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Men really do think they're flawless : TwoXChromosomes




Cw: discussion about weight

I am so tired of these dudes who have a complete meltdown if their partner gains some weight.

They will fall all over themselves to say how wonderful and amazing and great personality and whatever that their significant other has but magically they are not attracted to them anymore because they got a tiny bit heavier? Reading stories like this about them trying to force the woman to diet, exercise with them, etc. The sad thing is the sheer number of people that will agree with this guy and guys like him, other women included.

Example: Dude told his girlfriend that she was too fat and that's why he won't sleep with her, causing her to have a complete breakdown and crying for days. People thought this was somehow acceptable behavior because it was "honest". Kept saying stuff like "required for my attraction" when talking about weight. Kept saying how weight like this "isn't acceptable" in his country. He wants a family (?) with this girl too. Where does he think get weight will go then? (ETA he said she was already overweight when they met btw)

I'm just flabbergasted. People even compared it to being trans and transitioning. The fatphobic comments were terrible.

ETA: the men trolling this post is hilarious. Even got some DMs. Get a life please lol

ETA2: I live for the men's comments on this thread, you're also trash fyi 😚

the post she's talking about is this one. i made a post about it here. please upmarsey :marseybegging:

Had an ex beg me to go on birth control because ew condoms, and when it made me gain weight and break out (which I told him it would), he started making snide comments. Meanwhile, he was laying there with a jelly belly and nearing flabby arms. 🤢

>body shaming is bad, you fat scrote


I found the post and he says that she's been overweight for their entire relationships, and that he's always found thinner women attractive. So, why did he start dating her?

Because he's probably ugly, stupid, toxic and broke and nobody else fell for his bullshit


I read that post, too. It was pretty terrible. I hope she dumps him and finds someone who genuinely appreciates her.

These guys always pretend it's about bEiNG hEALthY when it's really about what they find frickable. They never complain about anorectic celebs or models.

Yeah there's no way they'd care as much if they were dating or screwing someone who was so ill they couldn't eat or so ill from not eating. It's fine for women to be weak or small or barely exist. Anything else is intimidating or gross to some of these creeps

In the thread she even offered to go work out but because their schedules are different he won't change his schedule to go work out with her at all. He wants everything but puts in nothing

>he wants everything

everything means her not being 20kg(44 pounds for :marseymutt2:) overweight

:#marseyobesescale: :#marseylaugh:

A lot of men date women to have a body not a partner. It's why I've sidelined dating them. I'd rather have my own life and own things going for me than be at the mercy of someone so…flippant


I don't know why, but I've seen some men who say these things and I always think “what do you think you look like?” I remember seeing on TV a man saying his ideal is Jennifer Aniston but he himself looks below average at best.

Having a preference is fine but their lies about “health” is so stupid. Just admit you want eye candy and let the woman go so she can stop wasting her time. In the mean time, maybe these men should go to the gym themselves and achieve the physique they think they deserve.

The dude said in his thread that he grew up being overweight and so because of that he spent his adulthood getting in shape. So to me it seems really weird that he would date a girl that is not to his level of fitness? Just don't lead this girl on ffs. If you really want to date someone who's going to be as fit as you go find that person. Also makes me think he's probably not as fit as he claims to be anyway.

she put on 20 kilograms. if anything she lead him on :#marseywomanmoment2:

Ya, I've seen many of them and most do not live up to their own standards even lol. It's why I wonder wtf they see in the mirror. Maybe he thought he could change her - her personality and everything else is up to standard so now he just has to fix weight by getting her to lose it so physically she'll meet his ideal too. Either way, she can find someone who'll treat her better and I hope she leaves.

yes, dump the boyfriend that actually cares for her well being. this will surely be a good move in the long term :#marseyagreefast:

These are just the guys not to take too seriously, nothing long term and certainly no pregnancy. They won't be able to handle it.

He was talking about having kids with her and I'm like bro what do you think is going to happen?

Men really don't understand how much pregnancy changes a woman's body and that it isn't just eat less and you can keep the weight off. They really don't understand how hormones work.

They totally think they're going to marry the unicorn woman who's going to bounce right back after each and every kid. Omg it makes me so sad when I read about a husband who is no longer attracted to his wife after she birthed all his stupid kids.

and when a woman loses her pregnancy weight they'll blame genetics or some other bullshit reason.

:#marseyradfem: :#marseycope:

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Why do women always assume men want anorexic models? There's a vast chasm between that and being obese, you don't have to choose one lmao

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Consider that 40-60lbs is just a little extra to them

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Notice how both options totally ignore fitness. gaining 44lbs of fat is going to seriously impact lifestyle, maybe the dude just wants someone who can walk for 20min without getting winded.

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Its not if she was gaining it from a weight in healthy range, whole thing is cos she was overweight but actually overweight not overweight=obese, stacks of woman look fine in that range if they have a nice face, dress well and generally look after themselves, putting on the 20kg ontop of that and its not. Agree with the women though if someone gets you going putting on the weight wont matter that much short term, long term will.

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>be massively obese

>wear stringy tank tops and gstrings

>single mother waddling around walmart

Why wont men change?

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Nah dude if its someone you have the real hots for it really wont matter at least for a bit, its the face and personality that you love, problem is when the fat hits the face

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People who think emotionally or want to manipulate people who do reduce everything to pairs of polar opposites. The opposite of obese is emaciated, and you're bad for wanting women to be emaciated.

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If you can get turned on by a woman who is 5 lbs overweight, you should be able to get turned on by a woman who is 500lbs overweight. It's simple body positivity :marseyindignant:

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