I love the Indian Fallout 3 memes so much.
Played some Civ6, it's a lot better than I expected but I really dislike how the expansions are broken into separate game modes and can't be combined. The handling of districts and wonder taking up tiles is very interesting and over all I think the city management is better than 5 due to having to make either/or decisions instead of being able to get everything without a downside. Haven't played too much so can't give a super deep opinion.
Beat House of the Dead Remake, it was fun, but would never recommend buying it since it's like 30 minutes long. Fun though.
Slowly making my way through Quake.
Also finished Milk Inside a Bag of Milk, “nice” little visual novel. I can see why the people who recommended me it enjoyed the game. Will play Milk Outside a Bag of Milk soon.
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Finishing the Oblivion leg of my pilgrimage. For all its flaws with the levelling system and the generic fantasy tone, it still does a lot of things right. Since this is the game that started the radiant AI meme, it utilises it the most of our any Bethesda games. The behaviour and the schedules of NPCs are truly remarkable for how much they are trying to simulate a living world. Multiple characters can travel from one city to another on a monthly basis for either work or pleasure and some of them are even quest-related, so you have to learn of their plans in order to know where to search for them. One big discovery for me was that the Bravil mages guild “Ayleid Expert” who tells you of a nearby ruin actually visits it twice a month for research. He is not connected to any quest and there is no reason for you to visit that ruin besides the loot, and yet the designers at Bethesda still gave that schedule to the NPC for him (and by extension the whole game world) to feel real and purposeful.
It's a bit sad that Bethesda scaled back from these systems in future games, although the possibility of things breaking and important characters dying to wolves or bandits on the roads was too much of a hassle for the devs to figure out. As it stands, Oblivion is the most ambitious simulation of a world by Bethesda in a handcrafted environment.
On the topic of your images - which are quite funny in an ironic way - I still don't get the animosity between FO3 and NV fanbases. It feels like I am a minority that likes both of the games. Not equally, as you could probably gather from my username, but I still consider Fallout 3 a good game, both as an rpg and as a Fallout game.
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The animosity in the fallout community, I think, largely stems from the original fans vs fo3 fans, with the original fans spilling over into nv fans because they argue that's how to correctly do fallout instead of fo3. I'm pretty sure no mutants allowed us still seething about bethesda fallout after all these years. I know it's older drama and likely barely documented so hard to find, but there were years long spergfests related to nma and bethesda before fallout 3 was even out
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I know about the nma drama quite well, observing it live in some instances. They still argue which of the original two Fallouts is the best, willing to slit each other's throats over it. Most of time it just boils down to the age-old art vs entertainment argument that plagues vidya communities. FO1 is the artsy side with its grim tone and slim structure while FO2 is the entertaining side with tons of content and pop humour around every corner.
I just doubt that the average nma user is sitting on /v/ or the YouTube comments where these arguments take place. You might be right in that younger audiences were blackpilled through the New Vegas community with a few olds sowing the seeds of hatred towards FO3. Maybe I just have a terrible taste, but after spending a lot of time in Oblivion, I can definitely say it is a worse overall package, both content and gameplay wise, and yet it is still beloved by many. I guess it is because it was their first TES game and maybe even their first rpg, so the rose-tinted view is understandable. Why FO3 doesn't have the same reception despite being released roughly in the same period is a mystery to me, since there must've been some overlap with Oblivion players. Guess Fallout is just a more toxic community overall - comes with the genre.
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It was absolutely not the same time period. Oblivion was almost a launch 360 game and a huge part of the nostalgia is due it being so early and showcasing what the new consoles could do. I know the first 360 game I saw (and probably more than few other people) was Oblivion at a friend's house. Also just personally I never was as interested in the world of fallout and they smoothed out a lot of the silliness that gave oblivion character
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I dunno, maybe I am just getting old but the whole pre-Kinect era of 360 just mixes into one time period for me. There was a lot of excitement which you are talking about and it lasted for some time even after launch. In my opinion, FO3 still got released in that period of hope, although I do agree that the circumstances with Oblivion's release are a bit unique.
Some argue that Oblivion's success primarily comes from being released so early into 360's lifecycle. There weren't that many games coming out initially and most just wanted to play Halo 3, which was a good deal of time away. Many who never would've touched a role playing game picked up Oblivion to pass the time. It's a theory, of course, but I believe it has a lot of ground to stand on.
The silliness in Oblivion was completely unintentional, which gave it most of the charm. The dev documentary makes it clear that they saw it as a serious fantasy game in line Jackson's LoTR films. The potato characters and the radiant shenanigans were a technological setback, that they couldn't remedy in time so they had to roll with what they had. In FO3 the devs actually tried to be silly on purpose, because FO2 was silly and they had to live up to the expectations. This was a big mistake in my opinion, as Fallouts can be done with humour taking a backseat. As a result, this forced tongue-in-cheek style comes across as patronising and boring.
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This was stuff you didn't notice that much at the time. Playing Oblivion, you might think the characters looked "unique" but them being potato charming quirky was something that only came later. Oblivion as a whole looked amazing at the time, from a console perspective. Even the ragdolls were wow epic next gen so realistic. I saw some video of the old console far cry game on xbox and 360, and the enemies will literally T-pose if their body is moving while they died, and that was tolerated and considered pretty good console graphics at the time. FO3 came out 3 years after the 360 release and two and a half after Oblivion. I guess people were kind of used to that size/scope of game by then. There was a whole genre of Oblivion rip offs that came out between those two games, like Two Worlds.
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I've tried three times to get into Oblivion but it's ugly as sin and I despise the leveling
I do kind of like the writing though.
Also the animosity between 3 and NV is for turbo neurodivergents, the kind who will still argue about Legion vs. NCR or for that matter Stormcloaks vs. Empire. They also way over-hate Fallout 3 for being different than the originals — For example, complaining the character always comes out of Vault 101 when 1 and 2 also gave you defined origins or complaining about the shooting but apparently not having a problem with the same engine in NV.
Most normies played and liked both. I like both though I agree New Vegas is a little better.
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was right with you until you rated FO3 above "literal dogshit", KEEP YOURSELF SAFE and have a nice day
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What is your problem with it? I can accept complaints about the writing and the overall narrative - it is a bit too neurospicy for everyone, but do you have problems with the actual gameplay component? I find that FO3 handles moment-to-moment gameplay much better than Oblivion.
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Little weapon variety, the color pallette used for the game is hideous and not in a good "this fits the setting" way, world feels very empty, and DC itself just feels like a bunch of the same assets reused and reshuffled between a bunch of rooms.
Plotwise there's a lot of nonsensical, creatively bankrupt recycling of THINGS THAT PEOPLE RECOGNIZE AND WILL CLAP AT like Super Mutants and the Enclave.
Game just feels hollow and bland and isn't super exciting to explore
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Can't argue with that. Bethesda has no actual people dedicated to guns, so they always come out as uninspired in their games. New Vegas had the benefit of Sawyer's gun autism.
There are many ways to portray post-apocalypse. Mad Max and A Boy and His Dog are not the only examples of the genre. The green tint of FO3 makes me feel like the world is sick, with a miasma of radiation enveloping the atmosphere.
Almost like it is by intention. I prefer FO3's world to FO4's overpopulated mess.
Don't boot up the original games if this is a significant problem for you. Modern mega-cities are jungles of concrete and glass and if all of that falls down you will hardly separate which part belonged to which building.
Emil Pagliarulo is a terrible writer. He writes exclusively cringe-kino without even realising it. I love him
I feel like the game nails the isolation aspect of post-apocalypse quite well. It definitely has an overbearing atmosphere of dread. It's not as bad as Kenshi, for example, but it is still pretty grim
I find it fun
Most of our disagreements are subjective. There is no definite way to do post-apocalypse and every one needs to find the interpretation that suits them. Just happens so that we have different views.
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