Weekly ‘What are you playing?’ Thread: #10: Whooaaaa Those are some HILARIOUS patch notes edition

I didn’t really play anything much, but man, I am not amused by patch notes memes this year. Already got notifications for 2 and both were hella unfunny.

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Looks like one of those bootleg Minecraft knockoffs that were popular back in the day. Is it any good?

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I'm waiting for 1.18 to finally get finalized myself.

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I'm still playing through Microsoft Flight Sim and Burnout Paradise. Had a very pleasant flight earlier today in which I went direct from Geneva, over the Alps, and then landed in Genoa. It's a real looker, that game.

On top of that, I bought Spyro Reignited Trilogy on sale after completing the original game on PSX a few weeks ago. I don't have so much nostalgia for 2 and 3, but I'm about a third of the way through Spyro 2 and I'm liking what I've played so far. They're really comfy games and in revisiting them, it's impressive how well they've held up. For its part, the remake seems nicely done and just having modern right stick camera controls is well worth the price of admission.

But what's really grabbed my attention recently is Cosmoteer. It's basically one of those factory games but in service of making a big spaceship. It's the first game in quite a while that I've played for a long session - it checks so many boxes for me. However, it is Early Access, so there is the palpable feeling that at some point the content is just going to run out without any satisfying conclusion.

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Squad, shooting mortars and Allah's rocket technical while being a bigot in local chat is good fun.

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G*mers get the bullet too

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I just play Civ 4 :marseyclueless:

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Just beat Metro Exodus. Probably going to try pirating Last of Us Part 1 unless another performance update is coming out soon.

Might also try the old thief games.

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Last Epoch this week until PoE 3.21 autism commences next week.

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This :marseysharksoup: post :marseymailwoman: is spam, sidevoted

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Playing MGS4 through an emulator. Can run it at a constant 60 fps with rare drops.

I've played 1, 2 and 3 and so far 4 is my favourite, but we'll see if it keeps up until the end.

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MMO: OSRS as usual, making some solid gainz. hopefully hit 2000 total level by winter

Racing: My dad got a direct drive wheel for his sim setup and it's sick. Sooo much better than the normal consumer grade stuff. Assetto Corsa looks jank but it's pretty realistic. The campaign starts you out in some dogshit cars on glorified go kart tracks and you have to claw your way up, even at 90% difficulty I'm having a hard time

Single player/RPG: Started Neir:Automata, it's pretty interesting and art style is incredible but I can't help but feel like I'm getting destroyed even through the first level and missing a lot of stuff. idk I'll keep playing and see if I feel different

Backburner: WoW classic, can't seem to consistently play as leveling at this point is like playing a single player game. Hopefully we get a SoM 2 soon. And Borderlands 1, just a bit dated and the gameplay loop gets repetitive fast. I'll eventually slog through it cause I heard 2 is really good

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Still playing subnautica

Last week I said that it's not engaging me, but I take it back, the game has grown on me

It's nothing spectacular, but it's interesting enough to keep me going

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Luv muh subnut. Simple as. ‘Ate sub zero. Simple as.

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I wish base building was a bit more refined though. I built a pretty big base and trying to decorate it there's only so much furniture that I can use

Also there's no snap to grid option so everything you place is asymmetric and off-centre :marseyraging:

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Subnautica was one of the only games that I played for 8 hours in a day with a 1 hour break between them.

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Im still hopelessly addicted to Total War Warhammer 3, and that not going to change with the upcoming DLC, but i wish more of my friends played PC because Sons of the Forest is out in beta and its fantastic.

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Satisfactory :#marseythebuilder:

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My PC chokes and dies any time I try playing that game :marseycry:

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Didn't play it too much since I had a dogshit PC at the time but it's good. I prefer DSP though

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Wut's DSP?

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DSP is crack big recommended

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Dyson Sphere Program

chink autismo game that's insanely good

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I like autismo games

As long as it's not spyware I'm getting it

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heard nothing of the sort, so you're probably good to go

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Like Factorio in outer space.

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Ok but can you give me like the full title so I can go look it up

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Dyson Sphere Program

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Thanks king

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Yeah, it's totally crashing my shit every so often. I got it because I can play mp with my bros which is fun but I'll have to check out DSP once I'm done obsessing with this one.

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FORTNITE :marsey#zoomer:

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So true bestie

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dark souls 2 is better, and if you need someone to coop I can help you

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i started with ds2 then ds1, now it's the first time i'm playing ds3

if you need someone to coop

offline because :marseypirate:

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nice, I only played ds2 and ds3, I tried playing ds1 but it is kinda shit ngl

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why don't you like ds1? i like them all tbh

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only 4 roll directions and no bonfire teleport

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and no bonfire teleport

just kill O&S

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I love 1 but I feel like it's probably better if you play it before the others. The boss design shifts a lot by 3 and is generally faster and more action-y.

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I played the new Lego Star Wars for an hour and I really didn't enjoy it. I thought it would be a nice couch game, haven't played a lego game in 15 years or something. Gameplay wasn't fun, and it seemed to rely on open world bullshit too much. I'd do a mission that took maybe 2 or 3 minutes then it would put me in a hub world with probably an hours worth of content. Don't know what I was expecting tbh. Steam rejected my refund :marseylaugh:

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The Lego games fell off. Not enough interesting levels and too much open world “Look at all this stuff you could be doing”

But I don’t want to do any of it :marseyclueless:

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genshin impact

way too little booba for my taste

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Played through the Resident Evil 4 Remake over the past week, it was fricking great. My only complaint is that the difficulty description for "hardcore" mode implies that if you've played the original, you should play hardcore. Shit was wayyy harder than even the professional difficulty in the OG. They developed characters way better, Ashley is actually cool/funny and Luis is way more involved as well. Ada's VA is unanimously considered dog doodoo, but she's not very present anyway.

I'll probably be playing through it again a few times over the year to unlock the bonus weapons.

Other than that just practicing BnBs in Guilty Gear +R

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:marseypirate: : Argh, ye scurvy landlubber! I agree, the "hardcore" difficulty in the Resident Evil 4 Remake be wayyy harder than even the professional difficulty in the OG. And Mr. Luis be way more involved, which be a good thing. But I be disagreeing with ye about Ada's VA - I think she be top-notch. And I'll be playing through the game a few more times meself to unlock the bonus weapons. other than that, I'll be practicing me BnBs in Guilty Gear +R.

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Didn't play much this week, just a couple more hours of Fire Emblem Engage. Hard/Classic actually started to feel a bit challenging in one early mission, but it was mostly my fault for splitting the party (afaict almost always a bad idea unless the game forces you to do it). Had to use the turn wheel thing a bit. One early cutscene seemed to show an enemy character conspicuously dropping the item you use for turn wheeling, which seems kind of sus. Hope there's like some kind of Sekiro "bad ending" that punishes you for using it too much or something

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:marseypirate: : Argh, matey, if ye can't handle a little challenge, ye might as well stay on the docks! What kind o' pirate captain would ye be if'n ye can't even beat the first mission? And if yer gonna use the turn wheel thing, don't be complainin' about it later. That's just lazy, and a lazy pirate is no pirate at all!

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The april fools voicelines in OW2 are actually pretty funny ngl

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oh wait both the patch notes i thought were jokes were for real patches :marseysalty:

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:marseypirate: : Prepare to be fed to the sharks, ye scurvy bilge rat! Arrr, ye thought the patch notes were jokes? I'll give ye a joke - the only patch ye'll be needin' is the one I feed ye to me sharks with!

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Hitman II, I'm doing the SASO challenges for all the missions.

It's pretty fun, but really hard, and the loading times on the PS4 make it sometimes a b-word when you just keep on failing :marseyitsover:

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Tales series binge, currently on Graces f. Dug out the old PS3 for it and everything. Pretty fun, has a lot of very cool ideas, plot is rather meh, mechanics are infuriatingly obscured.

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Ace combat 5 but im about to finish it and dont know that to play next

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Project Wingman if you haven't played that yet.

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I have

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Finished Black Mesa, everyone said that Interloper dragged on for too long but it honestly wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (though maybe that is because I didn't play it in one go.), however I did think the first Xen chapter did go on for way too long.

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yeah first xen section sucked, especially the platforming

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I liked most of it, except for the tedious plug puzzles ate the end.

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Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous is a fricking awesome old school RPG but man frick the Crusade mechanics in it I hate it so much. I’ve already put almost 40 hours into it and I’m too invested to quit because of the stupid crusade mode.


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Hey wuz I just did something tetarded and ended up back to this comment I posted to yours days ago and I'm like

Oh no I'm such a tool, this comment completely went 180 against what I meant, it came out so mean

I meant like you're a chad for playing an old school game that requires a longer attention span, and my reply comes across like a douchbag who TLDR zoomer posts for no reason :marseycringe2:

Sorry buddy

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Hey bud I totally took your comment to mean that in the first place tbh so all good and I still love you desperately.



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Chad gaymer who doesn't have attention span of 5 minutes

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April Fools day from video game companies are always super boring.

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95% of what happens on April 1st is boring or annoying.

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Still haven’t played anything since chrono cross sucked so bad

Been like 3 weeks

Considering streaming donkey kong country 1-3 but I don’t know how to stream


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I loved you for Wheel of Time, but the Chrono Cross slander is too much.

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And there is NO REASON to do any of the battles

And even the trashiest trash mobs take like 2 minutes


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Stop. My heart can't take it.

I'll grant too many characters. But Miguel fight? Harle? Dario?

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Try out the Wild Arms games on PS1 or Breath of Fire games on SNES if you want a solid rpg.


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OBS + a stream key from whatever site you want to use. Try not to leak your desktop. :#marseynotesglow:

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been travelling since a month, finally will be back home for easter, 5 days of freedom and cyberdick was planning on playing Anno 1800 again, if you have any better suggestions for city building/ or whatever these types of games are called, pls let cyberdick know. cyberdick already played banished CS etc

trans lives matter

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I'm looking forward to Manor Lords

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been playing a lot of snowrunner lately. the tasks are kinda tedious but at the same time its kinda relaxing to play while watching youtube vids or some movies :marseythinkorino:

might just be my autism :marseyautism:

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I finished PoE this week and despite my complaints in the last iterations of this thread, I think it was a solid game. Neither great nor particularly terrible, it was just fine and sometimes fine is just good enough.

To finish my quest of playing all unplayed games in my steam library the RNG gods have decided I should start Ori and so far it is quite fun. I dislike the backtracking already and I think it will get a lot worse whenever I unlock new abilities, but that's for future me to worry about.

Also carp pin this thread please

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I’m about to finish Pathfinder: WOTR and I’m debating about trying PoE next.

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The second game is worth playing too if you enjoy the first.

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I finished The Surge a few days ago. I was surprised by how much I liked it. I didn't care for the last area or the cowboy DLC but the rest was great.

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The sequels worth playing too, although i never actually finished it.

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Debating whether to get back into Path Of Exile with the new league. The weapon trees look awesome :marseyhope:

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