Deleted because they told the truth

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Hey trans people, it's me, Lil B the based god. What's it's like being a trans. Is it cool? Or is it not cool? - Lil B

anon is fricking :marseytom: stupid :marseypeanutbrain: and i hate her

heres your semi-reoccurring slop post sadly not many good posts to shamelessly steal :marseythief: from /r/4tran lately Im an r-slur but the posts there :marseycheerup: are made to either enrage or entertain a specific demographic and that demographic is not even remotely present :marseybow: here hope this image :marseymissing2: still manages to enrage or entertain you though

anyway would :marseymid: anyone here be interested :marseyschizoexcited: in hearing :marseyhearnoevil: various ruminations that have occurred in my brain :marseyneuronactivation: since starting hrt or should :marseynorm: i just stop being lazy and start a journal so i dont have to bother the lovely denizens of this website with my dumb bullshit

edit: good morning :marseycoffee: btw

!cuteandvalid !cuteandinvalid

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A good Wednesday night
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Me on the left

!cuteandinvalid !lgbt

@Iforgotmypassword you're a BIPOC


Jackass star Steve-O has said that he cancelled plans to get breast implants as part of a comedic stunt, after a conversation with a transgender person.

The entertainer, whose real name is Stephen Gilcrist Glover, was supposedly due to have the surgery as part of a skit, where he would trick men at a motorcycle rally into flirting with him by looking like a woman.

He planned to remove his tattoos, shave his body, lose twenty pounds and flaunt his fake breasts. Once men started flirting with him, he would remove his helmet and reveal his true gender.

:hehecat: :hehecat: :hehecat:

Do you have an inner monologue?

!cuteandvalid !cuteandinvalid !poll_voters

Trans Edit #001


Anon fights back against chasermisia

!chasers !fellas

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  • X : /h/gaybros
how do I become gay?

I'm finally willing to throw off the shackles of heterosexuality. I finally want some good s*x and genuine romance in my life. I've been banned from most the gay bars near me so I don't know where to go to meet guys. Do you have any tips or tricks for me?

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Trans lives matter :marseyshesright: Trans lives matter

!cuteandvalid !cuteandinvalid !metashit !transphobes !r-slurs !dramatards

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  • BimothyX2 : Unfunny, uninteresting and unrelated to drama
  • Budgerigar : Tall pooner? Yea right.
  • JohnDevereaux : poor trace-job of the Princess Highground comic where she's slapped by her muslim boyfriend
Poonchad :poonerangry: and sneedhon :marseypassftm: meet passoid :marseywomanmoment2:

!cuteandvalid all sneedhons tag your favorite poonchads, pooners make sure to vociferously bully non-passoids

So trueeeee, bestie~<3

HRT could have saved her :#marseyelliotrodger2:

Anon is relatable [warning: sadpost]


white extinction is long overdue yadda yadda



Well, I've ranted in the past about these things. It's like, I'm nearly 22 and have been heavily involved :marseynorm: in both the fart and scat community. I deleted a previous acct for a multitude of reasons and I'm glad to sorta reset y'know? I'm a proud :marseyghosthappy: transgender :marseyliathomas: woman :marseypennymad: for the first :marseywinner: time in my life and I couldn't be happier. Unfortunately because of this, I've just dealt with lots of hurtful messages as of late. I tried posting :marseycomplain: in /r/girlsfarting and got permabanned without releasing they don't want trans :marseysaruh: women :marseyharpooner: posting :marseycomplain: in there. Some scat communities :marseyoctopus2: have this rule too, which is bizarre considering so few new posters exist these days. There :marseycheerup: is the one trans :marseytuckermilkers: scat subreddit but it feels :marseyvapecrying: lonely :marseysullen: and limiting. As being a consistent poster :marseyobamahope: on Reddit :marseyspez: for now nearly 4 years, it feels :marseyvapecrying: posting :marseycomplain: my poop often wasn't enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: or something. I don't know if I just didn't look feminine :marseytradwifedaisy: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: back then or what. But I'm happy :marseygoosecostume: with this new account as I now look the way I want to finally. I still love poop to no end, and love smelling it constantly, I just wish I had more options :marseystocksdown:

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : anime is trans. anime is the antithesis of "cis" (made up word to begin with)
Pros & Cons



I'm actually very penetrable in my holes !cuteandinvalid


So true

Brianna Wu admits it
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Had to use my hard-eared Marseybux to teach you uncultured degens a lesson on how to treat a lady.

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FtM tips: Avoiding these disgusting moid characteristics doesn't make you less of a moid

I was on public transport today observing biomoids as I often do.

I used to gaze at them with a view to learning their ways, but after so many years I have realised some male specimens are closer to animals than to true manliness. I have nothing to learn from some of these pigs and neither do you.

Here are some typical biomoidal archetypes which no trans man should look to adopt:

Dirty Clothes and Clothes That Don't Fit Moids

Like holy heck I don't know whether this is a product of never having to worry about what you look like to other people or just pure moidal laziness, but I've seen butt cracks, fupas and guts all hanging out of ill-fitting trousers today, all on a single train.

Additionally, men reeking of mildew and body odour. Wash your clothes and yourselves you fricking pigs and get in shape.

Shitty Unkempt Pube Beard Moids

Even the best beards are officially out of fashion now, but many moids are yet to get the memo.

No, your patchy pube beard with no neckline doesn't trick people into thinking you're thin with a strong chin. You just look like a big fat r-slur Neanderthal.

And hey, your big long straggly piece of shit doesn't make you look like a viking, just like a twat.

Drinking Cans in Public Moids

I don't know if this happens in Burgerland because I have a feeling drinking alcohol in public might be illegal? And that's why tramps drink with their bottles in a paper bag? I dunno.

Anyway it's a frequent sight in Bongland where moids or groups of moids will be swaggering around swigging from a can of piss lager.

This is such a disgusting look and you will never see a foid behaving in such a manner. But that doesn't mean you should drink from cans in order to mimic moidal behaviour. It's disgusting.

Big Burly Butch Moid

This type of moid deserves special hatred. Maybe he's got a beard as well but he doesn't have to. Often wearing a too-tight T-shirt and cargo shorts. Maybe with sandals.

He thinks he's a strongman and that his size equates to strength, but look closer: he's just a big fat middle-aged man.

The Grotty Lad

Young spotty moids wearing baseball caps and too many clothes. Often with cheap gold chains. If they don't have a baseball cap, they'll have hair gel.

The Hairy Muscle Moid

He works in an office but he's the size of a bull. His biggest muscles are his deltoids, because he's on steroids. Obnoxiously taking up too much space with his bodymeat for no purpose other than he's insecure. Usually sporting a beard, which is out of fashion.

Fat Moid

Fatter than the Big Burly Butch Moid, this moid's primary characteristic is obesity without any sign of former athleticism. Smells of butt and feet and his legs are swollen.

Reluctant Baldy Moid

This one is often a secondary characteristic but deserves detailing on its own because of how annoying it is. While a Dirty Clothes Moid, a Fat Moid or a Pubic Beard Moid might alo be a Reluctant Baldy Moid, which archetype you classify them as depends upon which characteristics annoy you the most and if baldness grinds your gears and he's not fat or dirty, it exists as its own category.

Whatever your preferences, a Reluctant Baldy Moid cannot be taken seriously. He is either deluded, blind or thinks everyone is stupid. Not only does his remaining hair look terrible, but it's all anyone can focus on. Rather than just taking him at face value, a little voice screams in your head "he's bald he's bald he's bald" in a way that simply doesn't happen with a man who has shaved his head.

Anyway I hope this helps some of my neomoid bros.

All of these archetypes were on full display in a single train carriage. I am certain there are more.

We are surrounded by terrible examples of men and it's important we recognise that it's not on our interests to be like them. We can be so much better.

!cuteandvalid !neomoids !misandrists

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Anon relapses

bonus greentext:




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