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EFFORTPOST Obscure Vidya Kino: Post great but obscure games most people have never heard of :marseyrare:

Post anything and everything !g*mers. If I haven't heard of it, I want to. As long as it's good.

And don't be afraid to longpost a little. I certainly will with my entry :marseythumbsup:


As for me, I humbly submit Gihren's Greed, a Gundam themed grand strategy game set in the original series timeline. (Universal Century) It's honestly the perfect “fan game” and a love letter to the series as a whole. It's not another strategy game with Gundam assets slapped on. Rather, the entire game is built around Gundam lore first and foremost. Like the board game Axis and Allies, it is intentionally unbalanced and somewhat linear so as to better simulate the “history” of Gundam. :marseygundam:

The game is military management with strategic and tactical elements. The player controls one of the major factions of the setting and works to defeat any and all enemies. Each OG Gundam anime is its own time period so you'll have to potentially face multiple wars — i.e. Char's Zeon only has to face the Federation in UC 93, but the hegemonic Federation starts in 79 and has to face the Zeon Monarchy, then the Delaz fleet, then the Titans/AEUG, then Axis Zeon, and then Char's Zeon remnants. It's kinda neat though since you can choose your own campaign length based on which faction you pick.


Like Axis and Allies, the game tries to replicate the “conditions” of each faction and can be downright unfair. For the One Year War, the game's first time period, the conflict is set up not unlike WWII with the Allies inspired Earth Federation having a superior industrial capacity and the Axis inspired Principality of Zeon having better technology and initial soldiers. In Gundam the Zeon were also the ones to invent mobile suits, the giant robots that the series revolves around, and it took the Federation half the war to finally build their own. :marseyzaku:

Sure enough, the Zeon player enjoys several turns of complete dominance where your robots can literally curbstomp the primitive 21st century tanks and jets that stand in your way. The tradeoff is that you need to capture enough territory to prevent the Federation's superior economy from drowning you when they do counterattack.

Conversely, the Federation player is stuck with those same tanks and jets for a time and must struggle to survive. It'll be several turns before you invent a tank with arms, and the titular Gundam is locked until a story event. :marseyexcitedexosuit:

Win conditions also vary, often railroading you into canon strategies. The Federation can capture all of Zeon as soon as your successes allow you to, but Zeon can't win without taking the Federation's underground base at Jaburo. You can attack Jaburo conventionally by having Char find an underground entrance, or you can fund a flying cannon called Apsalus, or you can deorbit a space station directly on top of where Zeon believes Jaburo to be. If these three actions can't be taken for some reason, you're destined for a draw at best.

Other periods have their own quirks. In the following Zeta Gundam timeframe, the Federation is in the awkward position of having to choose between the Titans and AEUG and your unit roster depends on this decision. The Titans are well paid but evil PMCs so they get more mobile suits and pilots, but their pilot skills cap out early. The AEUG are the quirky resistance fighters with plot armor, so while they start with little to work with and have less mobile suits, the pilots they do get are plot armor protected and some of the best in the game. Flash forward to CCA and the Federation is theoretically at the height of its power, but you must take specific steps to stop Char's schemes or you'll suffer heavily. Meanwhile Char has few mobile suits and pilots to work with, but he can smash an asteroid into the Earth to make it laughably easy to seize. The Principality can also take the Federation's place if it won the first war but suffers from a lack of protagonists. If the Feds can't stop Char's asteroid then war hero Amuro can use his psychic powers to stop the impact just like in the ‘88 movie. Zeon alas doesn't have any anime flavored burning justice, so you're SOL if you didn't win conventionally. :marseymushroomcloud:


True it its anime origins, Gihren's Greed has plot armor as a mechanic of sorts. Virtually every named character in Gundam as of a game's release will feature as a playable character with skills befitting their roles. Main characters like Amuro Ray and Char Aznable are unbeatable when all things are equal, and “ace” management is important. Named characters need to be countered with your own instead of unnamed grunts since they can kill entire fleets if left unchecked. :marseydose:

The game also replicates the events of the actual animes through event chains that the player may or may not go down. For example, the plot of Gundam ‘79 is told through events where the Federation player will usually choose between two options. If you follow canon, Amuro and friends and the original Gundam will be unplayable but will kill all the Zeon characters they're supposed to. Alternatively you can choose to annex the Gundam into the regular army and cancel the anime storyline. You get the characters and the resources directly, but the Zeon pilots they would have been occupied will also be added to the enemy's controllable roster.

Funnily enough, antagonist factions see these event chains from the other side. The Zeon player can make all the canon decisions of the Principality, but you will, of course, lose. Making smarter decisions instead allows you to change history by killing the Gundam and sparing the villains-of-the-day.

Knowledge of what happens in the anime is important since the wrong decisions can be very punishing, for instance the Federation will immediately lose the Gundam if you fail to resupply it when you're supposed to. Named characters are usually just injured when felled in battle, but story events will kill them permanently. Of course you can also ignore some of the event chains in favor of micromanagement if you feel you can use the characters better through direct control. Event chains are often high risk high reward. :marseyanime:


The game is mostly military but there is a morality system for every faction. There are neutral territories that can be occupied for :marseycoin: at the cost of a morality loss for every turn of occupation. Many event options also flip you one way or the other — sparing your enemies and not experimenting on people = good, using nukes or turning people into cyborg super soldiers or smashing large objects into the Earth = bad.

The game allows for all factions to go both ways and there can be advantages to either like bad Zeon getting more Newtypes plus easy ways into the Federation's main base whereas good Zeon can keep the more honorable pilots and commanders from rebelling. Some factions like the Titans play fairly differently depending on your morality. The good Titans can recruit Federation pilots and keep the loyalty of Paptimus while the bad Titans can mass produce cyber newtypes and make use of Bask Om's sneaky strategies. There's generally no reward for being in the middle though. In this instance, the centrist Titans would lose Paptimus and his followers while also not benefiting from the unique talents of lovable tyrant Bask Om.

That said, you actually get good guy points for every turn you spend not doing anything evil. You're free to take specific bad guy actions if you know what you'll get. Then you can just wait until the world forgets about anything you've done lol :marseyteehee:


For all the intentional anime shenanigans, Gihren's Greed is still a war game. Making the right decisions and using your protagonists correctly is strategic in its own way since the consequences come in the form of economic penalties or sudden enemy spawns or opportunity costs. Of course, you also need to build regular armies and fleets and manage technological research. Even Amuro will pop like a firecracker if he's still in the first Gundam when your enemies start fielding high tech units like post war Gelgoogs and Marasais. :marseyplanecrash:

The game has both currency and resources, and you can grind to a halt because you've run out of one but not the other. Units also come out of specific production centers so you need to keep these out of enemy hands. Faction balancing should be kept in mind like Zeon needing a blitzkrieg to close the economic differences with the Federation. You need to keep on top of tech so the enemy doesn't outpace you. You also need a diverse roster of units since there are varied combat scenarios and no one unit will handle them all. This also means going down different tech trees since, for example, more advanced air or aquatic units can't be fielded until you've researched their predecessors. Lastly there's an intelligence division to fund unless you're okay with never knowing what your enemy is doing and what they have. There's also espionage that allows you to steal enemy designs — your chances improve based on funding but what you steal is rng. This can actually change the course of campaigns if you're lucky, since the Feddies might steal a Zaku when they're stuck with tanks and the Zeon might be able to mass produce the Gundam itself.

Gihren's Greed also has a map for both Earth and space. The Earth is risk style, divided into territories and the continents. Earth's orbit is also important though since it allows you to drop units directly onto continents you don't otherwise have a foothold on. Same goes for the oceans. Space too has geography in the form of asteroid bases, the moon, and clusters of space stations called sides. The placement of everything in space matters, Federation base Luna II is close to Earth for example and can send reinforcements to the planet quicker than Zeon can through Side 3. Space is also interesting because the locations change with time periods. In the One Year War many sides are destroyed and the largest base is A Baoa Qu. Come the Gryps War and many sides are repaired and important again. Meanwhile a massive asteroid called Axis has appeared in what was empty space and obviously effects the routes you can take from place to place. :marseystars2:

In battle, geography forces that aforementioned unit diversity since regular ground units suffer in harsh conditions like mountain, snow, or desert and overworld features like mountain ranges and lakes force ground units to take detours. You'll want dedicated units to seize these territories and you'll want air transports so the slower mobile suits don't walk everywhere. The sky itself can be a battleground so you'll want fighters and add-ons for grounded mobile suits. In the OYW for instance you'll need to build flying sleds since no mobile suit can fly. Space is more fair but you'll need spaceships to act as motherships. These in turn need to be protected since mobile suits always beat spaceships in battle.

Most factions need to take Earth and space to win so part of the difficulty is managing both types of units. (Obviously things like submarines and jets don't function in space) This is another thing the factions aren't balanced on. Federation GMs are usually all purpose while Zeon mechs, though often superior in their chosen environment, are useless outside of it. Building too many ground units as Zeon can cost you the war if the Federation breaks out in space and takes Side 3 unopposed. :marseyhillarybackstab:

Lastly every battle must be approached tactically. Units are placed in ranks and some units are good frontliners while others need protecting. Proper placement is the difference between victory and defeat — snipers in front and Gundams in back can lose to even an inferior force while the correct placement can beat a numerically superior force. Even aces need to be placed correctly so they don't immediately draw fire and because some prefer ranged combat while others are better in melee.

And of course there are logistical units that can resupply or scout but can't fight. All in all Gihren's Greed is a balance of MIC management, tactics, and correctly navigating the main characters and event chains. You also need to understand the balance of each time period.

This game is the ultimate Gundam experience, and it's hard. :marseysociety2:



Gihren's Greed is obscure strategy kino and I daresay it's the most dedicated game ever made for a fandom. It is the ultimate Gundam compilation experience at the cost of being downright inaccessible to normies — as specialized and linear as Axis and Allies but for the benefit of a fictional setting.

Anyway, any spergy-gems you dramatards would like to share with the hole? :marseygem:

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There is this hidden indie gem called No Man's Sky



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Is it good? Im thinking of playing itnon Switch

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its maybe the best game to play nonverbally high of all time, super grindy tho

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Can't speak for the Switch but No Man's Sky lagged on my Xbox one so I've put it off until I get the new Xbox or a new pc. Dunno how well it would run on a Switch.

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Whe ins the fanfic results coming you trans lives matter liar?

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2D highly moddable space game where you lead a fleet and can colonize worlds.


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Very similar to mount and blade, in which the command/ general mode feels better to me, while starsector has much better combat as the protagonist. While empire management is pretty bad and neurodivergent in these games, in the first mount and blade this holds especially so.

If starsector counts as obscure, then the guy who made is really popular, the youtuber "SsethTzeentach" also does. If you like one game he covers, you probably like them all.

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Is Mount and Blade any good?

Also I actually found out about Sseth from the Starsector vid - I played it before he did.

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It's not as good as starsector, but still a top tier game. Worth playing if you like the medieval aesthetics.

It's an old game though: If you play as a female knight, you still get -strength +charisma and I think some lords are a bit misognist and will need more convincing to follow a queen. Also afaik there isn't any possibility of gay marriage if that is up your alley.

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Starsector is great. Who knew selling legal stuff through under-the-table channels can be this profitable?

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Skyrim, it's a real hidden gem!


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Thanks Todd :marseythumbsup:

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I heard it's really hard to find put on only one obscure console

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It's called Pokemon Yellow and it's different from Red, Blue, and Green because Pikachu is your starter and follows you around :marseynintendo:

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You actually get all the starters too, which is pretty out of character for those devs.

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Oh shit I forgot about that. It felt so OP and I was jazzed to larp as Ash.

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That's only the surfs up edition

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:chudsmug::chudglassesglow: Ahkshyulee... Pikachu would follow you in Yellow. I used a Game Genie to get my Surfing Pikachu, it just let you play a fetch surfing minigame.

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I don't know how obscure these games are, but I don't hear about them often:

Darkwood is an atmospheric horror/survival game about being stuck in an evil forest

Samorost are 3 point and click games from early 2000s that have unique photorealistic art design. It absolutely has that early flash game soul

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is a small arcadey game by microsoft about an UFO stuck on a weird planet. It isn't particularly impressive, but just looks very nice and is pleasant to play

I'd also add Northern Journey to this, but Mandalore made a video on it so I guess it's not obscure anymore

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Oh also Lost in Vivo is like the only horror game I actually got spooked by, but I think it might be more well known

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Your gundam game looks nice OP :marsey:

One from the late 90s/early 2000s that's very enjoyable but completely forgotten is Imperialism. It was a turn based strategy game about the industrial revolution, running from the 1820s to ww1. It simulated great power politics, industrial growth, urbanization, and so on.

I'd love a modern remake that would expand on it, the only thing it lacks is internal politics I think. There was a sequel based on the colonization of the new world but I didn't like it as much.

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Sounds kino :marseythumbsup:

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Not that obscure, but I think Sid Meier's Pirates is one of my favorite games of all time.

I haven't been able to find a new pirate game that is similar to this...

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He said poorly known games

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some zoomers prob dont know it, idk. it's almost 20 years old.

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Oh wow, you're right

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ive never played it but i love ac: black flag, never gave a shit about pirates before that game and now i long for the seas

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Yeah that was also very good.

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I got so addicted that I played through all three versions of the game and each expansion pack multiple times, even though they have fairly steep difficulty spikes throughout. I made it about 2/3rds of the way through the final campaign (The Dreadmaster) before I got so frustrated with the new enemy AI that I gave up.

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I love Sid Meier's Pirates.

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If we're talking solely more "obscure" games, I can think of a couple.

The first RTS game I became obsessed with as a kid (played some before it, like Red Alert, Age of Empires and Warcraft 2), was an Australian post-apocalyptic RTS game called Krush Kill 'n' Destroy 2: Krossfire. I played it on Playstation. :marseyxd: You have three factions, humans who hid underground when the bombs fell and are now trying to reclaim the surface, mutants who evolved because of radiation and are trying to defend their turf, and a robot faction of formerly agricultural AI that is mad at humans because they destroyed all their crops so now they're trying to get their revenge by wiping out mankind. Here's the intro:

My other favorite console game of that era was Syphon Filter 2. It's a third person shooter stealth political thriller game about government agencies and conspiracies and stuff, I've been told it's similar to far more popular and well known Metal Gear series, but the only one of those that I've played was MGSV and that was one of the worst games I've played in my life.

And yes I did start both of those series with the second game and only acquired and played the first one afterwards. :marseyparty:

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Creeper World 3

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All the Creeper Worlds are good, I think I like Particle Fleet: Emergence best though.

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honestly I didn't like 2 that much. The missions were too long and repetitive. I was excited for 4 but 3 is still my favorite

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I really like the Tomba! games on PS1


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The best arcade racing game ever made

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1693819576711704.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/169381957693008.webp

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Bushido Blade





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Invisible Inc. It's basically what Xcom 2 would be if it was a stealth game rather than a shooter.

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Burnout Crash was a digital-only game for Xbox 360 and PS3 that I think is just available on Xbox 360 these days, not even backwards compatible for One/Series X because EA are butt eaters. Top down game where you drive into traffic :marseysteer: and try to take out as many cars :marseycarsuicide: and buildings :marseybinladen: as you can by chaining your mayhem using explosives. :marseytnt: Good dumb fun.

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One game I haven't heard many people talk about and it was released by Bethesda. Magic and Mayhem

It had one of the coolest magic systems imo that could easily play off as MTG translated into an RTS. All your spells require ingredients, which can be slotted into one of your 3 spell slots (Law/Neutral/Chaos) and those will summon or cast whatever appropriate spell.

Even cooler is every creature and character is captured from claymation, giving the spritework a soul to them you don't see very much of form 16bit pixelshit or polygons.

Creature types and their stats are actually important and you want to pay attention to them. For example, unicorns are exceptionally powerful at killing undead. You'll encounter some levels where they are undead.

The story starts with you playing as a bald dude mage apprentice visiting your uncle, but he was apparently kidnapped so now you gotta travel the land to try and rescue him from the Overlord. Every level usually involves you having to kill the wizard in order to progress. Getting through the level involves exploring, getting items and having creatures occupy places of power to help you passively generate mana. Every level usually gets you a new ingredient or item that gets more you spells/creatures to summon. You visit 3 different kind of islands from Albion to Not-greek-mythology island to make your way to fight the overlord.


Game did have a sequel in 2001 but it was eh and then there was another 3D sequel thats soulless.

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I hope you had chatgpt pen that one fam

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This is much less of a hidden gem with the new game coming out (it probably wasn't ever such but I never really new anyone irl that played it) but fantasy life is my favorite game of all time. I have spent countless hours playing it over and over on several occasions.


The music for the game is great and includes such bangers as


The general loop of the game is you need to fulfill a bunch of quests for your life (class) to fulfill in order to rank up which then gives you more quests to rank up to the rank after. These quests are either to kill a specific guy, collect a specific material, turn in a specific bounty which large bosses and large materal locations drop, or make a specific item. These quests may be incredibly repetitive to the point where some quests are just doing other quests but better or with additional requrirements, but the atmosphere, music, and graphics are truly just so great that you can get lost in the tasks for hours without noticing the repetition i.e. there is repetition but it doesn't make the game bad unless you make it bad.

The story is enjoyable and the characters are interesting, but it tends to hinder the gameplay since you are limited in where you can go by how far you are in the story. I think the way to go about it is to attempt to play through the story for a bit then do some progression then play through more of the story so as to not grow tired of it. It may also be wise to start the story and play through some portions of the game while the story is ongoing to better pace yourself.

The dlc is definitely worth it, but only if you liked the rest of the game since its all endgame stuff that requires grinding to even get to the baseline for it. This is unless you like pets because for some reason they locked the dragon pet specifically behind the dlc.

please play this game more people need to play it its awesome just pirate a rom off of ziperto and play on citra or something

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why are the windows for the videos so huge carp aevann please fix


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still unemployed then?

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yes :marseydepressed:

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Check out harvester if you need a spooky Halloween game this year


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It isn't obscure at all. Cute twinks on the internet never shut the frick up about this game and Phantasmagoria 2.

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Vexx was a breddy gud 3d platformer I remember playing a lot of as a younger fella. No idea how it holds up today though.q

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World Of Horror is pretty neat. It's also pretty easy to mod.


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Love that game, can absolutely screw you over on higher difficulty.

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I got a really good one but I'm worried it would help dox me faster when the :marseytrain: cabal goes after rdrama.

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Ghost it king

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Primal for PS2

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I have no idea how obscure it is but Heroes of the Pacific is a really fun if cheesy early 2000s dogfighting arcade game where you play as a US Navy/Marine pilot in WW2. You fight from Pearl Harbor to Iwo Jima blasting Japanese planes out of the sky, dive bombing aircraft carriers, and supporting Marine landings during different island invasions.

They even then had side missions based on actual historical events, such as getting to intercept Yamamoto and shoot him down.

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I think I vaguely remember this

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Red Steel 2. Perfect combo of cowboy and samurai shit

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Graffiti Kingdom. Frick you for making @911roofer say trans lives matter

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Underrail, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, and 7.62 high caliber with blue sun mod

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Din's curse


It's an action / dungeon crawl type RPG roguelite with 141 class combinations from 2010.

You get chosen for torment by a god named Din and have to fulfill his tasks, being to protect a town and venture to the deepest pits of a dungeon to fulfill an end goal, with random mini goals as well. The town can be attacked, people in it can die which will affect his rating of you and you need to be quick. Death just means you're respawned with some stuff lost.

Some big events randomly happen too, like a spawn machine being in some floor like 6 or 7 which boosts monster spawns and if not dealt with will lead to them trying to invade the town, or a demon Commander who started roaming floor four who'll get stronger and stronger.

A big draw as well is that you have classes and can mix what you use from each, each class having multiple little trees which do different things. An example is the mage class, which has fire, ice and lightening, fire being strong but eating mana, ice being utility but shit and lightening killing individuals pretty well.

Once you complete the main mission, you can leave the town and go to the next, which increases the minimum enemy levels for each floor and it'll get harder and harder as you grow, with more missions and challenges randomly being picked for each new town.

Usually the first town is easy, then the second is harder in comparison and this goes on and on until you're fighting max level enemies with your best gear.

Lots of fun

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Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Atelier Iris

Nelke & the legendary Alchemists

Guild Wars Trilogy

Silent Storm Series

Rondo of swords

Megaman Star Force

Spellforce Series

Eien no Firena

Lunar franchise

Lego Rock Raiders / Manic Miners (fan remake)

Lands of Lore franchise

Anvil of Dawn

Ultima Underword

Ultima 7/Serpent Isle


Realms of the Haunting

World of Xeen

King of Dragon Pass

Sigma Star Saga

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

Yu-gi-oh Tag Force series

Wizardry 4


Albion -> Thalion -> Ascaron Amberstar Ambermoon

Alpha Protocol

Ace Attorney Investigations II

Radiant Historia

Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Complete

X-Com Apocalypse




Temple of Elemental Evil w/ Circle of Eight and Temple+

Top Angler

Custom Robo Arena

King Arthur

Jagged Alliance 2

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Barony is stupid fun.

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I don't know anything about Gundam except that Zeon did nothing wrong and the Zakus look cooler.

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:marseyletsfuckinggo2: :marseyzaku:

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Some of you probably have heard or played of this before but Duskers is an immersive space horror game where you have to scavenge abandoned ships with manually programed drones. Great as a puzzle game too.

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It's kind of game where it's the most fun if while you are still an intermediate player because of the strong sense of wonder that is lost with new upgrades and challenges, each mission feeling like an intense heist.

The flipside is that once you pattern match away the randomness, there isn't enough complexity to keep you engaged. The skill ceiling isn't high, thus the game "solvable" and fairly easy to play optimally. For example, some events start on a timer, so it used to be important to do wait with certain actions to check whether a risky event triggered. Once you figure rules like this out, the game loses it's charm.

That said, the first 10 hours or so are pure kino, it's worth the discount price.


If you like this game, I also recommend some other games that might seem very dissimilar on first glance, but feature the same kind of strategic exploration that duskers delivers so well.

  • Dungeons of the Endless: Has much more depth and is much harder, but less horror and despair of duskers. In this game you build fortifications instead of running away all the time, but enemies are still very strong and require careful planning to defeat. The athmosphere is also very neat, but much weaker than duskers. This is compensated by having much more "drones"/ heroes. One negative is that I usually play with a wiki open to know when the heroes power spike, this ideally should be indicated in the UI somewhere. Also, there are some exploits that might make the game boring if you are the kind of person to exploit single player games.

  • Door Kickers: Most tactical of these games, room entry is intense. While you replay levels many times to get the plan just right, the plan has to hold for the general case, since enemy position and movement are randomized.

  • Styx: Master of Shadows: Stealth game, captures the hide and seek nature. Underappreciated gem, I prefer it to "mainstream" titles like thief due to tighter controls and superior athmosphere.

  • Deadnaut: Signal Lost: Haven't played it yet, but it looks like a roguelike with almost exactly the same setting, so much that I think it probably took duskers as an inspiration.

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Door Kickers is great.

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All those words won't bring daddy back.

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