
Worst kinds of women

I've been told my recent comment is so quality that it deserves its own post and some expansion on my points.

Here's my top 3 of kinds of women I can't stand:

1. Fat-positive or body-positives :marseyobesescale: who specifically think they're better looking than women who take care of themselves. They also tend to say things like "bones are for puppies, come get you a REAL woman"

I actually have experience with this one!

I'm building muscle so I can effortlessly lift my future children and carry them for long periods of time.

I've had multiple fatties look at me and say


:#obesedaddysgirl: :#obesetradwife:

Horrible mention: totally valid :marseypass: they're just as unbearable as pick me party girls AND come packed with a misogynistic veiw of women!

Without you, queens, I'd never have become so based and tradpilled


2. Pick mes or :marseyattentionseeker:. These often have some sprinkling of manic pixie energy. They often adopt sexualties and gender-queerness for popularity points and catch STDS like pokemon.

Bonus points if she has awful hair, piercings and acts edgy to "make a statement"

3. Lazy mothers :marseychonkerfoidpuke: who think their messy homes, unwashed asses and poorly kept children are a virtue and testimonial to how hard working they are.

They often have black feet or walls covered in handprints, boogers and crayon drawings.

They're also either single mothers, or very self absorbed wives who won't keep house for their husbands because "muh depression"


So, drama, what are the worst kinds of women??

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I can't say or else people on here would get mad .

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:marseymad: no now you have to say it :!marseymad:

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The answer :marseyconfuseddead: is always "based", "tradwife", "red/Catholicpilled" women. They exuberate the same NPC energy :marseyreactor: and regurgitation they accuse :marseygiganoyou: other women :marseysuffragette: of having. If people want to go and be a home wife raising :marseyraisinghands: children, fine go and do that, but I'm sick of seeing women :marseygoodnight: talking about it constantly without even having kids and once they do have kids they just turn into basically every other internet :marseytrogdor: addicted :marseyjunkie: millennial mom who barely pays attention :marseycutattention: to their child :marseyhermione:

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exactly I fully agree, also please say everything that makes people here mad, it's pretty fun to make dramanaughts seethe

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Is dramastrag a slur

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I call those people cottage-core. All the fluff of attempting something and none of the substance

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but I'm sick of seeing women talking about it constantly without even having kids and once they do have kids they just turn into basically every other internet addicted millennial mom who barely pays attention to their child

Same, it's sad to see people talk all the talk then have absolutely no discipline to be who they said they wanted to be, and then the mother veg's out on the phone and the kid on the ipad.


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i don't even necessarily disagree with those people on most of the points they make but the fact that they're trying to push 'trad' as an aesthetic instead of a lifestyle choice is weird. i mean i guess it's not weird that they'd want to grift, but it's weird that people can't see it for what it is lol

like pearl got posted here this morning but she's a coalburner unmarried in her late 20s has higher T than any scrote in her audience and makes her money off making things harder for the LVMs she appeals to to live any sort of trad existence bc few women want to be with men that think women are worth nothing lol. weird how common that grift is

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It's simply because a lifestyle's not worth anything, monetarily. Raising a family on a single income isn't grindsetpilled enough for the Americans of today. As society (seems to be/is) slipping down the tubes, the rat race stops being merely interpersonal and becomes imperative for survival. Moids (and some foids) really like the idea of tradwives, so the aesthetic remains, as a commodity.

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People are too wealthy. Consider how being thrifty (cooking at home, mending clothes, cloth diapers) in the U.S. is a hobby for middle-class crunchy moms rather than something poor people do out of necessity.

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Well poor people do it too, it's just that when the poors do it, it's called being poor. As I see it, thriftiness is entirely distinct from the enforced need to make shit stretch, ie it only exists in the upper classes, because poors do not have a choice in behaving akin to a thrifter.

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That's not true for most of the poors I know. People know how to maximize income (trying to get a better job or more benefits), but most ways to save money are rarely considered. Food is probably the biggest example--admittedly a relatively smaller part of the budget now than it used to be.

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t. bright dyed hair and dead inside, plan B lifetime supply :marseyblops2cel:

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:marsey: wow that was quick, I'd tip you if you weren't a wagie!


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When do you ever tip salaried workers? :marseygigaretard:


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>when they're the McDonald's managers


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That's not even controversial :marseyyawn:

Online trads/based/... are just faking it to grift rightoids. It's a noble endeavour and I don't see the problem with it

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>trad wife foids are r-slurred "hot take"

>this will make dramatards seethe because..


Trad wife larpers only make other foids seethe because of the usual reasons lol nice try

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are you ever going :marseysalmaid: to stop hopping on my peepee?

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>posts comment

>gets a reply

:tantrum: stop hopping on my peepee :hysterical:


Go back to reddit if you're gonna keep acting like a massive crybaby cute twink

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So much THIS :marseymid:

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@LilMarseyontheprairie completely agree, that's why @LilMarseyontheprairie is going too walk @LilMarseyontheprairie's talk and raise @LilMarseyontheprairie's kids off the internet.

Nothing makes @LilMarseyontheprairie more mad than a "tradewife" milking her family and especially young children for likes.


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less controversial than i'd hoped but very correct. 6.5/10 opinion

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Radical centrism is the only acceptable political ideology for any man, woman or other.

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I used to love fundiesnark because it was full of catty women snarking on the fundie moms for their horrible cooking and piss poor house cleaning. I guess since the primary audience of the tradwife insta thot is the "trad" guys who fap to her, they never notice the general poor state of the house and the children.

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!besties gossip is being withheld from us :#carpgossip:

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Do it anyway, I'm invested


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The ultimate gaslight :gaslighter: WHAT ARE YOU HIDING FROM US

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!dinochads the best marsey appears again.

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I loved this marsey so much I got it as a Tshirt


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You wore it so much its now just a grey t shirt

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One of the weirdest and best marseys

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Where are the Dino nerd women?

Where are the thin Dino nerd women?

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Trans lives matter


The best trans is a dead trans <3

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#1 is the worst, and #3 is the most depressing to see happen in your friend group.

but at least my house isn't as dirty as some people's houses

is the excuse they always give. It's really depressing how they just keep lowering their standards as soon as they see someone else slack off.

I'm building muscle so I can effortlessly lift my future children and carry them for long periods of time.

When you have your first child after they're a few months old you're going to be able to carry them all the time on your hip, you'll notice there are certain spots they fit into perfectly and they snuggle into you. It's a good idea to get strong and in shape now, since I've seen skinny-fat moms have a hard time.

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Oh yeah, I have friends who are skinny fat with little to no ability to throw their toddler on their shoulder and walk.

I'm hoping to carry my kids in slings, too, so I can still get tasks done. You can't do that easily with a weak back. A lot of momfluencers don't take that into account when they post baby wearing videos.

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Yeah, the nice thing about when they're super young is that when you put them in a sling and walk around for a bit they get sleepy and nuzzle up on you, it's really wonderful especially when walking through a park or botanical garden. Plus you get an hour of breathing room before you start the newborn Olympics again.

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I was watching a 3 weak old the other day, I soaked in ALL the cuddles between feedings and changing.

I can't imagine just doing that all day though lol, sitting that long would drive me crazy

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Well you never quite know the child you will be blessed with. My youngest was very colicky so my husband and I were always moving or bouncing around.

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yet to meet an internet tradwife who actually succeeded at any trad nonsense :marseysleep: post fresh baked pie

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I will! I can also post my quilts or my canning when I start that


!remindmebot 7 days

((I might be r-slurred I've never used remindmebot before))

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Do this. I want to see quilts and hear about experiences with canning.

!remindmebot 7 days

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Pick mes or :marseyattentionseeker:. These often have some sprinkling of manic pixie energy. They often adopt sexualties and gender-queerness for popularity points and catch STDS like pokemon.

Bonus points if she has awful hair, piercings and acts edgy to "make a statement"

Why would you attack @TED_SIMP like this?

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1. im like 90% straight

2. i’m a woman

3. never had an std

4. My hair is normal and only my ears are pierced

i do attention seek though

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90% straight

Oh so like every other white woman who is bisexual when it benefits them or when they're 3 beers deep

I'm a woman

Yeah this was about women

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I'm still pretty close tbqh

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Is your hair still short?

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Facts are facts babe I don't make the rules

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I'm not complaining about it

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!biofoids please discuss

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this is real shit. u should write a book

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On what? My burning hatred for modern women? :marseykekw:

It'd be a series

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make a tumblr blog

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Oooooh maybe

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Oh oh oh I got it

"Why the second wave and s*x revolution was a mistake: a photographic collection"

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Those photographs would qualify as prurient

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So much internalized misogyny! :#marseyloveyou:

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1.The im not like other women women are also insufferable.

2. Conservative Karens. Stupid spoiled moms who think that being a mom qialifies them for politics. It does not.

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"But muh litterboxes in schools bad" argument is so valid and important!!!

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we should be encouraging these people actually

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Worst kind of woman, is a live woman


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2. Pick mes

This entire post is pickme behavior

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A real pick @LilMarseyontheprairie would have uploaded her nudes

Trans lives matter


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there's still time

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>So, drama, what are the worst kinds of women??

I find women in general to be bad at expressing what they want and how they're feeling. It's weird, because you'd think this would be more a male trait, and maybe it is, but I get it a lot from women.

It's like that thing where they get mad, but they won't act mad, or say they're mad, or tell you why they're mad. They just act all pissy.

Shit drives me nuts.

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Many foids have a compulsive desire to have their needs met without having to explicitly communicate them. They want a man who'll magically have a fresh plate of chocolate chip pancakes with strawberry sauce and whipped cream ready for them the instant it even occurs to them that they want it. For this kind of foid, having to actually tell you what the problem makes her kitty dry.

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Yeah, ain't nobody got time for that shit.

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>I'm building muscle so I can effortlessly lift my future children and carry them for long periods of time

:marseyyes: ideal woman, would be better if you were mayoid

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She is? Blue eyes even

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she's literally married

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my condolences go to the husband for having the misfortune of being married to a dramneurodivergent foid

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he's also here LOL

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Trans lives matter

((Nah lol))

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My gf is a pick me :marseyexcited:

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Sorry buddy

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Why, what’s wrong :marseyobamanope: with having a pick me gf?

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They cheat

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Not mine!

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Remember, they can only cheat if they can interact with another man

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LPT: it's not cheating if you're watching quietly from the corner

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In 2016 my wife shared with me that she believes women shouldn’t run for president. Essentially because they just can’t hack it. :marseyxd:

She’s literally perfect :marseylove:

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@LilMarseyontheprairie actually agree, @LilMarseyontheprairie have yet too like any female presidental candidate

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Bonus points if she has awful hair, piercings and acts edgy to "make a statement"

God I wish I had a girlfriend like this.

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Trans lives matter

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I'm building muscle so I can effortlessly lift my future children and carry them for long periods of time.

Let me guess, you’re not like other girls.

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I'm building muscle so I can effortlessly lift my future children and carry them for long periods of time.

are you planning on having fat kids?

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I figured you'd just say the worst kind is the kind with gussy

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The issue isn't archetype, it's the individual allowing themselves to become a characture rather than anything authentic. Trying to pretend to a fantasy of another is inherently pathetic regardless of what that fantasy is.

Archetypes should be overlayed onto the existing rather than aimed for, they are means of categorization rather than ambitions.

I hate everything artificial, including foids.

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Based :marseychadretardtrump: OP pissed :marseyannoyed: off some roasties and self hating scrotes. :marseyclappingglasses:

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what are the worst kinds of women??

Any and all.

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White wo*

All of them

Literally, unironically, cancer. I can count on my hands the number of white wo* who I could tolerate for more than an hour, shove the remaining fingers in my butt and still have room for an android galaxy 6, there are literally no good white wo* period. White wo* primary setting is shit.


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Women without peepeees

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