After hearing how great it is I decided to give it a try. Enemies are bullet sponges that soak up 20+ rounds of ammo unless you shoot the upper half of their head. Still fun though, I'll finish it but will prolly never do another playthrough
Witcher 2
Played and beat this when it came out. I've been putting off witcher 3 for so long I decided maybe a replay of the second one before I try again would be in order
Enter the gungeon
Played this for most of last night still couldn't progress past level 2. This game is a harder version of the binding of Isaac pretty much.
Dredge its lotsa fun. Really loving the eldritch undertones. Nothing scarier thannavigating at night. Though the 2 random events (random boat horns and lights running out) are really dull.
Tried playing RDR2. Played 2hrs, 90% is horse riding and cutscenes.
Hardcore mode does not sound like a good time to me. I never aimed for anything more than just finishing the run, so I'd never be able to pull off the challenges if they were mandatory
Snape put finger in bum-bum
Bum 1yr ago#5081678
spent 0 currency on pings
It's not that hard tbh but I've got loads of hours in hitman so that's why.
The reason why I kept failing is because I was trying reckless shit to get it over faster, I wasn't even planning on installing the game ever again but my monke brain started nagging me yesterday to try for the trophy.
Bumthey/them 1yr ago#5081574
spent 0 currency on pings
I played a teensy bit more Starfield and was fortunate enough to stumble across what was probably the most entertaining quest I've played, in which I gunned down Franklin Delano Roosevelt to help Genghis Khan.
In RimWorld, the game made an earnest attempt to kill me by throwing two mechanoid raids, a cold snap, a slave uprising, and outbreaks plague and malaria at me in a single winter. The slave who had a baby tragically died and her body was tragically used as food for my wolves so now I've assigned childcare duties to some random fat dude with a handlebar mustache. But I rebounded pretty well and things are running about as smoothly as they can get at the moment. One of the factions I'm friendly with asked me to look after some prisoners for them, so naturally I helped myself to some of their organs since some of my colonists are... missing bits.
Right now I've got a bunch of prisoners after repelling a tribal raid. There's nothing quite like mowing down dozens of people armed with bows and spears when you have guns.
Sea of Stars. Absolutely fantastic throwback to classic 16-bit JRPGs. Fired it up and immediately felt like I was in high school playing Chrono Trigger again.
Took a break from Starfield and started cyberpunk + pl and its so good. Im having a blast, even if all the characters dont resonate with me and the driving sucks. Glad I never played before now.
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After hearing how great it is I decided to give it a try. Enemies are bullet sponges that soak up 20+ rounds of ammo unless you shoot the upper half of their head. Still fun though, I'll finish it but will prolly never do another playthrough
Played and beat this when it came out. I've been putting off witcher 3 for so long I decided maybe a replay of the second one before I try again would be in order
Played this for most of last night still couldn't progress past level 2. This game is a harder version of the binding of Isaac pretty much.
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Hohol life simulator - Stalker Anomaly with the GAMMA modpack
I hate controllers
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Picked up Gungeon again after not playing it for 2 years.
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Dredge its lotsa fun. Really loving the eldritch undertones. Nothing scarier thannavigating at night. Though the 2 random events (random boat horns and lights running out) are really dull.
Tried playing RDR2. Played 2hrs, 90% is horse riding and cutscenes.
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Downloaded Hitman after shelving it months ago to try and beat freelancer mode on hardcore.
After blubbering a few attempts I realized I'm playing it for the trophy, not for fun.
Deleted the game again.
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Hardcore mode does not sound like a good time to me. I never aimed for anything more than just finishing the run, so I'd never be able to pull off the challenges if they were mandatory
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It's not that hard tbh but I've got loads of hours in hitman so that's why.
The reason why I kept failing is because I was trying reckless shit to get it over faster, I wasn't even planning on installing the game ever again but my monke brain started nagging me yesterday to try for the trophy.
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I played a teensy bit more Starfield and was fortunate enough to stumble across what was probably the most entertaining quest I've played, in which I gunned down Franklin Delano Roosevelt to help Genghis Khan.
In RimWorld, the game made an earnest attempt to kill me by throwing two mechanoid raids, a cold snap, a slave uprising, and outbreaks plague and malaria at me in a single winter. The slave who had a baby tragically died and her body was tragically used as food for my wolves so now I've assigned childcare duties to some random fat dude with a handlebar mustache. But I rebounded pretty well and things are running about as smoothly as they can get at the moment. One of the factions I'm friendly with asked me to look after some prisoners for them, so naturally I helped myself to some of their organs since some of my colonists are... missing bits.
Right now I've got a bunch of prisoners after repelling a tribal raid. There's nothing quite like mowing down dozens of people armed with bows and spears when you have guns.
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Yeah, that was my favorite quest. Wacky in just the right way. You let Amelia come with you, right?
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Starshit + Rimshit = Bad taste
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no u >:(
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oh also i've been playing the mudae waifubot gambling thing
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It's fun ok
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Sea of Stars. Absolutely fantastic throwback to classic 16-bit JRPGs. Fired it up and immediately felt like I was in high school playing Chrono Trigger again.
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Took a break from Starfield and started cyberpunk + pl and its so good. Im having a blast, even if all the characters dont resonate with me and the driving sucks. Glad I never played before now.
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Did you start from lvl1 or lvl50? Are the reworked perks good??
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I started from 1. Im only lvl 29 now so not super deep into perks but relic perks are super fun
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cyberpunk and bg3 are games i will get to eventually, but man i am feeling vindicated not playing cyberpunk on impulse after watching edgerunners
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Played CS2 yesterday, i like it. TF2 as well.
Will be playing The Last Blade 2 tonight, the tournament is still open for registration g*mers.
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i assume you mean titanfall, but you really gotta specify
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He is referring to the multiplayer FPS that runs on the Source engine.
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Yakuza 0 and Mahjong Soul
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I was pretty into the cabaret club mini game!
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I've been enjoying it too, the song that plays when you're changing outfits is crazy catchy
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For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from Bussy. 1 Corinthians 11:12
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Well said
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