Game of the year: Babylon fall
The game is wired, cutscenes have literally filter that looks like someone cummed on your screen. Game has like ps2 graphics, gameplay is actually good when you understand how the game works. Definitely the most memorable game I played this year and I also was the fastest person who platinum it before chinks started destroying my time.
Action game of the year: Ghostwire Tokyo
Very cool consept, in that whole game only 2 people are alive rest are dead. You also doing pew pew from your hands. The game also shows how boring Tokyo is. It’s basically persona without school, social and monster capture elements. It also a game where I could feel like I am like the protagonist.
Best story: new tales of borderlands
Making such dislikable characters is legit talent. The protagonist are a skinny rat looking YouTuber get rich wannabe kid, his sister (bipoc) professor who is smart as Tony stark, a white obese women on mobility scooter that is non binary and is in her 50 and want s*x with that kid while he tell her she is like mother to him. It’s basically a dumb and dumber story. They get a treasure from vault that can heal you and makes you immortal and they decide to sell it.
Best racing game: Need for speed ASAP
It has best credits of any video game:
Best call of duty: modern warfare 2
It has Iranian general and Wagner
Best rpg: crisis core and soul hackers
Crisis core has unreal dialogues after playing this game for 30 mins and hearing those dialogues I was like no way the namura guy has a wife. The dialogues are very poetic even a bit Kafka like you can feel it was made by neurodivergent gay person it’s not how people interact with each other.
And soul hacker is a decent jrpg.
Best mmo: Lost Ark
It’s probably Lost Ark, I haven't played it the game is banned in my country. I also heard if you decide to play the game go to Russian servers since they are the only one with English languages + uncensored.
Worst game of the year: god of war ragnarok
I had a feeling like I am some creep walking behind kratos and his son the whole game. One time it’s ok to make such art strag mechanism but on second game it’s just stupid. That shit is literally the reason you can’t skip any cutscene’s or talk, b-word I am playing god of war let me kill stuff let me skip the bull shit I don’t care about your one frame shoot, that shit also limits the scope of the game.
Second worst game: elden ring
You played a soul game you already played it.
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My new fav marsey
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If not vidya I would never learned to play piano
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I loved 358/2 Days dawg, my favorite KH story.
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game of the year:
Team Fortress Two
best soundtrack:
Team Fortress Two
best shooter:
Team Fortress Two
best story:
Team Fortress Two
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TF2 strags are the worst. keep yourself safe
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Not my fault I only play good games
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the game that came out 15 years ago and only severely neurodivergent people play?
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. DS1 was the best soulslike, too.
Not my fault modern shooters are inferior.
No airstrafing?
shoehorned "abilities" like ults?
back in my day the only "ult" was an uber, and we liked it. and still do. Teamwork makes the dream work, baby.
sniper sucks but it's a product of the times, not like modern games learned from that mistake though
the subreddit sucks but that's just because it's filled with literal children, and all jannies are bad
the only negative part about the game is cheaters and snipers but that's basically every game nowadays. Furries are neutral because they chimp out when you call them a cute twink. Can't do that in overwatch.
Or can't do much at all in overwatch lmao, it's an objectively shittier ripoff who's only "redeeming" factor is coombait
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No one cares about how much like a bot you are with some archaic, hyper-simplistic shooting mechanics about clicking on heads the best, that's not how people not on the spectrum quantify fun.
Best shooter currently would be Apex, genre is in a slump.
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Non-Team Fortress g*mer detected, and disregarded.
Only 1 (two if you're being a pedantic butthole) classes can get headshots, and they're losers so people laugh at them for it.
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I like how I didn’t even have to mention overwatch but knew you would bring it up. Inferiority complex at its finest
Also yes DS1 was a masterpiece
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There's no other notable attempts at ripping it off. If you're talking about popular GTA ripoffs, you don't bust out grab that auto, you talk about the ones people give a shit about like Saints row. Or in terms of team class shooters, Overwatch. Nobody gives a shit about paladins lmao, that's like getting a Chinese brand ripoff of a cheap Toshiba laptop
Overwatch was an unashamed zoomer ripoff version of it with everything babified so le epic switch g*mers could play. It's no wonder they ditched it after 5 years, and the current one will be ditched sooner than that
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idk Overwatch is pretty fun if you have friends and I'm not even a zoomer. Have you thought that maybe you tie too much of your identity to a video game?
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Tf2 is even more fun with friends
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Thoughts on TF2 Classic? I'm just playing it to see the old art style again.
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There's mods to disable hats on the clientside of the base game.
It was alright when I played, but the non valve custom weapons are r-slurred, which gets exponentially more so when you go on the "NEW WEPSON XD" servers
Fundamentally most people are completely r-slurred when it comes to game balance, which is why the sub is so funny to look at lmao
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What did he mean by this
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I meant I only play the greatest shooter devised by man
Overwatch wishes it could last 5 years, let alone 15. Nothing compares.
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TF2 is the greatest game ever made, it is scientifically proven that one that disagrees is a big loser
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Team Fortress Two:
Team Fortress Two
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God of war is more proof that game publishers and developers just want to make movies. But no one would make their movies because they're fricking terrible. Hollywood doesn't want them so they infect vidya with their garbage. Kratos walking around telling Norse gods to be better is so bad I can't believe these writers have fricking jobs. It's not even a game. The 20% of it that's actual fighting is just the same 4-5 grunts and same 4-5 bosses repeated for hours.
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Sony's The Last of Us and its success has been a disaster for the g*mer race.
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Its actually Kojima's and Metal Gear Solid's fault
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Well mgs don’t have slow downs like last of us. In mgs4 you can skip every scene in last of us and mgs evolved to mgs5 a game without slow walking in narrow halls.
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MGS was the movie game that started it all. No getting around it.
Last of us is still really bad. Never felt like watching a lets play would be so similar to the actual experience like in that game.
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The japs have had had JRPG's with 30 hours of unskippable cutscenes followed by
"gameplay" since the 90's, westoids only got stuck with that shit recently
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Yeah, uncharted was a light easy going game, pew pew and jokes. But last of us just went to hardcore trying to prove video games are serious art. I am not sure about mp but sp game play was very mediocre.
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The story was passable, not offensively bad like all of the other Sony stuff. The dialogue was just awful though.
The combat was fun, and it looked good, high frame rate mode looked great on my LG C1.
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Shigeru Miyamoto was right, story-strags should get the rope.
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Story is for jrpgs since it’s just interactive anime like xenoblade 3
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Even for jrpgs a cool worldbuilding tops story.
Now that i think about it i would like xenogears more as an anime.
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The woke really was laughable and truly detrimental to the experience. Random highlights:
Guilt for systemic exploitation of dwarves (the word "systemic" is actually used in the game)
Character enslaved a whale for oil (jaw dropped at that one)
Since (actually interesting character in the first game) strong female needs to be a playable companion she forgives Kratos for killing her son in 5 minutes and they become best buddies, no biggie
Kratos wept.
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The Freya 180 is face palm inducing. Then later she returns the arrowhead the kid used to kill baldur and is like "ya dun good boy you deserve this." This is what these r-slurred writers think forgiveness looks like.
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Yeah, it was crazy bad. Not to mention it would be so much better (as in objectively better) if she never forgave him at all. Affirmative action for woke people and its consequences have been a disaster for the god race.
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Good list!
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Elden ring, no contest, there I said it.
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Xenoblade 3
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Sadly I just started it, didn’t had time to play it last year together with byoneta3
But I don’t like how character design is a lot more boring in xenoblade3. They probably wanted to calm those who cried xenoblade2 were to sexy
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They definitely dialed the tits down a lot.
I don’t think it was a reaction to the gayming journos though, it’s tonally pretty different than XB2.
I didn’t like it as much as 1 or 2, but the job system is pretty darn fun, and it’s the first JRPG I’ve played that actually has all the party members fighting at once.
Music was awesome, and there’s a single photo/frame in the ending that made a lot of wokesters butt mad.
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Was a major
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The ending and villains were awful.
Music was great as usual, liked the job system, and a JRPG actually having every party member fight at once.
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Stranger paradise was a better soul game
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that game actually good? Getting tired of Forza 7 and not neurodivergent enough to play iRacing or Assetto Corsa
also lmao at best mmo being lost ark, its botville and chinks. no one normal plays that shit
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Well it’s alright, if you played need for speed heat than that game ain’t that different only in unbound there are car classes so a cars never feels to underpowered or overpowered. It also has a bit persona element in single player where every day pass and for week end you need to have a car in certain class and enough money to enter the race. But concept wise is a bit wired like every graffiti in that game is a black person, 50% soundtrack is in European languages French, polish, Russian, Ukrainian and German.
About Ark, games with loot boxes ain’t permitted in Benelux
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Why don't you just replay nfs: Porsche unleashed? Also why don't they rerelease it with modernized graphics every three years and roll in cash?
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That game is almost as old as me jfl.
But hire the simple reason: racing games are dying they were popular in 90ties and early 00 when those games had the best graphic and car culture was still a thing. Devs don’t understand this like nfs unbound is clearly aimed at zoomers when average need for speed player will be in his 40ties, kids today enjoy fortnite and don’t care about cars. Devs also see that cars game have best games as services potential those 2 factor combine creat a flop like gt7 is a flop so is nfs asap. If I was making a racing games the hero would be a 35 year old redneck Mexican the prime racing g*mer
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goatys for me that actually came out this year
Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum
(cheating) Rimworld Biotech DLC
(cheating) Gloomwood Early Access
honestly can't remember much else
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I wanna try Rimworld but its so darn expensive. I have to fork over $90 to get the game with all the addons, seems steep for a colony sim with shitty art
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It's okay, Ideology is the only one I think is worth getting rn.
And I'd just get DF since it has graphics now and is the same price for more stuff
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lol that's why I'm looking into Rimworld, it was labeled as an easier Dwarf Fortress. Guess I should just bite the bullet then huh
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literally just pirate the game and then buy it if it fits your specific brand of autism
it's either a game you put 3 hours into or 300
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Once you get over the UI filter on free DF it's a pretty easy game if you're not settling in an Evil biome out of masochism. As the wiki said, you can just dig out the basic rooms, get a parameter and trap hallway setup and you're self-sustainable within the first season and can just wait out Sieges if you don't mind the migrants and caravans getting slaughtered every so often. Doing difficult things in DF like dealing with the circus is largely optional and the game lets you take your time on those.
Rimworld is actually the more difficult of the two as you're much more restricted in resources on the map, pawns have far more needs than dorfs and its enemies can burrow through walls. Also the "normal" narrator AI will keep escalating siege strength until you start losing people.
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as someone that's played DF since like 2013, the Steam update made it 10000% easier
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that's what my buddy said, but he also said that you're destined to fail which idk if I want to spend 40 hours building something just for it to collapse
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during world gen there's way more stuff to tweak than Rimworld as well, you could even set it so you can't be invaded until you reach certain level of wealth. It is a hard game if you've never played a colony sim before but if you're familiar with the concept it's just geeing used to this games concept of fair.
Once I had 60 pop and a small fort and along came a wereape. Killing it cost the lives of my 8 freshly conscripted dwarf soldiers and a few civs, but I forgot that werebeasts infect other creatures and I had 2 dwarves that every month on a full moon transformed to wereapes. I managed to kill them both after two months during a rampage that left the fort at 10 pop. However after almost two years that same fort is currently close to 110 pop now.
There are some unwinnable situations sure, but 99% of things can be worked around or adapted to and every embark is a learning experience to gain those skills to apply to the next fort.
You can also just keep embarking on the same ruins of your old forts if you'd like, the world is persistent and the buildings stay there and there's a "reclaim" button with dead forts listed and you can just keep selecting the same one.
Anyway it's a very fun game imho but the choice is yours
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You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.
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Spiderman and That Samurai game were pretty good in 2018 or whenever that was.
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Spider-Man was fun, it was horribly written, and the most pussified Spider-Man I’ve ever seen. The 60’s cartoon Spider-Man took less shit from women.
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There was some dialogue in that game where Pieter called Jane and was very thankful to her that after cheating on him she gave him a second chance. I was like
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Well samurai game is another example of Sony’s stragatory, it doesn’t have skip and I once put a timer after you liberate a village it’s a 5 min unskipable “cutscene” same cutscene happened every time you liberated a new village. The gameplay and all were cool but the way they tried hard to make it feel like 50ties samurai movie is tiresome. Spiderman was general good even though a bit animeish and those marry Jane sections were terrible but good that in next game they will replace those with bipoc spiderman
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My fav games this year were:
Song Of Conquest
Neon white
Slime Rancher 2
Citizen Sleeper
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Ok, lets unpack this
No , but really, i felt like Elden Ring was a step back for Fromsoft. Sekiro was an incredibly interesting step in another direction, its a game that tried to have an actual narrative, your character is actually a character , not just a minmax build you make , it has more dynamic mechanics and level design and stuff and then we get "Dark souls again, but bigger!". It was a big let down. If the next From game is "Elden Ring 2 the Ringening" i am not going to even bother.
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Sekiro is nothing like a souls game, stop comparing them.
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Thats the point neighbor. I wish From to stop rehashing souls formula but Elden Ring is like a step back to that.
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Maybe they can return to King's Field
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Or Kuon
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I hope the new Armoured Core isn't just a souls game with mechs
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Its nice to dream
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It's not even the rehash that was the issue, it's just that the open world contributed nothing to the experience other than running around for 5 hours and missing a bunch of content that you go back and effortlessly stomp
ER should've been a linear game
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"linear baaaad" cried the game journo and armchair game designer for the last 10 years and now every game is a generic sandbox with crafting mechanics
It really do be like that
The first dark souls was more like a Zelda game and that was the coolest part, now not even Zelda wants to do that.
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There was literally nothing that DS1's "Open" World didn't have that Actual open worlds did, which is the worst part about it
DS2 was shit
DS3's world was linear in a shitty non-connected way
Imagine ER's map if they kept doubling down on how connected the map was
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A compact but well crafted interconnected world will always beat a huge expansive but less deliberate one, always,
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Yes, and it was really great. The but bigger part makes a huge difference despite being dark souls it felt new and adventurous and mysterious because of it. 10/10, the Ringening can't come soon enough.
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Ah yes the weeb game about getting yeeted by pattern bosses, which is literally nothing like Dark Souls but still gets compared due to also having clunky combat with stiff animations purpose built for dying in.
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For me with elden ring the only new thing was the horse other than that it was just a dark souls 3. I enjoyed stranger paradise way more than elden ring. But sekiro was legit cool, but I doubt they ever make a sequel, the concept for this game probably was developed in 2004 when Activision was still making single player game and wanted a new tenchu but the game was only finished 15 years later as sekiro. But this year that dynasty warrior nioh game looks promising
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A more stealth focused Tenchu like game would actually be cool.
I know nothing of Stranger of Paradise,. Heard one guy talking about it but i wasn't sure if he was being ironic or if it actually was a good game so haven't looked into it.
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If stranger paradise didn’t had such bad graphic it would be a decent game but the graphics are like very bad even for ps3 standards and it’s runs terrible. At this point to make such bad graphic you actually need talent and it has to be deliberate. But it’s interesting take on souls games and bosses are actually cool but there ain’t as many as in souls games. Some lvls in the game are very bad like they are labyrinths with multiple floors. So it’s cool bosses and game play, questionable lvl designs and very bad graphics
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i am willing to give it a try when i have the chance. With Squeenix you never know but i actually liked FFXV despite everything so who am i to tell.
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Well ff15 was alright they probably needed to more years to finish it. But it had a good idea and unique world. Ff16 is gonna probably be Witcher 3 with dmc gameplay. But it’s kinda cool that square enix let devs with litle budget try stuff like left alive, silent man, front mission remake, Valkyrie game, star ocean Devine force, dios and etc, some of those games are interesting other total mess
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FFXV is a collection of nice momments in a game with really shit plot, i hardly remember what it was about but i remember having a nice time just cruising the world doing missions and small stuff, I hope XVI keeps the same quality on character interaction because thats what saved XV from being a true dumpster fire.
I did see some of the new Valkyrie Profile game, the graphics readlly do look very ps3 on that one, shiny floors and all but thats just the reality of game deving i guess, anything below AAA big budget simply can't make use of all the tech available or it'd be too labor intensive.
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God of war Ragnarok was unironically shit because it is legit a look at all the cool shit we are going out of our way to not do that you can make out because we leave half baked crap in simulator.
I don't want my GoW to be a storytelling game. The fricking foids probably said no cool manly shit must happen in game.
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Gow 2018 characters worked not because of the story but because of the relationship between kratos and his son, the dynamic of a very austere father disciplining his son despite the kid not understanding why was actually touching by the end. The story itself was serviceable because it had an extremely simple premise (100% ripped off from far cry 4 btw) and was just a background for the father/son dynamic. Gow Ragingpeepee didn't understand any of this and therefore was shit.
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Im so fricking horny for crazy hoes. I want to frick a coked-out tumblr hipster DIY aesthetic astrology thot in her lip gloss DSL mouth. I want to c*m all over a girl with thick frame glasses and edge dyed bobcut bangs. Everytime I hear a THICK, waist-high-jean-clad braindead slutty wiccan minx say "yikes," "y'all," "big mood," "this is a bop," or "g*y disaster" I get an uncontrollable urge to run up to her and fondle her d cups and sweaty thighs.
Snapshots: (click to archive)
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my games of the year although i have not playwd any vidya this year and the one before:
sims 3, sims 2, spore
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There is sims 4 already released.
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i know and no matter how many expansions pack come out it still has no gameplay. my most hours come from being a hermit in cas after i had downloaded 86544764333 mods
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Yeah, and it's shit.
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This neighbor said Lost Ark
MMOstrags are pathetic.
Payday 2
Wabbajack modlists for Bethesda games
There are no good new games, that's why the industry has been selling the same ones for the past 7 years.
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What a backwater name
Poor guy, if you look globally Zack was betrayed by everyone in that game, such cutie twink shouldn’t have such sad fate
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Modern games are all the same shit. I finished all these games in like 2014.
When is someone going to actually make something novel for a change, instead of just remaking Dong Suck, Indie 2D Shitpile, and Social Moralising the Wannabe Movie.
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Is this post some project for your ESL course?
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Trans lives matters
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All the other ones look boring
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Well it’s a beautiful haiku about losing and accepting, booth characters that are alive in this game can’t accept the death of their loved in this game and it has a lot of Japanese fables moments and shit like this:
Are beautiful, this spider flower is symbol of death
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wow, that's an exciting slice of gameplay. I hope the whole game's as boring.
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Siralim ultimate
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All of this is in poor taste
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no one ask
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Excuse me MRchief but I been asked by rdrama stuff to publish such article
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