ah yes, metal gear solid, a video game series famous for having no politics pic.twitter.com/LCtdvEZtQa
— kate bush's husband (@airbagged) February 24, 2024
authorial intent is a completely foreign language to them. their enjoyment of media is entirely surface level in a way that can only be likened to the privilege of never needing to grow up. everything becomes cocomelon when you can't hear creators speaking through their work
media is just images and noise to them. the closest they get to engaging with media is when the surface level they run their eyes over has something some angry internet man told them to hate. they scream about black and queer people like dora tells children to scream at that fox
I do this and look like this
kids learn how to get good grades on standardized english exams, not how to actually read
They're even doing the anti-standardized testing stuff lmao
the only time progs are able to admit that fascism is a revolutionary ideology is when they talk about how great they think the futurist movement was
now I haven't really played mgs, but aren't they like MOSTLY about politics?
yeah actually theres a boss you can beat non lethally by destroying their hormone supplies and dilation stations
Modern games politics: "obnoxious black woman who needs no man are u mad chud??"
Show me that game
New Colossus.
Uncharted 4
Alan wake 2
MGS 2 literally ends with a fricking PSA video about capitalism with real world footage.
being anti-war is actually considered pretty woke, and thats a pretty decent part of the story, trying to stop people from causing wars upon wars for self profit-
Tucker Carlson has gone woke he will go broke
It's crazy that conservatives play MGS without realizing that the game has been criticizing and laughing at them
Every game is actually wants you dead chud!
Of which this game has both lmao
these idiots are only parroting talking points without having a slightest idea what they're taking about
The thing is, we know what you mean and here we are still telling you dumbasses that the Metal Gear series literally does that💀
Metal gear is, if anything, MORE heavy handed than the “woke” stuff they complain about.
Reminds me of some communist kid that reported his own father to the feds for Jan6 crap or so that had a MGS2 poster on his bedroom, functional illiteracy is a thing for most people that virtue signal online
They're so close to getting it
Why are they blaming ESG?
You fight the president at the end of MGS2
Yeah but Armstrong waxing lyrical about strongarm politics, "making America great again" before that was even a slogan, and justifying the entire thing as "Nanomachines son!" While he beats the shit out of you is genuinely one of the best moments in video game history.
Trump invoked "Make America Great Again" because it was Ronald Reagan's slogan in 1980.
Yeah, and Armstrong was invoking the kind of neo-reganism that trump represents before that was even a thing.
lmao wtf
When we say no politics we mean no jews,
s, blacks, or ugly women
Yea we gathered that “political” meant people you wish didn't exist ages ago no one is confused finish middle school little one
I dropped out chud
Your bait got me
Pozzed reply
Bro is speaking dorkanese
I just know you never played those games then
You're a fake fan
Fortune is 2/4 of those things you mentioned. and although no
s the series is rife with homosexuality. Huey was as close as you'd get to a jew also
Nice try wokie
fake fan. its canon that Volgin was gay with Raikov.Vamps obviously a homo, and the extra scenes in peace walker with BB and Kaz on the beach are gay. when did you start playing MGS: Survive?
In the game you kill them for being gay
Tf no you dont you kill Volgin for being a fricking communist and Vamp for being a terrorist
No you do it for being gay if you had media literacy skills you would understand
Im not falling for this bait, fed.
Being g*mergate (the most successful movement in history) is being a fed apparently
Anita Sarkeesian still advises on video games and there's DEI initiatives in gaming, how was it successful
Donald Trump
G*mer Gate was about female representation in games. The mere existence of minority groups, which you seem to have an issue with isn't g*mer gate. Plus this is such an outdated ideal nobody cares about fricking g*mer gate anymore lmao
G*mergate is coming for you next
Isn't Kojima auth-left though?
I think he's chinese
Fr? Lol
He has slanty eyes
I've never seen jews in any video game wome or not lol
They make the games woke
This just in: Simply existing is political. Dont want politics at the dinner table? Then I guess you're going to starve, because nobody can eat.
If you're jewish or black or a woman or trans then yeah
MGS4 has a black dude in it
All of your likes are of underage anime girls
yeah they're an butthole but thats literally not what their likes are that doesn't work here
Thanks for your complete and unequivocal support of me
average gooner post and everything wrong with your social life is somebody elses fault im assuming?
You don't know what gooner means, learn the definition of words before trying to look smart by using them next time
all of you chuds are the same bro the moment you insult them they claim ur not using the correct internet jargon to make fun of them 😂😂😂
Ok chud
anyways takes greasy shit down ur throat and r*pes you to death
So only the politics you like. pretty snowflake behavior ngl
“Most people like things they like and dislike things they don't”
Go back to 4chan
oh so anything you don't personally agree with is political and what you agree on is not.
smartest conservative fr
Yeah that's literally how it works idiot
Woke is when black people
They ruin everything.
Come on, we both know that's a lazy generalisation that doesn't take any history into account
It's a lazy generalization but quite effective in finding the truth when you look into it
so are these people in real life inherently "political?"
They're libtarded
Then just say it kitty
That's what I just said
do people not catch on that ur joking
I'm not
I am an official representative of Will Stancil for Minnesota State house and Will approves this message
They are so political brainrot to the point they had to bring out a comment from 1 years ago to mock.
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I like MGS (looking forward to the movie if it ever comes out) but if anything in it is political then it's either too shallow or consensual. War is bad, nukes are dangerous, soldiers can feel betrayed by their state and cabals can take control of a country seamlessly. Nothing groundbreaking or controversial.
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MGS2 was ahead of its time with the AI rant about echo chambers and how people will place themselves into them
The rest of the series is so normal by comparison it doesn't feel like Sons of Liberty really fits in
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ummmm YIKES. just YIKES
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