Weekly “What have you been playing?” Thread #new one

Been playing Crying Suns. This game feels like If FTL: Faster Than Light had listened to too much MCR in high school. It’s good, but you can see it’s maybe too inspired by other things, even if it’s fun. Also GDQ has been pretty bad. A few decent runs.

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Fallout: Tale of two Wastelands. Two great Fallouts in one.

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umineko (almost finishing ep2)

maybe i will try league of legends

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System Shock 2, I hate that you need a skill TO USE A FRICKING PISTOL

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Leftoid build realism

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Carp buckbroke me into trying out No Man’s Sky :marseyastronaut2:

Actually, just playing it in preparation for Starfield :likeaboss:

Also, finally checked out Deathloop

Despite it being another aesthetically pleasing Arkane game, its core gameplay loop :marseysting: is just a gimmick that quickly wears thin because it is a “Covid Game”, which means the devs did the bare minimum effort when it came to designing the locations and the way they change during the day.

The AI is so bad that the only real challenge is the other player who can at least plan an ambush (although most just camp out on the rooftops and farm headshots) :!marseycarpsnipe:

The characters are weird and overly quippy. Some are clear retreads of Arkane’s previous work, which makes me question whether they actually wanted to make this game or were they just forced by Zenimax to make an online PvP game in their signature imm-sim style. The locations are designed more like arenas than actual levels you should tread through. I think making an online version of that combat mode from Dunwall Trials might have been a better solution.

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Dunwall Trials

ah a man of taste :marseycheers:

but yeah looks like i didnt miss anything with not playing deathloop ( i was cucked by denovo :marseypoor: )

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been playing littlebigplanet for the ps vita. i've played every other game before except for that specific one (because lol owning a vita) but man it's honestly a really good LBP game not even just by portable standards or whatever.

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I've actually stopped playing games the last week. I've been reading about coding, and incidentally made a website that I'm extremely happy about. IDK what's been going on, but I've forsaken my massive steam library for Ruby documentation at 5am. Wild shit until I start my new job.

Gavel to gavel coverage, powered by cable.

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Assassins Creed Rogue

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Who else is hyped for Dragon's Dogma 2? The trailer gave me a ton of hope. It looked like everything I wanted from the sequel. Bless Itsuno.

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Finished Jedi Survivor on Grand Master. The game is amazing but it was honestly a miserable experience due to 1) The game crashed way too fricking often and 2) Grand Master difficulty is total bullshit but all my friends were on Grand Master so frick me.

Made me go back and start Sekiro again. We’ll see if I finish this time.

Also, Marcel Snap because I want to become a normie

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I did beat Fallen Order on Grandmaster, but only on my second playthrough. I only found one healing vial my first time, so that would've been pretty rough.

Was this your first Jedi game, or did you play FO before? I'm not sure if I'll want to start Survivor on GM or not.

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I played FO and loved it. Grand Master in Survivor is way harder, the parry timings seem like they have to be frame perfect and every hits incredibly hard. Do yourself a favor and play on Jedi Master. It’s still a challenge but you can actually parry.

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Thanks king

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Played diablo 4 for 20 minutes and refunded that garbage

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What didn’t you like about it? Do you usually like ARPGs? How does it compare to PoE?

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Yeah I played both Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 and loved both. Diablo 3 I really only liked at launch with the RMAH and trading. After they made changes to loot and removed trading I quit.

Diablo 4 is not a good diablo game though. It is designed similar to diablo Immortal for consoles and mobile not the PC. So while it may be a "good" generic arpg, its a terrible one for a diablo game.

No LFG lobby or anything

No global chat

No real trading

Rewards and events like a mobile game

Zoomed in POV is unbearable

Potions look like they are from some arcade game and totally out of place

UI is absolutely awful and has zero customizable features

Items are boring and look terrible on characters

Character customizer is absolutely pitiful

Progression is abysmal

Items use the same stupid % based multipliers so having 7/8 of the best items is like 75% less damage than 8/8.

Boring quests etc

And so on.... if you have any insight into how they recycled and dumbed it down to appeal to the lowest common denominator to hit sales you could never enjoy it.

Their corporate goals are not to make a great diablo game - they want one designed to sell the most on the most platforms which is a shame but I don't blame them.

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look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the potty not in my replys 😷😷😷

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average diablo fan :#marseynerd2: Average Lord of the Rings: Return of the King GBA Enjoyer :#gigachad2:

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Working through my PS4 backlog, bought a PS5 on sale (inb4 IT STARTS WITH) so now I'm rushing to finish the games I'd left halfway done before FFXVI consumes all my free time. Currently playing NEO: TWEWY, it's a shame it had a budget of twenty bucks and a free Unity trial because it's some good shit.

Also bought a secondhand Vita and jailbroke it so I can play a bunch of niche weebshit games and emulate PSP ones, maybe this time I'll actually stick with a Persona game.

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Oh wow I found the other person to play NEO: TWEWY. Finished it a couple weeks ago. I remember being super hyped when they announced it, then literally just forgot all about it until i got a youtube recommendation a few months ago. Really enjoyed it, thought it did a great job replicating what made the first game so unique. Soundtrack was fire, but surprisingly I generally enjoyed the new tracks more than the remixes. I'm usually a sucker for remixes.

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I really like how the combat system is much deeper than it first appears and the characters are a lot more complex than they look at first glance. It really is a worthy sequel.

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I'm considering getting one to play soul sacrifice but the prices are trash. Does it have any other exclusives that arent vnshit?

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For my niche interests, Tales of Innocence R, Tales of Hearts R, Odin Sphere Leithrasir and Gravity Rush cover the cost of entry. It's also a comfy way to play P4G, P3P, Valkyrie Profile and Tactics Ogre, and other assorted emulated PSP, GBA and SNES ganes (I'm not shelling out for a Steam Deck so this is a good way to play those for me). Soul Sacrifice looked good also. I'd look for a used console, got mine for like 70 bucks and probably should've haggled down.

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I wish i could find one that cheap

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Me too, im doing 100% zombie summoner runs in every game I can right now and zombie priest slaps hard. I absolutely butt-pummel meta deathcuck players with it.

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Dave the diver. Great game very fun. catch fish and then serve them as food. Going to get as big as stardew valley if it ever gets out of prerelease. but i have concerns about it ever being complete.

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trying this one right now and it's really fun so far


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Dave the diver.


might check this

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This looks right up my alley

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Dave the Diver is kinda great. Highly recommend.

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Trying to decide if I should try wow again or go back to RuneScape, final trantasy 14 got boring

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>MMO enjoyer


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have you tried jerking off with Tabasco? just as painful and won't take hundreds of hours.

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:!marseyyikes: at all three of those.

I casually get on to do a few storylines every once in a while on ESO but that’s just an elder scrolls lite experience, not really an mmo.

Wow died once they finally produced the best xpac but still loaded it down with battlepass dogshit. Final nail in the coffin. Everyone left there are just battlepass cucked blizzslaves who purchase plush murlocs from the gear shop and shit still and will never leave due to sunk cost fallacy. Basically the ultimate capeshit soy consoomers.

Runescape is for neets who haven’t washed under their arms since before the pandemic began, and ff14 is for the same category as described above but specifically the :marseypedo: subsection of them. Which is quite large.

Like c’mon, it’s the same people defending ff14 every time

:marseybrainlet:“Bro the 8 year old wearing stripper fishnets with booty shorts is just artistic choice that’s legal to make leave it alone bro it’s not REAL so it doesn’t COUNT”

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I’ve been trying to get good at the arcade version of fantasy zone ii on my misterfpga. I only play doom and shmups mostly but from time to time I’ll play this weird jrpg called terranigma which seems like the three body problem the video game

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is the misterfpga better than just a regular emulator?

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Yeah. I originally built one for my dad who wanted a small machine for perfect dos emulation for old old old stratomatic sports games he still places and mister was recommended. I ended up building one for myself and it’s really phenomenal how 1:1 perfect everything is. Not just video game consoles but the old computer codes are amazing too. The work being done on arcade games makes them indistinguishable from the real thing.

With a modern interface board the entire thing can be powered off usb-c, boots up in seconds and is extremely portable

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Fantasy Zone is hard because extra credits still make you restart the entire game if you die.

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Yeah it’s bullshir but been a good challenge

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Saints Row 2006

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II is the real deal.

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Ive played SR2 to the point of being sick of it lol but never tried SR1. Going back to it is good because it’s still a good game honestly but it also helps you appreciate just how much better the second game is. It’s like a massive leap in how much they improved everything they could: the shooting is still kept elegant and simple but they add human shielding and fine aim to give it a little more strategy, customization is made deeper with the advent of letting you play as both a man and woman and letting you edit every detail of a piece of clothing, the map is expanded to add interesting areas rarely seen in an open world like a prison island and a university. The leap in quality is massive but they needed the solid but flawed base to work off of. SR2 couldnt have been made as good as it is the first time

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Big pink dildo is all I remembers from that

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That was The Third

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I started playing WoW. The only other MMO I've played is runescape/osrs for around 1600 combined hours :marseyrs:

I don't really understand why people get so addicted. It's a bit boring, with every quest being the same basic formulas (go kill 20 things, a boss, or go fetch this object). The world and art style are cool though.

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Isn't Runescape the king of grinding though? I remember back at middle school being bewildered at the kids that would just mine rocks all weekend. WoW seemed much more combat orientated and fun.

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Very much so, but most of it is very afk'able. You can put it in a small window in the corner and glance at it every few minutes for a couple seconds then go back to whatever you were doing. I got a couple 99's playing while doing assignments in college.

WoW on the other hand requires your full attention.

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Full attention is a bit of an overstatement for like 90% of the ingame specs that people actually play.

Wow is a netflix watching game for sure unless you’re like, going rogue or feral in pve keys or some shit.

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I've only played a warlock so maybe that's a more "involved" class? I can't imagine AFK'ing this shit with how much garbage I gotta input during battles.

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Oh man. I tried playing that and it was amazing how much of the gameplay was literally nothing happening.

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So Ground Control 2

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Ground Control 2


Man that game was my jam back in the day. Both actually. Shame there never was a third part. World in Conflict is probably the best strategy game ever, but it doesnt hit that sci-fi itch.

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i adore WiC so much, replay it every year

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One is none and two is one. Should've backed up your shit if you cared about it :marseyindignant:

dude bussy lmao

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Tiny Tower. I play it when I'm on the potty.

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Best game ever. Can't lose.

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Started a new modded run of Project Zomboid. I wanted to try the 10 years later mod along with some scarce resources and scrap armor/weapons mods.

Named my guy "Hulk Hogan" and gave him some plus strength and fitness traits and spawned in West Point. Spent a couple of days slowly making my way to the storage lot and I found out the hard way that the storage containers can have triggerable house alarms to them and now I'm hiding out inside one of the storage containers as the undead hordes surround the complex and well, I'm going to be honest: The Hulkster is tired, he's weak from hunger, panicked from all the horror, his only weapons being a wooden spear that's about to break and a screwdriver, it's not looking good brother. :marseyitsover:

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Did the hulkamania manage to run wild?

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By god he actually did. :marseywereback: When the horde broke down the gate of the container I was hiding inside of I dashed into the horde and broke through them, dropped my spear and got scratched on both legs but I made it through un-bitten. It took two tries but I managed to hop over the tall fence and power walk through the woods and to that bar at the edge of West Point. Only one zomboid inside the bar and it took five minutes to shank it to death with a screwdriver. Downed a whole bottle of bourbon and passed out in the bathroom. Hulkamania lives on.

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Finished my Elden Ring replay. I somehow beat Malenia first try (on my first file she took me hours). Feel like I got a bit lucky on her rng, and was kind of looking forward to grinding the fight for a while. I wish there was an easy way to refight a boss instead of starting a whole new file or ng+.

I also started a DS3 run and am trying to stay Embered the whole time. Only got invaded a couple times but I still have no idea how to do pvp in this game. I always get hit and can't hit anyone. Other people clearly know how to make it work

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A lot of Ds3 is leading your hits. Sometimes you don't want to be locked on, you never want to be predictable. Don't do the same attack more than a few times in a row or I'll parry you

Running attacks are useful, and so are rolling ones. You can set parries up by blocking but don't bother trying to parry with bigger shields.

If you're a strengthmaxxing grugcel you'll have a hard time hitting anything, but with a good build you'll be hitting like a truck. Try spacing your swings apart so you roll-catch

dude bussy lmao

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Yeah, I've been using big weapons. Gotta work on my timing, but I might pick up a smaller strength weapon for pvp

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Been grindmaxxing real life

But besides that just an occasional tf2 match, mostly community stuff like class wars and randomizer

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I've played the free trial of Dragonflight and completed the first zone (because they only allow you to play the campaign of the first zone for some reason and you also cannot level) and I'm genuinely impressed. This may even be the best zone Blizzard ever made besides the original human starting zones although there is definitely some sort of nostalgic bias involved in my judgement. As I couldn't continue with the main quest (or however you want to call it) I tried the Shadowlands zones I didn't finish and holy fricking shit the maw, korthia, and especially Zereth Mortis are awful at best and downright unplayable at worst.

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I don't know, as much as I think that every post-cata expansion is shit, I still always give them credit for 2 things: environmental design and music. I think that practically every zone they ever made is well designed, looms good, and has a unique feel to it, which is quite an achievement considering how many there have been since the start of the game. And for music- whoever composes it knows his shit cause a lot of it is very memorable (which again is a bit surprising cause you'd think fantasy orchestral music would get old after so many years of it) and obviously the orchestra blizzard has access to do their job very well

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Halo Infinite. Gameplay is so good and forge has been a great add. Much better playlists too than launch. :marseymasterchief:

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Installed xemu and have ben playing Crimsons skies The highroad to revenge

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now there was a game

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Diablo 4. Took a few days off for the launch. Ended up having to go to the emergency room for a medical problem. Still got to play though.

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I hope the medical shite cleared up boo


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