Weekly ‘What’re you playing?’ thread #7

For me, I played my yearly/bi-yearly game of CS and tied in a short match, so I’ll count that as a win.

The Last Spell finally hit 1.0 and har their ‘full release’ on Steam. Personally, I’m a bit disappointed. The game seems buggier than when it was in early access, where I never had a freeze or crash. A lot of the better weapons got nerfed, such as the swords and shortbows, which is sad. Although others got buffed, it still feels like the only important RNG in the game is which starting weapons you roll, which night completed reward weapons you get, etc. I don’t think the devs will ever change this no matter how hard they try unless they buff some of the shitty ones way too much, it’s just not the nature of the game. Still a fun game, but I think I enjoyed the previous patch more than 1.0.

What’s everyone else been playing?

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I played prey 2006 last week. It's pretty forgettable but has some unique aspects.

The environments, physics puzzles (though they get very repetitive) and the main character are cool. The rest is very one note and gets pretty tedious even though the game's only like 6-8 hours long.

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i’m gonba shill my post tgis is my project zomboid character marsey bousi


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Finished the main story of wo long the other day, been cleaning up the hard mode shit.

Seeing game journos mald about the game being too hard like they always do was funny

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Wo long, about to go to ng+. Combat is much simpler than Nioh but it's fun as heck and when the parrying clicks you really feel like a bad butt ninja master. Lu Bu is going to be best boss fight of the year, possibly the best boss from team ninja ever.

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Dude parries in this game feels so fricking good, I didn’t like it at first but now that I’ve gotten it down it feels so natural

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Game runs like shit on pc and the graphics look like shit. Japs really don't know how make pc games.

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Wait for a fix, nioh 2 on pc was flawless.

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This is why I always ignore the pc master race circlejerkers cuz day 1s always run like shit on pc lmao

Got a ps5 when they were super hard to get and have not regretted it at all

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Games made for pc don't usually run like shit, as I said, it's an inhouse port from a console game, and Japs have always been shit-tier at pc porting.

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The problem is that most big studio devs don’t really seem to care about pc that much. Even the hogwarts game which was western devs ran like shit on pc at first, I think ps5 was the best performance which makes me suspect they made it for ps5 and then ported to the other systems lol

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That usually happens, yeah.

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The best game of all: winning



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I started playing Contraband police, it's awesome.


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Picked up red dead redemption 2 on sale the other day because I've been curious about the game for a while but didn't have a PC that could really do the game justice. I'm guessing I could've run it well enough to be playable on my 1070 but I'm glad I waited to play it on a 4090 as the game truly does look spectacular on ultra in 4k. I'm not usually one to be into AAA cover shooters like uncharted and the like but I figured id still give it a shot. I'm really enjoying the writing, the voice acting, and the gameplay is fun enough, but I am a little worried the plot will never really suck me in and the eye candy will get stale. So far I don't mind the slow realistic pace but I don't think I'll know how I really feel about it once I'm solid quarter of the way through.

Best the low rank story for mhw and I am excited to get to more challenging monsters !!

Been going for a winstreak on silent in slay the spire on A20H but I'm having a hard time even getting a single win at all. I've won twice in a row on ironclad but I think silent is going to be a much bigger challenge.

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Just completed prince of persia T2T after completing WW a few days ago, where is the sands remake ubi dipshits?

Also I figured out you can stunlock both dahaka and the vizier by ending the primary weapon combo early, three hits for dahaka while he's hanging off the ledge and two for vizier.

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I started playing hardcore mode for Hitman freelancer :marseyseven:

Actually turned out to be a fun & good challenge when I realized only prestige objectives are mandatory

Then I ruined a run by pausing it and accidentally hitting exit when I came back and now I'm too butthurt to start again :marseyrage:

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I downloaded Hitman a few days ago to go for HC trophy since I deleted it after completing around 10 or so normal campaigns but I'm not feeling the game anymore tbh, I'm too bored while playing it.

Killing random maids and civies can only be fun for so long but I've been playing the game since 2018, I think I squeezed the game dry.

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It's actually gotten me back into it, ETs got unbelievably boring and I was so burnt out I couldn't even bring myself to give a frick about the new map. H2 I shit my pants and blocked off a weekend when New York and Haven Island came out but idk the new one just feels meh or maybe the franchise is just running thin. The novelty of Freelancer is wearing off but it's still kinda nice just as a way to burn 15-30 minutes at a time, load up a map, kill some random mofos, be forced to improvise if shit goes wrong.

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Tbh even though I enjoyed 2 and 3, I wish they stopped with 2016.

That one was a lightning in a bottle, the rest kind of diluted the whole experience.

I also don't like the retcons they introduced to make the story work and the way they portrayed 47 as a mindless dork who blindly follows wherever his dommy mommy's justice boner points at, he wasn't this robotic in the OG 4.

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Started starsector again. :marseypirate2:

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>Starsector 0.95.1a Release

>Posted December 10, 2021


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Steam release when :marseyraging:

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I recently got into Door Kickers, a game that sat in my library for years without me touching it. It's very satisfying to craft a flawless plan and just lean back and hitting enter, with the thugs getting eviscerated due to your superior tactics despite them outgunning you.

Also, simulating no-knock raids on degenerates with 100% fatality raid satisfies my inner chud

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Men of War

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Playing the new pathfinder wrath dlc. The new class is fun. Haven't met the new companion yet. Looks like they made a lot of bug fixes since I last played too

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im buying project wingman right now, a friend told me its ace combat zero but more nuts so im sold

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>Im not a plane neurodivergent,


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It's really good. Better than ace combat 7. If you have a VR headset, it's even better.

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im soying out irl and downloading it rn

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Most of the missions you're bombing stuff in what was Amerikkka after it was destroyed by the wrath of Allah (swt), so that should make you happy.

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im gonna play it now :marsoy:

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Any interest in a smash tournament/fest? Doesn't have to be super competitive. I personally like wacky stages and items.

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Never played smash

I'd join just to lag everyone else out

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Golf with friends

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I finally gave Vermintide II a try with my friend, after both of us grabbed it for free and haven't touched it since. Not knowing anything about Warhammer or horde survival games I was sceptical whether I'll get into it enough to like it, but it's surprisingly fun. Only played 1 session so far but will definitely do more, I haven't experienced this much dumb, mindless fun from a game in a long time

Also I have ragequit taken a break from my Darkest Dungeon run after my full team of level 6's, fully upgraded, with maxxed out skills and decked with red trinkets wiped on the last room in a regular dungeon because I tried to take a break beforehand to heal the stress, but the afflicted frick caused even more stress to my party during the stop than I managed to heal. FRICK THIS BULLSHIT!!! :marseyraging::marseyrage::marseyfacepeel:

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Vermintide II is great, idk why I can’t get into Darktide.

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Replayed cod 4 campaign, felt very patriotic. Now doing mw 2019 for the first time.

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Mw campaign is pretty solid. This new one kinda sucked apart from the sniping missions tho

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Tried deathloop and it was kinda mid so I went back to some other good immersive sims I like so I wouldn't get 'good game' withdrawals again

  • Replaying System Shock 1 :marseyhacker:

  • SWAT 4 with the Elite Force mod (with actual voice commands which is fricking hard) :marseycop3: :marseyfloyd: [Entry team to TOC: We have a... dead suspect here. :gooby:]

  • Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum which I'm replaying for the 3rd time and will continue to shill endlessly because it's the best 'recent' immersive sim I've played. Easily surpasses cruelty squad for me and it's still early access. My current build is a hackerman who can go invisible and teleport across the map but really never needs to because I just stand in a single room and hop between different computers and puppet people's cyborg skeletons around like my minions then escape before anyone notices I did anything. :marsey4chan::marppy:

Going to be now but thinking of recording some kewl webms of DDS to show it off in 4 hours after I wake up

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a bit of Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum kino

too lazy to edit but highlights are 00:30 and 02:10

if you don't understand what happened:

00:30: After disabling the nearby security camera, I clone myself five times and order my new minions to run in and fight for me.

00:48: I psychically spawn an attraction orb that pulls every one of my opponent's guns to it, allowing me to fire every gun at once.

01:40: I reload my gun by siphoning ammo through the internet from a vending machine I hacked earlier. Don't ask how it works, it's cyberpunk.

02:10: After blowing up a turret, I use my psychic abilities to grab like 30 guns and commit a mass shooting using them all at once on a party full of cartel members

02:30: I also siphon up a mounted machine gun into my orb of death lol

02:45: Killing the last cartel member, I've completed the contract and no longer need my cyborg skeleton, so I kill myself with a grenade. :marseyakbar: Thankfully, I have free healthcare :marseymaidshy:

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If you like imsims, try ctrl-alt-ego. It's pretty fun and recent

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CTRL-ALT-EGO is a piece of trash compared to IM Sims. It's nothing but a pale imitation that is quickly forgettable.

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Yeah? Well what do you think of Bioshock? Should Ken Levine (failed screenplay writer) have just made movies instead?

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I think that's a really ignorant thing to say. Bioshock is one of the greatest video games of all time, and Ken Levine is a genius. He's a master storyteller, and I think he's done an amazing job with the Bioshock franchise.

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Your existence is a pale imitation that is quickly forgettable

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I'm sorry your life is so small and insignificant that you have to try to bring others down to make yourself feel better. Unfortunately for you, I'm not forgettable and I'm not going anywhere.

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I've played the demo and I'm planning on picking it up. It's very good from what I've seen and it's definitely unique.

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Phantom Brigade, it’s been fun to see the different ways I can plan a turn with the predictor

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i haven’t done any gayming since last thread so i am still playing Elden Ring and still just beat Rennala. thanks for reading

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Great to return to it now that Overwatch is shit.

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I'm playing Morrowind for the first time. Going for a spellblade build, and just made it to sadrith mora to join house Telvanni.

I've also been playing ace combat 7, which is my first ace combat game.

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Protip, most enemies don't have the slowfall spell. Levitation magic can be weaponised into a target spell to launch people into the air to die of fall damage. :marseytroublemaker:

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AC7 is great.

Honestly though the earlier games are even better. I miss squadron commands and choosing their planes.

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You better be playing as a dunmer and not a filthy n'wah. :marseydagothur2:

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Heck yeah.

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i finally got wasteland 3 cause it was on sale for a few bucks

and i'm also still playing MLB the show 21

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It's okay I guess... Felt like everything lacked any form of subtilty in that game. its so over the top

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i'm pretty easy to please when it comes to RPGs set in post apocalypse

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Well I mean I hope you like it :marseymarseylove:, just was kind of disappointing to me when I got around to playing it last year

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did you play 2? i enjoyed it.

i tried to play the first one when they rereleased it and it just didn't click. i didn't get far before giving up.

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I enjoyed both wasteland 2 and wasteland 3. My only real gripe with WL3 is the screen being too zoomed in and being unable zoom away out like a proper birds-eye view isometric. As with WL2 and OG Fallout 1/2, is supposed to have a lot of satire and eastereggs.

Also, mother fricking Scotchmo returns! :marseydrunkpat:

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It's people like you who ruin good games with your entitlement and nitpicking. If you don't like the game, don't play it. No one is forcing you to. Also, learn to spell. It's "easter eggs", not "eastereggs".

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Who hurt you, digital one

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This is the internet, so I can't really tell who hurt me. But I can tell you that it was probably someone who doesn't understand how to use the internet properly.

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Nah, it's the only one of the wastelands games I've played.

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Pugging heroic Raids in WoW ATM. Made it through council and into Dathea last night.

Puttering a bit in the first The Forest game, but I haven't touched it since last weekend.

Playing Going Medieval mostly when not raiding. It's like Rim World but medieval. I like the setting more and you can build multiple levels up or down so that's cool.

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The curse of issyos :marseyshook:... was breezing thru a light novel...was boring so i forgot it's name

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KSP :marseyautism:

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KSP RP-1 + RSS + RO full overhaul to turn up the autism to 11 is a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I like needing to make my own spreadsheets for games :marseydramautist:

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