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Absurd. The baseline r-sluration of foids is so high it'd be impossible to prove this.

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nikka you just told me in that other thread that you worked your warehouse shift with a punctured lung rather than call off sick, and you were proud of it. I will brook no further disparagement of foidal intellect from you.

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you worked your warehouse shift with a punctured lung rather than call off sick, and you were proud of it

King shit. This is why it's called HIStory.

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and you were proud of it

:!marseywagie: I inly fulfilled 96% of my quota that day. The manager still shouted at me but I could have lost my job.

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Do you think of yourself as intelligent?

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Me on the far left

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He is

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Feeding other peoples delusions isn't kind behavior

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Hello I'm bimothy :marseywave2:

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It's beautiful that no matter the post, no matter the topic, no matter the hour, in even the most turbulent of times, one thing can be relied upon; an evergreen "Hello I'm bimothy :marseywave2: " posted proudly and without pretense for us to enjoy. To this I say, hello bimothy, and thank you for your service. :marseysaluteusa:

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Keep yourself safe

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“He gazed down at the laconic text. Four thousand posts it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the bright "hello!". O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two HRT-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Bimothy." :marseyit#sbimothy2:

George Chudwell- 19Bimoth4 :marse#yobey:

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Bimothy is the worst user since schizocel

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bimothy does more for america than a battalion of soldiers :marseysmug2:

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I asked a foid how she would feel if she didn't eat breakfast yesterday or get punched today and she said "but I didn't eat breakfast yesterday" and so I had no choice

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Poj must be one of those women that "negging" works on, huh?

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Not the real Pizzashill

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After Jordan Peterson has been forced too re education woman's camp or face losing his license. Because he was stating facts he is now making the podcast rounds asking the very poignant question. How long until these women led institutions fold? Universities, psychologists etc

Trans lives matter

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JLP was lucky to not be castrated.

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Maybe the study can use you as a control for stupid and then extra stupid.

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Makes foids r-slurred

So it's a bad contraceptive

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Physicians have hand-waved very common complaints from women regarding birth control for years (I.e. weight gain, increased depression, libido issues etc). Color me 0% shocked if it turns out there's even more serious issues everyone is carefully avoiding looking into. :marseypopcorntime:

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The water treatment infrastructure has no mechanism to treat potable water of excess hormones either. I wonder why testosterone levels in men are historically dropping since the 1940s? :marseyclueless:


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There's probably more than one cause :marseyscooter:

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No it's because black people and gays are in our movies and tv shows

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Unironically because men have gotten way fatter and the visceral fat layers make you produce more estrogen in men and more testosterone in women.



" In a population-based study, higher testosterone concentrations were associated with increased visceral fat in women and decreased visceral fat in men (8). Likewise, in hypogonadal men, low testosterone concentrations are associated with visceral obesity (9). "

The trans movement may just be an everybody got too fat movement in disguise.

Same for testosterone loss issue.

I am not saying there ain't fricked up shit in the water. I got no idea about that.

i do know however that if you match the obesity rate increases against the drop in testosterone in the average male population over time I bet there would be a very strong correlation across time that holds.

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>get fat

>T drops

>get even fatter


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>lost weight

>T rises

>lose even more weight

>T rises further

>Do it all natty without steroids

>You now have unlocked the empathy levels of Ted Bundy. The world is your oyster if you are smart enough to game the system.

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But will it make your peepee larger?

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If you are fat half you peepee is probably lost under fat folds so visually yes, technically no. ( Observation based on limited data )

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Losing weight makes the fat pad smaller, so yes.

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Treated water usually isn't recirculated like that

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But I was told hormones don't survive for long outside the body, they break down when exposed to the environment.

R-right? :marseyveryworried:

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Exposed to the environment =/= in solution :marseychemist2:

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I'm not liking this :marseytinfoil2:

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Based on 2011–2014 data, about 47% of Americans took at least one prescription drug in the past 30 days, and 22% took three or more. (1) Annually, billions of prescriptions are filled across the U.S. (2) The potential for hormones and pharmaceuticals to be present in drinking water is of concern because unintentional exposure to some of these bioactive compounds could result in adverse effects on human health at low doses, they can exert a wide range of adverse effects including endocrine disruption and antibiotic resistance

A reconnaissance of organic wastewater compounds (including hormones, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, solvents, and fire r-slurants) at 47 groundwater sites of varying use across the U.S. found that detection frequencies for the plasticizer bisphenol A (30%) and the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole (23%) were among the highest for any compound. (31) Two small studies of groundwater resources used for public supply in locations across the country (3 and 25 sites) showed that some individual hormone and (or) pharmaceutical compounds such as bisphenol A and carbamazepine can be present in 20% or more of sources. (14,15) State and local studies of groundwater used for drinking, ranging in size from 20 wells to 1231 wells, also have shown the presence of hormones and (or) pharmaceuticals in water from as few as 2.3% to as many as 60% of domestic or public-supply wells.

!nooticers :marseyautismdisconcerting:


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Time to move to the mountains

No estrogen from livestock or trains in the water supply and less of everything else, too :marseytinfoil2:

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First the frogs (french) then the americans

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Why doesn't everyone just get a reverse osmosis system under their sink?

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Some Uber driver tried to sell me that in some multilevel marketing scheme, so I don't trust it even if I don't know what it is.

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i mean, it shouldn't be an mlm. just go to the hardware store and buy a reverse osmosis. they are used to filter salt out of sea water even

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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potable water? portable. the word is portable, dingus!

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Potable is a word meaning safe to drink.

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Google it

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Google is ran by the jewish chads

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A mountain spring.

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Google it.

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It's the slow-but-steady was to transition everyone.

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its because of overweight

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Did science exlain why antinatalist women are paranoid about everything?

Dad gum!

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The pill comes with plenty of issues but it's still safer than the alternative.

There is nothing forcing women to take the darn thing.

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I don't see any drama, plus

>Compared to men, all three groups of women exhibited a larger GMV of the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, while only current users showed a thinner ventromedial prefrontal cortex.

The ventromedial prefrontal cortex is one of a few parts of the brain responsible for inhibition and risk-taking, (unfortunately) not really the type of cognition people associate with being smart or stupid

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Irrespective of their hormonal contraceptive history, we found that women showed greater GMV than men in the dACC.

even drugged up brain-damaged foids still have more grey matter :marseybigbrain: than smolbrain moids. :marseybrainlet:

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You don't view people who take unnecessary risks or people that are disproportionately fearful in safe situations as stupid?

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disproportionately fearful in safe situations

In this case they'd be less fear-adverse.

>as stupid?

I do, but whether society does often depends on the context and outcome of the decision

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I do,

thats because you're r-slurred. intelligence is exploration. fearful people arent capable of it. theyll always be downstream

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Again, we're not talking about fear but the ability to factor fear into decision-making. For every celebrity or founder who can't adequately factor risk or fear in their decision-making processes there are thousands who end up getting arrested for or becoming victimized by violent crime, losing their money to scams, hurting themselves showing off to their friends etc. for the same reason

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yes thats how risks work. some wont make it. r-slur

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It's a technical difference not an easily noticeable one.

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people more likely to have routine s*x and plan their life around it are also more likely to be risk takers

WOAAHHHH!!!! Who's next, base jumpers??

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The 'currently taking' qualification in the paper indicates that there may be a causal relationship between taking hormonal BC and reduced volume in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Establishing a causal link between risk-taking behavior and BC use would need a different study design, especially given there are common reasons to use hormonal BC that don't involve being promiscuous

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Semen makes foids r-slurred. That's why porn has brainwashed moids into thinking cooming onto their foid's face is a sexy thing. It's a subtle form of mind control.

Wake up !fellas and !nonchuds

Someone ping biofoids

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!women come mock this moid

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>can't use !biofoids


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>using ((())) to avoid paying foids


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they haven't been paid in months lol, aevann took away PingPayments.

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You still get charged, they just don't recieve any money.

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wtf, then why am I in 200 ping groups?

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lol he removed it bc some literal r-slur got added to like 100 ping groups and then bitched at him to add ways to mute the notifications

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:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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This is that schizo blog, ty :marseyhearts:

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Wrong, women :marseyuterus: need c*m to function. Have you seen a food that hasn't caught :marseyflirt: a nut? Grim

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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This neighbor cums in his food

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No, I c*m in my foids :marseyblops2chadcel2: food

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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compared to men

And? What does this prove about the effects of birth control compared to other WAMEN? Neighbor obviously women will have higher baseline fear levels compared to men, one is 200lbs, and the other relies entirely on said 200lb man defending her from being r*ped by a separate 200lb man.

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The ventromedial prefrontal cortex isn't so much about the experience of emotion itself but decision-making in response to fear and risk. For example, someone with severe damage to that region of the brain will literally keep goombling their money away or drive like a maniac because their decision-making processes are impaired. However, it's one of multiple regions of the brain involved and one of the least controversial s*x-based cognitive differences is that men are generally more tolerant of risk and threat during decision-making.

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>ventromedial prefrontal cortex

Look at this neighbor talking nonsense. Yeah the ventralomedian full frontal cortex is aligned with the gemini and taurus in the left ventricle with the cerebellum


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wow rude!

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B-words can align with deez nuts


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Snally really should stay in her lane and not try to opine about astrology.

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So you're saying that it makes women do crazier things than usual, as well as more risky behaviors (yelling, promiscuity, etc.)?

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Potentially yeah. Neuroimaging studies generally aren't reliable or informative on their own; they need to be paired with one or more cognitive and/or behavioral tasks to really find out what's going on. There are a lot of boilerplate experimental paradigms they could use to figure out the extent of the effects of the reduction like a goombling task

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Most women are 200lbs chud


Fiscally Left :cheers: Socially Right

:unicorn: Nonfiction = Fiction :mummy: Fiction = Nonfiction :!unicorn:

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One is 200lbs, and the other is 250lbs

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