Weekly ‘What Games Are You Playing' thread #28

Did you know it's two weeks until Starfield? I bet you didn't consider that, huh?

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I am quite aware of Stafield's impeding release :marseywait: as the last two months of my gayming experience have been dedicated to Bethesda shlock:!pointgun::toddhoward: pure ludokino, as I attempt to elevate my experience to an unprecedented height :marseysheercliff:

I tried something similar with Cyberpunk in 2020, by spending the entire month of November consuming cyberpunk media - from Gibson and Peepee essentials :marseyreading: all the way to the misguided ‘90s "genre" films (no matrix marsey, curious). This managed to soften the blow of the game's release quite a lot - I still have rather fond memories of my first playthough of Cyberpunk, as either by luck or wilful ignorance I didn't encounter that many bugs and certainly nothing of the sort the “funny” compilations would show in the ensuing months :marseybsod: Ironically, I never managed to fully replay Cyberpunk, as any of my subsequent attempts were met with either gamebreaking bugs :marseybug2: or some visual tomfoolery that took me out of the experience, despite the countless patches and fixes the developers now boast about. Somehow the infamous launch version played better, at least in my personal experience, which was heavily influenced by my month of media preparation. I can't even imagine what my current “pilgrimage” will do to my experience with Starfield :daydream:

I am all the way into Skyrim now, having completed Oblivion and very efficiently running through the entirety of Fallout 3 in a single week. As it was brought to my attention last time I posted in this threads, my perception of certain cultural aspects of ‘00s gaming can be a bit skewed :mersya: Whether this is my age :marseyboomer: :!zoomertears:or my terminal midwittery :marseysmoothbrain:showing, I may never know.

I don't have any grand ideas about Oblivion and Fallout 3, outside of things that I already previously mentioned in vidya threads. TES IV was an over-ambitious and sincere attempt of creating a living open world, which suffered somewhat from trying to appeal to an audience way broader than that of Morrowind :marseydagothur: Riding on the coattails of the LoTR films :marseythegrey: and turning the jungles of Cyrodiil into British countryside might've been a step too far, especially considering that with Skyrim they chose to embrace the weirder aspects of the the TES world once again. Many have drawn parallels between Mehrunes Dagon and Satan and how simplified and generic the main plot turned out to be, unless you are huffing copium :marseycope: about Martin being Dagon's champion in the daedra lord's plot to kill off the Septim dynasty. Still, appealing to normies is what made Bethesda the 7.5 billion company it is today, so my complaints can only go so far :marseyshapiro:

Fallout 3 always had an uneasy task of modernising a franchise inherently characteristic of late ‘90s pc gaming with a rabid audience to boot :marseyoverseether: Many would hate it just for its mere existence, as a sort of desecration of the dead, but I was in the minority that knew that Fallout: Tactics and Brotherhood already existed and that nothing could really be worse or less uninspired than those installments :marseyclueless: As I previously said - I like Fallout 3 :marseyindignant: I think it did it's job quite well, carrying the tones of the original games (yes, including the plot points :marseyeyeroll:) while maintaining a modern take on the gameplay. Few mention how many assets were actually redrawn from the original isometric models and genuine care was shown to the spirit of the Black Isle games :marseyembrace: The aspect of isolation and decay in Fallout 3 can only be beaten by the random encounters in the original games, where the wailing of the wasteland winds invoked a sense of dread and lost hope that I rarely encounter in games :marseyscared: either post-apocalyptic or not. I won't get into the “what do they eat?!” and “pre-war jet” arguments, as I find them too pedantic even for my own taste :marseybruh2: :!marseyakshually: Suspension of disbelief still needs to be applied to any form of media to appreciate it most fully :marseysmug:

I am unironocally loving the fact that we two weeks away from launch and we still have no proper exposition demo or vertical slice of Starfield available :marseythinkorino: It means either the game will be an outstanding case of impotent marketing or it will be a total ludojank clusterfrick with no survivors :!marseybane: I will be happy with either outcome, since I believe Bethesda's jank to be a significant contributor to their games' soul. I am looking forward to Starfield, may Todd be my witness :toddhoward:

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Fallout :marseyfallout: fricking :marseytom: owns and I'm tired :marseywoozy: of people pretending it doesn't

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I love all of the mainline entries and New Vegas, the latter being my most played game in the franchise. I think it hits the golden middle where Bethesda engine jank and good writing with world design work together in unison to deliver the most ludo experience possible.

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The only thing that puts 3 above new Vegas :marseysecuritron: for me is the percentage based :marseychadyes: skill checks. Hard cap skill checks killed :marseyconfuseddead: the immersion so hard in new Vegas :marseyburnedman:

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Whatever man. I hate having 10 charisma and 100 speech and still failing speech checks.

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Skill issue. Real life is a variable

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It's not even consistent in Fallout 3. If it mentions that you can do something because of a certain skill like science or repair, for example repairing a machine or reprogramming President Eden, you'll always be able to do it. Only a few random things like speech are percentage based.

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Yes, just like real life. No matter :marseyjurisdiction: how suave you are, someone might not always agree :marseyyesandnosuperspeed: with you. However repairing a robot :marseyoptimusprime: is a straightforward you know or you don't. Notice :marsey911roofer: how speech :marseyfreezepeach: and barter are subjective while science :marseychimera: and repair are objective

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By that logic speech checks on computers like Eden or MARGoT should always succeed :marseyshapiro:

And if realism's what you want than you may as well delete the save the next time your character takes a bullet to the head, since medicine as easy as stimpacks doesn't exist in real life.

And if you're gonna say that's how it works in Fallout, I'll just say the Courier's perfect speech is just how it works on the West Coast.

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I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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You already said that once!

I am not sending you any more pics, longpostbot!

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dude bussy lmao

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Just completed amnesia rebirth great game i think as good as dark descent in scare department, but ruined by bullshit handholding if you get caught by the ghouls chasing you you get posseed by a ghoul who completes the level for you or when you come back the enemy has despawned. Why even make a game if you dont want us to play. There is literally a safe mode too. Atleast i didnt pay for this shit.

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Finally got a clear of Hades... then another... and another... and another...

Honestly this game got worse to me after I learned what I should be building on each weapon

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Many cases :marseymanysuchcases:

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It's like making it a roguelike was just a way to pad out the story IMO, individual heat levels barely add any difficulty but the game doesn't incentivize you adding multiple at a time... in fact it wants you to go through them one by one. Makes me p unhopeful for Hades 2...

Also on another note it's funny how Hades probably took the least risks gameplaywise and was by far their biggest hit, still plays WAY fricking smoother then Transistor did.

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Ugh, transistor... It's really :marseythinkorino2: weird :marseyshiftyeyes: how much rogue likes seem to have downhill despite :marseybipocattentionseeker: only having two or three :marseydilbert: genre defining titles

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WDYM there are a billion successful roguelikes after replacing the entire arcade genre? Even adding in roguelike mechanics to the detriment of the game itself like Zun's current attempts to with UM and HBM.

Just take an old beloved game and add in roguelike mechanics (maybe CARD mechanics if you feel fance :marseywink: ) and you got yourself a game that'll at least make 100k

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I'm definitely r-slurred :marseycrayoneater: so all I know is Isaac, Transistor abd hades. But also I was referring to the quality :marseycertified: going :marseysalmaid: downhill, I'm regularly disappointed :marseyrain: by popular rogue likes

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The only games I play anymore are Genshin impact and iracing

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Finally getting around to playing Star Wars: Fallen Order. Controls feel pretty clunky for a platformer. It's no Jedi Outcast, but the combat is decent.

Patiently awaiting Starfield.

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:enguarde:Subnautica. Been getting high and drunk off my butt and exploring the deeps, cool shit

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I played that till the base building started.

Then it became a "hunt resources to build base" game and it's just tidious.

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Near perfect game. Lucky you playing the final version with the updated BZ stuff

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Whatcha mean? Was it shit before

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No, they just back ported a good number of base building stuff like pinning recipes and adding some buildings. Nice stuff that improves the game and kills pretty much any reason to play the second

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Will I have this automatically from downloading the game on steam now or is it a mod I need to use?

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https://unknownworlds.com/subnautica/subnautica-living-large-update-released/ it's just in the game, they really added pretty much everything from the second to the first (base building wise)

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Ive never played the original Red Dead Redpemption though I downloaded it for switch. I'm still stuCk playing TOTK

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Played through Half Life 2 and the episodes. Had a mixed experience. They looked great, story was interesting, levels were nice, but the gunplay sucked. Most of the guns were boring to use. I only liked the shotgun, pulse rifle, and crossbow. I did the 'One Free Bullet' achievement for Episode 1 to avoid having to use guns. I did enjoy the gunplay more in Episode 2 though. IDK if it was stockholm syndrome or if they made some changes behind the scenes but it was more fun. I also did the gnome achievement which was suprisingly not as tedious as I expected. I think they designed the game around the achievement, there were a load of spots where you can just leave it and pick it back up later. I only needed to babysit it during the car section.

Now that Half Life is over, I started a replay of Homefront: The Revolution. Picked it up with the dlc for really cheap I few years ago. Remember having a blast with it. It's an above average Far Cry clone. The setting is cool, it's a little cheesey, gunplay is good if a little clunky. I'm having fun with it. Definitely an overhated game. Once I've beaten it, I'll check out the mod that lets you play the Timesplitters 2 remaster that they hid within this game.

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All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander

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Been playing mobile games (I really like Guidus and Iron Marines). Cool base games but the state of mobile games...

First they draw you in

The first week? it's usually smooth, easy gameplay, plenty of bonuses, plenty of currency. You breeze through the game and get your dopamine fixes and establish the game as a reliable, easy source of dopamine. Lots of rewards, flashy sounds, fun...

Then they hold out on you

Currencies run out. Easy levels are just JUST barely manageable. It's more luck than skill. Boy you sure wish you had bought that 1 revive or 1 small bonus push from microtransactions to make it through. You want to play more? Ooops, you're out of energy, gotta wait a bit. Wanna buy more?

Then they go cold turkey

This is when you hit a hard paywall. What you have is no longer enough to get you past the level. Those small free bonuses that you get don't even cut it. If you want to play more, you HAVE to pay. That's the thing; paying doesn't make the game fair, it makes it like a breeze till the bonuses run out. Then you're back to... This.

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Started a Cataclysm BN run this week, after getting fed up with a busted save for Cataclysm DDA. I'm honestly really enjoying it - things WORK and it's more ridiculous (because rather absurd mods) and less neurodivergent (because no Kevin & co)

I started out with my old favorite; broken cyborg in a lab start. Basically, I've got a few useful bionics, a bunch that inflict small penalties, and two that will outright kill me if I don't get them removed within a couple weeks (faster if I don't take care of myself.) I managed to explore most of the lab and found an autodoc (that could take out those bad implants) but no anesthetic, so it wouldn't perform surgery. I had to escape the lab, fight/evade (mostly evade) through the countryside into a town, where I found anesthetic (and another autodoc) in a hospital. After some tense moments and a surgical mishap, I'm now living my best life in a two story house on the edge of a small city. Having a blast!

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The ultimate sleepover game in elementary school. Found an emulator that lets you play coop. Been a good nostalgia blast

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The N64 one was the shit, what a great game

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The ultimate sleepover game

:marseyhesright: friends and I would play the frick out of this and smash bros brawl, turned from sleepovers to then we'd just meet up and play at night 4-5 times a week. Had a running tally of wins in smash, played first to 100 that summer but then extended to 1000 because we played so much:marseyautism:

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I love Gauntlet :marseyletsfuckinggo2: Idk which version but I remember my old daycare had it as an arcade game. Their version didn't require quarters so we could get through the entire game as long as no one let the timer count down.

You just unlocked an old memory of mine. I remember the black lady with the yellow dress and her hips exposed was one of my first character crushes :marseyblush:

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Yeah the yellow character options were all black which is oddly progressive for a 2000s era game

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oh yeah, i remember this game. i think last time i beat it on dolphin it crashed towards the last level or one of the runestones never spawned. way too fun for how bad it was. ever play lost kingdoms? another forgotten gamecube classic

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I have not I'll have to check it out. I'm in the last zone before the end game right now and haven't experienced any bugs like that yet so hopefully it's fixed

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If I remember right, it was just one of the runestones didn't appear so I couldn't go kill Grom or whatever his name was.

Lost Kingdoms is a weird butt game. It's From Soft's attempt at making a Pokemon/Yugioh game. Like you could say it's real time Yugioh the TV show and it wouldn't be far off.

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I tried to play Wayfinder

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Still fricking around with CK3 until BG3 comes out for PS5 (waiting to play it couch co-op with the wife). I totally forgot Starfield was a thing, ngl.

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>I totally forgot Starfield was a thing


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I have a PC too, I'm still gonna play it if it's any good.

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I'm gonna play it on Xbox for now until I build a new gaming PC. Most of the components in my current one are 10 years old. Should give some time for mod community to figure it's shit out.

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Finished playing doom 2016 for the first time, played on ultra violence. Had an absolute blast, will start with eternal tmw.

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When that's over I'm thinking of emulating this game, I vaguely remember loving it as a child and it randomly pops in my head every so often, anyone else played it?


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I love this game, I have a physical copie but it's kind of a pain to get working.

Wish there was a full version of this

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Wrath of the Righteous. BG3 coming out reminded me I had gotten it on sale at some point and I liked Kingmaker. Its scratching that Pathfinder itch since Covid dissolved my irl group, but Jesus frick the army mechanics are such a slog

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Same, although the army stuff doesn't bother me as much after you get a good army going. Plus, every once in a while this buggy mess of a game throws you a bone and it's great. For example, a stack of one of those big grasshopper things :marseymooncricket: attacked my stack of 15 shieldbearers and somehow I ended with 208 of them :marseyluckycat:.

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Yeah once I got the basics down and realized archers are the best unit so far its been easier. Also good general abilities help a lot.

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the army mechanics are such a slog

Tell me more? I also bought that game but never played it.

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It looks like an implementation of troops mechanics from pen and paper pathfinder, you have different unit types on essentially a chess board. It's just very unituitive and a little punishing at first while you're trying to figure it out. As @bogged said, it's gets a lot better once you get a good army figured out. Still, it'd kind of be like if the witcher 3 made you play gwent games to progress the main story.

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okay but gwent was my fav part

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Gwent was great, but it still would have not been good game design to require winning some gwent games in order to play the main story

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I've been making an age of empires 2 map. I sure hope i don't lose interest before it's finished

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Did you know it's two weeks until Starfield?


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New PoE league

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Same. The sanctums being trading items now is crazy lol

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Still on my massive game backlog. I'm mainly trying to finish up Final Fantasy XIII but it's such a long shitpost of a game. I've also wrapped my nostalgic trip through Fallout 3. Occasionally I'll dip into random games for cheevos like the Dead or Alive 6 demo or some classic namco games that were only three dollars.

Pretty soon I'll try and sit down for either Mass Effect 3 to wrap up my Legendary Edition 100% completion or maybe Dark Souls 2 which I've never played before.

In the future I'm hyped as frick for Armored Core and Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm.

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Mass Effect 3 was much better when I replayed it with the Legendary Edition last year. I usually would have replayed it back when all of the dlcs had finished dropping, but the ending had soured my experience with the game so much I never looked at it again. But, it turns out the dlc actually helped a lot to round out the game. Also I subsequently had years of experience in being disappointed by AAA series so the kinda shit end didn't bother me as much this time

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Yeah that was always a pinecone in my anus about ME3, yeah it's actually alright with the DLC but people forget there was a version without the dlc, heck I forget often that Javihk isn't in the base game

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I've long since come to terms with the ending lol.

Outside of a few other hiccups like the kid in Shepard's dream or Kai Leng being wherever the plot needs him to be, the game's writing is fine or at least the character writing remains fine. The gunplay is still great and I love how Shepard's level carries over from ME2 so I can start the game running and continue the build from there.

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The decisions from the previous games ultimately boiling down to numbers and not having any real effects will always bother me. If you kill the Rachni Queen in ME1, and never let Grunt out of his tank in ME2, the mission where you have to deal with the Reapers having a Rachni Queen still plays out the same, you just have a vague personal connection to it.

Edit: but the game still let's me shoot Udina, so it gets 7/10

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Idk I still feel things a way to chilllax on the citadel for a galaxy wide apocalypse, game was super babbeh dumbed down too

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I've long since come to terms with the ending lol.

I'm not mad anymore. It only took a decade and lots of therapy.

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Yeah in hindsight I feel like a jackass for ragging on the game so hard. Also I got neurodivergentally into the combat arena in the shoreleave dlc, unironically probably put 40 hrs into that shit

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I'm still on the same Workers and Resources save. Finally balanced out my income, but I'm back to having to expand, which is a painful process. Also been playing AoE3 with my buddies, and making a serious attempt at Cookie Clicker.

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!nwahs can I get uhhhhh… ash yam burger with sujamma?

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Get me some Scrib nuggets while you´re there.

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Northgard while I leave our dwarf fortress game on pause as I try and figure out how to deal with 4 undead super killers and 20 undead zombies.

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War Thunder :marseydeadinside2:

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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We are losing our minds grinding the event :marseyexcited:

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@Bookers is still playing Cyber:marseytrain:.

I've been playing it for like 2 months now tbh.

cyber trans lives matter

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Playing HoI4, trying to conquer the world since I never did. But I'm at around 30h on this one save and I only have most of Asia, and Canada so I'll probably need more than 40h to finish...

Canada was actually such a cuck nation I got it's entire teritory in peace conference, even though I have never set my foot there.

Starfield will probably suck, but I'm still very curious how it turns out anyway.

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Curious about Starfield too. I hope it's not like Fallout 4 where combat took over almost everything else.

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Genshin Impact

Fontaine is here b-words

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such a disappointment that this was a dude, Lynette is a cutie though

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Also Starfield is gonna suck lol, can't wait for you nerds to get mad about it

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gamepass chads stay winning

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i preinstalled starfield it's 140 fricking gb

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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.

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