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G*mergate 2 officially :marseyhappening: - US Government-Funded Non-Profit ‘Take This' Responds To Sweet Baby Inc. Backlash By Calling On Video Game Industry “To Clearly And Unequivocally Denounce G*mergate” :marseywtf2:


Reminder that this is all because a Brazilian chuddie made a steam group to highlight videogames involved with sweet baby inc


So, who had ‘A US government funded nonprofit enters the fray around Sweet Baby Inc.' on their bingo cards?

In response to the recent discourse surrounding the work of the aforementioned narrative consultation company, the ‘mental health in video games'-centric nonprofit organization Take This has called on both players and the industry at large to clearly and unequivocally denounce G*mergate.”

A 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2014, Take This describes itself as a “mental health organization providing comprehensive resources, support, and consultation tailored for the unique needs of the game development community.”

Far from a ‘minor entity' within the industry, a number of noted figures are counted among the company's governing board members and officers, including Bethesda Marketing VP Pete Hines, Ubisoft VP of Global Diversity & Inclusion Raashi Sikka, and PlayStation's Head of Global Portfolio and Acquisitions Christian Svensson.

The official logo of the Take This non-profit organizationThe official logo of the Take This non-profit organization

In terms of its ties to the United States government, per a public disclaimer on their various whitepapers, their work is funded as part of an official Department of Homeland Security research project known as ‘Disrupting Video Games-Based Radicalization Through Collaborative Cross-Sector Networks' (DHS # EMW-2022-GR-00036).

“This joint project from the Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism, Take This, and [‘anti-disinformation' AI developer] Logically seeks to develop a shared framework for understanding extremism in games,” reads the project's official proposal abstract, as seen on its official funding application. “This includes the development of a set of best practices and centralized resources for monitoring and evaluation of extremist activities as well as a series of training workshops for the monitoring, detection, and prevention of extremist exploitation in gaming spaces for community managers, multiplayer designers, lore developers, mechanics designers, and trust and safety professionals.”

“In addition, this project will provide a first-of-its-kind collaborative structure for public-private partnerships on preventing and mitigating games-based extremism,” it adds. “Taken together, this project will simultaneously improve counter-extremism collaboration in the video game industry while also providing substantial capacity building within and across developers.”

Running to defend Sweet Baby Inc. amidst the ongoing sunlight being shone on their operations, Take This published a blog post on March 11th asserting, “If you're reading this, you've probably been hearing about what's now being called ‘G*mergate2.'”

“It's the latest targeted harassment campaign within the game industry and it's aimed at Sweet Baby Inc, a Montreal-based narrative development studio,” said the company. “The campaign also has been impacting entities and games associated with Sweet Baby, journ*lists covering the issue, and others associated in various ways with the targets. You also may be at a loss to know how to talk about this issue, and what, if anything, you can do about it. That's where we come in.”

In service of providing such guidance, the non-profit then declared, “Groomercord, Steam, and X have been the predominant platforms where the abuse and harassment has been taking place.”

“In these spaces, lists of game studios, companies, and associated organizations are being circulated for targeting by members of the mob,” they histrionically informed their readers. “Large-scale harassment campaigns like this fuel – and are fueled by – political events. As political rhetoric heats up ahead of the US presidential election later this year, this kind of online activity is going to ramp up and it's important to understand that these phenomena are interrelated.”

To this end, Take This proceeded to offer the industry advice as to “things we can do to mitigate the harm” of the harassment campaign.

In terms of individual action, the company suggested, “It's extremely important to speak out and step up for folks who are being harmed. This kind of support can take on many different forms. This could be an email or quick check-in with the people in your orbit who are targets of the harassment, or are close to those targets (family members, colleagues, and friends of those targeted also experience different types of harm in these situations).

Turning to address “industry leaders”, Take This warned, “You may be inclined to be quiet or cautious, but that's actually not helpful.”

“At the time, many studios were hesitant to address the hate and abuse from G*mergate in any meaningful way,” they argued. “The reasons varied, but usually this hesitation was born out of fear of losing profits or concern that taking a stance would attract the attention of the G*mergate mob.”

“However, the failure to take a stand and clearly communicate with the community backfired,” the company continued. “In other words, failure to clearly and unequivocally denounce G*mergate and the harassment and abuse done in its name created a space for that hate and abuse to flourish, spread, and become normalized.”

Drawing their warning to a close, Take This ultimately declared, “Hate, harassment, and toxic behavior have no place in games. By taking direct, targeted action in a timely manner, we can mitigate further harm to talented, dedicated folks in games, and help prevent additional recurrences of these harmful events.”

It should be noted that despite the current ‘popular narrative' framing the backlash to Sweet Baby Inc. as a “large-scale harassment campaign”, this could not be a more disingenuous read of the situation

At present, the so-called ‘harassment' leveled against them amounts to nothing more than a Steam Curator List made to track their publicly credited works, a Groomercord server related to the list's administration, and a generally negative sentiment towards their operations brewing amongst players of all stripes.

Meanwhile, the only person to have called for any ‘direct action' against any individual or entity was Sweet Baby Inc.'s own Chris Kindred, who in response to the creation of said Steam Curator List asked his followers and supporters to try and get both it and its creator's Steam account shut down by way of a mass false reporting campaign.

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their work is funded as part of an official Department of Homeland Security research project known as ‘Disrupting Video Games-Based Radicalization Through Collaborative Cross-Sector Networks'

My taxes are going to actual g*mer shit lmao

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G*mergate :marseyvivianjames: being sabotaged by glowies :marseynoyouglow: may actually :marseynerd3: be unironically possible :marseyglow: :!marseyshook:


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>"Son, can you come over here for a minute, to help your old man?"

>"Uh, yes dad?"

>"So, uh...Steve. Apparently one of my new :quote: Secret Missions :quote: is to infiltrate another one of those evil right-wing extremists groups online that are hellbent on destroying democracy, ruining America, killing minorities, yadda yadda yadda, all that shit Bullock tells us in the application."

>"...and your point?"

>"Well, you see, I just expected this to be a typical glowposting operation. The ones that can get entire Groomercord channels banned and arrested all from the comfort of my break room! But these...erm, "extremists" aren't typical."


>"I mean, they are definitely extreme and right-wing. But they aren't posting about how much they hate black people or how to plan a mass shooting or anything like that. Heck, it only seems as if...they spend all day complaining about video games and wacking off to pictures of anime girls."

>"Ahhhh, I see. Maybe I know dad, which group are you talking about?"

>"Shit, I don't know. It's something about gates. But gates to what? GameStop? Gaming convention? An actual baseball game? Beats me. I have no idea what's going on!"

>"Well dad I don't rea-"


>"B-but what about Roger?"




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Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.

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I kekked

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haha gg my fellow g*mers

would you like to exchange contact information and names?

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"Why do conservatives support Project 2025?"

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Avoiding your taxes is moral at this point.

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Surely this will only deradicalise them

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Holy frick they have to list their oppression olympics credentials at the end of their bio :marseyxd:


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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Doctor B is an neurodivergent, cisgender, heterosexual, white male.

It's funny seeing how race-obsessed they are.

In ten years, it'll be:

Doctor B is an neurodivergent, cisgender, heterosexual, white Aryan male :marseyhitler2:

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Doctor B is an neurodivergent, cisgender, heterosexual, white male.

Isn't that who they hate?

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They are self-sneeding mayos.

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They're cracking his egg as we speak.

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C-PTeez nuts goteem!

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Dan's the only one not acting like a flaming cute twink.


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In terms of its ties to the United States government, per a public disclaimer on their various whitepapers, their work is funded as part of an official Department of Homeland Security research project known as ‘Disrupting Video Games-Based Radicalization Through Collaborative Cross-Sector Networks' (DHS # EMW-2022-GR-00036).

The DHS is still useless???


>:marseychud: Hey, look at this silly organization that shoves idpol nonsense into everything. I made a thing that lets you avoid their products.

>:marseytransattentionseeker: :marseysjw: :marseyreportercnn: WE'RE BEING ATTACKED ON STEAM AND TWITTER! :marseycryingfast:


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What these r-slurs dont understand is that theyre radicalizing chuds further by taking away their bread and circuses.

The silver lining to all this is that if queers and soys win this culture war, their radical desires will be sublimated as real men have fewer distractions from their reconquest of meatspace.

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>if queers and soys win this culture war


My neighbor in Christ, this is only happening because they already won.


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he silver lining to all this is that if queers and soys win this culture war, their radical desires will be sublimated as real men have fewer distractions from their reconquest of meatspace.

Cope lmao. "Meatspace" is subservient to the interconnected world, and has been for decades.

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Everyone's got a plan until you get pulled over for !boozers cruisin meatspace gets real real fast

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You know what's even realer?

How about $2 Billion of affected damage inducing country-wide policy change?

How about mass political and social revolution across multiple countries?

Nobody cares about your political bromance with your neighbor Cletus and your plans to resist globohomo.

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They think they're brave people fighting against systems of oppression while being funded by the US government lmao. How do they even explain the contradiction?

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Do you not remember the CoD sniper of 2013? Destroyed an entire lobby. Not a single survivor

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Bro, I hate the modern internet so much. I can't find that 360 no scope end-of-round kill while that silly emo or alt rock song is playing.


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:#marseyjam: Yay!

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:#marseypraying: J*urnocide this time :#marseypraying:

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Have you missed the last few months? It's already going down brother :marseyrandysavage: (no Hogan Marsey. Best I could do)

You're forgiven if you would have expected the remaining online 'journ*lists' to start putting out some better material, but they've decided the winning move is to either double down or bury their heads in the sand. There's no hoping for redemption. We can only build new. TJD

:marsey#journo: :m#arseymini:

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Not even making a substack smh :marseysmirk:

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no Hogan Marsey

Someone should get fired for this blunder.

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But there is one- :marseyracistgrandpa:

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just in time for the 10th year anniversary :marseyparty:

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Why the frick am I not allowed to chose where my taxes go?

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I've decided that my taxes go into my own pocket. :marseywholesome:

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You would make a great politician, what colour do you want your flag to be?

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all of this about someone attaching a thumbs down emoji to a public list of games

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So, who had ‘A US government funded nonprofit enters the fray around Sweet Baby Inc.' on their bingo cards?

I did, actually. I can't think of a better example of our societal rot than this.

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And there are still people claiming g*mergate was wrong :marseydisagree:

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The only positive thing G*mergate did was shine the light on that one Nintendo employee who wrote about loosening restrictions on CP.

That same employee eventually got outed as a full-on prostitute and fired :marseyxd:

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R*PE Zoe Quinn

R*PE Brianna Wu

R*PE Anita Sarkeesian


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R*PE Brianna Wu

:#marseyyikes: :#marseydisagreefast:

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Anita's taken, bro


jewish lives matter

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Not even with a stolen peepee.

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*in Baldur's Gate 3

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I'm pretty sure that at this point no one really remembers what G*mergate was about, both chuds and non-chuds. I know I don't.

It was just this big bad event that showed how evil the other side was.

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FR FR those g*mergrapes are mid af no cap.

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Looks like Donald Chump just got relected

This post rests on native land owned by obese goth b-words

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:#!marseymommymilkers: https://i.rdrama.net/images/1710269550687868.webp

Bring her back

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Neolibs can't stop winning. Literally getting DHS to bring an industry to heel over a steam list curated from publicly available info

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who had "lame bingo card reference" on their bingo card?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? GET YER POPCORN I'M ONLY HERE FOR THE COMMENTS. :hysterical:

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Does anyone have the g*mergate domino effect meme :marseygiggle:

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I didn't look at this website for 5 hours now there's g*mergate 2

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Ugly chicks in games and the censorship of the N-word on Xbox Live are G*mer Genocide.

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I hate reruns

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Where is mister metokur, when WI need him?

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A woman making narrative games fricking a bunch of dudes in 2013 is somehow the Caesar crossing the Rubicon of our empire

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What will it take to make these r-slurs frick off?

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>“This joint project from the Center on Terrorism, Extremism, and Counterterrorism

:#marseyworried: :#marseyshutitdown:

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There we go. That should stop Trump. Time to go back to brunch.

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You will never be a real pizza. You have no jordans, you have no BIPOC wrangler job, you have no substance addiction. You are a wannaby train twisted by autism and narcissism into a crude mockery of rdrama's perfection.

All the “rightoid hate” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back dramatards mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, leftoids laugh at your posts behind closed doors.

Rightoids don't care about you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed chuds to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even posts that are somewhat “controversial” look uncanny and unnatural to a rightoid. Your sentence structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a rightoid to write an angry comment, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your lazy attempts at being contrarian in replies.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it's going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They'll bury you with a headstone marked with your rdrama username, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know an neurodivergent is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably neurodivergent.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.



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