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Lost my virginity to a dildo. I feel empowered.




Warning: TMI and oversharing.

Men scare me. Their lust terrifies me. I'm seriously not sure if I can ever see my self trusting a man or deeming him worthy enough of my virginity or body. At the same time, I know I have a crazy high libido. It's a conundrum. So for the first time in my life, I used a dildo. Prior, to this I've never inserted anything up there, (apart from tampons). It was VERY uncomfortable at first but after that fine. No blood though. It felt so great being in control and not having to emotionally depend on a man. It also gave me lots of confidence and reassurance that I am capable.

I know deep down this doesn't count as losing my virginity. I so wish it did and might convince myself it does. It upsets me that I still have that to give that “first” to a real man.

Anyone else experienced anything similar or have any advice to get over this hurdle?

Edit: Thanks for the support everyone! Seeing a lot of comments saying that “virginity is a construct” and that I need to let this whole idea go. Trust me, I know and I am REALLY want to. However, for context, I grew up in an ultra Christian household that drilled purity culture into me since I was 5 years old. So unfortunately, it's a very complicated and distressing narrative to unpack. It doesn't help I have been disappointed by men my entire dating life so emotionally I think I would break if the experience was bad and I was regretful.


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Women bore me. Their insanity terrifies me. I'm seriously not sure if I can ever see my self trusting a woman or deeming her worthy enough of my paycheck or hilarious film critiques. At the same time, I know I have a crazy high libido. It's a conundrum. So for the first time in my life, I used a fleshlight. Prior, to this I've never inserted into anything, (apart from my hand). It was VERY uncomfortable at first but after that fine. No coom though. It felt so great being in control and not having to buy dinner for a woman. It also gave me lots of confidence and reassurance that I am capable.

I know deep down this doesn't count as losing my virginity. I so wish it did and might convince myself it does. It upsets me that I still have that to give that “first” to a real woman.

Anyone else experienced anything similar or have any advice to get over this hurdle?

Edit: Thanks for the vicious backlash everyone! Seeing a lot of comments saying that “I am a huge loser” and that I need to let this whole idea go. Trust me, I know I am and REALLY want to. However, for context, I grew up in an ultra Christian household that drilled purity culture into me since I was 5 years old. So unfortunately, it's a very complicated and distressing narrative to unpack. It doesn't help I have been disappointed by women my entire dating life so emotionally I think I would break if the experience was bad and I was regretful.

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Not all women are r-slurred, but reddit women are literally nothing but wads of psychiatric problems. If they were men, they'd be homeless.

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Most women would be homeless if they were treated like men.

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Spooj isn't like most women

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Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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Heroine c*nt? Is anything like heroin?

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year

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My brap alarm was going off :siren: :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

Losing weight and losing friends

I once read that for every 14lbs that one loses, you can expect to “lose” two friends. I always thought I had been lucky enough to be the exception to the rule or that the statement was simply an exaggeration.

Well, I'm now down nearly 100lbs, nearly 130 now. There are certain people/“friends” in my life that are just distancing themselves from me and its becoming obvious. For example, they avoid me, view ALL my posts but rarely interact, if they do it's never to compliment how I look now, when they used to before when I was fat. I always compliment/hype them (and I genuinely mean it)

And no, I have not posted my WL journey on social media nor do I even bring it up in person unless others initiate the conversation.

I know it is their problem not mine but it is painful. I'll get over it soon but I'm wondering if anyone else out there is going through the same thing?

I've never heard of this. Is this just true for super fat people? Like how alcoholics will stop hanging out with people who get their lives together because they can no longer point at them and say, "Well, at least I'm not as bad as that guy."

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Idk lol I don't associate with fats


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You should call your mom

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It could be skinny women upset that their designated fat friend isn't able to do the job anymore.

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!biofoids Can you help us with this question about fats?

:marseychonkerfoidpuke: This brap claims you lose friends when you lose weight. My hypothesis is above.

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I wouldn't know, because I'd never bear to look at a Fat long enough to form a friendship in the first place

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tldr: sounds fake and homosexual.

really heavy friends wind up being not being much fun in the long term because there's nothing you can do together other than watch TV, smoke or eat at a restaurant (if they even fit into those tables). every single other activity is "too far to walk!!" :marseycrying:

otoh when former chonks slim down, you can finally do fun shit together. I imagine this is the same for men too.

the one exception to this is probably if all your other friends are also massive chonks and don't want to change.

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they avoid me, view ALL my posts but rarely interact, if they do it's never to compliment how I look now, when they used to before when I was fat.


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>view ALL my posts but rarely interact

This might have something to do with this. Social media is a disease. Is this former fatty taking offense to people not sending her enough emojis on her IG? Are her friends just not wanting to interact with some c*nt who's gotten a big head lately? Maybe every single one of them is a person who can't comprehend empathy?

I've had friend's who've lost weight or just gotten in shape in general. The friends in our group call them a skinny strag but are supportive for the most part. I'm also not friends with people who have social media. We're all boomers at heart.

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Fatties are pieces of shit likes addicts so it makes since that addicts and recovering addicts stop talking

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year

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thank you for being brave and coming out and sharing this, Carp

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Thank you for accepting me :loveeyes:


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Post thr dildo you used

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KEEP YOURSELF SAFE stalker cute twink

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psychophobe :plzdie:

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If he stalked a woman I know IRL and posed as her online for years I would un-ironically do him harm, it's funny but really he's no better than krayon (sister toucher) or mello, this is the behaviour of a degenerate spurned lover top end, bottom end online freak

@Pl rope you disgusting loser

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yeah true, it's just weird to see decent morals here :dizzy: we're all going to befricked when poor doe's body ends up dismembered and scattered anyway tho 😣 :marseyveryworriedfed:

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Even for an internet boomer like me there's somethings I can't :marseyseethe: about, especially when it's being flaunted like this

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Good one.

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If you enjoyed the community here you could have come back under a different name, instead you came back with this one hoping for some cachet for being a stalker?

May be worth an upmarsey or a laugh but you are subhuman scum and nearly everyone outside of an irony-poisoned niche website thinks that, die soon.

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lol it's so funny how oblivious everyone on this site is

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Nibba the entire drama is p long, essentially @Pl was outed as a catfish stealing a OF thots pics, said OF thot came on rdrama and said they knew who it was and they've been doing it for years

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oh yea I remember that lol. what's the OF whore's name on here again

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doe? something like that, sure it's in this thread

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lol this has to be a troll or an :marseyattentionseeker:. Their only other posts are about how they lost 100 pounds and are now too sexy for friends, how men constantly beg to have s*x with them, and this one that they are super empowered for masturbating away their virginity somehow.

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Fat would explain why a foid would get their hands on a s*x toy before getting laid.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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No it wouldn't, scrotes are pathetic and so desperate that it wouldn't stop them.

This is pure dysfunctional hysteria

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Fats are dysfunctional :marseyshrug:

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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She lost her dildo virginity cause she can finally reach her twat now

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It's just a femcel revenge fantasy

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Men scare me. Their lust terrifies me. I'm seriously not sure if I can ever see my self trusting a man or deeming him worthy enough of my virginity or body.

Sad !foidmoment

At the same time, I know I have a crazy high libido.


many such femcels

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My fave is this line

It upsets me that I still have that to give that “first” to a real man

:marseytrain:s btfo

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Holy shit, this brave woman masturbated! Redditors, updoot with all your updootiness!

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Lost my virginity to a dildo. I feel empowered.

When I read that title I thought this was going to be a Carp blogpost :marseysmug2::marseysmug2::marseysmug2:

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virginity is a construct

Is anything not a construct these days?

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Social Justice :marseyblm:

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This is the kind of foid who desperately needs a shrink but will instead run to an internet hugbox. Being hyper-afraid of half the population is so blatantly unhealthy it's stopped being sad and looped back around to being hilarious.

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If by a shrink you mean shock therapy, then I agree. :marseyplugged:

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Psychiatry is fake and straight anyway, so it might as well

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It works pretty well, actually. The new techniques are very effective and come with only some mild memory issues for a few months in exchange for doing a heck of a lot.

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Their lust terrifies me.


At the same time, I know I have a crazy high libido.


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>Woman horny


>Man horny


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Men scare me. Their lust terrifies me. I'm seriously not sure if I can ever see my self trusting a man or deeming him worthy enough of my virginity or body.

well adjusted

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Why is your text gold? I don't see any font tags.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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That subreddit will never stop being full of the most mentally ill people on Reddit. Heck, I saw a criticism of that subreddit as “needlessly harsh on men” on MensLib of all places, and the mods didn't delete it

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No, but men don't tend to get shamed for not being virgins anymore, more the other way around.

This is what women actually believe.

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I'm having trouble parsing that sentence. Too many negatives.


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Fake account that's prepping to get sold:


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fake accounts just repost stuff not create original content, even if it is trash

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Me too

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I wish I had all there wise women around me 30 years ago. I spent way too much time catering to men and their desires, not my own.

>wise women


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Being totally in control the first time you experience penetration means you can avoid pain and get used to the vulnerability without involving another person.

Is there a single person in the entire universe who has had s*x before masturbation or even a wet dream?

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well not on purpose at least... :marseypedo:

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Incels hate this one simple trick

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Imagine needing a dildo to masturbate

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