Game of the year: Babylon fall
The game is wired, cutscenes have literally filter that looks like someone cummed on your screen. Game has like ps2 graphics, gameplay is actually good when you understand how the game works. Definitely the most memorable game I played this year and I also was the fastest person who platinum it before chinks started destroying my time.
Action game of the year: Ghostwire Tokyo
Very cool consept, in that whole game only 2 people are alive rest are dead. You also doing pew pew from your hands. The game also shows how boring Tokyo is. It’s basically persona without school, social and monster capture elements. It also a game where I could feel like I am like the protagonist.
Best story: new tales of borderlands
Making such dislikable characters is legit talent. The protagonist are a skinny rat looking YouTuber get rich wannabe kid, his sister (bipoc) professor who is smart as Tony stark, a white obese women on mobility scooter that is non binary and is in her 50 and want s*x with that kid while he tell her she is like mother to him. It’s basically a dumb and dumber story. They get a treasure from vault that can heal you and makes you immortal and they decide to sell it.
Best racing game: Need for speed ASAP
It has best credits of any video game:
Best call of duty: modern warfare 2
It has Iranian general and Wagner
Best rpg: crisis core and soul hackers
Crisis core has unreal dialogues after playing this game for 30 mins and hearing those dialogues I was like no way the namura guy has a wife. The dialogues are very poetic even a bit Kafka like you can feel it was made by neurodivergent gay person it’s not how people interact with each other.
And soul hacker is a decent jrpg.
Best mmo: Lost Ark
It’s probably Lost Ark, I haven't played it the game is banned in my country. I also heard if you decide to play the game go to Russian servers since they are the only one with English languages + uncensored.
Worst game of the year: god of war ragnarok
I had a feeling like I am some creep walking behind kratos and his son the whole game. One time it’s ok to make such art strag mechanism but on second game it’s just stupid. That shit is literally the reason you can’t skip any cutscene’s or talk, b-word I am playing god of war let me kill stuff let me skip the bull shit I don’t care about your one frame shoot, that shit also limits the scope of the game.
Second worst game: elden ring
You played a soul game you already played it.
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game of the year:
Team Fortress Two
best soundtrack:
Team Fortress Two
best shooter:
Team Fortress Two
best story:
Team Fortress Two
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What did he mean by this
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I meant I only play the greatest shooter devised by man
Overwatch wishes it could last 5 years, let alone 15. Nothing compares.
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TF2 strags are the worst. keep yourself safe
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Not my fault I only play good games
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the game that came out 15 years ago and only severely neurodivergent people play?
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. DS1 was the best soulslike, too.
Not my fault modern shooters are inferior.
No airstrafing?
shoehorned "abilities" like ults?
back in my day the only "ult" was an uber, and we liked it. and still do. Teamwork makes the dream work, baby.
sniper sucks but it's a product of the times, not like modern games learned from that mistake though
the subreddit sucks but that's just because it's filled with literal children, and all jannies are bad
the only negative part about the game is cheaters and snipers but that's basically every game nowadays. Furries are neutral because they chimp out when you call them a cute twink. Can't do that in overwatch.
Or can't do much at all in overwatch lmao, it's an objectively shittier ripoff who's only "redeeming" factor is coombait
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No one cares about how much like a bot you are with some archaic, hyper-simplistic shooting mechanics about clicking on heads the best, that's not how people not on the spectrum quantify fun.
Best shooter currently would be Apex, genre is in a slump.
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Non-Team Fortress g*mer detected, and disregarded.
Only 1 (two if you're being a pedantic butthole) classes can get headshots, and they're losers so people laugh at them for it.
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I like how I didn’t even have to mention overwatch but knew you would bring it up. Inferiority complex at its finest
Also yes DS1 was a masterpiece
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There's no other notable attempts at ripping it off. If you're talking about popular GTA ripoffs, you don't bust out grab that auto, you talk about the ones people give a shit about like Saints row. Or in terms of team class shooters, Overwatch. Nobody gives a shit about paladins lmao, that's like getting a Chinese brand ripoff of a cheap Toshiba laptop
Overwatch was an unashamed zoomer ripoff version of it with everything babified so le epic switch g*mers could play. It's no wonder they ditched it after 5 years, and the current one will be ditched sooner than that
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idk Overwatch is pretty fun if you have friends and I'm not even a zoomer. Have you thought that maybe you tie too much of your identity to a video game?
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Tf2 is even more fun with friends
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Thoughts on TF2 Classic? I'm just playing it to see the old art style again.
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There's mods to disable hats on the clientside of the base game.
It was alright when I played, but the non valve custom weapons are r-slurred, which gets exponentially more so when you go on the "NEW WEPSON XD" servers
Fundamentally most people are completely r-slurred when it comes to game balance, which is why the sub is so funny to look at lmao
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TF2 is the greatest game ever made, it is scientifically proven that one that disagrees is a big loser
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Team Fortress Two:
Team Fortress Two
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