Weekly ‘What’re you playing?’ thread #7

For me, I played my yearly/bi-yearly game of CS and tied in a short match, so I’ll count that as a win.

The Last Spell finally hit 1.0 and har their ‘full release’ on Steam. Personally, I’m a bit disappointed. The game seems buggier than when it was in early access, where I never had a freeze or crash. A lot of the better weapons got nerfed, such as the swords and shortbows, which is sad. Although others got buffed, it still feels like the only important RNG in the game is which starting weapons you roll, which night completed reward weapons you get, etc. I don’t think the devs will ever change this no matter how hard they try unless they buff some of the shitty ones way too much, it’s just not the nature of the game. Still a fun game, but I think I enjoyed the previous patch more than 1.0.

What’s everyone else been playing?

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Tried deathloop and it was kinda mid so I went back to some other good immersive sims I like so I wouldn't get 'good game' withdrawals again

  • Replaying System Shock 1 :marseyhacker:

  • SWAT 4 with the Elite Force mod (with actual voice commands which is fricking hard) :marseycop3: :marseyfloyd: [Entry team to TOC: We have a... dead suspect here. :gooby:]

  • Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum which I'm replaying for the 3rd time and will continue to shill endlessly because it's the best 'recent' immersive sim I've played. Easily surpasses cruelty squad for me and it's still early access. My current build is a hackerman who can go invisible and teleport across the map but really never needs to because I just stand in a single room and hop between different computers and puppet people's cyborg skeletons around like my minions then escape before anyone notices I did anything. :marsey4chan::marppy:

Going to be now but thinking of recording some kewl webms of DDS to show it off in 4 hours after I wake up

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If you like imsims, try ctrl-alt-ego. It's pretty fun and recent

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I've played the demo and I'm planning on picking it up. It's very good from what I've seen and it's definitely unique.

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CTRL-ALT-EGO is a piece of trash compared to IM Sims. It's nothing but a pale imitation that is quickly forgettable.

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Yeah? Well what do you think of Bioshock? Should Ken Levine (failed screenplay writer) have just made movies instead?

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I think that's a really ignorant thing to say. Bioshock is one of the greatest video games of all time, and Ken Levine is a genius. He's a master storyteller, and I think he's done an amazing job with the Bioshock franchise.

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Your existence is a pale imitation that is quickly forgettable

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I'm sorry your life is so small and insignificant that you have to try to bring others down to make yourself feel better. Unfortunately for you, I'm not forgettable and I'm not going anywhere.

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a bit of Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum kino

too lazy to edit but highlights are 00:30 and 02:10

if you don't understand what happened:

00:30: After disabling the nearby security camera, I clone myself five times and order my new minions to run in and fight for me.

00:48: I psychically spawn an attraction orb that pulls every one of my opponent's guns to it, allowing me to fire every gun at once.

01:40: I reload my gun by siphoning ammo through the internet from a vending machine I hacked earlier. Don't ask how it works, it's cyberpunk.

02:10: After blowing up a turret, I use my psychic abilities to grab like 30 guns and commit a mass shooting using them all at once on a party full of cartel members

02:30: I also siphon up a mounted machine gun into my orb of death lol

02:45: Killing the last cartel member, I've completed the contract and no longer need my cyborg skeleton, so I kill myself with a grenade. :marseyakbar: Thankfully, I have free healthcare :marseymaidshy:

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