Development respond:
Reminder that Troy Baker etc still get plenty of work. It's people like this who are struggling:
This is an actual voice actor. Look at him- he deserves every bad thing that happens to him. Frick this guy.
For the record, I like this game. It combines flying a biplane with running
a microbrewery, allowing you to import your own bottle
labels for beers, wines and spirits you then deliver all over the islands while avoiding air pirates. For twenty bucks it's great. The visuals are very pleasant
and it has lovely music. The AI voice
work sounds fine and is a clear indication that using it works very well on small
titles like this.
Bonus thread about another indie game I like allegedly having AI art. OP gets big mad that this publicly posted thread
on a public forum gets comments from members of the public (who don't agree
with him)...
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There's this weird subset of g*mers/redditors who absolutely HATE any AI stuff in games and it boggles the mind. You'd think these r-slurs would like more content to consoooom?
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A lot of them are temporarily embarrassed artists themselves that think they are one break away from working at a major studio when in reality their cap will be making $30 a month drawing hentai for Twitter commissions. Basically they are the bottom 80% of the trade and that's the area that Ai is going to replace, because every one of them frankly are easily replaceable.
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They are often art and humanities types who hate AI because it's corporate, soulless, and trained on other people's work, which are valid concerns for me.
However I think their hatred mainly comes because they are resentful of success and fearful of losing their job and jealous of STEMtards, which is very pathetic.
It's very knee jerk, some people I know were shook I brought up the possibility of AI being used creatively, they have an instinctive dislike of it.
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Reddit: this is corporate and soulless
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Agree except for the soulless part
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Hmm, what is soul
I think if you just give like Dall-e a prompt you generally get something soulless. That said I've seen 4chan anons or random youtuber make great little art things through clever prompting, or like having hitler sing coldplay songs about his failed dictatorship; definitely results that show the potential of this tool.
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Yeah I think on average and at baseline, you get something soulless (which is what most commercial "art" is anyway). But with enough prompting it is possible to get something meaningful. Like I don't think that AI is fundamentally incapable of creating meaningful art like some of the detractors seem to think
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Eh, disagree. You can get fairly good things with smart prompts, but good human made art still blows it out the water because every detail (can) be very intentional to create the desired effect. AI cant do that on its own because it doesnt truly understand the intention in a transformative, non-literal way, and if you describe the scene so detailed to get all of it just right, youve basically just drawn it yourself, if the ai can even deal with a prompt so complicated.
The reality is just that most art isnt very good and can be replaced with AI for absolutely no loss. But AI isnt going to create a Guernica or
, especially not if it hasnt existed before.
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So are artists. I'm currently dabbling a bit in After Effects. Guess what I'm currently doing - I google guides & examples and apply those things to my own projects. No artist is discovering color theory on their own. They get it taught. They get to imitate various styles & techniques other artists used before them. Do all the anime/moe artists figure that shit out on their own? No, they train to copy other people's work.
Btw this is how the entire world works.
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don't forget true schizo innovators like jinxthinker
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I agree, I learned how to draw through a combination of studying others' work and drilling technical stuff
That said I will give them the fact that a neural net can be calibrated to plagiarize an artist's style with little effort if you have a few samples of their work
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You cannot plagiarize an artist's style. Absolutely nothing stops me from telling you "Draw me X in the style of Franzetta" and you drawing that. A style is not something that is protected by anything in regards to copyright. It's similar to algorithms in programming - they are ideas, not implementations and thus not protected.
Small nitpick: You don't change the neural net, you change the model, but you are correct otherwise that it's not that hard.
That said I can understand that artists whose names are used in "in the style of X" are annoyed. But are their styles really that unique, that the only thing that makes people use them is the lack of being able to formulate the thing they want to see? This rings especially true when artists use different styles as well. Line art vs sketch art vs full cover stuff.
And lastly: artcels should be really careful what they wish for in their copyright discussion. Cause I see them using characters/races of protected IPs in their portfolio art quite often. "Hey, I made this drawing of Sylvanas Windrunner".
I also often wonder what artcels think about Stockart. I can get this nice image for $16 to use in my commercial product. Sure, it's not an exclusive license, but do I really care about that?
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This is one of the worst posts I have EVER seen. Delete it.
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If you don't want to be outcompeted by a corporate, soulless thing trained on other peoples work, stop making corporate, soulless, derivative art
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It really depends. Several months ago a mod for Mass Effect 3 was released that used an AI to mimic the original voice actress to add new dialogue for Jack that allowed her to be more present in the game. A few people were pissed about 'stealing work' from the voice actress, but the majority were supporting it because she wouldn't have done it anyway so it's fine because the mod maker was poor and couldn't afford to hire her in the first place.
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Right like 80% of the stuff being done with AI is people who would never pay for these artists now having access to art for their shit. 20% is corporations saving money. Neither of them are bad imo but #1 is especially good!
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