)-

Shocker, wouldn't have seen that coming at all.

>I am a SAHM (with my own income)

Yfw foids say child support "is their own income" lmbo.

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8 months worth of nasty skank lebensraum

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so my husband had a heart attack last year, and he quit work to recover, and he was really proactive in the first few months but eventually fell totally into a deep depression, and and along i stumbled with him

This part's actually kinda fricked up. Like at that moment the thing he really needed from his wife was some stability to help him. She completely, totally fails him in this regard. Definitely one of the few times in their marriage that he really needed her and she's nowhere to be found.

Side note what's with people and not cleaning? I was visiting some friends a little bit ago and they had somewhat recently moved to a new house, like a few months ago. Yet they still had some stuff that they hadn't unpacked. And while giving us a tour of their new house they skipped the master bedroom bc they said it was a mess in there. I'm obviously not gonna snoop in on their stuff but at one point the door was open and you could clearly see a ton of suitcases and luggage and shit with clothes just strewn around randomly, as if they never bothered to actually fold shit and put it away in a dresser or closet. Just baffling behavior tbh.

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fatherless behavior tbqh

Words words words words words Words words words words words Words words words words words Words words words words words Words words words words words Words words words words words Words words words words words Words words words words words Words words words words words Words words words words words

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His days consisted of beinge watching youtube, movies ect.

livin' he dream!

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You should understand that there are 8.3582221e+48 (83,582,221,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) (83 million billion billion billion billion) possible subreddit names in the standard subreddit URL namespace; roughly 1.2 million of those have been claimed. That's less than one billionth-billionth-billionth-billionth of one percent. Statistically speaking, Reddit is cosmically empty. It's wide-open!

But at least 1 of those subreddits -- /r/AgainstHateSubreddits -- isn't wide open.

There's a topic.


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