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Swallowing the :marseymid: pill hurts. A good coping strategy is to amass a crew of simps from a population of online defectives.

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Is this what the drama pickmes are doing?

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@JimieWhales when you're picking from the quality here I imagine the anonymity really helps you to maintain the fantasy that this is attention you want :marseyxd:

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Don't you take this away from me! :marseypearlclutch2:

When @AverageBen10Enjoyer tells me he isn't Timothée Chalamet's shitposting account I know he's only playing coy because there's a lot of crazy stalker girls out there but they don't love him like I do.

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If you want twinks can't you find them irl? I mean as a foid all you need to do is provide s*x and cook and some guy out there will put up with you :marseyshrug:

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I'm holding out for true love. :!marseysad:

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You don't want simps in that case, you want a too-good-to-be-true love bomber who just disappears in the middle of the night a few weeks into the relationship.

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This, but unironically. :marseydeadinside:

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You know Jimie… I've had my struggles in the past but reading your posts just makes all of that fall away and gives me the most blissful feeling, like I'm a man reborn, able to do anything and build any kind of life I want with whoever will have me :marseyshy4:

I don't say these things lightly and certainly not to every online girl, but in all aspects I can make out, you are a radiant, almost divine woman who deserves all the best things that fraudulently opened credit cards can buy.

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Based :marseygivecrown: DENNIS system :marseymars: enjoyer

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yeah I said he'd put up with you maybe even throw a :marseycrayoneater: in there before it's too late that sounds like true love to me

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you need to provide sec and cook

Impossible when all you know is charge your phone, eat hot chip and lie.

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Hey, frick you, I was born in 1991. My phone is at 15%.

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At best I'm MasterLawlz' shitposting account. You're fun, you'll find someone good in the real world.

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Does anyone have a pic of Jimmie? I need to know if I should simp or not

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>Not deciding to simp or not based on personality


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>Woman having a personality


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There is a very good reason why the men on that sub are alone.

I know a 40yo virgin irl. He's a decent guy - good job, nice house, nice cars, average in looks. He would do SO well if he went for some average 34yo woman.

However, he suspiciously only seems interested in young, likely virginal, very attractive women. Found out he was 'chatting' to the 22yo daughter of his dad's business partner. Then there was the 23yo daughter of my hair stylist...

Guys like this will never accept how absurdly unrealistic they are. Yet, all women only want 6' 6" 6 figures 🙃 screams projection to me.

So many questions about this story. Chadverage over here seems like he's pulling it off? Is it unrealistic if it works? How does she know he's a virgin?

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He would do SO well if he went for some average 34yo woman.

:#marseychonkerfoid: this is what doing SO well looks like.

However, he suspiciously only seems interested in young, likely virginal, very attractive women. Found out he was 'chatting' to the 22yo daughter of his dad's business partner. Then there was the 23yo daughter of my hair stylist...

Moid attracted to adult human females. Highly suspicious, indeed.

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Ummm 22 year olds brains still haven't fully developed. That's libertarian adjacent behaviour - do better

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Real talk I was pretty stupid when I was 22. I'm not saying I found weird 40-something scrotes especially SPALatable, but I made a lot of dumb choices in my life and my relationships in my early 20s.

I think arrogantly doing the wrong thing is one of the wonderful bits of being young and everyone should do it.

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If he wanted fully developed brains he would be gay.

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And there goes the self awareness. They're just as miserable to be aware otherwise they wouldn't be in the same position as these men

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major spal vibes from that guy

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Hoeflation is at an all-time high and foids will still overestimate themselves even more than they already do :marseyxd:

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The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.


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It's a seller's market, my friend.

We need to bring back arranged marriages and dowries.

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Brothers, just go to Mexico and buy one. They're CHEAP and they KNOW how to COOK

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That way lies tiny indian peepeees

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Approaching 50? Wow girl idk how you did it, you're an inspiration 💗

I too am surprised that the uglies don't kill themselves before 50

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A dude would do it.

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Women lack conviction, dudes continue to rock.

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:#marseymanysuchcases: :#marseymanysuchcases: :#marseymanysuchcases: :#marseymanysuchcases: :#marseymanysuchcases: :#marseymanysuchcases: :#marseymanysuchcases: :#marseymanysuchcases: :#marseymanysuchcases: :#marseymanysuchcases: :#marseymanysuchcases:

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I genuinely cannot comprehend how foids stay "forever alone" against their will. Even the most hideous looking ham beasts manage to get laid because men will frick absolutely everything with a hole and yet there's an entire sub full of women in their 20s or 30s who claim no man has ever looked at them twice in their lives. How?

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So I've been lurking this sub for a few months and there are 4 categories of users:

1. Genuine femcels who suffer from physical deformities

2. Women who are alone because they have high standards (this is most of them and there is even a sticky post on the subreddit reccomending they turn off their DMs lmao)

3. Young women (15-18) who like being melodramatic and describing themselves as femcels or foreveralone

4. :!marseytrain:s

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1 makes 4 redundant.

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Sounds about right

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Everyone, including women themselves, underestimate the powerful influence women's hypergamy has on their dating lives. :marseychingchong: young Millennial and elder Zoomer women have a surplus of men to choose from because of the One Child Policy, and those Ching-chongettes still can't find a man. Too many basic foids would rather foreveralone themselves than date an easily obtainable basic moid.


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:marseychingchong: :marseykween: couples are the future

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I hope our Blasian overlords treat us kindly

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Neighbor, they'll all die on the ride to our pod to arrest us for wrongthink.

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touch grass, incel

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Womyn want men as much as men want womyn but a lot of them always have standards way beyond their value.

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Women are also extremely scared of approaching men because they GENUINELY can't deal with rejection.

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When you discount all men who are garbage, there is an overwhelming 1:20000 ratio of men to women. It's hard out there

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They aren't "forever alone", women can't be alone. They are just chadsexual so maybe they are "forever chadless" instead.

trans lives matter

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I have no one, no frienda, nor romantic interests. Well, i do have a large family, but they are kind of mean because they bring up all the things im doing wrong.

drop your family, you will do better.

Reddit is infested with demons.

:!#marseykneel: :#marseydemonicgrin:

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Unironically this woman would get a lot out of a workout routine and a few cosmetic operations. I usually consider the latter to be predatory bullshit but some people can really reap a lot of benefit from a few thousand dollars' worth of doctoring.

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I originally posted this on the other sub and started getting invalidated by men about my FA-status and also gender :marseypassftm: war type of comments (which are both against the rules :marseyplacenofun: there, oh well) and DMs so I deleted my post there. It was my first :marseywinner: post there :marseycheerup: and it's a real shame how they perceive :marseythirdeye: FA women. Thanks to everyone :marseynorm: here for being lovely and inclusive. ❤️

I never :marseyitsover: really :marseythinkorino2: thought :marseymindblown: I looked attractive, just ...decent, forgettable. That's my standards...that's "attractive" to me and what I considered to be good enough. This entire time. I'm 28F and don't have the beauty :marseyspa: standard "hourglass" body type (small tits and butt, just no curves lol) either but I thought :marseymindblown: I could do my hair, nails, wear makeup :marseyclown: (basic/natural makeup :marseyclown: not the full face kind) etc to make up for it. But no. I also have a big nose.

I realise now that my looks are shite. Ugly. People do look at me in public but NOT "oh look at her she's so pretty" but more like "oh...yuck". I'd describe myself :marseypain: as a friendly woman, and not outgoing but I really :marseythinkorino2: do open up if people talk to me. I can clean :marseydarkspez: up and put effort :marseymoreyouknow: into my appearance but I'll never :marseyitsover: be the attractive woman :marseycutattention: in the room.

My bff basically dumped me like 4 years ago (she accused me of some stupidity that I DIDN'T do and I couldn't prove something I didn't do so yeah off she went) and I've struggled so bad to make friends :marseytherachel: irl since. I got lucky, I met her during school. And a love life? Forget it ya'll! I'm undateable and for the past few years I've had to attend people's weddings with a fake smile. I do have a couple :marsey2commies: friends :marseysnoohug: online :marseyidio3: who I really :marseythinkorino2: am grateful :marseysatisfied: for. But I really :marseythinkorino2: struggle in reality.

I really :marseythinkorino2: yearn for a loving :marseyhearts: relationship or even proper friends. I have neither and a horrible abusive family :marseystewie: to boot. Go figure.

My uncle :marseytedkaczynski2: also once told me no one will marry :marseycupid: me. So yeah.

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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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I mean, yeah

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So basically has the bodyshape of a coke can with a big ugly schnozz. And she thinks she's average.

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If she's not fat she's right.


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I have lived my whole life in my head

It's the ONLY thing that has kept me alive for so long. All I do 24/7 is pretend I'm not living in a reality but I'm living in my head. If I DIDN'T daydream and create a fantasy world in my head I'd have committed suicide long ago. I feel so helpless and like I've never really been alive. I feel like a living corpse. I feel like I don't exist at all.

I literally imagine myself living in another world all the time; where I'm pretty, funny, and people care about me. The guy I love loves me back. I'm a completely different person living a completely different life that's NOT even comparable to this heck I'm living in. I made a whole story and about 'myself' and I even talk to the characters that I've created in my imaginary world, at first, I didn't mind it. It was making me feel better, making me happier than I had ever been, but now I'm very concerned. Every second of my life, I wish I lived that life and I find myself stuck in my room crying and talking to myself.

I swear I'm so fricking worthless as an ugly woman. I just want to die as soon as possible. I don't even want to be pretty anymore. I hate waking up every day feeling empty. It is literally making me sick every morning I wake up. Living is just a reminder of what I don't and what I will never have. God I just want to die.

Dramatards, how many of you is this?

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She's a genuine Bovarysme


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In Japan they call it middle school syndrome :marseyxd:

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this is why the ideal gf has apanthasia with no internal monologue

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I love imagining a world where I'm pretty. That's why every surface in my home is a mirror :marseywholesome:

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>son of God


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Life fuel. Frick you roastie

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:taythink: why don't you just keep yourself safe

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>I'm too skinny :marseyanorexic: and my nose is too big


Palestinian lives matter less

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I can fix all of them, of course they have accept me at my worst (fat,bald,unemployed,boring), to get my best (willing to do chores around the house and give passable s*x)

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28F, no bf, and she got plastic surgery ... on her hoo-ha?

Priorities may be slightly out of whack on this one

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Mid women need to lock that dude down with some sick fricking shit in the sack.

I'm a super young genX though, so maybe things are different these days.

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