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TwoX discusses the only thing worse than being catcalled :horny: Not being catcalled :10inbongland:





OP has quite a post history: she's a 31 year old virgin who was considering IVF to be a "single mother by choice" but must've changed her mind and started posting in childfree :#marseygrapes:

We talk about catcalling, getting hit on at random places, men who can't take no for an answer, unsolicited pictures, etc but we never talk about what it's like to be completely desexualized. Has anyone else dealt with not being seen in a sexual way at all?


Nearing my 60th year on this planet and I am loving no longer being seen in a sexual way. Probably because I developed young and am healthily endowed



People don't treat ugly men like they aren't worth getting to know as people just because they are ugly. Women who are not conventionally attractive are treated like they aren't worth even acknowledging as a fellow human being.

sorry :#marseyblops2cel: you'll never understand how hard it is to be a woman :#marseynails:

What I'm not a fan of is ANYONE acting like catcalling is compliment. It's harassment, end of story.


Has anyone else dealt with not being seen in a sexual way at all?

Why is this an issue?


Yes. The very moment I come out as trans to men...


I feel like black cis women have a lot in common with trans women in the way we are treated.


TW: sexual assault I'm glad you are bringing the subject OP because I thought I was the only person with this concern. I feel shameful for typing this but I have never been r*ped and I've heard so many women have been, so it made me feel like I was not attractive enough.


There's this movie welcome to the dollhouse. In one scene, the main character's brother suggests she's not pretty enough to get kidnapped (though her little sister is). These characters are young, 13 and 8. If someone is not preying on you, wanting to r$pe or f$ck you, sorry, you must not be beautiful. If you grow up female in the west, this is essentially what you are taught. The patriarchy we are living in is a real mindfrick.


I've been young thin and pretty and fatter and youngish and then skinny again and older and now fat again and middle aged. The being fat and middle aged thing has been the only time I've felt completely desexualized. Like I'm invisible to men now. It's honestly kind of a shitty feeling. I went on a girls trip with my best friend last fall and she's my same age but extremely petite and cute. She was flirting with bar tenders and other people. And I was like hellllo I am here too. I felt absolutely invisible


This is definitely a subject that needs to be discussed / examined more because it's as much a tool of the patriarchy as hyper sexualization

Pretty privilege is a massive blind spot in this sub. So many women and girls clearly don't understand that life isn't just about individual interactions, it's about how being part of a demographic has a broader systemic impact.

uh oh who let this misogynist into 2x :#marseyblops2cel:

Unfair expectations leading to desexualization aren't purely a male perpetrated thing. For men, we have similar standards imposed on us. Except instead of youth and thinness it's money and height.

Can't have one goddarn thread without some dude chiming in about “bUt MeN tOo WiTh HeIgHt!!!!”

No. It isn't remotely the same thing.


Yes! I'm fat, so I deal with it a lot. I have complicated feelings around things like catcalling. It's just a weird place to be. I agree and understand that catcalling and shit like that is awful. But it's just also.... A very weird feeling to feel, left out of it I guess?

I don't think I'm even that ugly and no one's ever cat called me lol. I definitely feel left out and like something's wrong with me when women act like it's a universal experience.

Personally I think there is a weird flex where some women claim that they can't walk to the mailbox without being hounded for s*x by multiple men, or that every single man they encounter sexualizes them. It's either Main Character Syndrome or they a way of asserting dominance

a reasonable comment on 2X?? Someone better get the :#marseyjanny: to mop it up!

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jesus women are a meme


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Men immediately invent fembots to replace them or become MtF en masses

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Men invent robots then collectively transition because they've all gotten AGP from porn addiction and they can now get fricked by chicks with peepees.

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Women would never, dudes just rock way too hard. :marseynut:

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“The future is female” was a threat not a promise

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Women starve to death two weeks later because none of them can decide what to do for dinner.

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You can't win with these hoes

Even leaving them the frick alone is now sexist.

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its swo hard being a womwen. we have two dewl with a wot

:#marseyfrozenchosen2: :#marseyfrozenchosen: :#marseywomanmoment2: :#marseychonkerfoid: :#marseywomanmoment:

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yes yes yes no yes

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^ The above comment was authored and edited by a verifiable INCEL.

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Jarvis, tie this man's testicles into a butterfly knot.

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They are called the meme gender for a reason

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Personally I think there is a weird flex where some women claim that they can't walk to the mailbox without being hounded for intercourse by multiple men, or that every single man they encounter sexualizes them. It's either Main Character Syndrome or they a way of asserting dominance


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It's like the Barbie movie when Ken creates a patriarchy in Barbieland and Barbie is upset she's not the center focus of everyone's attention anymore and conives a fricked up plan to exploit men's natural willingness to show women cool things like their favourite movies and play a cool song on a guitar, to draw their attention, and then openly cheat on them so men start fighting each other and caring about getting foids approval again

Basic attention is simultaneously their horror story, their biggest weapon to manipulate men, and something they demand from both men and women in return for very little than just existing in their lives

Shoe is right, Barbie is the most anti-feminist movie if you look at it from the right perspective

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In the movie, women act like catty b-words, the most developed character is a man, and some feminist screed is given 2 mins that seems designed to annoy the audience. Definitely smacks of subtle subversion.


Fiscally Left :cheers: Socially Right

:unicorn: Nonfiction = Fiction :mummy: Fiction = Nonfiction :!unicorn:

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Does Ken hang dong?


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Man I really want to see this movie

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I liked it, Ryan Gosling had the best story arc then they shoehorned some half assed wrap up story for Barbie at the end cuz she had her name on the title

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Same. If a movie actually calls out simps ive got to see it.

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@A Barbie movie for the next watch party?

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If Ken created a gay vanguard party then homofascism would have prevailed.

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It sounds like it but no, think about it. You know how onlyfans, umm, exists? I used to be in a bad life situation and I never had to pay for my own booze cos the gas station guy had my back. He even offered me the hard shit for free. Men are r-slurred.

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So the solution is to catcall ugly women and leave hot women alone? Menbros, it was always so clear

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I don't think there's a single person in there who is thinking in terms of problems and solutions LMAO.

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thinking about everything in terms of problems and solutions is for neurodivergents

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for neurodivergents

But don't men in general think like that? I do. :marseytears:

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Maybe autism really means not being a woman

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Autism is unironically just having an extremely male version of a brain

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Maybe women are the problem?:#marseyhomofascistlove::#marseyhomofascistlove::#marseyhomofascistlove:

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They just want to vent

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The solution is not paying attention to anything posted by twox loonies

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they really are a special type of unhinged

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Two things:

  1. why are we getting like 5x the twox posts after carp went on vacation?

  2. this thread just proves to me people who post on twox are completely insane and not a single one of them should have any kind of relationship with anyone, not even as friends

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people who post on twox are completely insane

That's just foids in general tho :marseyconfused:

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Yeah nothing about this post is atypical behaviour for average women

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Foids are insane by nature, this shit is normal for them.

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Also what happened to witcheswhohatepatriarchy? Haven't seen any posts from there lately

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Yeah when I first joined, I was expecting way more content from them here given how big that sub was. It's like it vanished.

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You can probably assume rock bottom social status if a foid needs to take to reddit of all places for social validation.

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Carps are nature's natural predators to foids. With ours missing, the population can flourish

dude bussy lmao

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They're a disgusting fish and I wish for their extermination.

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>REEEE fricking disgusting SCROTES lusting after us wimminz!

>REEEE fricking disgusting SCROTES not lusting after us wimminz!

We need to bring back slapping women. There has never been a time in human history when we needed it more.

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or, just teach men to lust the correct amount :marseysurejan:

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Women need to adopt the gay handkerchiefs for lusting and catcalling, give them just enough plausible deniability to not feel like whores while allowing them to be catcalled to feel hot. Like having a red handkerchief means you want above 6 foot men to tell you that you have nice tits and blue means good butt.

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lust the correct amount

There is one solution:


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The "correct amount" is wildly inconsistent day to day and woman to woman. So either we scrotes develop telepathy or we find another idea.

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It reminds me of BDSM culture - they want to be whipped, slapped, tied up, etc. But in a sterile, impersonal fashion with safe words.

Soon women will pay to go to a clinical setting to be sexually harassed by a trauma-informed "certified safe" ethical sexual objectification practitioner with an Angie's List profile.

They'll run five miles and turn up empty to avoid having to jump over a few puddles on the short path to finding a desirable husband.

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About 5 years ago I was in the best shape in my life and I walked past a group of women who were drunk on a night out and they cat called me and one of them gave me "the eyes" and I honestly still think about it today. I think I peaked then, was a great experience :marseyitsover:

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Yeah. Being catcalled :marseybooba: is like the greatest feeling in the world. Foids just like to complain. :marseypop2:

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I've had random old ladies catcall me and even that makes me feel good.

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No, this happened to me a few weeks ago and it actually felt pretty gross. I think men and women are the same - we only like to be catcalled by people whom we consider hot.

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Lmao imagine thinking you're incel when you get catcalled

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Would be different if you are 5'4 and have the upper body strength of a literal child. Men are scary when they want to be (which is often).

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Women: we hate male attention.

Also women: why aren't we getting male attention?


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Wow, I feel this so much. Thank you for this thread. Honestly, I sometimes feel like "less of a woman" because I've never experienced being flirted with or hit on by men.

I tried dating apps, barely got matches. Only one "date" and that guy turned out to only want to sell me insurance.

I'm working on my self-esteem and confidence and focusing on myself for now. But it still... sucks because a lot of women act as though it's universal for all women to find it easy to get dates/s*x or get too much unwanted male attention.

I just don't get male attention, period. Whether wanted or unwanted. When you're not conventionally attractive, you're just invisible to men, apparently.


LMAO yes. Believe it or not, this was a real thing that happened to me. 😅

I tried dating apps for the first time in my early twenties after I graduated college and entered the workforce. I thought it was time for me to "put myself out there" more since I've never been in a relationship.

Got a few matches, and even fewer actual conversations.

Then, I met this one guy and we started talking about similar interests (like books, movies, all that). So, it seemed promising to me.

We then started talking about our careers. I told him what I did for a living, and he said he was a "financial adviser."

He started going on and on about his work. And, I thought to myself, "okay maybe the guy's just passionate about his career. That's not a bad thing at all."

He then asked to meet up with me at a coffee shop.

I was excited. It was the first time anyone has ever asked me out on a date!

But then, when we met in person, he shook my hand when introducing himself. We sat at the table, and he brought out his tablet. He had prepared a powerpoint presentation about the benefits of buying insurance for people in their mid-twenties.

I ghosted him after that encounter. And I deleted the dating apps on my phone and never looked back.

I can laugh about it now, but that really destroyed my self-esteem for a good while. Because for many other women, guys on dating apps ask them out on actual dates and/or want to hook up.

But with me... The only guy who wanted to meet up was just a dude looking to make a sale haha

Insurance bros, I kneel.

:#!chadjew: :#marseykneel:

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Jews are for marriage, shiksa are for sales

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This b-word is gonna go into her thirties without life insurance :marseylaugh:


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I feel like black cis women have a lot in common with trans women in the way we are treated.

What an incredible self-own, Jesus

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@Penny discuss

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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>I have never been r*ped and I've heard so many women have been, so it made me feel like I was not attractive enough


Imagine developing a complex because you were the only altar boy who didn't get molested

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When psyop yourself into wanting to get r*ped for attention and validation then blame the patriarchy for being a crazy b-word.

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[iasip if Charlie got blown, why didn't i get blown.Webp]


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life isn't just about individual interactions, it's about how being part of a demographic has a broader systemic impact.

I'm sure this mindset will lead to a very productive and happy life.

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Maybe she's not ugly and men just don't like her because she says dumb shit like this.

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That would be the first time in history this happened.

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Wooooooooooooooo @FrozenChosen!!! Woooooooooo post hand!

Sorry, I'm not black or from a big city. Am I doing catcalling right?

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Black would be more ayyy babygirl, lemme holler atchoo


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I feel like black cis women have a lot in common with trans women in the way we are treated.


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Ugh, stupid scrotes should just get it and know if he's worthy of sexualizing a particular woman by reading her mind 💅

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She should try to bee herself:)

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Yes. The very moment I come out as trans to men...


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I am unironically thinking of adopting @pizzashill's ideology tbh

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They should hit the gym, get better hygiene and develop a personality

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I tried dating apps, barely got matches. Only one "date" and that guy turned out to only want to sell me insurance.


LMAO yes. Believe it or not, this was a real thing that happened to me. 😅

I tried dating apps for the first time in my early twenties after I graduated college and entered the workforce. I thought it was time for me to "put myself out there" more since I've never been in a relationship.

Got a few matches, and even fewer actual conversations.

Then, I met this one guy and we started talking about similar interests (like books, movies, all that). So, it seemed promising to me.

We then started talking about our careers. I told him what I did for a living, and he said he was a "financial adviser."

He started going on and on about his work. And, I thought to myself, "okay maybe the guy's just passionate about his career. That's not a bad thing at all."

He then asked to meet up with me at a coffee shop.

I was excited. It was the first time anyone has ever asked me out on a date!

But then, when we met in person, he shook my hand when introducing himself. We sat at the table, and he brought out his tablet. He had prepared a powerpoint presentation about the benefits of buying insurance for people in their mid-twenties.

I ghosted him after that encounter. And I deleted the dating apps on my phone and never looked back.

I can laugh about it now, but that really destroyed my self-esteem for a good while. Because for many other women, guys on dating apps ask them out on actual dates and/or want to hook up.

But with me... The only guy who wanted to meet up was just a dude looking to make a sale haha

LOL, so he pretended to potentially be interested in her to try to make a sale and it “destroyed her self-esteem for a while”.

Average Foid not being able to cope with what is a daily occurrence for nearly any moid moment.

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>The only guy who wanted to meet up was just a dude looking to make a sale haha

Uhh yeah that's what dating is


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Have you tried respecting men more, sweaty?

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Big ups to every foid on Reddit making me thankful for my marriage :praisethesun::praisethesun::praisethesun:

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>People don't treat ugly men like they aren't worth getting too know as people just because they are ugly.

>Women who are not conventionally attractive are treated like they aren't worth even acknowledging as a fellow human being.

This is thin privilege !!

Nobody on earth has it worse than an ugly fat dude.

Or just an ugly dude.

These women could all find an ugly fat dude too worship them, but they won't because they think they're too good for fat men (aka they are delusional)

This is a great example of hoeflation. @Bookers blame online dating.

trans lives matter

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Ugly/fat women just have to go out on a Friday night. Become the token foid in a predominantly male group and get a gang of simps behind them. They just want the same level of ease skinny b-words have it, which has brought about all of this fat acceptance bullshit. They still have it better than the average moid.

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“You're not actually unattractive, you just lack confidence!”

Not super helpful.

Where have I've heard this before?

It's hilarious to watch foid act like incels without a hint of irony.

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Drunk dudes will frick anything, that's a major L

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31 year old virgin who was considering IVF to be a "single mother by choice" but must've changed her mind and started posting in childfree

I think you meant "incel"

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Ctfl-f "As a trans person,"

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I wish @Penny was here

>I feel like black cis women have a lot in common with trans women in the way we are treated.


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“You're not actually unattractive, you just lack confidence!”

Not super helpful.

Yikes, found the incel

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Good morning

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Necroposting but this thread its just insane, what kind of bridge ogre you have to be to still be a virgin woman at 31? I never met a virgin woman over 20, b-word dodges peepee like Neo dodges bullets.

>I feel shameful for typing this but I have never been r*ped

:#marseyfoidretard: :!#marseywomanmoment2:

And lmao at "desexualization", you're femcel uggo, stop creating these cope meme terms.

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:marseytrain2:s think :marseygigathonk: catcalling is some sign of validation that they are 'real women', not that I think :marseychildclutch: any :marseytrain2: :marseysmugfinn: without a dozen prosthetics and makeup :marseyclown: would :marseywould: get catcalled anyway, but it's a fact of life that as we all get older we are seen as less attractive than people who are younger and are in their prime. This is just reality. If your self worth is wrapped :marseyburrito: up in how you look, then there :marseycheerup: was never :marseyitsover: much about you that was worth much to begin with. Too many foids :marseyblops2chadcel: have this mindset.

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You're perpetuating harmful language even after being told it's harmful. If you don't understand why it's harmful, or my very clear explanations aren't good enough for you, look it up. Maybe someone else will be able to teach you how not to be rude, but you clearly aren't actually engaging in my argument, so I'm done with you.

Seriously, though, try and be better. And look it up if you don't understand what I'm saying, because this is a real issue and ignoring it after it's been revealed to you would make you willfully ignorant, rather than just the not knowing something type of ignorant, which everyone is about hundreds of topics, and is not a bad thing. Being unwilling to learn when you discover there might be an issue is exactly one of the main problems that perpetuates the patriarchy and racism. It's easier to be a bigot than to correct your thinking, I get it, but just try.


she's a 31 year old virgin who was considering IVF to be a "single mother by choice":

started posting:

in childfree:

Nearing my 60th year on this planet and I am loving no longer being seen in a sexual way. Probably because I developed young and am healthily endowed:

People don't treat ugly men like they aren't worth getting to know as people just because they are ugly. Women who are not conventionally attractive are treated like they aren't worth even acknowledging as a fellow human being.:

What I'm not a fan of is ANYONE acting like catcalling is compliment. It's harassment, end of story.:

Why is this an issue?:

Yes. The very moment I come out as trans to men...:

TW: sexual assault I'm glad you are bringing the subject OP because I thought I was the only person with this concern. I feel shameful for typing this but I have never been r*ped and I've heard so many women have been, so it made me feel like I was not attractive enough.:

There's this movie welcome to the dollhouse. In one scene, the main character's brother suggests she's not pretty enough to get kidnapped (though her little sister is). These characters are young, 13 and 8. If someone is not preying on you, wanting to r$pe or f$ck you, sorry, you must not be beautiful. If you grow up female in the west, this is essentially what you are taught. The patriarchy we are living in is a real mindfrick.:

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the title is the truest thing ive ever seen here

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woman moment


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>Pretty privilege is a massive blind spot in this sub. So many women and girls clearly don't understand that life isn't just about individual interactions, it's about how being part of a demographic has a broader systemic impact.

You just know that the few foids who are pretty hang out on the sub because all the uggles boost their self esteem

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