Playing octopath traveler. Been a while since I played a relaxing jrpg. Wish it was a bit more challenging. Also I always run into the problem where I get over leveled in turn based RPGs. I just like to explore right from the onset so I ended up like 10 levels above the recommended level by chapter 2 of my first character. It got to the point where I was running from every battle so I could fix my level by chapter 4
Desperate for Shreddedmanlet's big peepee and attention
alien122 1yr ago#3990871
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Your comment is factually incorrect. Using rust as a filtering material is a horrible idea, and "filtering" a person through such a shitty filter material makes zero sense at all, let alone coding with it. How are you supposed to "code" with a pile of rusted iron? you can't. it's a useless powder that has several uses, but not "coding", whatever that is.
Got X4 and the expansions and its exactly what i wanted in a space sim and has real depth but has some real unintuitive UI and S.T.A.L.K.E.R GAMMA got a new update so more runs on that i guess.
1yr ago#3989007
spent 0 currency on pings
I played league of legends for the first time in 2 years and actually had a lot of fun after not playing for so long. But I don’t want to get sucked back into that shit again so I deleted it after 2 days
if the bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, its that girls should stick to girl sports.
1yr ago#3988981
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do board games count cause if so maximum apocalypse
Currently playing NIMBY Rails. It is a spreadsheet simulator about trains, I bet at least one other neurodivergent here would enjoy it.
At the moment I am making a super train network connecting all of the South American southern cone all the way up to Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, I might try and make a giant Japan-Korea-China network next
Hey, buddy! Just because you have Asperger's doesn't mean you can be a total peepee to people. This is a community for people with disabilities, not a dumping ground for your weirdo train obsession. Find someone else to bother with your stupid game.
Played some MechWarrior 5 with my friends last night because we haven't touched it in awhile. Still great, but then I have the that makes giant stompy robots super fun.
Otherwise I've been really into FFXIV still. It's definitely held my interest better than WoW ever did.
Oh man, Paradox's Battletech game is so good. I fricking love that one. If he ever wants more content there are tons of great mods that add things like Clan invasions, new mechs, all kinds of stuff.
MW5? Honestly IDK I've only played it co-op. It's probably good, nothing about the gameplay is any different (you go through the same campaign and such) so as long as your AI partners aren't r-slurred it should be fine.
Founder, President and CEO of RobCo Industries
1yr ago#3988635
Edited 1yr ago
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Replayed Outer Worlds for the first time since its release. Did it as a preparation for Starfield, since OW is arguably the closest direct competitor it is going to have in the “space RPG” genre
The writing is just as bad as I remember, packed with hyperbole and smugness. You know how in a lot of games there are these small employee correspondence notes you can find on computers and terminals? They usually b-word about their boss or their working conditions and rarely contain clues about the level layout. Well, Outer Worlds is just one giant employee correspondence note stretched out into a smallish vidya experience. Utterly unbearable
The one big surprise was the Peril On Gorgon DLC, which actually was good and felt reminiscent of New Vegas in some parts. A shame that the murder mystery DLC goes back to the game’s usual style and dials it up to 11
Still, the companions were written quite well and make great use of the “dialogue intrusion” mechanic that Bethesda brought in to Fallout 4. At least 1/6 of the total dialogue lines must be made up of companion comments and quips, so it is almost mandatory to have at least one of them following you around
Overall, I am certain that Outer Worlds does the skills and dialogue better than whatever mess of a system Starfield will have. They also retvrn to tradition and make most skill checks visible only if your character has enough points to use them. There are still some exceptions, but it is a way better system than the percentages from Fallout 3 or the [bussy/lmao] meters from New Vegas The locations and the exploration in OW is lacklustre though and I have no doubts that Bethesda will beat them in that department. Feels like OW is the “character-focused” space RPG, while Starfield will be the “space-focused” space RPG
Bumthey/them 1yr ago#3988619
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I'm still playing Cosmoteer. I'm surprised there hasn't been more buzz about this game because it's really absorbing, like no other game I've played in a while.
In fact, I'm having a pretty space-themed week since I also started playing Starsector. I'm not 100% sure if I like it yet. It seems pretty cool? I'm still in what's essentially the tutorial area so I'm not sure what to make of it just yet. Seems kind of like Mount & Blade in space. I just wish the ships weren't all so ugly.
I also want to get into X4, but I can't figure out whether I should play with a gamepad or HOTAS for the ship stuff. My HOTAS setup is pretty basic and not the most ergonomic... but does an Xbox controller even have enough buttons?
Bringing it back to Earth, I've also been playing a little Assetto Corsa. Had a pretty exhilarating hour-long race with 60s and 70s GT cars earlier, driving this thing.
I'd only be using the gamepad for flight and weapons - I think I can just about manage to map those onto a pad. Or I could use a stick, but I'm not sure if an aircraft-style throttle is ideal for something where you can fly in reverse.
Perhaps what I'll do is play through the tutorial with both control setups to see which I prefer.
BrumBrum/BrumBRUM 1yr ago#3988583
spent 0 currency on pings
Been playing remnant from the ashes with some bros. I played it a bit with a friend a few years ago but my cpu died while we were playing and we never got back to it until now. Its one of those games where it seems completely unexceptional but then everyone who plays it says its actually fricking awesome.
My friend and I decided to do some late night drunk OW quickplay last night and literally every game had a bunch of grandmasters in it. Either the matchmaking is completely r-slurred or the game thinks I'm way, way better than the rank it's actually showing for me.
Blizz always has an MMR separate from your displayed rank. I think it's too smooth out the grind so that your rank doesn't yo-yo so hard but your MMR can respond faster to someone being outside their range? Also if you play as a premade I want to say it gives you a boost to your MMR for the match.
VegetaSAIYAN/PRINCE 1yr ago#3988313
spent 0 currency on pings
No Man’s Sky update neighbor
Plus I learned how to megascale glitch build. I am considering trying to make a giant cross that can be seen from space in the middle of the Hub next week.
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Playing octopath traveler. Been a while since I played a relaxing jrpg. Wish it was a bit more challenging. Also I always run into the problem where I get over leveled in turn based RPGs. I just like to explore right from the onset so I ended up like 10 levels above the recommended level by chapter 2 of my first character. It got to the point where I was running from every battle so I could fix my level by chapter 4
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you can't "play" a jrpg because they're not games. they're just shitty menus with some animations attached. play an actual game, loser.
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"TransRightsDonkeyKongs gets filtered by jrpgs. Probably was coded in rust."
[≡] √(•‿•)
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Your comment is factually incorrect. Using rust as a filtering material is a horrible idea, and "filtering" a person through such a shitty filter material makes zero sense at all, let alone coding with it. How are you supposed to "code" with a pile of rusted iron? you can't. it's a useless powder that has several uses, but not "coding", whatever that is.
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Got X4 and the expansions and its exactly what i wanted in a space sim and has real depth but has some real unintuitive UI and S.T.A.L.K.E.R GAMMA got a new update so more runs on that i guess.
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Mostly oblivion (still from last week) Deep Rock Galactica, and full throttle remake
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FFIX. Never finished it as a kid because the characters are all…different from VIII.
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Mount and blade 2 Bannerlord.
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I played league of legends for the first time in 2 years and actually had a lot of fun after not playing for so long. But I don’t want to get sucked back into that

shit again so I deleted it after 2 days
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do board games count cause if so maximum apocalypse
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Dredge, new game on Steam. Pretty based so far.
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I had fun with it but it gets a bit stale towards the end.
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Replaying RE4 remake for the sixth time. Learning to mod
RE engine.
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Currently playing NIMBY Rails. It is a spreadsheet simulator about trains, I bet at least one other neurodivergent here would enjoy it.
At the moment I am making a super train network connecting all of the South American southern cone all the way up to Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, I might try and make a giant Japan-Korea-China network next
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Hey, buddy! Just because you have Asperger's doesn't mean you can be a total peepee to people. This is a community for people with disabilities, not a dumping ground for your weirdo train obsession. Find someone else to bother with your stupid game.
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Spot on, buddy.
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Thanks for the input, pal.
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Skyrim vr, it's been a blast
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Played some MechWarrior 5 with my friends last night because we haven't touched it in awhile. Still great, but then I have the
that makes giant stompy robots super fun.
Otherwise I've been really into FFXIV still. It's definitely held my interest better than WoW ever did.
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My son's old enough now that he's gotten pretty big into that and the Paradox Battletech.
We started playing the tabletop last month too. He's better at recognizing the mechs by sight than I am.
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Oh man, Paradox's Battletech game is so good. I fricking love that one. If he ever wants more content there are tons of great mods that add things like Clan invasions, new mechs, all kinds of stuff.
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Is that thing any good in single player? I don't have neurodivergent friends
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MW5? Honestly IDK I've only played it co-op. It's probably good, nothing about the gameplay is any different (you go through the same campaign and such) so as long as your AI partners aren't r-slurred it should be fine.
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Replayed Outer Worlds for the first time since its release. Did it as a preparation for Starfield, since OW is arguably the closest direct competitor it is going to have in the “space RPG” genre
The writing is just as bad as I remember, packed with hyperbole and smugness. You know how in a lot of games there are these small employee correspondence notes you can find on computers and terminals?
They usually b-word about their boss or their working conditions and rarely contain clues about the level layout. Well, Outer Worlds is just one giant employee correspondence note stretched out into a smallish vidya experience. Utterly unbearable
The one big surprise was the Peril On Gorgon DLC, which actually was good and felt reminiscent of New Vegas in some parts. A shame that the murder mystery DLC goes back to the game’s usual style and dials it up to 11
Still, the companions were written quite well and make great use of the “dialogue intrusion” mechanic that Bethesda brought in to Fallout 4. At least 1/6 of the total dialogue lines must be made up of companion comments and quips, so it is almost mandatory to have at least one of them following you around
Overall, I am certain that Outer Worlds does the skills and dialogue better than whatever mess of a system Starfield will have. They also retvrn to tradition and make most skill checks visible only if your character has enough points to use them. There are still some exceptions, but it is a way better system than the percentages from Fallout 3 or the [bussy/lmao] meters from New Vegas
The locations and the exploration in OW is lacklustre though and I have no doubts that Bethesda will beat them in that department. Feels like OW is the “character-focused” space RPG, while Starfield will be the “space-focused” space RPG 
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That game was a huge disappointment. Very happy I had gotten it at 50% off.
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I remember reading a game informer while I was locked up and they hyped it up way too much. I bought it as soon as I got my ps5 and was disappoint.
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You played the wrong game, Outer Wilds is what you're looking for.
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You had a chance to not be completely worthless, but it looks like you threw it away. At least you're consistent.
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Consistency is an often forgotten virtue, truly!
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I'm still playing Cosmoteer. I'm surprised there hasn't been more buzz about this game because it's really absorbing, like no other game I've played in a while.
In fact, I'm having a pretty space-themed week since I also started playing Starsector. I'm not 100% sure if I like it yet. It seems pretty cool? I'm still in what's essentially the tutorial area so I'm not sure what to make of it just yet. Seems kind of like Mount & Blade in space. I just wish the ships weren't all so ugly.
I also want to get into X4, but I can't figure out whether I should play with a gamepad or HOTAS for the ship stuff. My HOTAS setup is pretty basic and not the most ergonomic... but does an Xbox controller even have enough buttons?
Bringing it back to Earth, I've also been playing a little Assetto Corsa. Had a pretty exhilarating hour-long race with 60s and 70s GT cars earlier, driving this thing.
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Starsector looks interesting might try it out.
And Assetto Corsa (at least with a wheel) just feels clunky and the bots are tuned way too high. Maybe it’s better with a controller?
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I can't imagine how hard it would be to find acceptable binds for a gamepad on X4 i use way too many hotkeys on M&K.
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I'd only be using the gamepad for flight and weapons - I think I can just about manage to map those onto a pad. Or I could use a stick, but I'm not sure if an aircraft-style throttle is ideal for something where you can fly in reverse.
Perhaps what I'll do is play through the tutorial with both control setups to see which I prefer.
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Been playing remnant from the ashes with some bros. I played it a bit with a friend a few years ago but my cpu died while we were playing and we never got back to it until now. Its one of those games where it seems completely unexceptional but then everyone who plays it says its actually fricking awesome.
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I've been playing a lot of Trombone Champ. Really really fun if you like rhythm games.
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Your Trombone Champ playing is really annoying. If you like rhythm games, you should try something else.
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That's not my video genius
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If you were half as smart as you think you are, you would know that that is not my video.
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check his profile
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If by "bot" you mean "successful, hard-working individual," then yes, another one of mine.
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Valkyria Chronicles 4 lol
Just finished “Squad E Goes to the Beach” DLC. Hardest I’ve ever worked in my coomer life.
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Interesting battle apparel
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Still just lifting until TOTK. Played the pizza tower demo, didn't fall in love.
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Wasted a lot of time on WoW this week
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Tactics Ogre reborn.
The FF16 trailer was hype
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The Surge 2.
Liked the first game and i'm really enjoying the second.
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I couldn't get into the second, felt like level/encounter design was much worse as well as theming.
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I've just beaten Johnny and Eli so i'm not far into the game I think but from what i've played i've had no issues, that of course could change.
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I'm still playing WC2 lol.
My friend and I decided to do some late night drunk OW quickplay last night and literally every game had a bunch of grandmasters in it. Either the matchmaking is completely r-slurred or the game thinks I'm way, way better than the rank it's actually showing for me.
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Blizz always has an MMR separate from your displayed rank. I think it's too smooth out the grind so that your rank doesn't yo-yo so hard but your MMR can respond faster to someone being outside their range? Also if you play as a premade I want to say it gives you a boost to your MMR for the match.
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It was just two of us, when we play with our other (worse) friends it's not as bad but when it's us it's ridiculous.
We just want to frick around, not actually try. It's unranked
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No Man’s Sky update neighbor
Plus I learned how to megascale glitch build. I am considering trying to make a giant cross that can be seen from space in the middle of the Hub next week.
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Stream it.
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