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'Boys are disappearing' from mental :marseymindblown: health care as signs of depression :marseydeadinside: go undetected


A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics found that while antidepressant prescriptions have risen dramatically for teenage girls and women in their 20s, the rate of such prescriptions for young men “declined abruptly during March 2020 and did not recover.”

:marseytransmerchant: toxic masculinity is not being medicated all the time :soyjakhipster:

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here's how men are to blame

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“We have this very classic understanding of depression as being sad, being tearful, crying more, not eating as much and losing weight,” said Dr. Lauren Teverbaugh, pediatrician and child psychiatrist at Tulane University in New Orleans. “That's just not how it looks for a lot of young boys.”

>act sad
>you're depressed
>act happy
>also a sign of depression

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>anyway, take this pill, $300 pls

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Men are also just less neurotic than women and suffer less depression and anxiety but they do tend to be more schizos and anti social instead.

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Good to know I'm breaking down gender roles

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Glad to know I'm enforcing gender roles :marseyschizowall:

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Glad to know i have the worst traits from both gender :marseyitneverbegan:

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Mental health professions are dominated by women, shocking that men don't seek help from people who can't relate to and aren't in a position to help them.

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I have a freind whobis a psychologist and she said that some psychologists actually provide there thwrapy from specifically a "feminist perspective". Lol

:marseydoomer: I'm depressed and lonely, and now I just got laid off. Im afraid of gping to sleep because the dreams are so upsetting

:!marseyarthoe4: Have you tried not hating women, chud? :!marseynails:

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I watched a Dr.K :marseypajeet: video about this once, he mentions that traditional therapy is very foid brained (This makes you feel bad, let's talk about your emotions) while moids respond better to practical thinking (This makes you feel bad, how can we solve this problem?) but they're explicitly taught in medical school to not give practical advice to patients

Probably because foids are like 70% of therapy patients

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mmt of this


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Yeah, that's why cognitive behavioral therapy is much better. It's focused on being mindful of cause and effect while using non-pharmaceutical treatment techniques.

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“In males, it's theoretically possible that this reflects improved mental health, but I'm struggling with that explanation,” Chua said. “Given that everybody's mental health got worse, I would have expected that boys' antidepressant dispensing would have at least remained stable, not decrease.” The more likely explanation in Chua's experience as a pediatrician, he said, was that boys stopped engaging with the health care system overall during the pandemic, leading to an underdetection and, consequently, an undertreatment of mental health problems in young men. “There was something happening to make male adolescents not come in for mental health,” Chua said. “They didn't go to their doctors. They skipped physicals.” “Boys are disappearing,” he said.

!fellas Did something happen in 2020 that made you not want to go to doctors? Maybe the started enforcing some straggy dress code? Maybe they made so insane inconvenient to enter into any medical building (hand wash under supervision from a nurse, temperature check from same nurse, oops u have a '''fever''' frick off)

!nooticers Notice how the doctor tacitly suggests that his magic pills are the only treatment for depression? That males couldn't have simply found other treatments (like working out)

And who even gets physicals? I don't think I've had one ever, at least not in my adult life.

Women have long been much more likely to be diagnosed with depression than men. But a 2013 study found that when “irritability” is considered a main symptom, the rate of depression actually equalized between the sexes: 30.6% of men and 33.3% of women.

wtf. If 1/3rd of the population has depression it's not a mental illness anymore it's just a fact of life.

Teachers, coaches and other caregivers outside of the home are on the front lines of monitoring teen mental health, Tulane's Teverbaugh said.

And are widely hated for it. I can't tell you how many times as a teen I had some wanna be do gooder try to insert themselves into my life (sometimes going so far as to demand I accept gifts and car rides from them) because they were "worried". Only good that came of it was i learned how to tell authority figures to frick off and stay in their lane from a young age.

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1/3rd of the population has depression it's not a mental illness anymore it's just a fact of life.

>“Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction It is already happening to some extent in our own society. Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual's internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable.”~ Theodore Kaczynski :marseyunibombersaint:


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Kkkrapitalism in action.

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god bless :marseyunabomber: he was right

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sometimes going so far as to demand I accept gifts and car rides from them

Oh they were definitely trying to "help" you out :#platyblushpenisshadow:

Trans lives matter too child groomers

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wtf. If 1/3rd of the population has depression it's not a mental illness anymore it's just a fact of life.

A very profitable fact of life for pharmaceutical companies which is why it will continue to be an "illness".

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>And who even gets physicals? I don't think I've had one ever, at least not in my adult life.

Had my first physical in years cause my dad won't stop saying "everyone but me had a heart attack at 39 in our family"

Tell the doctor this, he does an EKG, gets the printout and goes "hmmmmmmm 🤔" then looks at me and goes "hearts working perfectly".

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I go to the doctor maybe once every 6 years before the Coof regardless lmao.

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they are disappearing from mental health care because they are being told they aren't mentally ill and are being encouraged to embrace it. :hmph:

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so is GAMBLING and constantly losing because yer bad luck >;////



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!slots 2039

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half of that is mine since i'm the one who ended the bad luck epidemic

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Already spent it

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if i win we'll call it even. if i lose you owe me 10% extra for each day you don't pay. :smoke:

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!slots 1000



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you already agreed to the deal. i have witnesses! you can't go back on it now.

i'll give you one more chance. we'll let fate decide!


edit: ok, fate has decided. i won which means i WAS right and you DO owe me DC!

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!slots 189

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The therapist is going to give me the vaxx and brainwash me into :marseytrain2:ing out, I'm not going :marseyindignant:

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The simple explanation is that white women are munching down the entire antidepressant supply and there's none left for anyone else.

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Probably because guys are tired of shit like this


And that's just one half of the equation, the other is a creepy adult male that clearly is looking for depressed vulnerable teens with no family or friend connections to prey upon.

Dudes are checking out all over the place, they're done.

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It's crazy how many people have been pushing to have constant medicalization normalized as if that's a desirable outcome for a huge swath of the population.

I'm fine with the psych doctors pumping the legitimately crazy full of thorazine, but this is a ridiculously evil manifestation of the profit-incentive in medicine.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Also quite interesting jow the article inplies that the only treatment for dwpression is antidepressant medication. This i sprobably the same reason they say now thay being trangender is a medical issue, and not a mental health issue. Every trans person who medically transitions will need ongoing medication/treatment for life from big-pharma.


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Sad but true. If there's enough of a profit to be had morality is thrown out the window.

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Just go to the gym and drown your emotions in booze and fighting.

Based on recent events and situations where my life unraveled I think I'm bipolar but I don't need a cute twink themale feminist when I have the gym, rdrama and slow drivers to take it out on.

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You have leaky gut syndrome. Fix your shitty burger diet

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I eat southeast Europe / Mediterranean diet and all the fermented foods I can find

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Or jump off a roof because the meds never helped, your choice :idontknow!#:

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suck a maggot covered diсk you shit eating niggеr

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Thank you for thinking of me for your plans tonight, but I'm washing my hair instead

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They probably all died from Covid.

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Boys are "disappearing" (this is a GOOD thing btw) because they're being turned into real valid girls instead! :marseywholesometrans:

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Men will literally disappear instead of going to therapy

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Case and point:



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!blackjack333 !slots333

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!blackjack666 :marseykitti: !slots666

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They just LOCKED IN


Lock in foids and maybe you can stop destroying your brain chemistry and become normal too.

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blogposting time: I had pretty heavy depression during the 2020 coof lockdowns and I went through about a year of therapy

Therapy was really helpful when I had a concrete problem to complain about and needed to get a new pesperctive and rethink stuff, once she helped me with that it became pointless whining about the past and I dropped it.

I also went on SSRIs for about 2 years, they probably saved my life but darn they frick your shit up. Your emotional range goes to shit, nothing angers or makes you particulaly sad but you also don't get happy about anything.

If a doctor told me I had to take them for the rest of my life I'd probably rather rope tbh

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I wonder if it has to do with how mental health services tend to operate. After being to a myriad of psychologists and psychiatrists I have gotten the impression that the main goal of these professionals is to "make you feel better / less bad". But I don't want to feel better or less bad, I want to change the circumstances that make me feel bad.

For example a few years ago I was extremely depressed because I had been rejected from masters programs two years in a row, hated my job, and was drowning in anxiety over never being able to pursue my dreams.

Went to two psychologists, both had approaches which where roughly "accepting things for what they are" or "learning to love yourself in spite of your flaws" or being mindful or other such approaches to help me easy my anxiety and depression. And it just made me 7 times angrier to be paying hundreds of dollars to be coddled.

Then I got accepted to a masters program and a large part of that anxiety vanished (to be replaced with grad school anxiety, but that one was much more manageable).

I think for a lot of men, the idea of just learning to feel less bad with your situation is unacceptable. We don't want to feel better, we want to fix or change the circumstances that make us feel bad.

I'm shocked this wasn't removed yet.

This is it. Therapy is the new opiate of the masses.

Sounds great, until you come across a situation in which there's not much you can do. The underlying issue of him being unable to handle the stress of a bad situation is still there. Right now it's just hidden away because he's doing okay and he's in a position in which he has control but what happens if things take a turn for the worst in the future and he no longer has control? Like when it wasn't up to him in whether he gets accepted. He's just going to become an anxious ball of stress again.

Having the ability to tackle and address your source of stress is great, but that doesn't teach you how to handle it.

I simply do not have words for how r-slurred this is. How passive must this man be?

Maybe we're doing something drastically wrong to trigger depression in so many people. Pills probably aren't the answer.

Some people don't want to hear this but it's true. Human beings are overmedicated. They want instant gratification cures and quick fixes instead of addressing the real issues.

The things causing depression aren't something an individual can fix, especially not a depressed one. Wealth inequality, increasingly poisoned land and fewer ways to experience nature, healthy food being too expensive and junk too cheap, working hours too long in jobs that give low security or feelings of fulfillment, lack of sleep partly due to the above... there's a lot of objectively bad stuff in our society we have to deal with before we even get to lifestyle choice stuff.

What a cute twink. If muh poisoned land and muh Wealth inequality are making you depressed you might actually just be a massive cute twink.

The world we live in is drastically different from the one we evolved in. All of our instincts are wrong.

"is it the world we developed that is wrong? No, it is our instincts."

Pops more pills

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I bet it's because SSRIs frick with sexual performance for guys, most Gen Zers probably know about that by now.

They've also probably watched plenty of "pharmaceutical industry is a scam" type videos on TikTok I'm sure.

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>men realize pharmaslop that destroys your brain and peepee is stupid

>This is a mental health crisis

Remember burgers, health is when you take lots of prescriptions that you can never taper off of without causing neurological problems

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If you're on “antidepressants” you should literally keep yourself safe tonight, or kill your doctor and stop taking them.

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