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Imagine if we could track the ideal male body type for each decade the last 100 years. If everyone knew men were expected to have "boxer body" in the 80's, a "meth chic" look in the 90's, a "hunky stud" body in the 2000's and now a "gymnast body". If women talked about men's "hip to shoulder ratio".

Gymcels :marseybeefcake: would kill for this to be a reality :marseyinshallah:

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Except the only time it happened (((they))) were trying to make "dad bods" desirable.

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That's bc in typical fashion, women were dishonest about what they really wanted. Women considered "dad bod" to be athletic but not shredded. Your average gymcel in a bulking phase would be considered "dad bod." Obv an extreme example but some women thought an out-of-season Mr. Olympia had a "dad bod."

The "dad bod" fad was concurrent w the "curvy" fad for women. This time, women lied to themselves about men's preferences. Men took "curvy" physique to mean a body w some additional muscle & fat in places like hips, butt, thighs. But women interpreted "curvy" as "chubby" :marseychonkerfoid:

Tldr - Women's actual preferences are far different than what they say they want. Focus on the gains, then you get the girls :marseychadthundercock: or the gun :marseygunshotsuicide: !fitness !incels

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Most women would consider my physique a "dad bod" when I posted back in the rDrama fitness post

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Link? Or just post your physique here

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Who ever said you have a dad bod should kill themself

Also nice gains 💪

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Holy shit dude

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There's a horrifying lack of body shaming in that thread

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Do you actually like those rogue plate loadable dumbbells? I wanted some for a while but I'm glad I got iron masters

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Really only for back stuff, they're so wide that I find them annoying for anything else.

I wouldn't recommend them

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They look really cool though.

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Dad bod was just poorly coded "I want a rich frat guy"

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its just an older male with a body they dont find distasteful

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Your average gymcel in a bulking phase would be considered "dad bod." Obv an extreme example but some women thought an out-of-season Mr. Olympia had a "dad bod."

Just your average dad taking TRT

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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dad bods are always desireable to women who have dads

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Isn't this just reality? :marseyconfused:

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noooo you have to be fat-positive :soyjakbounce:

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Gym bros are incel adjacent. It's a major red flag, and I always recommend against putting yourself in danger by getting with these types.

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What kind of danger do you mean? I understand the overlap between incels and gym bros, but I don't see how gym bros would be threatening unless they took gear :pepereeeeee:

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The gymbro is narcissistically devoted to his own form. That focus on the self at the expense of others is the first step into the alt-right pipeline. These men gladly fight to take away our rights because they are lose the ability to feel empathy. From there, escalating into domestic violence is inevitable

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The gymbro is narcissistically devoted to his own form

I'm with you

That focus on the self at the expense of others is the first step into the alt-right pipeline

How does dedication to fitness come at the expense of others? What makes achieving a certain fitness standard different than any other type of self-improvement?

These men gladly fight to take away our rights because they are lose the ability to feel empathy. From there, escalating into domestic violence is inevitable

I don't see how any of this is related. Extreme dedication to fitness leads someone to lose empathy? People can be goal-oriented and still feel for others. Also, I disagree that a loss of empathy means that someone wishes to inflict pain on others. More likely than not, it would lead someone to be apathetic about others, but that wouldn't lead to a desire to restrict rights or beat someone

The narcissism and lack of empathy make sense, but the end result you foresee seems very extreme. Then again, I'm not very intelligent and I'm also a gymcel so my assessment is biased :marseyshrug:

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How does dedication to fitness come at the expense of others?

I can only speak for myself but working out hard 5-6 times a week absolutely kills the tiny amount of empathy I had.

I disagree that a loss of empathy means that someone wishes to inflict pain on others

I don't want to inflict pain but I do think bad things should happen to people who irritate me in the moment they irritate me. I don't have violent thoughts but I notice super distinct changes in what I think and how I react in the last couple months since getting serious about getting back in shape and starting to lift again

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Sorry for caring about safety. This kind of crap is why we choose the bear.

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>if you enjoy working :marseylifting: out you're are on a pipeline to be an uncaring abusive monster :marseyzombie: chud

>this is why we choose :marseyvalentine: the uncaring abusive monster :marseykrampus2: animal :marseyhippo: instead


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The link between the gym and the alt right has been clearly established. Maybe take the time to educate yourself instead of mainsplaining our lived experience to us.

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working :marseylifting: hard to improve yourself :marseydoit: makes you a !chuds


!fellas why are femcels like this smh

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