I'm right, you know I'm right, and there's no argument against my point. The old system sucked butt.
Baldur's gate sucked as a Real-time strategy and any attempt to make a turn-based ruleset into real-time is r-slurred. The new game is objectively superior without the shitty 90's era combat hamstringing it.
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Yeah nothing beats making every single little fight take 20 minutes to complete because you have to wait for everything to happen. All turn based does is artificially lengthen the game so they can claim it takes X hours.
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my game based off of a tabletop turn based game is.... le turn based? How could this happen to me?
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Yes fights can be made difficult, engaging and fun as compared to a 30 seconds of pain inducing pausing or 5 seconds of auto fighting.
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I have never had a fight take 20 minutes to complete because my brain isn't missing. if you only have a single character in the party or something sure but you can basically one tap most mobs with any non r-slurred build
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What is the point of "shitty little fights?"
Do they make the game more fun?
Do they make the game more challenging?
They exist ONLY to pad out the runtime. In actual D&D, you don't have shitty little fights, as shit-tier enemies will fail their morale rolls and run away. The only place shitty little fights have in D&D is when you're dungeon delving out in the wilderness, and they exist to waste your limited resources. When a full heal is the "rest" button away and you don't have to keep track of your food and water, shitter fights are pointless.
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not to mention you can dialog your way out of most fights in the game, so far I suspect the only one you can't is the tutorial ones
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Its for coop. I dont know why people play larian games alone.
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I swear dramaposters have worked themselves to the point where they just post the most r-slurred shit, thinking they're the 1% of freethinkers and no one else is as smart as they are
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As is tradition.
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Because my gf will take otherwise take 10 minutes to plan out a move on an enemy that will automatically die from a status condition the instant she hits end turn.
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Lmao, drink when you play and have her wear something slutty.
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Just hit everyone twice with your great weapons
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