Weekly ‘What games have you been playing’ thread #25

Been watching ESA, nothing of note (except the trainwreck of an Elden Ring blindfolded run), but it’s certainly better than GDQ.

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Started Space Haven a few days ago. People have been comparing it to Rimworld (maybe, haven't played RW yet but the description looks close) and FTL (kinda, but not really seeing that). My personal parallels are Sims and OG X-COM (1994 version, haven't played the newer ones though).

It's early access, so there are some warts and imbalances, but overall like it so far, it's fun.

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Unironically, end it. It might not be too late for you.

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Far: Lone Sales. Comfy non-narrated art game that’s like a 2d walking simulator but using a Ghibli-like ground ship transport apparatus. You keep going right, and solve puzzles to keep progressing. It’s short.

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lmao that neighbor ded

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It's a dummy r-slur


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dummies ain't alive

therefore he dead

checkmate r-slur

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Sonic Frontiers :marsey: The fact they added all the previous music tracks as quest rewards is making me do a completionist run.

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I've been playing Let's School. It's very thoughtfully put together, and is a very interesting management sim. Unlike most similar games, you actually have to construct a bureaucracy to run your school, which is something I never knew I wanted in a game. On the other hand, many of the features are very poorly explained, which means a lot of trial and error. It has a pretty good artsyle as well. I'm gonna try to post a longer review comparing with two point campus some time this week.

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I started playing Final Fantasy XIII, which is actually my first Final Fantasy.

Holy moly this game is a drag and every map so far is a hallway. I can’t control my party members. I do like the combat though.

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Dwarf fortress to get unrusty for the rdrama succession game.

Sometimes some northgard because it's nice to play a game with a definite end objective

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Been playing Yakuza Kiwami off and on for a couple of weeks now. When on meetings at work lately, I've been playing through the Deathless megawad for Doom. Pretty excited for Voxel Doom II in August, though I'll probably need to run it on a real PC and not some cheap Chinese handheld.

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Semi-current game: Crying Suns. Basically FTL type game where the ship-ship combat is a pausable RTS on a hex grid where carriers send out squads of smaller ships. That part is good simple fun but sadly they completely ruined it with the "clicking around on the map between combat" part. You just wait and wait and wait for UI animations and interstitial visuals. When you make one of the "I will risk my crew in this random encounter" choices, it will fade to black for 5 seconds before revealing the outcome, just to be annoying. You get to send your crew on a ground mission: pick a commanding officer according to your crews' skill-based loot/casualty probabilities, and .... sit there for two minutes watching skill checks. They have a better storyline/writing than a lot of games, but are too hopped up on it and have you clicking through endless exposition. Would not recommend for these reasons.

Retro games: The original inconsistently named spaceshit FPS, Dark Forces/Jedi Knight.

Star Wars: Dark Forces: It's spaceshit DOOM! Its engine has several advances over DOOM such as "jumping" and "looking up/down". You are Kyle Katarn, space private military contractor. Introduces a key facet of the series which is ridiculously scaled Star Wars architecture with bottomless pits all over. Good levels, good guns.

Star Wars: Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight: It's spaceshit Quake! Still its own engine, it's at the pinnacle of the pre-Half-Life FPS. All storyline development remains in amazingly cheesy greenscreen live action cutscenes. Surprisingly it turns out Kyle Katarn has fun space wizard powers to aid him and a lightsaber to fight the Dark Jedi bosses. Great guns and good levels.

Star Wars: Dark Forces 3: Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast: Spaceshit Quake 3! Now it is literally on the Quake 3 engine. Not gonna lie, now it sucks as a shooter. Guns mostly suck now, ranged combat feels tedious. It is great as a space wizard simulator. You run around with your lightsaber and powers absolutely massacring hordes of stormtroopers or alien criminals, occasionally having a miniboss lightsaber battle. The villain figures a way to trans space normies into space wizards so you have plenty of miniboss lightsaber battles rather than just the few boss battles of the last. Power usage is more integral than the last one. Unfortunately they made Kyle Katarn forget how to be a Jedi so you have to play like 1/4 the game as a shitty shooter before you become a Jedi again. Once you get the lightsaber you mostly abandon the guns except for an occasional sniper rifle or anti-material heavy weapon shot. Levels feel pretty generic.

Star Wars: Dark Forces 4: Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Outcast 2: Jedi Academy: Corrects some mistakes of the previous. You are Kyle Katarn's student now, so once again have to learn all the force powers, but now you get your initial powers and saber at the start. The guns are still there but they realize you're rarely using them. Instead of straight linear you do 4-5 short missions between longer core story missions. The levels got more attention here, more variety, some of them have interesting gimmicks.

Overall very recommended, though I could definitely see skipping Jedi Outcast since you'll just get a more refined version of the same gameplay in Jedi Academy.

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Oh hey, I was playing crying suns a bit recently. Yeah, it's surprisingly similar to FTL, especially in the combat, which I found interesting since it was such a departure from FTL’s mechanically but very similar in how the ideas worked. I think one of the worst features of the game is the lack of randomization in the random pop up encounters. Once you figure out the right choice in the text options, you will always get the same result unless you have a specialized crew member (this really is limited given how you’ll always be starting with only two, so you’re just going to figure out which is the best unspecialized choice super fast and always pick it). The ground encounter things were better than most text based choices because they were at least randomized and you could math out which specializations to buy as ‘intel.’

Also resetting the ship/crew each sector seems like a cover up for some design issues. The game is already a bit low on content and you max out the ship pretty much every successful run, really feels like they went half way to designing a good amount of progression and rather than balance it so you have to make some decisions or minmax, they just said frick it and reset the player each chapter. Related, it seems like the sectors/chapters all have a ship that is meant to be used and hard counters the enemies in a way that devalues all the other ships for that zone, like the pirate is op in the 3rd or 4th chapter since it can spam bombers to counter the long deployment ships that have high value.

I should finish it, I think I have one chapter left.

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Have you owned the libs yet?

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Oh frick yeah, Dark Forces 1 and 2 were my jam back in the day.


I beat 1 and 2 completely multiple times each, got pretty far into 3 but never finished, and gave up on 4 after like 2 hours.

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I took a break from Conquest of Elysium 5, but now I'm back on my illusionist bullshit.


Also been playing some STNC Stellaris. !trekkies

Star Trek: New Civilizations is a total conversion mod for Stellaris that turns the universe into an approximately lore accurate Star Trek grand strategy game. If you know the show lore, you can navigate events pretty well for a newbie. The multiplayer is super fun, and they even have mechanics for the Borg, Obsidian Order, Tal Shiar, and Mirror Universe events. There's also crisis events that can threaten your empire, including an extra-dimensional invasion. It's pretty legit.

You can pick up Stellaris and share DLC/Mods and such for like $10 on G2A or on sale.


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Star Trek: New Civilizations???

New Horizons you mean?

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No actually: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1886496498

I used to be part of the STNH dev team/playtesters, but there was a split over some dumb drama about the direction. STNH is fine if you don't mind being corralled into a more slow game, but STNC is much more fun because it rewards good play mechanically while still being lore friendly. Also STNH community is prob 50% more neurodivergent than STNC.

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Dead space 3 :marseysuicide: I basically got it free on steam as the bundle of all 3 was cheaper then buying 1 and 2 Separately (it was like 10$ for all 3). But yeah it’s bad shit opens up with some cover shooting uncharted butt shit and even on hard you are swamped in ammo and health. The weapon making would be cool in any other game but not a dead space one as the necromorph type enemies are not strong enough to deal with making Op butt guns.

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I played the remake and thought it was ok but halfway through I just wanted it to end.


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I really liked the remake. I hope they remake 2 and 3 to be better Id be way more interested in that remaking shit like MGS3 lol.

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I was fun but just got a little tedious after awhile. Same with shooters in general. I need maps and trains to sooth my autism.


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I finished the original Punch Club. Lazy bear makes some half cooked mobile game tier shit but I still somehow end up enjoying their games, maybe it is that "soul" I have been hearing so much about. IDK if I have time to play through Punch Club 2, my life is starting up again soon, and I really should be getting ready.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Finally beat Persona 5 Royal, really liked the game but was ready to be done with it. Now I’m playing through Inscryption, it’s a total mindfrick of a game and I love it. Anyone know any other similar games [not really the deck building so much as the 4th wall breaking puzzle stuff]

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All of Daniel Mullins' games are 4th wall breaking and have puzzle elements. The other two big ones are Pony Island and The Hex.

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Have no other devs even scratched the surface in this Territory?

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Dividing my time between Soma, Bioshock 2, and FFX

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Playing Humanity, a trippy little Japanese puzzle game. It has that kinda gonzo Dreamcast vibe, and it’s very satisfying.

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Oh shit yeah I wanna buy that it looks awesome. Def the 2023 puzzle game I was most hyped for.

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I would recommend Library of Ruina if you’re a masochist who likes card battlers. It also has a great story and good music

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Don't remember if I said this in the last thread, but I finally gave Witcher 3 a try. Quite different from the previous 2 games that were more linear so I'm a bit overwhelmed, but liking it. So far I've finished the Bloody Baron questline which was very interesting and well written

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I’m in the opposite boat because I played 3 first and recently bought 2 on sale. I’ve heard 1 is really dated though and apparently there’s a remake in the works.

I also bought Thronebreaker since I loved Gwent.

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I’ve heard 1 is really dated

It is

apparently there’s a remake in the works

Also true but it will be a couple years till release probably.

I absolutely recommend you try 1 if you like the series though, be it through remake whenever it comes or as original. Might not have the same effect on you as you're playing backwards, but for me it was a great introduction to the series which made the latter parts make more sense. And the atmosphere in that game is off the charts

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I can never get into Witcher 3. I’ve tried on three separate occasions but just don’t get the appeal.

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I tried once years ago and crapped out.

I tried again not that long ago and got addicted for a week, but then I crapped out again. The writing’s really nothing special and a lot of quests are annoying. At this rate I get on once a week or so and make as much progress as I can so I can eventually complete the main quest.

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It's too early for me to say anything about the third one, but in the first 2 games I can tell you that gameplay was never the appeal. The first game is actual trash by gameplay standards and even the story is a bit shakey, but by God the setting and atmosphere just carried it through. And the second reason people appreciate them is in the character interactions- not only are they well written and organic, but the choices you make are also genuinely meaningful and give you a lot of freedom in how you approach both quests and the story. This is done best in 2nd game which is basically 2 games in one as at the very start it splits into 2 completely different branches depending on what choice you make.

So if you're a sucker for a good interactive story with interesting characters and can tolerate subpar to terrible gameplay, maybe give the previous games a try and see if the momentum and excitement carry over to the 3rd one. If that doesn't interest you however, then I guess the series just isn't for you

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Never got into it, either. I was actually surprised the number of allegedly 9/10 games I picked up at Gamestop for cheap, I was like "I hate this, 100%."


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The Wandering Village.

Not a bad little colony sim. But I hate that the only way you get villagers is by finding them and not natural growth.

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Nothing. I finished Dave the Diver and everything else seems so insubstantial by comparison.

There should be massive NMS update the week after next though, so 🤞🏿


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Carp, how long did you spend building a tower into space?

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I searched your g*mertag and some dude said him and an interloper named 'crpthnflrst' had attempt to build a tower of 'computer bases' (?) up to some space station.

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I searched your g*mertag

That’s really really really weird.

I think with resource gathering included it took around 3-4 hours. This was 2018 when NEXT had just launched and there wasn’t yet a way to untether the build camera or anything. You can achieve the same effect in minutes now.


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You had the same handle on twitter, i wanted to see if there was any archive of the sneed :marseysigh:

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Lmao I found the post. I’m surprised he remembers that. We had such great plans for it and then when you leave the atmosphere on foot or with a structure the gravity bugs out and your life support zeroes you start taking damage like crazy. It was a disaster.


Trash tier old graphics and everything. We just stacked stairs for miles and threw together a really really basic life support area at the border. It did not work. At all.

edit: removed cussing


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frick off carp, NMS is a bad game

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He has 85 edits on the NMS wiki

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Starsector new update. like the new AI ship

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Bought that Aliens RTS. Pretty good but the lack of a manual save feature kills it. Not everybody is a teenager or a redditor with aeons of free time to spend on vidya- some of us only get short periods of free time for le space invaders.

Found out it saves whenever you use an elevator so I have to rush back into an elevator like a homeless person looking to pop a squat every twenty minutes.

This is why your elevators smell so bad btw.

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I've been mostly playing train games this week (New Vegas and HoI4).

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I played Italy with the new expansion and went commie. Ended up actually being relevant and captured almost all of Germany when they invaded the soviets.


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Is playing those without taking HRT even legal? I'm not sure, might need to call cops on you...

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A lot of that times was AFK :marseyindignant:

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I've been playing terraria after 7-8 years I think? The new master mode is great! One of the best additions. But I foolishly decided to play on mediumcore and I've been paying the price in pulled hairs ;(. I HATE GOBLINS :marseytrollgun:.

Oh, and I was also playing through XIII again. One of the few actually good Ubishit games.

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Mastermode isn't really that great, but it's nice to do once. I'm not into ballbusting though so not my favorite mode.

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Can't step up to the challenge? :marseysmug:

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I played through it right when it came out. Did everything (as summoner) but the moonlord fight, because I had already spent way too much time not studying for the most important exams of my life :marseysweating:

Also liked doing c*lamity revengence (with aquatic scourge prehardmode ofc), good mod if you ignore the cringe :marseytrain: lore.

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I fricking love building in that game. I never got to actually finishing it because I always get distracted by building base, or homes, or some other crap

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I've been building more than I used to too. Main goal is just beating it again on master mode and maybe trying FTW but then I'm shelving it.

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Making my gf jealous :marseyjelly:

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Dave the Diver - cute and funny little game, but it's slow going

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