Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #28

Did you know it's two weeks until Starfield? I bet you didn't consider that, huh?

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I am quite aware of Stafield's impeding release :marseywait: as the last two months of my gayming experience have been dedicated to Bethesda shlock:!pointgun::toddhoward: pure ludokino, as I attempt to elevate my experience to an unprecedented height :marseysheercliff:

I tried something similar with Cyberpunk in 2020, by spending the entire month of November consuming cyberpunk media - from Gibson and Peepee essentials :marseyreading: all the way to the misguided ‘90s "genre" films (no matrix marsey, curious). This managed to soften the blow of the game's release quite a lot - I still have rather fond memories of my first playthough of Cyberpunk, as either by luck or wilful ignorance I didn't encounter that many bugs and certainly nothing of the sort the “funny” compilations would show in the ensuing months :marseybsod: Ironically, I never managed to fully replay Cyberpunk, as any of my subsequent attempts were met with either gamebreaking bugs :marseybug2: or some visual tomfoolery that took me out of the experience, despite the countless patches and fixes the developers now boast about. Somehow the infamous launch version played better, at least in my personal experience, which was heavily influenced by my month of media preparation. I can't even imagine what my current “pilgrimage” will do to my experience with Starfield :daydream:

I am all the way into Skyrim now, having completed Oblivion and very efficiently running through the entirety of Fallout 3 in a single week. As it was brought to my attention last time I posted in this threads, my perception of certain cultural aspects of ‘00s gaming can be a bit skewed :mersya: Whether this is my age :marseyboomer: :!zoomertears:or my terminal midwittery :marseysmoothbrain:showing, I may never know.

I don't have any grand ideas about Oblivion and Fallout 3, outside of things that I already previously mentioned in vidya threads. TES IV was an over-ambitious and sincere attempt of creating a living open world, which suffered somewhat from trying to appeal to an audience way broader than that of Morrowind :marseydagothur: Riding on the coattails of the LoTR films :marseythegrey: and turning the jungles of Cyrodiil into British countryside might've been a step too far, especially considering that with Skyrim they chose to embrace the weirder aspects of the the TES world once again. Many have drawn parallels between Mehrunes Dagon and Satan and how simplified and generic the main plot turned out to be, unless you are huffing copium :marseycope: about Martin being Dagon's champion in the daedra lord's plot to kill off the Septim dynasty. Still, appealing to normies is what made Bethesda the 7.5 billion company it is today, so my complaints can only go so far :marseyshapiro:

Fallout 3 always had an uneasy task of modernising a franchise inherently characteristic of late ‘90s pc gaming with a rabid audience to boot :marseyoverseether: Many would hate it just for its mere existence, as a sort of desecration of the dead, but I was in the minority that knew that Fallout: Tactics and Brotherhood already existed and that nothing could really be worse or less uninspired than those installments :marseyclueless: As I previously said - I like Fallout 3 :marseyindignant: I think it did it's job quite well, carrying the tones of the original games (yes, including the plot points :marseyeyeroll:) while maintaining a modern take on the gameplay. Few mention how many assets were actually redrawn from the original isometric models and genuine care was shown to the spirit of the Black Isle games :marseyembrace: The aspect of isolation and decay in Fallout 3 can only be beaten by the random encounters in the original games, where the wailing of the wasteland winds invoked a sense of dread and lost hope that I rarely encounter in games :marseyscared: either post-apocalyptic or not. I won't get into the “what do they eat?!” and “pre-war jet” arguments, as I find them too pedantic even for my own taste :marseybruh2: :!marseyakshually: Suspension of disbelief still needs to be applied to any form of media to appreciate it most fully :marseysmug:

I am unironocally loving the fact that we two weeks away from launch and we still have no proper exposition demo or vertical slice of Starfield available :marseythinkorino: It means either the game will be an outstanding case of impotent marketing or it will be a total ludojank clusterfrick with no survivors :!marseybane: I will be happy with either outcome, since I believe Bethesda's jank to be a significant contributor to their games' soul. I am looking forward to Starfield, may Todd be my witness :toddhoward:

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Fallout :marseyfallout: fricking :marseytom: owns and I'm tired :marseywoozy: of people pretending it doesn't

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I love all of the mainline entries and New Vegas, the latter being my most played game in the franchise. I think it hits the golden middle where Bethesda engine jank and good writing with world design work together in unison to deliver the most ludo experience possible.

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The only thing that puts 3 above new Vegas :marseysecuritron: for me is the percentage based :marseychadyes: skill checks. Hard cap skill checks killed :marseyconfuseddead: the immersion so hard in new Vegas :marseyburnedman:

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Whatever man. I hate having 10 charisma and 100 speech and still failing speech checks.

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Skill issue. Real life is a variable

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It's not even consistent in Fallout 3. If it mentions that you can do something because of a certain skill like science or repair, for example repairing a machine or reprogramming President Eden, you'll always be able to do it. Only a few random things like speech are percentage based.

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Yes, just like real life. No matter :marseyjurisdiction: how suave you are, someone might not always agree :marseyyesandnosuperspeed: with you. However repairing a robot :marseyoptimusprime: is a straightforward you know or you don't. Notice :marsey911roofer: how speech :marseyfreezepeach: and barter are subjective while science :marseychimera: and repair are objective

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By that logic speech checks on computers like Eden or MARGoT should always succeed :marseyshapiro:

And if realism's what you want than you may as well delete the save the next time your character takes a bullet to the head, since medicine as easy as stimpacks doesn't exist in real life.

And if you're gonna say that's how it works in Fallout, I'll just say the Courier's perfect speech is just how it works on the West Coast.

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I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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You already said that once!

I am not sending you any more pics, longpostbot!

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