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Baldur's gate sucked as a Real-time strategy and any attempt to make a turn-based ruleset into real-time is r-slurred. The new game is objectively superior without the shitty 90's era combat hamstringing it.

I'm right, you know I'm right, and there's no argument against my point. The old system sucked butt.

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Yeah nothing beats making every single little fight take 20 minutes to complete because you have to wait for everything to happen. All turn based does is artificially lengthen the game so they can claim it takes X hours.

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my game based off of a tabletop turn based game is.... le turn based? How could this happen to me?


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Yes fights can be made difficult, engaging and fun as compared to a 30 seconds of pain inducing pausing or 5 seconds of auto fighting.

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I have never had a fight take 20 minutes to complete because my brain isn't missing. if you only have a single character in the party or something sure but you can basically one tap most mobs with any non r-slurred build

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>every single little fight take 20 minutes to complete

What is the point of "shitty little fights?"

Do they make the game more fun?

Do they make the game more challenging?

They exist ONLY to pad out the runtime. In actual D&D, you don't have shitty little fights, as shit-tier enemies will fail their morale rolls and run away. The only place shitty little fights have in D&D is when you're dungeon delving out in the wilderness, and they exist to waste your limited resources. When a full heal is the "rest" button away and you don't have to keep track of your food and water, shitter fights are pointless.

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not to mention you can dialog your way out of most fights in the game, so far I suspect the only one you can't is the tutorial ones

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Its for coop. I dont know why people play larian games alone.

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I swear dramaposters have worked themselves to the point where they just post the most r-slurred shit, thinking they're the 1% of freethinkers and no one else is as smart as they are

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As is tradition.

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Because my gf will take otherwise take 10 minutes to plan out a move on an enemy that will automatically die from a status condition the instant she hits end turn.

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Lmao, drink when you play and have her wear something slutty.

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Just hit everyone twice with your great weapons

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I have been loving BG3 but something I've realized is that a game that's “based on the DND rule set!!!” just translates to “65% of time spent during combat encounters is just watching people miss their attacks”.

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yeah completely valid, the dnd stuff is probably the worst part of the game, but you can't really get around it considering that's the entire point of the game. they do have a rng babymode to help, but it's still part of the game :marseyshrug:

However if you miss regularly you suck lol make a better build

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It's pretty fun but it does feel a bit hampered by the 5e ruleset.

Gonna be sick to play the 3.5 full conversion mod in 2 years :marseyboomer:

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hopefully the modding scene for custom campaigns pops off in this one. DOS2 had support for it but nobody really did anything with it :marseyitsover:

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IDK they should have done what the new final fantasy game did and make it a cool action game


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should've made it a souls-like with the 5e ruleset :marsoy#hype:

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>souls-like with the 5e ruleset



What does Ghibli and D&D 5e have in common? NOTHING!

You should be making an original Ghibli system, not a 5e hack for it!

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I'm against this sentiment because 5E makes everyone who actually cares mad by targeting brainless consooomers, which is good for dramacoin

I hope they release a half life 5e campaign soon & make it canon so literally everyone tangentally involved to both the half life community & non-r-slur tabletop community gets angry as heck

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>You should remake a working system everyone already knows purely for no other reason than to be different!


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>Oath still gets mad about DnD being the only system people play


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No it should be a F2P FPS

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Darn that would be pretty sick

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no it wouldn't lol, dark souls combat is only remotely good because of the consistency. if you had to roll for rng every time you attack it'd suck peepee

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Yeah no shit wtf did u mean by souls like combat then? Rolling?

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I unno I just threw together a reddit-esq sentence with less thought behind it than most pizzashill posts. did you honestly expect anything more than that?

What the frick would dark souls with a 5e ruleset even look like?

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Maybe just a dark souls game set in Faerun, I could totally enjoy fighting a Beholder with some Guts-sized greatsword and trying to roll out of its petrification lasers

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Elden ring already pretty much is that lol

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I wanted to make fun of drama users serious posting about gameplay changes

Then I remembered how disappointed I was about Yakuza Like a Dragon.......

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"change bad cels" seething over "the old system sucked and it's why the brand never got popular" chads

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Baldurs Gate in the 90s was never going appeal to the mainstream audience lmao, it works now because Fantasy is wayyyy more popular now than it was then.

Neighbors forget LOTR made fantasy mainstream

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Baldurs Gate in the 90s was never going appeal to the mainstream audience lmao

yeah because the combat sucked butt. if the combat was good it'd have more behind it than remakes of 90s games

neighbors forget LOTR made fantasy mainstream

Harry potter did r-slur, like 2% of the people playing D&D know how to read anything more in depth than that.

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Dungeons and Dragons invented turn based combat and now these nerds are bitching.

The time to b-word was over 50 years ago

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Dungeons and Dragons invented turn based combat

chess did, r-slur

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What's a rooks AC?

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I hope in 2nd Edition Chess that they give Bishops more spell slots per day

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They can't even resurrect fallen pieces.

Unplayable class

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Idk, I just activated all the auto pause options and it was fine. :marseyshrug:

Feels nostalgic re-litigating the topic after more than 20 years. Now Arcanum, that was a terrible combat system. :marseyboomer:

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"I set it up to pause every turn so I can take my actions like it's a turn based game"


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I just spammed harm the entire game. Killed everything including the final boss. You dont have to pause in the game, ever.

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I tried to play this game but either I would pass out every 4 seconds or I would take a gun and miss everything

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"I just spammed one button the entire game because the system was shit"


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I was 15 on release and just liked that you could kill every npc in the game. To its credit, you could plant explosives on people. Its how i killed the entire first major town.

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@kaamrev get your neurodivergent rage on

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you hate me because you ain't me :marseyindignant:

and because you can't argue against it. 90's baldur's gate sucked balls, durrrr. gayte.

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Now i know it's turn based i might get it...

After i finish Encased, Wasteland 2 and Expeditions Rome.

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Is wasteland 2 good?

I played wasteland 3 and it seemed like it was written by and for redditors.

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I liked Wasteland 3 so i guess you wouldn't like Wasteland 2.

The OG Wasteland was the origin of all the wacky jokes and chucklesome fun from Fallout so it's not for everyone i guess.

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I enjoyed the gameplay just thought the writing was a little hack, I mean the big bad is literally called "The Patriarch"

I love fallout, New Vegas is in my top three games of all time.

Idk maybe I will give it a try, not like anything new is grabbing my attention anyway.

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Big Bad in Wastelands 1&2 was called Cochise.


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2 is pretty good. Didn't finish it but it's fun.

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Literally the only way too make the old system work was too script all but you're main characters too auto fight. No point in that.

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Darn right sister :marse#yblm:


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OR you can do what Dragon Age Origins and FF12 did and let you program your party members' AI to the point where they play 90% of the game themselves

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Admins. please do the needful and suspend this man's account for posting off topic content. this is a serious discussion about how the series always sucked and was never popular because of it's r-slurred combat

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@BimothyX1 would like too add that there are plenty of better games than baldurs gate, with better character creation, story, etc. But they all try too to rtwp or combine rtwp and TB. And none of them are even remotely successful compared too baldurs gate.

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Solasta is ok for mini runs.

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Im willing to try them. List please?

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Both pathfinder games (wrath of the righteous being amazing), both pillars of eternity games.

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Both combat systems are frankly tedious. Oh great, my sorc can cast 3 spells before they're useless how gripping. Rpg elements are great for the storytelling and can be integrated into a good combat system but frankly BG is an easily exploitable mess while at the same time being unnecessarily complicated.


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that's bound to happen with anything based off of d&d, but it being turn based is inarguably better

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I said it in the other thread: Real-time with pause is just turn-based with extra steps. You're just going to pause every time you go to assign an action to a unit which is exactly what turn-based does.

Real time without pause is definitely a completely different feeling of game, but Baldur's Gate isn't that.

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Your story hit me very hard Gabby. I'm a 28 yo guy who didn't think he can get affected by stories like this but I haven't slept the past 3 nights and can't do anything productive seeing your face crying for help but no one around to save you everywhere I go.

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If you thought people were listening to greasy neckbeards trying to argue their obtuse, non-functional system requiring more buttons than a Cold War era jet to operate then you're mistaken.

Also that DLC whatever they did was utter dogshit.

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